Little Bunny

Jinkook Collection

Main Pairing: Jinkook

Side Pairing: Jungkook Everyone (Platonic)

Note: fluff, and fluff, angst (a bit)


The alarm woke Jin up from his short nap. Jin and s just came back to the dorm from their show two hours ago. Even his tiring body told Jin to sleep more, he wanted to have the new year moment with his brothers.

"Wake up guys..."

It was not a good idea to force everyone to open their eyes, but finally they all gathered together in the living room and had the countdown with the crowd on tv. As usual, Jungkook closed his eyes and made a wish right the time the clockwise pointed at twelve.

"You still believe that a new year's wish will come true?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"How cute is that!!" Taehyung commented.

It was the third year Jungkook did this, yet everyone hadn't known what Jungkook wished for. It must be something Jungkook desperately wanted because his face while doing it was so cutely sincere.

"Here is the gift for you." Jimin said when he gave Jungkook a big red package. A flash of happiness appeared on Jungkook's face.

"Thanks, hyung."

Jimin always cared for Jungkook that way, the way that was completely different from Jin. It was odd to say that Jin hated Jungkook's smile for others, he was jealous every time he saw Jungkook playing with Taehyung, dancing with Hoseok or learning English with Namjoon. But if there was someone who deserved Jungkook the least, that must be Jin. Among s, Jin always felt himself the most useless. He was no good at dancing or even singing. How could Jin have someone that was cute, talented and incredible like Jungkook beside him?

They all got back to their rooms after the celebration. Recently Jungkook kept coming over his share room with Yoongi and always ended up sleeping on Jin's bed, while Yoongi slept in Namjoon's room. Jin was not sure how Jungkook could persuade that stubborn Min Yoongi to sleep somewhere not his own bed.

Even Jungkook didn't do anything, Jin always found him so tempting. What if his adorable maknae knew how hard Jin tried not to kiss those lips...

"Hyung, give me a present." Jungkook asked as he crawled into Jin's blanket to sleep beside Jin.

"Sorry Kookie, I don't have one." Jin tried to keep his deep sigh inside. I'm not your Jimin hyung.

"You can. Kiss me, please?"

If it was not Jungkook with his doe eyes looking at Jin while pleading, Jin would think that the boy who lay face - to - face with him was trying to seduce Jin with his cute face. Jin wished that Jungkook knew how much Jin wanted to actually kiss him. The idea of kissing Jungkook was so tempting that Jin almost nodded, but the doubt that Jungkook just considered him as a mom taking good care of him stopped Jin.

"No, Jungkook. You should sleep now."

Jungkook frowned at Jin, then he turned around, facing his back to Jin and murmured.

"You always act that way."

Jealousy took over Jin when he thought of the smile Jungkook gave Jimin, he also turned to face the wall without giving Jungkook a goodnight word as usual. Jungkook would never like him, Jin thought before falling to sleep.




Jimin's scream suddenly came from someone inside Jin's room, but Jin didn't bother to open his eyes. They were BTS, they were always loud and noisy, he wouldn't be surprised if there was a scream in the morning. Habitually, Jin threw his arm over Jungkook's body. Why was Jungkook so soft and hairy?

Slowly opening his eyes, Jin felt his heart skipped more than a beat. Beside him was a white bunny... WHITE BUNNY? REAL BUNNY? A BUNNY WITH EARS AND A TAIL? AN OVER-1.5 METER-BUNNY?

Jin was so scared that he couldn't move, and as he looked up, he saw the other members freezing either. Yoongi was the first one to back to his mind.

"Slowly get up, hyung."

Even Jin wanted to do that badly, he couldn't follow what Yoongi instructed. The bunny was snuggling his head into Jin's chest,  so he obviously was not able to sit up without startling this bunny.

"Is that ... Jungkook?"

Jin almost shouted at Taehyung for talking nonsense before he realized the cloth on this bunny was actually Jungkook's white tee and sweatpants from yesterday.

"It's crazy, but right. That must be Jungkook. There is no rabbit as big as this." Namjoon simply agreed like he accepted the fact that one plus one was two.

Nervously Jin palmed Jungkook's, or the bunny's head.


The bunny yawned (could the rabbit yawn?) and snuggled closer to Jin. He lazily opened his eyes with the intention to say something, but only the sound "Mmmmrrr" was out. Jungkook immediately stared at his hand, then a series of "Mmmmmffff" came from the bunny. Even Jin couldn't understand rabbit's language, he knew Jungkook was terrified. Jin pushed Jungkook close to his body.

"Calm down, Jungkook ah."

All the members ran to them, and the maknae lines started to cry aloud. The situation was bad, worse than anything Jin had ever imagined.

"I'll go look up on the internet." Namjoon finally said after sweeping his tears.

"I will too." Yoongi agreed and left the room with Namjoon.

"You take care of Jungkook." Jin requested. "I'll make him some food."

It was terrible, not only to Jin, but they all tried their best so that they wouldn't scare Jungkook. Until now, Jin didn't get what was going on. Why did Jungkook transform to a rabbit?

The smoke from the food was obviously not the reason why Jin's eyes were full of tears. What if they couldn't change Jungkook back?

A soft and furry thing pressed onto Jin's shoulder, which reminded him of Jungkook's habit. When Jin cooked, Jungkook often laid his head on Jin to look for what to eat that day instead of asking Jin the name of the food. Sometimes the boy's arms would wrap around Jin's waist innocently while tasting the food Jin fed him. And Jin always made sure to give Jungkook his favourite.


All Jin wanted to do was to hug Jungkook tightly, and that was what he did. Turning around to face the bunny's big eyes and see his waving ears, Jin spread his arms widely to have Jungkook jumped into his embrace.

"Wait a bit more..."

It was not a reassurance for only Jungkook but also for Jin himself. Jin picked up the bunny whose weight only a little lighter than the real Jungkook to the couch and laid him on Jin's laps. Four years ago, everyone could easily carry Jungkook up, but now Jin was the only one who was capable of that.

"We found nothing." Namjoon said when he went out of the room. All the boys gathered in the shared room, quietly staring at Jungkook squirming on Jin's laps. His cotton tail swung as Hoseok touched it.

"He is meeker than Jungkook."

"It's not fair." Jimin joked to change the mood. "Even when he is an animal, he still likes Jin hyung the most."

Of course Jin couldn't understand any animal's expression, but he was sure the bunny was grinning like the way Jungkook always did when Jimin complained about how Jungkook biased Jin among his hyung.

When Taehyung brought the food out from the kitchen, Jungkook jumped down from the couch immediately, then whined because his food was vegetables.

"Try it, Jungkook. Your rabbit body may not be able to eat meat." Yoongi commanded with determination.

Until afternoon, Jungkook spent his time playing around with Jimin and Taehyung, while the rest tried to find the solution.

"Is there anything strange last night, Jin hyung?" Hoseok asked Jin in their discussion.

"No." Jin shook his head before remembering what Jungkook asked. They didn't need to know about Jungkook's request for the kiss.

"Hyung hyung..." Taehyung shouted as he ran into the room. "I think there's a problem with Jungkook. He looks...weaker."

Hurriedly they all stormed out of the room. In the living room, Jungkook was lying on the couch, his face seemed paler and his long ears were drooping.

"I think his rabbit part can't adapt to this environment." Yoongi made a guess.

"What should we do?"

Jimin's question was the question all of them wanted to answer, but none of them could.

"Jin hyung, you stay with Jungkook. The rest will try to contact with anyone who may know about this or search on the internet." Namjoon decided.

"I want to help too."

Before Jin could protest more, Hoseok pointed at behind him.

"Hyung, look. Jungkook will follow you everywhere. We should let him rest."

Jin turned around to see the bunny standing behind him, tugging at his shirt.

"Okay." No more to protest when Jin saw Jungkook like that, he carried the boy up to his room and let him sleep on his bed beside Jin.

"Do you want anything?"

The bunny's wet nose touched Jin's collarbones as the answer and Jungkook snuggled closer to Jin. Seeing Jungkook like this made Jin's eyes full of tears.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. Why can I do anything to help you?"

His tears were falling on Jungkook's face continuously, Jin caressed Jungkook's cheeks as he said. Jungkook was so weak right now, he couldn't even react to Jin. He felt regret for everything he couldn't do for Jungkook. If he knew, he could never refuse anything Jungkook asked for.

Looking at Jin, Jungkook continuously cried "Mmmmffff" until Jin finally got what he wanted. Jin smiled as he pressed his lips onto the place he thought was Jungkook's forehead.

"Jungkook I love you."

Closing his eyes, Jin continued the kiss with fear, he pushed Jungkook closer and closer to his body as if the boy could disappear right then. What would Jin do if Jungkook left him? How could Jin live?

Pain, fear and panic were all over Jin's body so that he didn't even realize the body in his arms were transforming. Jin only opened his eyes when he heard a chuckle.

"Hyung, it's tickle."

"Jungkook!" Jin nearly screamed when he saw Jungkook, the actual human Jungkook, was lying next to him. He rubbed his eyes again to make sure he was not dreaming.

"Hyung, thanks for saving me." Jungkook threw his arm over Jin's body as he said.

"But ... I didn't do anything."

"You confess to me, that's my new year wish every year. Finally, you make it come true." Jungkook smiled sweetly. "Jin hyung, I love you too."

Seeing Jungkook alive and healthy gave Jin the happiness he had never known that he didn't notice that Jungkook was as the rabbit bit his clothes all.

"Hyung, can you solve that for me?"

Following Jungkook 's eyesight, Jin looked down and saw Jungkook turn hard because Jin had accidentally lain on him. It was tempting and –



The alarm woke Jin up from the nap. The feeling was so strange and everything seemed to be vague. Yoongi's voice sounded beside Jin.

"Hurry hyung, we need to have a new year celebration with others."

Following Yoongi unconsciously, Jin got to the living room where all of the members were sitting.

"You still believe that a new year's wish will come true?" Yoongi asked in disbelief when he saw Jungkook close his eyes making the wish.

"How cute is that!!" Taehyung commented.

Now Jin knew what was weird. He knew all of this, like he knew Jimin would give a gift to Jungkook five minutes later. What actually happened now? Why was everything exactly similar to Jin's dream?

Jin's mind was full of thought so he just went to the room instinctively after their celebration without noticing anything around and lay on his bed.

"Hyung, give me a present." Jungkook asked as he crawled into Jin's blanket to sleep beside Jin. Jin knew what would happen next.

"Sorry Kookie, I don't have one." Jin answered with his shaking voice, knowing what Jungkook was up to.

"You can. Kiss me, please?"

Nothing made sense until now, and the fact that Jin knew everything before it happened terrified him. If he said no...?

"Hyung..." Jungkook tilted his head when he asked again because Jin looked like he was lost in thought.

The eyes looking at Jin right then was the eyes Jin saw in his dream, the eyes the bunny gazed at Jin every time he was around Jin. Slowly Jin leaned forward and gave a light kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

"You always..."

Before Jungkook could finish his complaint, Jin murmured.

"I love you."

He could feel Jungkook freeze at his confession, but he continued to give the kiss at the boy's temple.

"I love you."

Jungkook still seemed to be shocked, so Jin just took advantage of the time and continued his work. Jin laid one more kiss on Jungkook's chubby cheek.

"I love you."

"Hyung, you always act like this."

Even Jungkook's words were the same, the tone changed. Jin knew it was full of joy and embarrassment.

"My style is a bit old-school."

"But I love it." Jungkook chuckled. "I love everything about you."

The boy beneath Jin was so adorable that he was sure he could do anything Jungkook wished for -

"Can we ?"


"You always act like that." Jungkook pouted sulkily.

Just then Jin remembered the dream, what if Jungkook disappeared if Jin didn't do what he asked?

"I didn't say no." Jin reassured the boy. "But I want to start with something basic first. Jungkook, can you be my boyfriend?"

If there was the word to describe Jungkook's face right then, that could be happy.

"From now on, you belong to me, hyung." Jin's cute bunny grinned widely while looking at him.

And Jin would also make sure that Jungkook could only belong to him.

This was the best new year's day Jin had ever had.

Sorry guys, it's been a long time since my last update because I'm a bit busy with my recent fic. Thanks for your supports until now <3

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rosellaselarose #1
Chapter 7: Everything is perfect. Every chapter is beautifully written. Love them so much. I hope you'll write JinKook again someday. Thank you author-nim ?
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 7: Please make more stories!!
Chapter 7: I love how JungKook say the magic words to Jinnie
MinHyo137 #4
Chapter 7: Please continue update~
I miss KookJin~~
Chapter 4: Omg when I almost reach the end of this chapter I was so emotional ;4; but haha the ending is perfect
You are a GENIUS <3333
Chapter 7: I loved it! short but very sweet ♡
Chapter 7: *welps* ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 7: Oh God! I loveeee it!!! So cute!!! I love Jinkook!!
I missed you, girl!
I love realityau jinkook the most!! ❤❤
Thanks babe! Kiss
Chapter 7: This story is beautifully written and I love it♡