Chapter 2

Love Online

          Once at my place, I followed my daily routine and logged onto I had the pleasure to see Lover97's message.


- Hi Seo Yeon ! How was your day ? -


          Without hesitating, I replied.


- It was good. What about yours ? ^-^ -

- I've made up my mind about something ;) -

- What is it ? -


          I could feel my body straightening as he was typing. My face was probably red already and my palms were sweaty. I couldn't understand this reaction. I easily told Jung Kook that I wasn't in love with this guy, yet, he still had some effects on me.


- I would like to meet you... -


          My heart started racing at the sight of those words. It took me a while to calm down and send a proper reply.


- I would like it too ! It would be nice to see you ! -


. . .


          The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up was the conversation I had had with Lover97. After telling him about my desire to meet up, I hadn't received more messages. I had been disappointed before thinking that he needed time. Lover97 was probably very shy.


          Little did I know, my disappointment wouldn't last. A letter had been placed in my locker at school. The envelope was blue, my favorite color. The paper had a scent of rose. It was so romantic. However, the words written on the paper left me astonished.


- Gym at 15 -


          I had been wondering if Lover97 was the one who had mailed this. If he was, it would mean that we were both studying at the same school. Had I ever met him ? How well did he know me ?

          My mind was full of these questions as I decided to go to indicated place at the given time to get the answers. I would meet the secret person who had sent this letter. Reassured, I went to the classroom to attend my next course.


. . .


          It was past the given time when I was able to go to the gymnasium. The place was crowded and I didn't know if I would recognize the one who had asked me to come. Luckily, a single red rose caught my eyes. It had been placed on the stairs that led to the bleachers, right next to the front door. There was a note with it.


- Right, I am Lover97. And I have always been by your side. -


          All my doubts disappeared in the blink of an eye. I was sure that the one who had become my friend on the Internet was someone from my school, a person whom I was close to. I was determined to find out his identity.

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_maknaetrash #1
Chapter 6: A simple yet very cute story~~~ keep up the hard work !
Chapter 6: This story's so cuteeee!!!!!