Drunken Kisses

Unsung Confession

"Why not baby/". Jinyoung sat across his boyfriend on their overly large bed. Jaebum sat cross legged, as he scrolled through his phone. He was trying his best to ignore his boyfriend's whining, but it was getting harder by the minute. 

"Okay, give me a reason why not at least" Jinyoung pouted, making Jaebum roll his eyes at him. They had been dating for 2 years and had been friends prior to that for 11 years, yet he still blushes and his heart melts every time Jinyoung looks at him with his big adorning eyes. "Because, our house ends up looking like some construction site, and you bring too many people". Jaebum tried to reason with him. In his life time of being friends with Jinyoung, he was always known for throwing wild parties. It was Friday afternoon and after being done with classes, he wanted to throw a what he called "get together" but it would eventually turn into a party. 


"You're definitely over exaggerating it, I hardly invite that many people, they just hear it and come because why not, I'm the host". Jinyoung said, flicking his imaginary shoulder length hair. 


"You're a narcissist, has anyone ever told you that". Jaebum voiced, noting his boyfriends irritated behaviour.


"My excuse of a boyfriend just did" Jinyoung attempted to get off the bed but he was too slow and Jaebum surged forward, wrapping his hands around Jinyoung's waist. Jinyoung, still feigning anger, straddled him, putting his hands on either sides of Jaebum's shoulders. 


"What's wrong with a little self confidence"? Jinyoung sulked. Jaebum showered his face with kisses, starting from his forehead and each time saying. "Nothing, I love you all, even if you're overconfident". He got to his lips and glanced at flushed Jinyoung before going ahead and kissing him softly. They pulled back and Jinyoung buried his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. Regardless of how long they've dated, he was still timid every time they kissed. Jaebum had that effect on him. 


"Fine, you can have your party" Jaebum whispered, sounding defeated. He had lost once again to Jinyoug and the truth is, he didn't mind at all. He heard his muffled squeal. Jinyoung faced him. "You mean it?". Jaebum nodded, chuckling. He grinned, kissing Jaebum once again quickly. "I promise I'll make it up to you". Jinyoung said. Jaebum raised his eyebrows and looked down at Jinyoung. "How"?


Jinyoung slowly moved, still on Jaebum's lap, causing Jaebum to moan in pleasure. "I can think of a few things you might like" He said suggestively. Jaebum raised his hand, holding the back of Jinyoungs head, his other hand tangled in his hair. He was defeated but Jinyoung was still making him feel like the winner. "Like what"? Jaebum closed his eyes, as his boyfriend, traced kissed down his neck, nibbling at his earlobe. "Like this" Jinyoung mumbled. He grabbed the duvet and threw it over both of them, clothes being thrown on the floor. 


"This is our second time in this week only" Jinyoung laughed. 


"I'm a healthy man, with a healthy drive" Jaebum smiled. 


He wondered if Jinyoung still had the energy to prepare for a party once he was done with him. 



The problem with Mark was, he wasn’t just attracted to Jackson. He knew he was in love with him and that had troubled him. He felt things that he never could understand and sometimes his emotions, namely jealously got the best of him. In particular today.   Jackson and Mark sat at the Cafe; Youngjae occasionally performed at with the help of Yugyeom’s dancing skills.  Mark watched as a group of girls cooed over Jackson as he showed of his own dance with Yugyeom.


Mark wasn’t dumb. He knew Jackson’s popularity was no joke. He had watched him grow from a scrawny and short little boy with a head too oversized for his small body to a broad shouldered hotty with biceps just about ready to rip his shirt whenever he flexed. It wasn’t just his appearance that made him so likeable, but his loud, yet easy going personality.


“Hey Mark, come on over here man” He yelled over the squeals of the girls. Mark shook his head. He wasn’t about to make a fool of himself. He had nothing against the girls but he hated that they could touch him like that without anyone giving much care.

Eventually Jackson became too tired and walked over to sit down, leaving Yugyeom to the stage.

“What’s up with you?” Jackson asked.  Mark didn’t answer him but kept staring ahead, begging his heart to stop getting butthurt every time anyone looked at Jackson.

Jackson leaned over and put his palm on Mark’s forehead. “Are you ill?” His brows furrowed in concern. Mark felt his body tingle from the touch.

“I’m not, stop worrying for no reason, you’re not my mom you know”. He pouted

“Who says I’m not”. Jackson laughed. He grabbed Marks drink and started sipping.  Mark didn’t even bother arguing with him about it.

“You looked like you were having fun, is all the fangirling satisfying you”?

Jackson pulled a face. “They were getting pretty annoying” Mark let out a relieved sigh. At least he wasn’t enjoying it.

“But they are cute, I wonder if any one of them would let me take her home”. Jackson looked back waving at one of the girls.

“No you can’t, because I live with you remember, take her somewhere else” Mark was used to the way Jackson brought a new hook up home every so often, but that had stopped when he was too busy chasing his crush. Although Mark can’t say he was completely faithful.

“You’re right, I’ll go to her home instead” Jackson winked at him, smiling broadly.  Mark only returned the smile but he felt like his insides were being ripped apart.

“You must be over her if you’re already thinking of getting laid tonight”.

Jackson froze for a moment and Mark mentally slapped himself for bringing up the topic.

“Well, surprise, I’m completely over her in fact I don’t even know who her is” Jackson shrugged his shoulders and resumed to sipping Mark’s drink.


“Seriously, I feel like I’m meant to love someone better and although I don’t know who that person is, I’ll just wait, I can’t be crying over a love that technically didn’t happen”.

Mark offered him a sympathetic smile.  He could only hope that it would be him.

“You didn’t love her? Mark asked. He hoped it would be a no.

Jackson chuckled. “No, I believed I did”. He groaned blushing.  Mark couldn’t help but laugh.

Jackson threw a wrapper at him, to which Mark threw back at him.

“Sometimes that could be terrifying; doing so much for someone you think you love, to only see that they couldn’t care any less about you”.  Jackson shook his head as if he was trying hard to not give into his thoughts.

“I hope you find that someone who you truly love and truly loves you too”. Mark spoke.

“Yeah, what if I did and I’m just too clueless to realise it”. He sat quietly for a while staring off into space.

“Even you couldn’t be that clueless” Mark nervously laughed.  

“Yeah let’s hope so” Jackson muttered.




They took off a while later, having to physically remove Yugyeom from the crowd of hellish girls to go to Jinyoung’s party.  Upon arriving, they found the place pretty packed already and a disgruntled Jaebum, running around asking people not to touch things.

“I swear, it’s like they do it on purpose” He raised his hands in frustration.

“Hyung, keep calm “ Bambam tried to hand him a drink but backed down after seeing Jaebum’s glare.

“Loosen up Hyung” Jackson patted his back before disappearing into the crowd followed by Yugyeom.

Jaebum looked at Mark with pleading eyes. “Please ask Jinyoung to end this early.”

Mark shrugged. “You know he listens to you only.”  Jaebum wondered off, still searching for someone to kick out for touching his belongings.

Soon after Jinyoung walked into the room, his smile lighting up his face.

“Ahh my other kid arrived I see”. He hugged Bambam squeezing his cheeks even after Bambam pulled a face.

“I’m too sober for this” Bambam hurried off avoiding Jinyoungs glare in time.

“Did Jackson come?

Mark nodded. “A party, isn’t this too much, you had one last week”

“Uh no that was almost 4 weeks ago, and you don’t get to scold me”

Mark put his arm around his friend. “I’ll let it go since you’re so happy”

“Thank you oh kind one” He said, the sarcasm evident in his tone. Jinyoung smiled.

“Go enjoy yourself and watch out, Jackson might get snatched tonight” He sauntered off ignoring the frown on Mark’s face.

Mark spent his time between drinking and getting s from girls he has never seen before after loosing too many drinking games. He caught Jackson winking at him as he escorted some girl into a room. Jaebum was not going to be too glad. Luckily, he was too busy screaming at the guy standing on the kitchen counter with a vase balanced on his shoulder.

Mark didn’t know when he has gotten so drunk or when he had crashed into a bedroom. He felt someone sit him up and slightly smack his head.

“You’re completely wasted too”. Jackson stood over him. He was completely wasted, the alcohol reeking off him so strongly .

“Not as much as you”. Jackson lost his balance and fell onto him.

Mark tried to lift him off but he was so heavy, clinging to him even tighter.

“Let’s stay like this for a while”. Jackson mumbled, his face buried in Mark’s chest.

Mark froze. He was sober enough to know that Jackson might do something he’ll regret in the morning.

“Com on Jack, let’s go home”.  Mark said softly trying to pull Jackson off. He only clung tighter, his arms wrapped around his waist.

“I am home” Jackson said in a hushed tone.  “You’re my home”.

Now Mark was sure Jackson was out of it. How many bottles did he drink exactly Mark thought.

They stayed like that for a brief moment.



Jackson lifted his head and looked at him. His eyes were read, his cheeks flushed. He lifted his hand, fingers trailing Mark’s lips before he connected his lips with Mark’s.A million thought rushed through Mark’s head, all of them ending with a disastrous consequence. He know he had to be the responsible one since Jackson was too drunk but he couldn't seem to stop himself. If it was possible to loose yourself completely in someone's embrace then Mark had done it. He felt Jackson tug at his lip, a not so small moan escaping his mouth. Mark had imagined countless times what it would be like to kiss Jackson but nothing came close to how it truly felt. It felt as if fireworks went off in his head, his whole body tingling with pleasure. Jackson sat on his lap, their lips still connected somehow.  He broke the kiss, trailing pecks on Mark's neck. He hard on Mark's soft skin, causing 'Mark to mewl. Did he just... Mark didn't get to finish his thoughts because Jackson started to grind on him, bucking his hips causing friction.  Mark grabbed his wrist. 

"Jackson no, we can't"

"Why" He looked so confused, almost hurt Mark had to look away before he gave in to him.

"Because you're drunk and you won't remember any of it in the morning but I most likely will and that will hurt me beyond imaginable" Mark said wistfully. 

"Well I wouldn't want to hurt you" . Jackson's gaze softened. He Mark's face, giving him a light kiss on his forehead.

"I don't know what's wrong with me or why I'm doing this but what I do know is that hurting you will probably kill me".

Jackson removed himself off Marks lap. "I might not remember everything tomorrow but I hope I remember this moment" He intertwined their fingers together. Mark, feeling as if he might almost lose it and cry, he moved closer and place his head on Jackson's shoulder. He felt guilty, for taking advantage of Jackson's drunken mess but he couldn't help but feel that maybe there was a reason why Jackson had done this and it wasn't caused by alcohol. The chance of Jackson feeling the same was slim but Mark still had hope. 

"Me too". But he knew he will never forget it in a million years.





A/N  It's short 😭 I'm sorry but I wrote this so late at night and I'm actually surprised I finished it off. Thank you for reading~ I'll work hard to make the next chapter better.  




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I'm getting back to college which sadly means i might not be able to update as much. I will try though! Thank you my beautiful readers! n


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 7: It's so cuteee!! "I think I love you." I died huhuhuhu same college is killing me
CrystalBlueJay369 #2
This is soooooo ADORABLE AND OMG MY FANGURL FEELS. JIN YOUNG BEING A FUSSY MOM OMGG. Are you going to update soon? [*silently wishes* PLs do]. anyways I like this story so much. Thank you for unleashing my fangirl feels :)
Chapter 6: omgggggg the feelssssssssssssssssss....finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TT_______TT
andie41225 #4
Chapter 6: Woow! Now my tears is making my pillow very wet at 11 pm.. Thank you for making me feel like this.. Hahahahaha excited fot the next update
KPop_Angel7 #5
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhhh! The feels i say to youbthe feels man! I really love this chapter author-nim. It brings the feelings of MarkSon together at last! This made my day! Thank you! Excited for the next chapter already! MarkSon for the win! Hehehe =)
Chapter 5: i love how u wrote everything
KPop_Angel7 #7
Chapter 5: Oh My Gosh! Jackson, just go to Mark already. Hehehe. I'm getting excited for the next chapters. Hope that MarkSon will be happy together.
angelicabq #8
Chapter 4: Omg, i will be soooo sad if jackson doesnt remember that moment. I need a cute jackson loving mark with all his heart, its short but cute authornim, fighting!!