Chapter 2


"Yah! You can't keep drinking so much," Taehyung yelled in frustration.

"Does it matter? I'm wasted anyways." Nari took the glass and took it down in one shot.

"One more!"

"Nari-ah, I'm taking you home. You're already drunk." Taehyung carerfully picked her up on his back and headed outside. Nari was drooling all over Taehyung black coat. Damn she's heavier than she looks.

He walked up the staircase around the corner to find her ex-boyfriend at her door again.

"Nari-ah," Jimin said in a soft tone.

"Why are you here," Taehyung asked sternly.

"Why can't I be? I am her boyfriend"

Taehyung smirked judging his possessivness. "No, you're not. She broke up with you. Dont you get it?"

"Look she drunk because of me, She is drunk because she misses me."

"No she's drunk because of me," Taehyung said without hesitation. "I let her drink too much." Jimin glanced up at Nari's drooling face back to Taehyung. "Who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend. What are you going to do about it?"

"Tch, since when did you become her boyfriend."

"She is already over you. I think it's time you do the same too."

"Yah don't do anything to my Nari."

Ignoring his comment, Taehyung unlocked the door to Nari's apartment using the key hiden under the welcome carpet. He shut the door in Jimin's face before he could say another word. He placed her gently on her bed. Her smell was fragrant like a rose.  Her scent trickled from her hair to the tips of her toes. Taehyung didn't want to resist but he knew he couldn't do her when she is  drunk. He undressed her leaving her in her undergarments and tucked her under the blankets. Nari's phone started ringing again. It was Jimin.

Gosh he's really stubborn.

Taehyung went into the other room and laid on the couch. Every spec of Nari's apartment lingered with her scent. Taehyung couldn't control his senses. It was dark night, the time when a vampire's instincts come to action. He was indecisive whether to leave because he didn't want to leave her alone. He kept himself all night beating the urge to prey. Once morning arrived his eyes were exahsted and red.

Nari woke up to a migrane and a sick stomach. I must have been at the bar last night. Wait who took me home? Not Jimin... Could it be Taehyung? Nari sat up on the bed scratching her head trying to recall what happened last night. Just then Taehyung entered the room. Nari bursted out the room to the bathroom and vomited her guts out. Taehyung knelt down beside her rubbing her back, "I made some Haejangguk [pork based soup that's good for hangovers] for you. You should wash up before you eat."

Nari tried standing up, but her legs were too weak to carry her. Taehyung took off her undergarments and placed her in the tub. Nari crossed her arms on her chest in embarrassment. "It's fine, I'll help you wash up," Taehyung insisted. Nari kept quiet yet she was still uncomfortable letting Taehyung bathe her. After drying up he gave her undergarments and a oversized tshirt he found in her closet.

He picked her up bridal style putting her in a seat at the dining table with the bowl of soup infront of her. She drank her soup slowly feeling the heat fill her inside.  Her body was cold and empty. Taehyung sat in the chair infront of her watching her eat. She quietly finished and sooner became uncomfortable with Taehyung's piercing gaze. She had no idea what to say.

He was basically a stranger from the bar a couple of days ago. A queesy feeling was tangled in her stomach. "How much did I drink," she managed to ask.

"A lot." Taehyung brought his gaze to the ground and sighed. "Jimin was here last night."

Nari's eyes widened, "what did he tell you?"

"Nothing much, just claiming that he was still your boyfriend." Taehyung brought his gaze to her eyes. "Do you miss him?"

Nari thought back to the times where Jimin and her were happy and on good terms. Remebering his smile cheered her up making her let out a sly grin.

"You miss him don't you," Taehyung said in a more serious tone. Nari snapped back to reality noticing his face nearing hers. "No, I don't miss him," she said shaking her head flustered.

Taehyung's lips and Nari's lips were nearly a centimeter apart. Fighting his instincts he smiled which turned into a chuckle. Nari gave an agitated look. She knew he was teasing her.

Taehyung's phone started to ring. "Oh hey!" Nari watched him talking to whoever was on the phone. She noticed that he kept looking at her with a worried look. "Ok, I'll be there." Taehyung ended the call. He and Nari exchanged glances again. "Call me if you need me. I already added my number on your phone. I should be heading out now." Taehyung got up from his seat and headed towards the door. Nari sat there staring at her empty bowl of soup.

Taehyung  entered a cafe scanning for his friend. "Jungkook-ah," Taehyung said sitting infront of him.

"Hyung! How's it going? Here I got you an espresso." Jungkook was smiling with excitement.

"Thanks! Why did you call me in the morning?"

"You are never home. You're always hunting girls."

"Pshh not always."

Jungkook crossed his arms, "I bet you just came from a girl's house."

"Yeah," Taehyung sighed, "I think she may be the one." His hands cupped his face as his elbows rested on the table.

"What are you talking about?"

"Her scent was so unique and addicting." Taehyung couldn't stop grinning.

"Hyung, you know you can't fall in love with a human. You're a vampire," Jungkook said concerned.

"I know."

"Well it sounds like your falling for her. How long have you been seeing her?"

"Hmm, two days ago we met at the bar."

"Have you been to her house?"

"Yeah I slept over there last night." Jungkook's face became red. "Why are you jealous," Taehyung chuckled.

"Remember when Namjoon had an affair with a human? How did that turn out?"

"He had it hard on him."

"He is still shaken and broken inside. I don't want that to happen to you. I care for you!" Jungkook held on to Taehyung's shoulders giving him a worried look.

"Don't worry it's nothing like that. I'll just treat myself for a little bit," he said brushing off Jungkook's grip. "Jungkook, how's your hunting been going?"

"Fine," Jungkook replied in hesitation.

"Come to the bar with me tonight. There are many girls there."

"Sure it's a date!"



Taehyung's phone began buzzing. He looked down realizing it was Nari, which made his face brighten up. "Hey, I thought you would never call."
Jungkook's eyes widened in curiosity and in anger. "Hello?" Taehyung gave an confused expression. He heard a blur of a man's voice and a girl's whimper. Taehyung ended the call and looked back at Jungkook, "Nari is in trouble! I've gotta go. Meet me at 7 at the bar."

"Nari? Who's Nari?"

Taehyung left the cafe quickly and ran towards Nari's house. Running down the street, he searched through all the turns and corners. She couldn't have gone far. He heard a loud cry so he tried locating where it was coming from. Looking both sides he found Nari against a wall and Jimin hovering over her. Running towards them he gave Jimin a good punch in the face.

"Oh it's you," Jimin said smirking.

"Don't touch her." It was obvious that Taehyung was out of breath.


Taehyung brought is gaze upon Nari who looked shaken. "Fight me!" Jimin got back up from the ground walking towards Taehyung with his chest up. "I don't fight little boys like you."

"Making fun of my height, that's it you're dead!" Jimin tried to throw a punch but instead Taehyung grasped his arm before it touched his face and kicked him in his crotch. Nari stood there in shock and stared at Jimin wincing in pain.

Taehyung grabbed her arm and pulled her back her apartment. "You okay? You're not hurt anywhere? What did he do to you? Are you sure you're not hurt?" Taehyung began panicking.
"I'm fine, I just went to the convenience store to get some beer," Nari held out the white plastic bag which was in her other hand. Taehyung took the bag to put the six pack in the fridge. Nari walked to the couch and sat. Taehyung stared at her fragile body.

She is like a rose petal. Fragrant, but prone to breaking apart. Jimin is just a thorn. I'm like the florist that nurtures her. Her skin glimmers like a full moon's light setting on the ocean.

Taehyung sat on the other side of the sofa. The two didn't speak or make eye contact giving out the awkward atmosphere again. Taehyung stretched his arms out and laid his head on Nari's lap. "I'm tired," he said pouting. Nari chuckled as she watched Taehyung closed his eyes. She combed her fingers threw his tussled chocolate brown hair. Watching him sleep made her heart flutter.

Am I falling for him?

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