
How To Love: The Manual

"Jongdae," she starts, "I did not know I'll be seeing you here, or else I'd bring smoke odor eliminator spray. You reek of the faulty smell,"

"Nice seeing you too, Mina. Fancy the greetings. Very classic of you," while the two keeps bickering with each other, I steal a look at the lady standing next to Mina. She's quitely emptying her drinks and looks around before her eyes land on mine. She quickly averts her eyes away and I just want to dig a hole and bury myself in it. What a creep I am, but I couldn't help it. There is something about her that makes me forget the fact that the person Jongdae wants to introduce me to was Mina, not anyone else. But, my heart wants to know this lady.

I find myself shifting to the side, standing right in front of her, "Do you want to go to the bar with me and refill that drink?"

She blinks at my sudden outburst, looks at her glass (it has been few minutes since she emptied it and I don't think she realizes it), "Sure,"

Her voice is so smooth, so velvety. To be honest, I was surprised that she agrees to my quest. And I am surprised that I have the guts to ask her. Again, I think it's the alcohol talking but my eyes don't deceive me because I'm seeing a goddess in front of me. She is wearing a long dress in sky blue, with a hint of white flowers as its pattern, her flowy hair is espresso brown, and it stops perfectly at the curve of her waist. Her face is God's masterpiece and not a single flaw is seen.

"Come on," I say as she steps beside me and we walk next to each other towards the bar. I don't really care about Jongdae and Mina, since they could not stop roasting each other and I do not want to falter the heat. I pull the chair for her and she politely sits down as she passes her glass to the bartender, "Another one, please."

"I'll have whatever she's having too." I say and flash the bartender a polite smile.

He an eyebrow at me at smirks, "You sure?"

I blink, unsure, "It can't be that heavy, right?"

They both share a chuckle and I furrow my eyebrows in question, "In fact, it's not heavy at all. She was drinking apple juice, sir."

My mouth is slightly ajar and I could tell how dumb I must look. I nod and pout my bottom lip, "Alright, yes a glass of apple juice for me too, thank you." I turn to my left and she flashes me a sweet, gentle smile.

I extend my hand before she accepts it with a bigger smile, "I'm Jongin,"

"Aeyeon, Ahn Aeyeon."




Turns out she was spectacular. We spent the whole evening talking about each other and I did not even have to worry if my topic bores her because she always came up with better ones. I found out bits and bops about herself as well as she did about me, at the end of the day we exchanged phone numbers and I'm counting seconds to meet her again tonight. We went out a couple of times before and I could never get enough of her. 

Jongdae, surprisingly was not mad that I disappeared out of his sight at the party. He knew he was not the best cupid but at least his attempt was somewhat fruitful. Jongdae approves Aeyeon (not that I need any of his approval) because according to what he said, "It's always the girl who falls for you first, this is new and rare as it could get. I'm proud of you, Jongin." It has been a month since I first met her and he could not stop telling me how proud he is of me. 

I'm proud of myself too. She is intriguing and for the first time in my life I have other things to look forward to instead of my bed, or my workplace. It have always been those two but now.. Aeyeon. 

"I'm taking her to the Italian restaurant next to the pier, in the website the place looks magnificent!" I exclaim while arranging my work folders on the desk.

"Ah-hah, finally you're spending money on a human being instead of your dog." Junmyeon chirps. Junmyeon is my boss, he is the most down to earth human I've met on earth and if I did not met him 4 years ago I'd still be living in a basement, eating one packet of ramen to fuel a week. 

I met him through a mutual friend and turned out Junmyeon needed a person to help him start his business- and I turned out to be good in paperworks and data entries. It took us a while to raise the business but hey, we made it. 

"You know, I have never seen you this glowy before." Junmyeon says.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Oh yes, totally. You're like a 13 years old boy, madly in love."




"You don't have to take me to a fancy restaurant, it must cost you a fortune. But I appreciate your gesture." she says as she curls a strand of hair behind her ear. 

I smile, "It's no big deal. I don't do this often and it has been a while since I had a fun evening. So it's worth it." 

We are strolling along the beach, the sand is warm under our bare feet, but the cold night breeze adds a perfect touch to it. I am actually enjoying it, I feel like this is going along really well.  Maybe it's just a one sided thing..

The sound of wave washes ashore calms me down, the night sky is clear and few stars glistening brightly in the sky. I look at her, expecting her to have a smile on her pretty face but instead she has a stoic expression on.

"Jongin, have you ever been hurt by someone you used to love?"

Her question makes me stop, a strange feeling washes over me and I find myself blinking a few time to digest in the sudden question. Now it all make sense. No matter how much she smiles, laughs and chuckles– her happy expression lacks of something. It's incomplete. It lacks of warmth. She is genuine but it seems off at times. 

And I think I know why.

"Have you?" instead of answering her, I decided to delve deeper.

"I do. That is why I'm scared to start to love again,

No matter how much I want to."

She looks at me.




Her answer left me in doubt. Am I accountable enough to promise I will never do her wrong? My heart says yes, but my mind is a trickery. It has never happen but I bound to be bored over the significant other, and people make mistakes in relationship all the time but for once in my life I felt like if I ever screw this over– I would never forgive myself. 

I'm at no age to jump from one woman to another before I settle for the one. I feel like she is the one and I'm hooked. I feel better, knowing that she is in my life even though nothing is official but I actually have something to look forward to. Her morning text, her photo updates or even her cute whines. 

I find myself getting better in everything I do; I am full of energy.

"Your works are getting and neater than before." Junmyeon says while he hands me a new file to go through. 

"Ah, I wonder why?" Jongdae sits on the couch in my office and crosses his legs. I throw him a nasty look and he makes a silly face. For a 28 years old man, that is very childish of him.

"Guys, I have a problem." I start off and fill them in with my worries. I do need advices from others, from their point of views. I don't know why I won't give up on Aeyeon. It seems like I exagerrated the matter but it's not about me. I feel like I have to save this girl and bring ber back to life. 

She worth more than she thinks she is.

"If you think she is the one, go for it. Do the entire thing that ever crossed your mind to make her happy. To make her feel like she would never get hurt again, make her feel like she's loved and wanted. All the little things, take it seriously. Never take her words as passing remarks– sometime ladies do it; they laced their words but there's hidden gem in it that if you pay full attention, it could make you the best man in the world."

"In her eyes at least," Jongdae adds to Junmyeon's remark. It's more than enough for me. 

"Thanks guys," I appreciate it.




For once in my life, I want to make someone else happy. I want Aeyeon to feel like the world is hers and nothing would come against her. As long as I'm here next to her. Being her fort of secure. I'm going to pick up all the broken pieces, and glue it back with my care. 

It sounds silly but I know she wants me too, maybe not as much as I want her but I could see this getting somewhere and I would not waste it. 

I have permission from Junmyeon to get off work 30 minutes before ‪5PM‬. Before I head to Aeyeon's workplace, I stopped by the florist to pick up the flower bouquet I requested a day before. To be honest, Junmyeon and Jongdae helped me a lot with the advices. And I am sure this is what I want to do.

I park my car to the side of the road and step out of the car with the bouquet of flower in my hands. 

Aeyeon works in an art gallery (with Mina), in fact– she paints, too. She has so many gentle, feminine side to her that I'd love to know more. I want to get closer to her more than anyone else has ever been. I will approach her in every way possible. She does not know I'm here to pick her up from work, so I'm waiting until she steps out of the establishment. 

It doesn't take long before she sees me. A big smile paints her face and it gets even bigger when she spots the flower in my hands.

"I hope you like hydrangeas, I know you love the color blue so much. But the pink ones remind me of the lovely aura you emit,"

How cheesy. But the glint in her eyes tells me she likes it.


And her sudden big hug says it too.



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12exoverdose_v #1
Chapter 2: Your writing skills are incredibly wonderful! If I could, I would read it all day long. Waiting for your next update. Take your time, no rush ;)
this is great so far! i really look forward to the next chapter(: