I'm Not Supposed To Want You

That Tumblr Girl

Yoongi Pov

I keep flickering that lighter and staring at my cigarette box. I know that Jin hyung will nag me if he knew that I was contemplating on starting again. I know it's a bad habit but I started it when I knew I was falling for Ilta. With every SNS update of her and her then boyfriend, now husband back then, I would find an excuse to get away from the rest and light up a cigarette. Jin hyung knew because the smell from my clothes was stinking up our room but he also knew that I had no other outlet. It was either smoking, drinking, practicing to the point of exhaustion or just not sleeping from making music as a distraction.

Namjoon found the box one day when he was searching for an extra external hard disk in my drawer to stash his since the maknae was complaining that it took up space for his games. He threw the box in my face and Jin hyung had to pull him back. When that didn't work, Jin hyung had to call Hoseok along but with Namjoon overpowering both of them due to rage, both Jin hyung and Hoseok had no choice but to call the maknae line in as well for reinforcements. That was when everyone knew that my crush on Ilta was more than just a crush. They all knew that I found this girl on SNS and kept my identity a secret while chatting with her. At first, they were agreeable to it since they saw me being happier for some time as I got to release the stress I felt from being lonely however as time went on, Ilta became like a drug to me. A drug which I could not attain.

Namjoon was pissed at me because he thought that as a hyung who even advised him on the matter that went on with Zico hyung, I would know better but instead, I went on to wreck myself. Jin hyung was disappointed in me because he tried really hard to be there for me but I turned to other unhealthy avenues instead. Hoseok had no words to say because on one hand, he knew how it felt like to have unrequited love but on another hand, he got why Namjoon was pissed. The maknae line had their illusions shattered because they never saw me so broken before. Namjoon felt really scared as he felt me slipping away and I knew he feared to find me lying on the bathroom floor again but I couldn't control how I felt. 

There were many times that I wish I did not stumble upon Ilta, did not try to befriend her and most of all, did not fall in love with her but I couldn't turn back time even if I wish I could. The moment that I saw Taehyung's scared face after I awoke from my little "sleep" in the bathroom, I really wanted to change. If only to never see that look in my dongsaeng's eyes again, if only to never break Jin hyung's heart over and over again, if only to not feel this hate for my best friend, Namjoon and be close to him again and if only to actually be able to feel happy for Hoseok finding love with Jimin and Jungkook being happy with Loco hyung. I wished so much that I could turn back time but I couldn't so the only thing I can do right now is try to move on even I still want Ilta when I'm not supposed to want her. 

I heard the room door opening and Jin hyung came into the room. I saw his frown when he saw the pack of cigarettes and lighter in my hand. I told him that I was only contemplating but I will throw it out since I have came to the conclusion that I need to slowly move on if only to have my group back to happiness. He suddenly hugged me and rubbed my head. I was shocked but I couldn't help but slowly cry when he told me that he knows that he and Namjoon had gone overboard but they would rather for me to be happy even if it means me hating them. He starred at me in shock when I told him that I knew of his and Namjoon's intentions but I just did not want to admit it because that would mean admitting that I went overboard with everything that I felt even though I knew it was wrong. He just hugged me and continued letting me sob everything out before letting me know that Namjoon had gotten married with Zico hyung. He gently my head and told me that it is ok if I wanted to mope and wallow and process everything because Namjoon had found his happiness and he wanted me to find mine too after I recovered. I only nodded my head at him and let him to continue holding me like the omma he is while my head is swirled with thoughts of how my best friend actually eloped and found his happiness and I need to recover to find mine too.

The title of this chapter and this chapter itself was inspired by

AM Kidd's "I'm Not Supposed to Want You"

Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKeLNTPxo9Q

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CKings27 #1
Chapter 5: Baby, Husband and Ilta

So he made it to the babyshower and spoke to Ilta without breaking down in front of her and everyone. But in the end happy to know he manage to have found his own ray of sunlight.

Selfish as hell fantasy or not if she was woman enough to have continue talking to Yoongi from the get go then she should have told him the truth even before Namjoon had spoken to her. Like I said before they would

have remained as friends Yoongi would have only seen her as a great friend someone who understood him. Instead she coward away from him. Why keep in touch with Namjoon about Yoongi where abouts it's not like she was

going to be able to do something about it. She push herself away to move on onto her own reality of life. Namjoon should have never agreed to keep in touch with her either. It would all seem like a huge backstabbing on Ilta.

Well at least they finally manage to get it together an resolve their situation.
CKings27 #2
Chapter 4: Habits...

I see he pick up a nasty habit of smoking. Poor guy (Yoongi) he really
wanted her. However if it wasn't her (Ilta) that day he spoke to.

Imagine if it was another girl who wasn't in a relationship with someone else. I wonder how that would have pan out. Would they have still been ok with him talking to her. Or would it have been the same.
Chapter 5: love it. My Namjoon is friend goals... And i loved this open ending, one ending is a new beggining
Chapter 4: No wonder our fatherly line step up.. i was really missing this POV
Chapter 3: And I dropped my phone when i read my Namjoon got married lol...
aigoo this busy buddies
CKings27 #6
Chapter 3: Even though they meant well.

Namjoon: Seems to be feeling guilty for keeping such a secret. Even if she told him to keep it a secret he shouldn't have his loyalty should have been with Yoongi no matter what.They all know he's stubborn as Hell.

Jin: Just as shady as Namjoon he had no right what so ever going into Yoongi's phone. Who knows if Jin would have not interfered they both
could have been happy together. Or realized they wouldn't have work
out. But at least they would have figured it out on their own.

Thank you on updating : )
CKings27 #7
Chapter 2: Damn so Wrong!

Namjoon has been in contact with her for a year..... Yet he never told Yoongi he was keeping in touch. Why was Namjoon even keeping contact with her.

Plus she's MARRIED has a CHILD been LIVING in SEOUL. I get she was upset but she could have made an effort to clear things up with him giving them both closer. I mean obviously he's special to her naming her child after him.

Maybe if she would have ask him demanding for an EXPLANATION. I'm sure he would have told her, within time. Yet I hope she really understands why he was secretive about his identity.

Suga... <3
Chapter 2: interesting turn off events... I want to see what their face off will be regarding closure for both of them
coffeelatteleo #10
Chapter 1: I actually like both endings so i don't really mind which is the real one. Hahaha

Would wait for the next update. Good luck author-nim