Flashback 02

Together Forever [HIATUS]

"AYYYY, LETS SHOW YOUR MOM THAT YOU HAVE FIVE STARS BECAUSE OF YOUR DRAWING" Woohyun shouted like it was his achievement and you giggled.


you two were walking back home when woohyun skidded to a stop

"Oh, whats happening?" woohyun said and pointed.


you blinked and looked up. there were police and firetrucks everywhere.

"Oh, whose house is it?" You wondered.

"Meolla, kaja, lets see" Woohyun said and the wo of you walked again.


it was when you two were close that you realized it was your house.

"Andwae... A-andwae... OMMA!!!!!" You ran and left woohyun behind, your backpack fell and woohyun caught it.

"Oh no" Woohyun said and ran after you.


you ran and ran until you reached your house, you were about to go in when someone held you away.

"Whoa kiddo, you cant go in there, its dangerous, you might inhale a lot of smoke too" The police said.

"Omma.. my omma..." You cried.

"Minha.. .Minha come here" Mrs. Nam said.


you looked up and ran to her.

"Mrs. Nam, where's my mom, is she safe" You asked

"Sorry Minha but....." she paused.


"dont hide it to the kid" the police said and faced you. "Your mom was inside, she was cooking and boiling some soup, according to our finding, the body of your mother is in the bathroom, its possible that she left the boiling food and she took a bath" the police said.


"Yah, she's just a child, she cant take that all in" Mrs. Nam said

"Whats the point of hiding it" the police said.


you were about to ask them another thing when you saw a stretcher being carried out.

you eyes bugged out.


"Omma" you shouted.

the nurses was shocked but they let you hugged

"Omma, dont leave me, andwae... omma" you cried and cried until it was time that the nurses took her away.


"Minha..." Woohyun called and tapped your head.

you looked up at him with teary eyes and sniffed.


woohyun cannot take it and he hugged you.


after your mom was buried, the Nams was good enough to let you stay with them.

they had an extra room and they arranged it for you.


"Minha.. gwenchana?" Mrs. Nam asked

you just nodded and lied down.


"well... if you need something, just go down and tell me or woohyun.. okay?" she said and looked at you with worried eyes.

you nodded again and tried to close your eyes.


"C'mon woohyun" Mrs. Nam said and she went out of the room with woohyun.

"Omma, I'm worried about her" Woohyun said.


his mom sighed "I know. I am too, but we have to leave her alone for sometime. poor kid, she lost both her parents on the same year" Mrs. Nam said ans stood up the proceeded to go down.


for the past few days, you were crying and was not speaking, for a little kid, it was very difficult to persuade you to eat.

it was the 2nd week and it was all the same.


Woohyun woke up late at night and was thirsty.

he passed by your room and heard your cries.

woohyun furrowed his eyebrowws. *She's still sad*


With that woohyun went in and saw you sitting on the bed with your head burried in your arms.

"Minha-yah... are you alright?" he asked


when you heard his voice, you immediately wiped your tears and nodded.

"Are you REALLY fine?" Woohyun asked and looked into your eyes as he sat down next to you.


you looked back at him and that when tears suddenly burst out of your eyes again.

"aniyaaaa... I was supposed to be with mom until I grow up and help her with everything... remember, we were supposed to show her my five stars" you said and cried.


Woohyun hugged you and patted your back

"gwenchana... everything will be alright" Woohyun said.

"Aniyo... aniyo" you cried.


woohyun furrowed his eyebrows and pulled away then looked at you

"Yah.. are you gonna mope around forever. your gonna stay like this, huh?" Woohyun angrily said.

"e-eh?" you asked, tears still flowing out of your eyes.


"Omma, and Me... I'll  be here, we can play we can study, we'll live very well, well help you" Woohyun said.

"But Appa died... Omma died too, I dont have parents" you cried.

"Yah... My Appa died too, you think I dont know the feeling" woohyun said, his eyes starting to moist,


"I know my mom is still alive but I know the feeling of loosing someone, but I know there's someone out there who cares for me to so I should move on" Woohyun said and wiped his tears that already flowed out.

"Yah, stop crying" you said and wiped your own tears.



"I will, if you do too. Yah Lee Minha... Stop Crying... arasseo, I, Nam Woohyun will always be here on your side to be happy, sad and whatever it is with you!

we'll be together forever... huh? you got that? This Oppa here will be with you no matter what!" Woohyun said as he hit his chest with his fist to show you how tough he was.


"Will you really be there?" you asked as you wiped your tears and sniffed.

"I Promise... pinky swear?" Woohyun asked and held out his pinky.


you then smiled and laced your pinky in his.

"Pinky swear" you said.


"Good, you better play with me tomorrow!! you pay because you made me cry" Woohyun said and ruffled your hair.

you smiled and nodded. he smiled back.

"Want Woohyun oppa to sleep here?" He asked and you nodded.


*Kamsahamnida Woohyun oppa* you smiled and closed your eyes.


with that, you two slept.

it was also the start of you two being friends... well you two were always friends, but from that day, something deeper bloomed.

Best friends... Puppy Love :D


Aigoo kill me now if you didn't like it~

HAHAHAHAHAHA. wait. Im serious -____________-


*Woohyun heart~~~~*

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Awsome story still think its cute and updated on his bitlrthday ;D
Ana_voleigirl #2
yah^^ congratulations!!! you are an amazing writer!! great fic you've got here^^ please, keep updating^^ congratulations again
pinkypn #3
who caught her
pinkypn #4
aww they are so cute, woohyun was so sweet as a kid