I Like You, Kyungsoo!

It's Possible

Eating away at the melting strawberry ice cream, Do Kyungsoo hadn’t seen his best friend, Baekhyun, sitting next to him. 

It was currently lunch time, which was Kyungsoo’s favorite time of the day when he was in school. The food was so delicious and Kyungsoo was always grateful that Baekhyun would give him his own lunch. Kyungsoo was basically getting the jackpot by receiving two lunches everyday!

However, today was different for Kyungsoo was not eating lunch. Instead, he decided he was going to buy an ice-cream. And as he went and sat at the usual lunch table, he looked rather dissatisfied. 

“Yah, Kyungsoo, what the hell is going on with you? What’s with the ice-cream?” Baekhyun asked, but Kyungsoo simply shrugged his shoulders as he let out a loud sigh. The strawberry ice-cream was dripping down Kyungsoo’s chubby hand, but it seemed like he hadn’t noticed. Baekhyun cursed and quickly grabbed a few napkins before dabbing away at Kyungsoo’s strawberry stained hand. “Damnit, Kyungsoo!”


Kyungsoo finally turned his head to Baekhyun. The ice-cream was still falling down his sticky hand, but he still didn’t pay attention to it. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and threw the napkins onto his tray, not caring if Kyungsoo’s hand was still drenched in strawberry ice-cream. 

“What is it? You’re creeping me out with your lack of eating and not noticing the damn ice-cream falling on your hand.”

Kyungsoo glanced at his hand, but instead of rushing to clean it away, he just sulked and brought his head down to the table. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, but let his friend speak.

“I’ve been getting these weird thoughts lately and I hate it so much.”

“What happened?”

Kyungsoo turned his head to look at Baekhyun and pouted. The ice-cream was still in his hands and, surprisingly, it wasn’t falling on his head.

“What if no one ever falls in love with me? What if I never find my destined partner, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun scoffed before shaking his head. He looked back at his lunch and decided to open it.

“Kyungsoo, you’re exaggerating yourself,” he said with a small chuckle. “You’re bound to meet someone, and it may not be today, but there will be a day when that special person will love you. So don’t worry about that stuff.”

“But, Baekhyun! Who would love me? I’m fat, and I have round glasses! I wear the same gray sweater every damn day, and I can’t stop from not wearing it! And I eat twice as much than many people! I am the definition of unappealing,” Kyungsoo said with a hint of sadness. Baekhyun unwrapped his sandwich and took a small, very small, bite of it. He scrunched his face, throwing the sandwich on the tray. Kyungsoo stared at the poor sandwich before glancing up at Baekhyun with pleading eyes. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow as he nodded his head as a sign that Kyungsoo could have the sandwich. Kyungsoo gladly took the sandwich (not before throwing the unfinished ice-cream on Baekhyun’s tray) and chomped at it.

“You complain about your weight, appearance, and basically everything about yourself, yet you still continue doing the same thing,” Baekhyun said as he watched Kyungsoo take one last bite of the sandwich. 

When he was finally done chewing, Kyungsoo smiled at Baekhyun and thanked him for the sandwich. Baekhyun shook his head, but patted his friend’s head.

“Baekhyun, have you ever been confessed to before?”

Baekhyun pondered on the question, nodding right after. Kyungsoo widened his eyes.

“Really? When? Who?”

“I forgot his name, but it was during middle school. Apparently, he liked me since elementary and decided to confess.”

“And what did you say?”

“Obviously, I rejected him,” Baekhyun deadpanned. Kyungsoo bit his lip. “He wasn’t my type.”

“Was that the only time you got confessed to?”

“No, there were more.”

“Wow! Baekhyun, you’re amazing!”

“Eh, I don’t really care,” Baekhyun said with a shrug to his shoulders. “It gets sort of annoying after a while.”

Before Kyungsoo replied, the bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria were standing up and throwing their lunches away. Baekhyun stood up, along with Kyungsoo, and the two of them went to the nearest trash bin. Baekhyun threw the lunch away and Kyungsoo and him continued walking. They got out of the cafeteria, and were now in the crowded hallways. 

Some people were bumping into Kyungsoo, but he didn’t mind. For Baekhyun, though, it was as if he was the one getting bumped into and it was frustrating him that his friend wasn’t saying anything about it. Someday, he would teach Kyungsoo to yell at those stupid people.

They reached their Marine Bio class, and parted ways since they sadly didn’t sit next to each other. The teacher was rather strict on the seating arrangement and she usually changed the seats every five weeks. In the whole year that Baekhyun and Kyungsoo have been in that class, not once had they coincidentally sat together. It was a pain in the , according to Baekhyun. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, didn’t mind after a while although he was hoping there would be a chance when he could sit with his friend.

Kyungsoo went to go sit at his desk. It was the very last desk, where it was difficult to see the board despite having glasses on. Not only that, but the desk was a bit broken so whenever he would lean on it, the damn desk would tilt and make a squeak sound. His partner would glance at him, which would result in Kyungsoo apologizing a million times.

He really hated his seat.

Kyungsoo sat, placed his backpack on top of the broken desk and proceeded to take his stuff out for the class. He peered over to the seat next to him, which was currently empty as his partner had not yet arrived. Kyungsoo turned around to see the clock and wondered if his partner was going to come. 

There were only two minutes left before the bell would ring. 

He’ll come, right? He better! Today’s the presentation! 

The teacher had assigned the class a mini project that consisted of choosing an invertebrate and naming it “The World’s Awesome Invertebrate!”. They would then have to make a small poster and color it before presenting it on the due date. Kyungsoo and his partner were stuck with the Sea Cucumber, which wasn’t at all awesome, according to Kyungsoo’s partner. Kyungsoo didn’t mind it and actually thought the Sea Cucumber was adorable and squishy looking. 

The bell finally rang and Kyungsoo tensed up when he saw that his damn partner was not next to him. What the ?!

“Okay, class, as you all know, the project is due today,” Ms. Kim said as she walked over to the door to close it. She usually did that once the bell rung in order to make the late students wait outside a bit. “Everyone made sure to finish it at home, right? I expect them to look good and the presentations should be good, too.”

Kyungsoo was hardly listening for he was too busy inspecting the door to see if a certain someone would come. Why isn’t he showing up? Ugh!

“Who wants to present first?”

Kyungsoo tapped away on the broken desk as he continued watching the door. There were a few late students who had arrived, yet his partner was still not showing up. Kyungsoo was having a sudden urge to just flip his table.


At the sound of his name being shouted, Kyungsoo unintentionally stood up, making the chair fall down, which resulted in the class laughing. 

“Y-yes, Ms. Kim?”

“I said if you want to present first?”

Kyungsoo was now fidgeting in his stance, while playing with his fingers. He glanced over at the door before looking back at Ms. Kim.

“My p-partner isn’t here…”

“Who sits next to you?”

Kyungsoo turned to look at the empty seat before replying with,

“K-Kim Jongin.”

“Well, then. If Jongin doesn’t come today, then I’ll have to deduct 10 points for not presenting.”

It was then that Baekhyun raised his hand and Ms. Kim allowed him to speak.

He tilted his head to the side and asked, “Why are you taking away 10 points? Can’t they present tomorrow or something?”

Ms. Kim rolled her eyes, looking rather annoyed at Baekhyun’s question. Then again, she probably was already used to it since the boy always questioned her for every single thing. 

Ms. Kim weirdly smiled at Baekhyun and placed her hands on her hips.

“Because, Byun Baekhyun, the due date was today, which means presentations are today. I clearly said presentations were going to be only today, didn’t I? It wouldn’t be fair if Kyungsoo and Jongin presented tomorrow and still get the same points as the rest that would present today. Do you understand what I am saying, Byun Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, yet nodded. Ms. Kim looked at Kyungsoo, who was still standing awkwardly. 

“10 points deducted, okay Kyungsoo?”

“Y-yes, Ms. Kim…” Kyungsoo brought his head down, and sat back down. 

It was then and there when a knock was heard from the door, and Kyungsoo shot his head up to see who it was. A student got up and opened the door for the late student, and in came Kim Jongin. He was panting heavily as if he had just ran a marathon. His clothes were somewhat disheveled and his hair looked as if he didn’t bother with it, but somehow it still looked good.

He was holding a paper, which Kyungsoo noticed to be the poster, and lifted them up to show Ms. Kim.

“I’m sorry for being late, Ms. Kim. I lost track of time and didn’t realize the bell had rung!”

He then bowed in front of her.

Ms. Kim crossed her arms.

“You should be careful next time, Kim Jongin. For being late, I’ll deduct 5 points from your grade.”

“Okay,” Jongin said and proceeded to walk to his desk.

Presentations finally started, but another duo had offered to present first. Jongin and Kyungsoo would present after them. 

While the presentation was going on, Jongin was taking out his stuff. Kyungsoo was looking at the poster and he was actually impressed with how his partner colored it. It wasn’t badly colored and the words nicely popped out. Jongin had even made Kyungsoo’s badly drawn Sea Cucumber look rather cute and not so ugly! 

“Sorry for being late, Kyungsoo,” Jongin suddenly whispered out and Kyungsoo looked at him. He simply smiled at Jongin, shaking his head.

“It’s okay. I was scared you wouldn’t be coming.”

“I would never let you down, Kyungsoo,” Jongin said. “I’d hate myself if I ever did something that would make you hate me.”

Kyungsoo wasn’t sure what to reply with so he quietly laughed it off. Jongin only smiled before getting closer to the chubby boy to look at the poster. Kyungsoo tensed up a bit at the sudden closeness Jongin put on. 

“Do you like it?”

Kyungsoo nodded, feeling as though he was going to die any moment from how close Jongin’s face was at the moment. Why is he so close?!

“Y-you made my ugly Sea Cucumber look cute,” Kyungsoo whispered, which made Jongin giggle. 

“It was never ugly,” he said and Kyungsoo turned to look at him. He soon regretted it, though, because his nose touched Jongin’s and he wasn’t sure what to do at that moment. Thankfully, Jongin backed away, but continued to stare at Kyungsoo. “I thought it looked cute from the very beginning, actually.”

Before Kyungsoo could reply, Ms. Kim called them up and the two quickly stood up to present. 


“Ms. Kim is such a .”

“Aw, Baekhyun, don’t be mean to Ms. Kim,” Kyungsoo said with a little laugh. Baekhyun groaned as he shut his locker.

“She is, though! Ugh, did you see when she rolled her eyes? I swear, I wanted to punch her at that moment. She must really hate me, huh?”


“I don’t care, though. I hate her, too!”

Kyungsoo patted Baekhyun’s back, smiling. 

School had finished a few minutes ago and many students were rushing out of the building while others hung around their lockers. 

The two were walking out of the school building when Baekhyun suddenly began nudging at Kyungsoo’s squishy waist. 


Baekhyun smirked, still nudging Kyungsoo’s waist. Kyungsoo chuckled, not knowing why his friend was doing that.

“Don’t ignore me, Do Kyungsoo. And don’t think I did not see you and Kim Jongin totally flirting with each other in class!”

Kyungsoo widened his eyes as he suddenly stopped walking to look at Baekhyun. 


“You heard me,” Baekhyun said with a smirk still on his pretty face. 

Kyungsoo abruptly shook his head, while laughing it off. He proceeded to take a few steps when a sudden call to his name made him turn around.

“Speak of the devil,” Baekhyun said with a chuckle before taking a few steps away from Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo curled his lip as he saw Kim Jongin running up to him with a bright smile on his face. He noticed Jongin was in grey sweats and a white tank top. The chubby boy was trying all his best to not look at the muscles on Jongin’s arms, but it was quite difficult when they literally glowed with the sweat all over the boy’s damn body. Even his hair looked quite y as it looked like he just got drenched in a bucket of water. 

Stop! Stop! Stop! 

Yes, Kim Jongin was very attractive, but that did not mean Kyungsoo actually liked him. He was a nice guy and he always did his work so he was never an annoyance to Kyungsoo. In fact, Kyungsoo felt like he was an annoyance towards Jongin since he always asked for help during Marin Bio. Along with that, Kyungsoo felt like his fat was a disturbance to Jongin since it would sometimes protrude when he wore his somewhat-tight black sweater. It literally looked like a bunch of tires on top of each other, and this annoyed the hell out of Kyungsoo. It was an ugly scene and Kyungsoo sometimes felt bad for Jongin since he was stuck with the fat boy for five weeks.

“Yes, Jongin?”

Jongin continued to have that big smile of his and Kyungsoo almost had the urge to call it super cute. But he did not, obviously. 

The sweaty boy brought his phone out of his pockets before bringing it up to show Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo tilted his head.

“I wanted to know if we could exchange phone numbers,” Jongin said, as he shyly brought his head down.


What do I do?! 

Kyungsoo looked down at the floor, unsure of how to respond to Jongin. Of course, he had a phone, but he wasn’t sure how to casually reply to Jongin without sounding stupid and awkward.

“…If you don’t mind, that is,” Jongin added, and Kyungsoo shook his head. He then went on to take his phone out of his backpack before handing it to Jongin to put his number in.

“I don’t mind!”

He wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard Jongin sigh in relief as he tapped away on the smart phone. Jongin then gave his phone back and handed his own phone to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo inserted his number, and gave the phone back to Jongin right after. 

“Thanks, Kyungsoo! I’ll text you tonight! Ah! If you don’t mind…”

Jongin laughed as he brought his hand up to scratch the back of his head. Kyungsoo giggled, and shook his head.

“I don’t mind.”

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow! I have to get back to the dance studio! See ya!”

“Bye, Jongin,” Kyungsoo shouted as he watched Jongin running down the hallway. He was so absorbed in looking at the boy, Kyungsoo hadn’t noticed Baekhyun walking next to him with a smirk.

“, Kyungsoo,” he blurted. Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun, and shook his head. The two continued walking out of the building. “I think Kim Jongin has a crush on you, no lie.”

Kyungsoo snorted as he listened to Baekhyun. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He stared at Kyungsoo and smirked when he noticed his friend was blushing bright red.

“Stop joking, Baekhyun. Jongin would never like someone like me. I’m a short, fat boy with 0% good looks.”

“But I’m sure in Jongin’s eyes, you’re a cute, short boy with 100% appeal,” Baekhyun retorted, which made Kyungsoo gasp and slap him on the arm.

“Stop~~~ You’re making this conversation super weird!”

“You know you like it!”

Baekhyun hugged his cute friend, as the two continued walking.


As he went to bed, Kyungsoo opted to bring his phone with him or not. Usually, he would leave his phone on his desk since he wasn’t the type to use it as a way to fall asleep or to merely use it. 

He might text me…

It was only 10:00PM, but Kyungsoo felt like Jongin was already asleep or he probably had forgotten to text him. It wasn’t like Kyungsoo was waiting for his text! 

I mean, he did tell me he was going to text me…

In the end, Kyungsoo chose to bring his phone with him and placed it next to his pillow. He made himself comfortable in his bed and looked up at his ceiling. He had yet to turn his lamp off so he could still see his Tokyo Ghoul poster. 

Oh! I wonder if a new chapter was released.

Kyungsoo took his phone before entering the passcode. He went to go on Safari when his phone vibrated, and at the top of the screen, Jongin’s name along with a simple Hi, Kyungsoo! ^.^ popped up before quickly disappearing.

Kyungsoo bit his lip, his eyes widening as he slowly left Safari and went to his Messages app. He saw Jongin’s name and clicked on it.

Hi, Kyungsoo! ^.^ Sorry if I’m texting you so late! Homework took forever and then I had to eat dinner. How’s your night? ;)

  • It’s fine.

Kyungsoo’s fingers froze as he realized he didn’t know what else to say. He cursed himself before finally coming up with something to type back.

  • It’s fine. I also just finished homework and now I’m lying on my bed. My nights been good :D What about you?

And he sent it! Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief as he placed his phone down. Only to flinch when his phone vibrated a few seconds later. It wasn’t even a minute and Jongin had already replied!

Same same! Although I don’t feel as tired as usual O_o Maybe since I’m talking with you! Haha! So what do you like to do, Kyungsoo? Oh! Do you by any chance like dancing?! XD

Kyungsoo blushed when he read the first part of Jongin’s text and wasn’t sure how to feel about it. He wouldn’t think about it too much, though. Once again, he had to reread the text about ten times before he had an actual answer to reply with. 

  • Yeah, this is my first time texting with someone at this time. It’s quite fun :D Um I like to write, read, watch anime, read manga. All of that probably sounds boring to you haha! I like watching people dance. Is that an okay answer? 

He was getting better at replying, in his own opinion. A minute had actually passed (Kyungsoo kept count) before his phone vibrated and Kyungsoo widened his eyes when he saw the rather long message from Jongin. For a minute, Jongin typed really quick!

Oh really? You don’t text Baekhyun a lot? That’s your friend’s name right? I always remember him since he’s the one who asks Ms. Kim a bunch of questions in marine bio. It’s funny what he asks sometimes! XD I don’t think any of that is boring, to be quite honest ^^ It’s…adorable! Do you have a favorite manga? Anime? I’m curious! XD OMG! Well, you’re answer basically means you do like it! So yeah it’s a good answer! Hey, since you like watching people dance, you should come to the dance studio some time ;) I can even teach you how to dance if you want…

Okay, now Kyungsoo was screwed because Jongin was internally making him scream at his nice replies. He wasn’t sure if he should reply with an even longer reply, but would Jongin really want to read paragraphs? He’d probably die of boredom! 

And so Kyungsoo began typing. His hands were somewhat shaking.

  • Well I do text him but he’s usually asleep around this time. He says he doesn’t want to ruin his skin if he doesn’t get proper sleep. I don’t understand his world, but that’s how it is. ^^ Yeah, he really hates Ms. Kim and it looks like she does too haha! Have you heard of the manga Tokyo Ghoul? I really love that manga a lot, but the anime was okay. I didn’t even finish the anime! The manga is better and super good! I’d recommend it :D As for anime, I’m not quite sure. I’ve seen a lot though haha! That would be nice! I don’t mind…

As soon as he sent that message, Kyungsoo bit his lip. What would Jongin reply with? Was his reply even good? Okay? Bzzzz!

Haha! You have a cool friend, Kyungsoo XD I actually have never heard of Tokyo Ghoul before! To be honest, I’m not much of an anime or manga person, but I’ll definitely check Tokyo Ghoul out! I want to see what makes Kyungsoo happy and squeal haha! XD Are you busy tomorrow? After school? 

  • No, I think I’ll be free tomorrow. Why?

When school finishes, I’ll take you to the dance studio. Is that fine with you? ^^

  • Yeah, that’s good! ^^

Kyungsoo stared at his reply before rereading Jongin’s reply. He bit his lip, yet again, and took a few minutes to see if that reply was okay. 

  • Yeah, that’s fine! ^^ 

Great! I’m excited! XD Well, I’ll let you go, Kyungsoo since it’s already 11. We’ve gots to sleep! See you tomorrow! ^^

  • Goodnight Jongin :D



As soon as the bell rang for the end of school, Kyungsoo quickly ran over to Baekhyun and explained to him that he wouldn’t be walking home with him today. At first, Baekhyun was confused, but soon caught on when he saw Kim Jongin calling Kyungsoo as he waited outside of the classroom. 

“Going on a little date, huh?”

Kyungsoo groaned as he slapped a hand onto his face.

The two parted ways as they said their goodbyes, and soon after, Jongin and Kyungsoo were walking to the dance room. 

As they walked, Kyungsoo continuously kept fixing his sweater since it kept sticking to his body. This happened all the time and it seriously frustrated him. The worst part of having excessive fat on his body was when he would sit and the tires would pile up, which would then result in the sweater sticking to them. How much Kyungsoo wished he didn’t have the body he currently had and suffered with.

When they arrived at the dance room, Jongin swiftly opened the door and allowed Kyungsoo to walk in first. The chubby boy gladly stepped into the room and widened his eyes when he saw a group of five or seven students dancing to a pop song. 

Their moves seemed difficult, but they made it look really easy and fun to do. From the looks of it, they probably were on their 5th or 6th song for they were drenched in sweat. Kyungsoo was in awe at the sight of each one of them.

“I want to introduce you to my friend,” Jongin said as he pulled Kyungsoo to the far corner on the other side of the room where a tall, lean boy with colored hair was sitting. Kyungsoo squinted his eyes as he analyzed the boy, and felt like he had seen him before.

“Sehun! Meet Kyungsoo,” Jongin said. Sehun stood up and waved a hand towards the chubby boy who was still trying to figure out where he had seen him before. 

“So is he the one you li-“

Before Sehun could finish his sentence, Jongin immediately placed his hand on the colored boy’s mouth. Sehun furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at his friend who was shaking his head. Sehun tilted his head and Jongin rolled his eyes. He glanced at Kyungsoo who awkwardly smiled (he was still thinking on where he’d seen Sehun) before looking back at Sehun with a glare. It was then and there that Sehun finally understood what Jongin was trying to tell him.

“What grade are you in, Kyungsoo?” Sehun asked as soon as Jongin took his hand off. 

“Oh, um, I’m a senior,” he replied. 

Jongin widened his eyes at his answer while Sehun nodded his head. 

“I guess I have to address you as hyung, then.”

“Oh, I mean, I don’t mind if you just call me Kyungsoo!”

“Mmkay, Kyungsoo…hyung,” Sehun said with a smirk and the short boy brought his head down. He honestly didn’t think he would blush at the sound of an attractive, tall boy calling him hyung. He didn’t think he was even worthy of being called hyung by a good-looking boy, to be exact. 

“Alright, well, I’ll lock up tonight so you can leave earlier,” Jongin said and Sehun nodded in agreement. He then bid farewell to Kyungsoo as he was about to practice once the current group would be done with their song. 

In the mean time, Jongin urged Kyungsoo to sit next to him on the floor. The short boy didn’t mind sitting, although the layers of fat was insulting him as he stared at himself in the mirror across from him. 

“So I was thinking I could teach you something simple,” Jongin told Kyungsoo as the boy continued to stare at his reflection. His face was scrunched up as he pulled on his sweater. Jongin smiled at Kyungsoo, and couldn’t help but think he was being super adorable at the moment. 

In general, Kyungsoo was the definition of adorable and cute to Jongin. Nothing could compare to Kyungsoo; not even the cutest girl in the school and everyone thought she was super cute. To Jongin, though, she was average. Kyungsoo had everything that Jongin liked in a person. He was nice, cute, short, shy, and most of all, he was squishy. Kyungsoo was simply perfect to Jongin and he was glad that the boy existed. He was even happier that he was friends with the boy after finally having the guts to get his number.

I’d like to be more than just friends, though…

Ever since the beginning of his sophomore year, Jongin had always had a crush on Kyungsoo. It first started when the two boys were told to partner up by their Math teacher to work on a worksheet. At the time, Jongin was a bit hesitant to work with the chubby boy since he had heard a few things about the boy, for example, how he was very serious and wouldn’t talk to anyone he disliked. There was also the talk about the boy wearing the same sweater every day and never taking it off. He had also heard how the boy ate two lunches, but Jongin didn’t really care about that since he, too, ate a lot during lunch. All in all, Do Kyungsoo wasn’t someone who Jongin would approach, but for the sake of the worksheet, Jongin had to talk with the chubby boy. 

It didn’t really occur to Jongin that what all those people were saying about Kyungsoo weren’t true. For one, Kyungsoo was a sweet and kind boy who had this contagious smile that almost looked like a heart in Jongin’s opinion. He was wearing a grey sweater, but a few minutes into working on the worksheet, Kyungsoo decided to take it off, although Jongin had noticed the boy looked a bit uncomfortable. Jongin noticed that the boy would constantly pick at his shirt from the sides, and Jongin wanted to tell him that he looked perfectly fine. When they finished the worksheet, Kyungsoo kindly offered to give it to the teacher, but Jongin decided to take it. The look of surprise on Kyungsoo’s face made Jongin’s stomach twist and turn.

After that time, the two boys never spoke again. 

And Kim Jongin was hating it so damn much. He wanted to talk to the boy again. He wanted to get to know the boy more. Sadly, though, they never accidentally partnered up or spoke again in the class. Jongin was only able to gaze at the boy when he took notes or when he would talk with another classmate about who-knows-what. In Jongin’s mind, Kyungsoo was the only thing revolving around his head.

It didn’t really occur to Jongin that he had deeply fallen for the short boy until there was a time when he saw that Kyungsoo was falling asleep as the teacher was lecturing. And Jongin, for the sake of the cute boy, did not want to have Kyungsoo get in trouble so he quickly grabbed his eraser and threw it at the boy. In an instant, Kyungsoo shot up and in the process, his glasses fell on his desk. Jongin couldn’t help but smile at the cute boy. 

Kim Jongin was seriously in love with Do Kyungsoo.

Then, when junior year came along, and Jongin found out that Kyungsoo was in his Marine Biology class, Jongin couldn’t help but squeal internally. He honestly didn't think he would have a class with Kyungsoo again. It was even better when Jongin and Kyungsoo were placed in the same table as in Kyungsoo was sitting next to Jongin, and the dancer couldn’t believe that a moment like this was actually happening. The Heavens were granting him all these opportunities to get close to Kyungsoo, and Jongin was not going to miss any of the chances.

And, now, here he was, sitting next to the cutest boy ever, on the floor.

Jongin’s head was leaning on a hand as he continued gazing at the cute boy. Said boy was still fixing his sweater, and shifted in his seat. Someone could say, at that moment, that Jongin’s eyes were filled with little pink hearts.


When Jongin and Kyungsoo were the last people in the dance room, Jongin brought Kyungsoo to the middle of the dance room before going to the stereo and played a song. The song erupted around the room and Kyungsoo recognized it as The Weeknd’s “I Can’t Feel My Face When I’m With You”. 

“Do you know this song?”

Kyungsoo nodded and Jongin smiled at him. He went over to Kyungsoo, after setting his phone down, and began to randomly dance in front of him. Kyungsoo widened his eyes as he saw how smooth and flexible Jongin was from the way he was coming out with all these amazing dance moves. As the song continued playing, Jongin was able to perfectly match his moves with the lyrics and Kyungsoo was beyond amazed at this point. At one point, Jongin got super close to Kyungsoo to the point where he could feel their noses touching. That lasted only a second, though, and Jongin was soon dancing away from Kyungsoo. 

The song ended, and another song started playing. 

“So do you want to try dancing to the one I just did or maybe another one?”

Upon listening to the first few seconds of the new song, Kyungsoo was intrigued by it and wanted to know the name of it. He walked over to Jongin where he was going over his playlist. He leaned a bit closer since the music was rather loud.

“Jongin, what’s the name of this song?”

Jongin looked over at Kyungsoo.

 I have dreams about the days, driving through your sunset breeze.

“It’s called Moondust.”

“I like this song,” Kyungsoo said as he looked away from Jongin. Jongin agreed, his cheeks turning red, as he resumed skimming through his songs. By accident, his thumb clicked on one of his edited songs (where he cut the beginning of it), and Jongin never felt like jumping off a building until now. Kyungsoo was minding his business, looking at the floor until his ears perked up at the new song playing.

Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get ed up

Hit the strip club don't forget once get your rubbed

Get ed, get , get wasted, faceted 

Instantly, Jongin pressed the pause button and started blushing. His face was insanely red; it literally looked like a tomato.

Kyungsoo’s face was red, too, as he listened to the lyrics and wasn’t sure how to react to it. What an interesting song Jongin has…

“Um, so do you want to try and dance to the first song?” Jongin was trying to make the atmosphere less awkward by laughing at the end of his question. He was going to remind himself to delete that song once he got home.

Kyungsoo glanced up at Jongin, shrugging his shoulders.



It wasn’t until 9:30PM when Kyungsoo received a text message from Jongin. 

Kyungsoo was still working on his homework, but decided to check the message either way. If a conversation started, Kyungsoo would end it sooner or later.

Meet me in front of the school tomorrow morning! ;)

After he replied with a simple okay, Kyungsoo reread the text again…and again…and again…and again until he remembered he had to finish his homework. 

Why does Jongin want to meet with me?


The next morning, Kyungsoo waited along the entrance gate for Jongin. He was really nervous as it showed on his face. He kept biting at his bottom lip while constantly turning his head to the direction where Jongin usually walked from. His grip on the backpack strap tightened as he thought of what Jongin would tell him.

Sorry, Kyungsoo, but I don’t want to be friends with you. 

You’re an embarrassment to me.

You’re really boring so let’s stop hanging out.

Just the thought of it had Kyungsoo sulking his shoulders, his eyes averting downwards.

It’s not like anyone would want to be friends with him, either way. No one wanted to hang with the chubby boy who ate two lunches everyday. Seriously speaking, Kyungsoo’s only friend was Baekhyun. Jongin, too, but that could change depending on what the boy would tell him this morning.


Kyungsoo glanced up and saw Jongin running towards him…with a huge grin on his face. He stopped right in front of the short boy before taking out a rectangular-shaped, red box from behind. 

“Happy Val-“

Jongin oppa~! Happy Valentines day!” A short girl shouted as she ran to the two dumbstruck boys. She brought her hands to her knees as she tried to get in a load of air. Kyungsoo glanced at her hands and saw a heart-shaped red box on one hand while a red rose on the other. 

He assumed a love confession. 

“I’ve been waiting for this day to tell you that I have always liked you and I’m hoping we can try going out!” 

She said it quite fast so Kyungsoo had to process what she was telling Jongin.

“I’ll see you later, Jongin,” he suddenly blurted out before walking away from Jongin and the dying girl. 

He wasn’t sure why he was acting so odd, but it didn’t matter. In fact, Kyungsoo merely didn’t want to disturb the love confession for the girl. It wouldn’t be romantic if a third person was there as you confessed your feelings to the person you liked, right? 

It was a good thing Kyungsoo went ahead and entered the building because the bell rang, and the chubby boy did not want to be late. He walked to his Economics class, not really paying attention to the people consistently bumping into him. It didn’t matter, though, because different people always bumped into him so Kyungsoo didn’t care. 

“Yah, Do Kyungsoo!”

It was Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo kept on walking, though. He only had two minutes left before the bell would ring, too. 


Right when Kyungsoo entered the class, the bell rang. As he went to go sit, he glanced up to see Baekhyun glaring at him. He continued glaring at him until he sat in his own seat, which was two desks in front of Kyungsoo. The chubby boy simply shrugged his shoulders, not minding if his best friend would hate him from then on.

The whole class time, Kyungsoo was having trouble listening to the teacher’s lecture. He was taking notes, but they weren’t a lot since his mind kept drifting away from the economics to a certain dancing boy. Kyungsoo was internally screaming at himself for walking away from Jongin when the boy didn’t even do anything wrong. He simply was getting asked out by a crush so it wasn’t Jongin’s fault. 

His mind was running wild at that point so Kyungsoo dropped his pencil and slammed his head on the desk. He closed his eyes, curling his lips inward. He simply wanted to punch himself in the face right now.

When the bell rang, Kyungsoo idly began to pack his school stuff in his backpack. He was feeling so down and it was all because of Kim Jongin; and it wasn’t even said boy’s fault entirely, but still.

“Yah, Do Kyungsoo! Why are you ignoring me?!”

Kyungsoo looked in back of him to see Baekhyun glaring at him with one arm on his hip. Kyungsoo mumbled something as he averted his eyes to his shoes. Baekhyun looked at his best friend with furrowed eyebrows.

“What’s wrong? You look…dead,” he said. 

“I hate myself,” Kyungsoo replied, which made Baekhyun widen his eyes.

“Woah, woah, woah! Kyungsoo, you’re not feeling depressed are you? Oh my God, please don’t tell me you’re having suicidal thoughts!”

Kyungsoo shook his head.

“No, it’s nothing like that.”

Baekhyun sighed in relief, but he continued to look at Kyungsoo with worried eyes.

“Then…what’s the real problem?”


Kyungsoo said really quickly before covering his face with both his hands.

Baekhyun smirked.

“Was Jongin, by any chance, going to give you something for Valentines Day?”

Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders, but he knew Baekhyun was correct. Baekhyun clicked his tongue.

“Do you hate the fact that that girl interrupted Jongin’s possible love confession towards you?”

Kyungsoo willfully looked up at Baekhyun and shook his head. In reply, Baekhyun flicked his forehead with his finger, causing Kyungsoo to shout. 

“Don’t lie to yourself,” Baekhyun said with mischief. Kyungsoo pouted.

“I guess you’re right…”

“Guess? Yah, I’m definitely right!”


When Kyungsoo got home, his mother asked if he was hungry, but he quickly said “no” and left to his room. He felt bad for sounding rude to his mother, but he was just so…


He wasn’t entirely sure if he had feelings for Jongin because, well, he only thought of the boy as a friend. Yet, it still bothered him that he acted the way he did when the girl came and confessed to Jongin. Kyungsoo wasn’t even sure as to why he was so worked up about the incident that happened almost eleven hours ago!

Ugh! What the hell is wrong with you, Do Kyungsoo?!

As Kyungsoo was about to head out to the bathroom, his phone buzzed. He stopped in his tracks, biting his lip in the process because he just knew what that buzzing was. But, either way, he still went to his desk where the phone was placed. 

Kyungsoo pressed the middle button and there was a message from Jongin.

I’m sorry for what happened this morning. I swear I didn’t know that girl was going to be there. OTL Are you mad? 

Kyungsoo brought his phone down as Jongin’s message kept replaying in his head. Was he mad? He was annoyed, but it wasn’t because of Jongin. 

  • I’m not mad! ^^ I was just surprised so don’t worry.

You didn’t talk to me at all during marine bio. Seemed like you were ignoring me…

  • It’s class, though. We must pay attention! ^^

Kyungsoo stared at the conversation for a few seconds before setting it down when Jongin never replied. 

Kyungsoo went to the bathroom. When he came back, he instantly checked his phone for any messages. 

Can we meet?

Kyungsoo bit his lip. He looked at the time on his phone. 6:32PM. 

  • Where do you want to meet? 

At that one park near the school.

  • Mmkay

I’ll see you there, then

Why do we sound like we’re a couple having problems?

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, putting on a sweater and placing his phone in the pocket. He walked pass his mother who was laughing her off at the show she was watching. She was so immersed in the show that she didn’t bother to question Kyungsoo as to where he was going.

When Kyungsoo arrived at the park, he saw Jongin leaning against one of the trees a few feet away. He noticed that Jongin was holding the same rectangular box. 

“Hey, Jongin,” Kyungsoo said, and Jongin jumped a little when he saw him pop up from behind. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but giggle at the surprised boy.


Wow, it felt so awkward for the both of them. Kyungsoo averted his eyes to the box, and Jongin noticed before shoving it to the chubby boy’s chest. Kyungsoo widened his eyes at the sudden action, but nevertheless took the box from Jongin’s hand. 

“Open it,” Jongin said.

And Kyungsoo did, slowly. He untied the golden ribbon before taking the lid off. 


Kyungsoo wasn’t sure what he was feeling at that moment. All he knew was that his heart wouldn’t stop palpitating and his cheeks were burning up as each second passed by.

“Haha! Where’s the chocolate, Jongin?” He joked because he honestly wasn’t sure what else to say. He was getting super nervous and, he knew, at this point, what it meant.

“Right here,” Jongin said before he leaned forward and placed his lips onto Kyungsoo’s plump ones. Kyungsoo widened his eyes. 

Jongin had his eyes closed, and he leaned a bit further. Kyungsoo still had his eyes opened in surprise so when Jongin broke the kiss, he laughed at the chubby boy’s expression.

“T-t-t-t-that was m-m-my f-f-first k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-“

He couldn’t even say the word because of how nervous he was! At that moment, Kyungsoo’s cheeks were completely red. He brought his head down since he did not want Jongin to see him looking very stupid.

“You’re so cute,” Jongin blurted and Kyungsoo shook his head at the statement. 

“I d-don’t think this is right J-J-Jongin…”

“What do you mean?” 

Kyungsoo gasped when Jongin suddenly got closer and lifted Kyungsoo’s head with his forehead. They were now touching foreheads and Kyungsoo wanted to stab himself in the chest. It was beating way too fast! Jongin continued gazing at him, but Kyungsoo kept averting his eyes to the ground.

“You don’t like me,” he mumbled. “I’m…fat and…not attractive at all.”

“Gosh, Kyungsoo, you don't know how much I’ve waited for this moment,” Jongin admitted, and that made Kyungsoo look up. He regretted it right after, though, because Jongin took the chance to peck him on the lips. 

Kyungsoo wasn’t sure why he hadn’t stepped away from Jongin, despite the fact that they were simply touching foreheads plus Jongin had kissed him again. He was slowly giving in, though, because he absolutely knew why he wasn’t moving away.

“I’ve liked you since we were in the same math class,” he said.

“R-really? Um…”

All of a sudden, Jongin wrapped his arms around the chubby boy’s shoulders, the red box being forgotten as it got semi-crushed. Kyungsoo buried his face into Jongin’s shoulder, feeling totally embarrassed. Was this really happening to him right now?!

“You’re nice, cute, and you have this amazing personality. You’re weight doesn’t define you. You are perfect the way you are. I’m so happy that I was able to get to know you more and more. Seriously, Kyungsoo, I really like you a lot and I can’t bear the thought of not being with you or talking with you everyday.”

Kyungsoo was dead at this point. 

Kim Jongin, a handsome and perfect guy, liked Kyungsoo to the point where he couldn’t even live without talking to him? Kim Jongin? KIM JONGIN?


“I…l-l-like you too, Jongin…”

Oh my God, I said it! 

Jongin let go of Kyungsoo, but his hands were still on the boy’s shoulders. He smiled.

“Then…will you accept the title of being my boyfriend?”

Kyungsoo shyly nodded his head, not believing that he was actually in this moment. He, Do Kyungsoo, had a boyfriend. 

Jongin shouted in happiness, causing a few people to look at their direction. Kyungsoo only laughed, his cheeks becoming a deeper red if that was even possible.

“C’mon,” Jongin said once he was calmed down. He took Kyungsoo’s hand into his and the two began walking. “Let’s take you home!”

Kyungsoo only nodded in agreement.

“By the way, how should I introduce myself to your parents? ‘Hi, I’m Kim Jongin and I’m your son’s boyfriend’?”

Kyungsoo widened his eyes, and shook his head.

“We barely started this relationship a few seconds ago and you already want to introduce yourself to my parents?”

“Of course! You are my boyfriend, right?”

Hearing the word boyfriend sent shivers down Kyungsoo’s spine and he couldn’t help but smile at the thought that Kim Jongin was exactly that. 

“Yeah, I am…”

“Then, that settles everything!”

The two happy boys laughed it off as they continued walking towards Kyungsoo’s home.


Tbh, the ending was whatever for me but I hope all of you liked it! Thank you for reading! ^.^

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Cweetbreeze641 #1
Chapter 1: ???? it's so cuteee
Chapter 1: Can I have a bf like kai pllzzz it soo good second time reading it can't stop loving it♥♥
sehunzitao #3
Chapter 1: Aww this was so cute ♡♡
evil-onho #4
Chapter 1: OMG! This was so sweet. And Jongin and Kyungsoo were both just too cute.
Chapter 1: they're so adorable... love it so much