Everyone But Me

Produce101 Academy

Nayoung POV

"That's all for today. See you guys tomorrow." I dismiss the fencing team from training session. Everyone give me a 90 degrees bow and make their way out.

I am the captain of academy's fencing team which I totally deserve because of my hard work and endless effort. And I also IOI leader which surprised me that I get into it. The most important thing that everyone probably want to know is that I am single. Well, I am technically single but my heart is taken by someone I can't call my own. Entering the restroom I proceed to change my fencing outfit to my casual cloth, a pair of jeans and oversized shirt. Comfy and sweet.

I walk out of the gym and head straight to IOI dorm which means that I have to pass by ballet studio. The sight of the most beautiful person dancing to ballet music is enough to make my feet stop moving. Enjoying the view I stand with my back on the wall, watching every move she makes.

Joo Kyulkyung. Or Pinky. She was born with a gift of beauty and a sense that the world is full of fun. She love pranks and flirting with people is a part of her charm. She also the best ballerina in Produce101 Academy, one of visual in IOI (aren't we all) and she plays pipa. Her list of abilities are endless. The most important thing is that I'm secretly in love with her.

"Stone Nayoung!" I am startled by the call. The girl who occupied my mind for a few minutes before is standing in front of me. Her smile, its as bright as sun.

"Hello! Earth to Nayoung! Yah, do you achieve nirvana now?" she poke my left cheek.

"Huh? Ouh, Pinky, yeah what?" A part of myself that want to react to her tease but I strengthen my composure showing a stoic face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked again.

"Huh, I was on my way to the dorm but I saw you. I thought you maybe want to walk back together."

"Ouh, why didn't you just come in? Babo. Come on, I'll get change first."

"Okay." I follow her into the studio and greet a few ballerina there. In my opinion they cannot beat Kyulkyung on visual and definitely beaten in ballet. They walk out of the studio leaving alone with the Chinese girl. While waiting for her to get change, I browse the pictures on the wall. A photo of her in swan like dress captured my eyes. Its beautiful and I feel something that I can't possibly describe in words.

"I was beautiful right?" This girl definitely had a habit of surprising people. A person with heart condition should stay far away from her.

"Yeah. But not was. Is." I stare right into her eyes. She give me a smile and link her arm with mine. I think my heart skip a beat at that.

"Let's go!" She practically drag me out of the studio. As we walked pass the main building we meet Eunwoo of Girl Crush. Kyulkyung let go of my arm and give the girl a hug. The pain of seeing them was like a dagger struck into my heart.

"Hey, baby. I miss you!" she said in excitement.

"Miss you too baby." Eunwoo gave Kyulkyung a peck on her cheek. Oh my god that was an awful view. I had to fight the urge to pull her away from that flirty girl. Oh, wait! She’s flirty too. Aishh, why do I fall in love with a girl who flirt with everyone but but me? She call everyone else baby, love, darling, honey and a few other sweet name. But me? She call me Stone Nayoung, right in front of my face. She's lucky I like her. No other person can get away calling me that.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Kyulkyung asked. Wait, what? She has a girlfriend? A grin erupt on my face.

"I don't know. Probably creating a scene with her roommates." Eunwoo wink. Aishh, this girl really touch my nerve.

"Yah, Kyulkyung, I'll leave you alone."

"Aishh. Wait for me Stone Buddha. Bye Eunwoo baby. Give my love to your honey boo boo okay."

"You know she's a Girl Crush right?" I asked hiding my real reason of frustration behind an awful excuse.

"Yeah, and she's also one of a few people in this academy who is open about her preference." She answered. She link her arm back with mine.

"Do you like her? Like, like like?" I look at her face waiting for answer. Silently hoping it will be no. She look into my eyes and smile.

"No. She's a friend. My flirty friend."

"Okay." My heart feel relieve at the clarification. Just then Chaeyeon has to appear spoiling the moment. Why is it there too many interruption today?

"Chaeyeon!! My love." She run and leap onto the beautiful model. Chaeyeon reaction was hilarious. She jump away making Kyulkyung miss her target and fell down. I sympathize with her but it was too funny that I can't stop laughing. 

"Don't hug me, babo!" Chaeyeon shout.

"Aishh. YOU! Nayoung don't laugh!" Kyulkyung get up and start chasing Chaeyeon but she came behind me giving me a backhug and making me as her shield.

"Yah, that's unfair!" Kyulkyung scream and try to grab Chaeyeon. I was stuck in the middle of their bickering.

"Guys, STOP!" They immediately stop moving. Both of them standing in front of me and suddenly bow 90 degrees. Kyulkyung making a cute dog face asking for sympathy. Aishh, I just can’t get angry with her. This is cheating!

“Sorry.” Both of them apologized at the same time.

“Come on. Let’s get back.” I can only say that. This time Kyulkyung link her arm with Chaeyeon which irritate me a little bit. Chaeyeon tried to free herself from the Chinese girl but to no avail. Her left hand than drag my hand and we walked with Chaeyeon in the middle.

Passing the academy’s main gate a song from ice cream truck plays on air. Kyulkyung immediately stop her movement and all fall on top of each other. Well, they fall on top of me. That’s hurt!

“Yah, babo! What are you doing?” Chaeyeon push Kyulkyung away from her. She helps me get up and I wipe away the dirt on my cloth.

“Are you okay?” I asked Kyulkyung, worried about her wellbeing. She’s a dancer, she can’t afford to get hurt. Plus, her tournament date is really close.

“I’m fine. Sorry. I just want to eat that.” She point out to the ice cream truck.

“Chaeyeonie, buy one for me please!!!” She makes a cute puppy face. Aishh, why would she ask Chaeyeon? Why didn’t she ask me?

“Why should I? Buy it for yourself.” Chaeyeon rejected her.

“Please, please, please!” Kyulkyung starts jumping while making aegyo. Yah, this is too much. Her aegyo just melt my heart. Keep your cool Nayoung!

“I buy you one.” I walk to the truck and as I get close to it I notice that they are not moving. They stand still like a statue.

“What are you waiting for? Do you change your mind?” As I said that they both running to me and laugh.

“Buy one for me too Nayoung.” Chaeyeon asked with another puppy face. Aishh this girl! Both of them are killing me.

“Yah, you go away. She said she buy it for me. Not you.” Kyulkyung push Chaeyeon away from me. Chaeyeon give her a kick for that. Aisshh, being with them will took all my life away. They drain my energy.

“I buy it for both of you okay. What do you want?” I give the ice cream lady a smile.

“I want the pink one.” Kyulkyung pointed to the pink butterfly ice cream.

“Pinky!” Chaeyeon push Kyulkyung to the side. “I want strawberry ice cream.”

“Don’t call me that. I don’t like it.” Her serious tone while saying that shock me a bit. I always call her by that name. I didn’t know that she didn’t like it. Oh my god! What do I do? I give the money to ice cream lady. Chaeyeon left me alone with Kyulkyung after she saw Sejeong. This is awkward. What should I say? And why is she quiet?

"Why are you being quiet?" Kyulkyung asked me. Huh? Am I hearing right? Or I just imagining things? 

"Huh? Hello, its me. The Stone Nayoung. I am quiet. What about you? Why are you being quiet?"

"Nothing. I'm just enjoying the moment." The moment? What moment? The quietness? I don't get it.

"Emm. I'm sorry." my mouth shot off. Damn. Stupid mouth.

"What are you sorry for?" Her face clearly shows that she is confused by my sudden apologies. 

"I didn't know that you don't like people calling you Pinky. I won't call you that again."

Kyulkyung abruptly stop and stand in front of me. She has to look up since she is shorter than me. Here comes the urge to kiss her pink lips. Fight it Nayoung. Be a stone. You can do it. She comes one step closer and I step back one step. She do it again and I repeat my action. Suddenly, she hold my hands and I can't move. Her face just a few inches away from mine.

"I don't like it when other people call me that. You can still call me by that name." She stare right into my eyes. I am too focus on her beautiful eyes that I almost didn't hear what she said. 

"Oh? Why?"

"Because they aren't you."

"Eh?" I'm confused.

"Everyone can't call me Pinky but you."

"Everyone but me?" My eyes open wider at that. 

"Yes, everyone but you."




P/s: Please pardon me for the grammatical errors. Updating from a phone definitely a challenging job. Anyway for people who follow the Sabotage story, I'm leaving it at that for the time being. There's just too much possibility of the continuation that I stop. I'm confused at the moment. But if there is a request for me to continue it I think I will do it.


Here the Napink story. What do you guys think about it? Shout out in the comment. See you in the next story. :3

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Chapter 2: pleas continue this author-nim ㅠ.ㅠ
Devildarlings999 #2
Chapter 3: more NAPINK please. ☺☺☺
SomixPark Soyeon authornim please! SOSO Couple TT_TT
SomixChungha or SomixChaeyeon please!
nicz04 #5
Chapter 4: I love SoDa!
cskyn_ #6
Chapter 3: Please continue 'Sabotage' author and make a SeSom story :))) thank you
Omg chungha and shin-
Rrocks #8
Chapter 3: Please continue the sabotage story as well!!
Blue_Hat #9
Chapter 3: Ahh, my chaekyul (╥╯θ╰╥)
Chapter 3: *internal squealing* napink so cute<3