Let Me Walk You Home

You're My Ideal Type

Jungkook sat back up after wiping the laughter tears from his eyes. He had been teasing you about staring at the members then finding a tab for fanfiction left open on your phone. You, obviously, vehemently explained that it was misunderstanding and someone sent you the link and didn’t close it but your asshat bestfriend wasn’t having it and teased you endlessly, ending up with him laughing his dumb off.

“You know what, Jeon Jungkook! I’ll beat the out of you!” you yelled, holding up your fist in threat. He mocked protected himself, still laughing, causing you to huff and cross your arms. He settled down and picked up his water bottle.

“Okay, but really, do you even find any of the members attractive?” he asked, honestly. You glared at him with suspicious eyes. He threw up his hands in defense. “I’m being serious! It’s honestly just a question!”

You sighed and uncrossed your arms, letting them fall behind you and support your upper body. Blowing your bangs you thought.

“I mean, yeah, I guess,” you admitted.

“Seriously?” His eyebrows shot up, obviously surprised. “Who? Wait, okay, so if you had to pick one member from the whole group who would it be? And you can’t pick me because that’s a cop out!”

You groaned, “Yah! Jungkook that’s not fair!” He stuck his tongue out in response so you just fake snarled and thought at his next question.

“I mean, Namjoon I guess,” you said thoughtfully.

“What? Namjoon? Why him?” he immediately questioned, obviously shocked again.

“What you, jealous?” you taunted. He cringed at you and you laughed. “I don’t know, I guess he’s kind of my ideal type. To be honest, he’s the only person I’ve met that I’d probably feel good about co-parenting with. Like, most of the time I meet guys and I feel like we would end up conflicting with how to raise our kids if we got married, but Namjoon doesn’t give me that feeling at all, I feel like we’d agree and I’d feel super comfortable allowing him to raise the kids. Plus I mean, he’s got everything else. He’s cute, he’s super talented, passionate, he’s smart as hell, hella funny, too, and like ultra sweet.”

When you fell silent and Jungkook didn’t reply you looked over to find the little with smuggest look on his face. His smirk splayed over his face, eyebrows wiggling.

“Ooooh~ I think I have wedding to plan!” he said greasily. You hit him,


“Mrs. Namjoon~!” he cooed.

“Bite me you brat! Yah, I’ll fight you!” You shoved him and he just laughed hysterically. You hit him while he laid on his side, sent into another laughing fit. You wrestled with him while he laughed and taunted you.

“Mrs. Monster~ Aigoo~ So cute!” he taunted.

“I’ll end you!” He just laughed more. You gave him a final hit and sat up. He followed, still laughing. He reached over a pinched your cheek.

“Aigoo, you’d make such a pretty bride for Hyung~,” you smacked his hand away, your face ablaze.

“I’ll bite off that hand you little ,” you growled. He just laughed harder. You stood up, grumbling at him.

“I’m going home! I have homework to finish up!” you grumbled at him. He just grinned and waved you off as you picked up your stuff off the floor of the practice room.

“Be careful walking home Mrs. Kim!” he yelled after you. You stuck out your tongue as you opened the door and left.

Shutting the door behind you, you walked forward only to run straight into a person. You looked up, about to profusely apologize when you realized just who the person was. You had run face first, literally, in the very man you were talking about. You felt your face turn a vivid shade of red hot in the dark hallway. Some light filtered out through the small window of the practice room door, illuminating both of your faces just enough to see.

His eyes looked down at yours, his blonde hair lying ruffled over his forehead. You felt your body freeze up.

“U-um, ah, Namjoon-oppa! A-aha, when did you get here?” you stuttered out awkwardly.

He blinked, seeming calm.

“Just now, actually, are you heading home?” he asked,  his voice low and smooth. You gulped. You might have left out the fact that you do actually have a tiny crush on Namjoon when you were talking to Jungkook. It wasn’t a big deal or anything! Just something small, nothing you ever planned on admitting to, even if he did fill your stomach with butterflies when you saw him.

“Y-yeah! I am! I was just hanging out with Jungkook. I have some homework to finish up before the weekend’s over, haha...” you explained awkwardly. He smiled warmly.

“How about I walk you home then? It’s late, and the roads isn’t the safest in Seoul if we’re gonna be honest,” he laughed.

“Sure!” you chirped, probably too quickly. You smiled sheepishly and he just laughed.

“Shall we go?”

“Yeah, of course!” You slung your bag over your shoulder and started following behind him.


The two of you walked together towards your apartment, the sidewalk illuminated by the numerous street lights and still lit shop signs. You passed very few people, most seeming drunk or just plain tired as they walked towards home.

You glanced at your phone. 12:38am. Ouch, you hadn’t realized you stayed that late.    

“I’m really sorry for making you walk me home this late, Oppa. If I had realized I would have just gone by myself,” you apologized. He looked down at you, startled.

“What? No way, that’s even more reason for me to be walking you home. There have been some reports of bad stuff happening around here. I’d much rather you were with someone- besides, I needed a break and I definitely wasn’t going to be going to bed anytime soon,” he said sincerely, a soft smile donning his lips. You felt your heart flutter, making you grip the handle of your bag tightly. You gave back an equally sincere smile.

“Thank you a lot, really-”

The of garbage can tipping over clanged through the alley next to Namjoon. You yelped and unconsciously reached out gripping Namjoon’s arm and hiding. You were one hundred percent a scaredy cat, you wouldn’t lie.

When you heard, and felt, Namjoon chuckling, you looked up.

“Why are you laugh-” you  began to ask when you watched a sleek black cat emerge from the Alley and weave it’s way through Namjoon’s legs. You let out a sigh of relief and then bit back your own laugh. You looked up to find him staring at your hands, which still gripped his arm, albeit no longer tightly. You looked back up and then down again before pulling them away, laughing awkwardly.

“Haha, whoops! Sorry, I’m such a scaredy cat!” you laughed uncomfortably. You fell silent, neither of you speaking for a second. You swallowed and looked down at the cat.

“Ah! Hello there, cutie!” you cooed, immediately popping down into a squat to pet the feline who seemed upset to be ignored. You immediately reached out and scratched its chin and ears, causing it to let out a purr. You cooed more and pet its head before it wandered  back into the alley.

Standing up you brushed your hands off on your jeans. Namjoon simply stood there, looking at you, a small smile on his lips. You let out another awkward laugh, scratching the back of your head.

“Sh-shall we go?” you stuttered, letting out a cough to cover it. He just laughed and motioned forward.

“Lead the way.”

The two of you began walking again. Finally you reached your apartment. Neither of you had spoken the rest of the way and you felt painstakingly awkward. You arrived at the bottom of your stairs and you turned to him.

“This is me, thanks for walking me, Oppa, I really do appreciate it,” you said sincerely. He shook his head.

“I’ll walk you to your door,” he said.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!”

“No, I want to, it’s really no trouble, it’d make me feel better.” You sighed, slightly amused, but pleased.

“Aright, if you insist.”

“I do,” he said, making you laugh.

You walked up the two flights of stairs, reaching your apartment door. You trifled through your bag and pulled out your keys.

“Bye! Thanks again,” you thanked him for second time. You went to stick your key in lock but Namjoon’s voice and hand stopped you.

“Uh- um-” he mumbled awkwardly, his hand lightly holding your wrist.

You looked over at him.

“What’s up? Oh, did I drop something? I always drop stuff-”

“No, it’s not that,” his voice was still quiet.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” You were really confused now.

“It’s just- I-” he started. You began to interrupt him, but he didn’t let you. “I heard everything you said to Jungkook!” he burst out.

You froze.

“E-everything? What do you mean… everything?” you mumbled, your face turning a brilliant shade of pink for the third time that night. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“I- um, I heard-  I heard everything you said about me,” he breathed.

“Oh,” you squeaked. “I- I mean, J-Jungkook he likes to-”

“Is it true?”

“What?” he paled.

“Is it true…? You know, all the stuff you said? I’m your ideal type?” His neck and cheeks looked nearly as pink as your cheeks must have been. Your head swam. Should you tell the truth? Should you just lie and say that you were just answering Jungkook’s question because you had to?

“I’m sorry, that was rude, and really out of the blue, I shouldn’t have-”

“Yes,” you breathed. You didn’t look up.


“Yes, it’s true. I meant everything I said,” you whispered. The air seemed to grow heavy between the two of you as you both remained silent. Finally you heard him take a deep breath.

“I like you.” You looked up, straight into Namjoon’s eyes. They seemed to swim with uncertainty and fear, but also hope. You gulped. “I really like you. I’ve liked you for a while. I- um” he scratched at the back of his neck. It was a habit of his that you always pestered at him to stop doing. Instead of saying something, you reached up and grabbed his hand. You held it in yours, your thumb over the back of his, your heart feeling lighter than air and beating as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.

“I like you, too, Namjoon- a lot.” You finally looked up, he seemed shocked.

“Really?” he questioned you. You nodded, a shy smile on your face. “Really, really?”

You laughed, “Really, really.”

Suddenly you were swept up into a hug. You laughed, your heart filled to the brim. You held onto him as he squeezed you tight. He let go and grabbed your hands. He pulled them to his lips and kissed them both, the warmest look in his eyes you’d ever seen. You couldn’t help but beam.

“It’s getting late, I’ll text you alright? Promise me you’ll check for my message? Go inside, I want to make sure you get inside alright.”

You couldn’t help but giggle at his caringness. You finally opened your door, and turned away.

“Go, I’m in, so I want to watch you walk away,” he you told him. He looked like he was about to protest, but you eyed him, mostly playfully. He smiled and complied, beginning to walk down the stairs. You watched him go, but at the bottom of the stairs he turned around. He reached into his pocket, making you wonder if you forgot something, but instead he pulled out his hand, his fingers shapped like a heart. You cringed.

“Yah! Go home your dork!” you mocked whisper yelled at him. He laughed and finally left your sight.

You stood there for a few moments more before closing the door behind you. You sighed, shedding off your bad and jacket. You stood there, processing it all again. You liked each other! You let out a little squeal, nothing loud enough for your neighbors to notice.

A knock on your door made you jump. Was that Namjoon? Did he forget something? You unlocked the door.

Namjoon stood there, huffing and out of breath. You scrunched your eyebrows.


“I forgot something,” he huffed. You quirked an eyebrow, smiling.

“Okay, what did you forget?” you chuckled.

“This-” he surged forward, his hands holding your face as he brought his lips to yours. You felt yourself melt into the kiss. It was utterly perfect, you could almost feel your blood boiling over and melting you into a puddle. Your lips molded against each others perfectly as your hand reached up and gripped his own.

His lips were soft and warm as they gently moved against yours. You felt your breathing hitch as he lightly bit your lip before pulling back. You blinked open your eyes slowly, resting your foreheads together.

He placed a soft kiss on your forehead before stepping back. He pressed another kiss into your hand.

“Remember to check your phone, okay!” He said, grinning, before disappearing through your door, closing it behind him.

You fell onto your couch, letting all the air in your lungs woosh out of you. You sat there for a minute before having a minor freak out, this time actually full volume squealing. Your phone vibrated and you immediately grabbed it off the table. It was, of course, from Namjoon.

I can tell the members you’re my girlfriend, right?

You laughed.

By the way, I may or may not have gotten Jungkook to ask you those questions…

You gasped.

Goodnight! See you tomorrow!

“Yah! Jeon Jungkook, you’re dead meat!” you yelled. A thump on your wall made you slap your hand over your mouth.

You laughed.

You were pretty sure you just got the best boyfriend ever.

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Chapter 1: Gosh this story of namjoo will be the crap of me ;^^; why is he so sweet and gentle and ugh... ;^; he's now rounding up as a bias list wrecker ;^;
dancequeen96 #2
Chapter 1: this story is soo cute!!! love it
AndreeaRea #3
coffee_cat01 #4
I really enjoyed reading this!!
minyoung88 #5
Chapter 1: This is so cute~ >.<
Aww that was so cute and fluffy!! It's all thanks to jungkook tho.. xD
DamoNiHoseok #7