Chapter 3

Instant Daddy

I raised an eyebrow at confusion. Why was this man staring at me with confusion, surprise, and familiarity. It was as if I was a wanted criminal on the loose, and that he'd seen my face, but that he is unsure of.

"Hello," I cleared my throat, trying to conceal the laughter that was trying to escape from my mouth. His mouth was slightly ajar, from surprise I supposed, but why? Is it because I'm that attractive, and he thought I was David Beckham?

"Oh," he scratched the nape of his head, he seemed as if he was shaken, confused, dazed, upset, and surprised. That's it, he must've mistaken me for David Beckham. There was an uncomfortable silence around us.

"Well, I supposed you are the father of this sweet child," I bent down to pinch the cheeks of Hyunsoo faintly. I'm clueless to why the child claimed I was his "father," when his parent is in front of us. He did mention that his imagination can run wild, and I supposed it's true as he was still a child.

"Uh," the man said, "you're right, I am his father," he added quickly. That confirmed the idea that the child indeed has a creative mind.

"Very well then," I smiled, "I'll go ahead." I looked at the child and took out a bar of chocolate to give to him.

"Here, take this," I handed him with a bright smile, "Don't you ever run out without your parents' notice, okay?" He shook his head, unwilling to take the bar of chocolate from my hand. 

He glanced at the man, and said with a pout, "Uncle, you aren't my daddy." I let out a chuckle. It's true, children can have the wildest imagination, and they will surprise you with what they say and do.

"Hyunsoo"—I sensed that he was about to scold the child as he was grounded on the idea that I was his father. I signalled him, and mouthed: "I'll handle it."

I remembered what the child had mentioned earlier: "Mommy said you were on a different planet that's why you were gone for so long," he said with a bright smile," "Hyunsoo missed you alot, but now you're here, daddy!"

I bent to his level, and said, "This is daddy's favorite chocolate," I put the bar of chocolate on his small hands, "When you eat this, I will know that Hyunsoo's thinking of me."

I ruffled his hair, and said, "Daddy has to go back to my planet for now," the corners of his lips curved to a frown, "but I'll be back when the right time comes," I continued. He seemed to be relieved as I saw a small smile from him.

"I need to go soon," I said, feeling a bit down for a reason I don't know. It must be because I took pity on this child, or it's because I said a white lie. What am I thinking? In a few days, he'd forget about this, and he's merely a child for pete's sake!

To my surprise, he threw his arms around my neck and wrapped me to a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his body, embracing the crazy yet adorable incident we had. In a few days, or even few minutes, he'd forget that he had a meltdown, and he would do fine after he's been given a candy or a chocolate. Still, I felt fuzzy and warm in the inside when he had the embrace. I don't know why, but maybe I need to settle down and have children of my own.

I pat his back, and I took a glance at the man in front of us. He was just staring at me, and I couldn't explain what was in his eyes. There was a mix of emotions in it that I can't explain, but he had a small smile on, and I supposed it was because I comforted his child in a way that I could.

"Be a good boy," I cupped his face, tempted to pinch his adorable face, "Don't ever run out from him ever again, or from your mother, okay?" he nodded, and he gave a huge grin.

The man took the child's hand, and said, "Thank you." He had a small smile on, meanwhile I still couldn't comprehend what his eyes were saying.

"Don't mention it," I mouthed at him with a smile.

"No," he said in a hushed voice, too quiet to possibly understand, "thank you for the gift that you gave to us."

"Pardon? Were you saying something?" I asked, and his eyes widened for a moment before he shook his head. 

"Thank you," he emphasized, "That really meant a lot," he said and they were off. I watched their backs disappearing to the distance, and the child, Hyunsoo, kept looking back at me with sadness. I've never been so affected by anything or anyone, let alone a child, who will forget that this happened, yet here I am feeling dejected.

"You've gone crazy, Myungsoo," I said to myself, laughing at how absurd it is. I walked away, thinking of what had just happened. I thought of the child, and then the man, his father. Suddenly, there was a quick flash of image of a man on my mind, but I couldn't make out who and what it was about. I closed my eyes, feeling as if my whole world was spinning around.

I took a moment to let the dizziness pass. I don't know what happened, or who was the man that flashed to my mind all of a sudden. I'm clueless as to what just had happened, but this was the first time I had this headache and incoherent images flashing on my head.


"Hyunsoo," I said, poking my son's arm, "you've been so quiet eversince we came back from the market." My child that was usually bubbly and playful, was unmoving, sitting by himself with a bar of chocolate balled on his fist.

I smiled, and asked, "Did your uncle buy the chocolate for you?" I smiled at the thought that my son must've picked this specific delicacy. He must've liked the same chocolate like his father.

"Mommy," he said with a pout, "I want to sleep now," and I couldn't help but chuckle. My poor baby must've been tired from the day, and he hasn't taken a nap yet. He's grumpy when he hasn't had his sleep. I pecked his cheek and carried him, rocking him back and forth in an attempt to put him to sleep. As soon as he fell asleep, I carried him carefully to his bedroom, and laid him on his bed.

I placed a gentle kiss upon his cheek. I was about to leave his room, when I noticed that the chocolate was still in his hand. I took the chocolate from his hand with much caution, trying to not wake him up, and then I was out of his bedroom.

I stared at the chocolate on my hand, and said, "Why must I remember you every minute of my life?"

"Even little things can remind me of you," I muttered, and I looked up to the ceiling as I felt tears that was threatening to fall. I reached for my phone and contacted Yonghwa.

"Hello," I heard him from the other end, and I instantly smiled at hearing his voice. I don't know why the sudden urge to call him, but I felt as if I needed someone—needed him before I start crying about him, again.

"Hey," I said softly, just relieved that I had someone to talk to to keep myself sane.

"Why'd you call?" he asked, "It's unlike you to call without any reason," he sounded worried. He always was. He was always concerned about my son and I. Eversince he was gone from my life, Yonghwa has always been there. Yonghwa was and always will be my hero; he supported and saved me, and I owe it to him. 

I heaved a sigh and said, "My son has been down eversince we got back from the grocery, and he wouldn't say why."

There was a moment of silence at the end of the line, but I soon heard him speak, "Hyunsoo," he hesitated and said, "he saw a man and ran up to him, and embraced him, claiming that he was the man's son." 

I laughed and said, "He's done that to a few different men before." I should be used to this by now, but he never fails to amaze and surprise his mother in what he does.

"It must've been a burden to the man," I laughed at the thought on how embarassed and discomfort he must've felt. Imagine having a child that you don't know of run up to you and claim to be his parent!

"Tell me this," I said, "did he pick an attractive daddy?" I giggled at the idea, but all I heard was silence at the end of the line.

"Hello?" the grin that was on my face soon disappeared, worried at what could've happened with Yonghwa. Why was he silent? Did something happen to him?

"About the man," there was a moment of hesitation yet again, "he was indeed attractive. He's totally your style," he joked, yet he sounded awfully serious for a joke.

"It'll be funny if it's"—it truly was funny with what came out of his mouth the next. 

"It's Kim Myungsoo," he said and I felt my heart drop. I couldn't believe what he said

"That's funny," I laughed nervously. It wouldn't be him, can it? He's long gone, why is he back?

"It really is him," he said in a hushed voice, "but it's strange how he acts as if he doesn't know me."

"He doesn't even see the resemblance in his son!" he said, "Hell, he was looking at a mirror; a spitting image of himself, yet that bastard couldn't see it!"

The tears that was threatening to fall, fell at once. I cried silently to myself, cried over him; cried over him like I didn't cry all my life. I felt my heart shatter to million pieces, but no words could do any justice to the pain I felt. He was a brand new person; someone who denied his own son, who had a spitting image of him. How could he not see that? 

I bit my lower lip, trying to suppress any cries and asked, "How is he doing?" After all that, I haven't heard from him in six years, and all these years, I've been dying to know how is he. Does he know when to turn off the stove, and how to not burn the rice? Does he know how to make himself a soup when he's sick? Does he know where his medicines are whenever his head throbs in pain?

I heard him scoff and said, "You're still worried about him? To answer your question, yes, he's healthy and seems to be doing fine." A sense of relief washed over me, forgetting the moment of heartache that I felt a moment ago. I felt relieved to know that after all these years, he was still alive and well.

I wiped the tears away and said, "That's a relief to know. I'm glad that he's well, and I hope that he'll continue doing so, and before you ask, I'm okay." I knew that was a lie I didn't have to tell.

"Before I prepare our dinner, I just want to thank you for the chocolate you gave to my son," I said, changing the subject in hopes to lighten the mood. I know for sure that he's worrying about me, and I don't want to burden him.

"He gave it to your son, in hopes to console and comfort him. Your son must've mentioned about his father being on another planet because he said that he has to go back there, and that through his favorite chocolate he gave to your son, he would remember him and know that he's missing him." I smiled. Maybe there's still the Kim Myungsoo I know in him.




Apologies if there are grammar and spelling mistakes. I write these late at night because that's when my brain decides to let the creative juices flow. I've been busy and would be busy before the end of summer break. I've indulged in TV shows, and I'm going to Vancouver soon, and I'll be focused on getting my driver's license. Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do comment, upvote, and subscribe! I really fend off on your love and support.


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Chapter 3: Because l really like your story ♡
davinuella #2
Chapter 3: i'm in love:(
marquez #3
Chapter 1: Pity to hyunsoo;-(what did really happen in the past??why did they break up?is it because of myungsoo's mom? i am so curious..
jamasca #5
Chapter 1: Please author..have the will to go on writing this please...its good