Dance For Us

Becoming Bulletproof

   Thank you for reading! <3

Notes: Warning, this chapter has some pretty y, blatantly fanservicing moments. I feel like all I did was describe the choreography in the music video I used as inspiration (see at bottom of the chapter for video/credits) but somehow it ended up even sounding even dirtier than the MV *sweatdrop* Is that a good thing? :P Enjoy!!!

       The gymnasium was filled with people and crackling with excitement when Namjoon came out from behind backstage. The lights had already been turned down and everyone was finding their seats, looking over the program and chatting and laughing. He watched the vice principal reprimand a girl who had decided to share seats with her boyfriend by sitting on his lap in the dark. Slowly he made his way to the front where Jin had told him there was a seat saved.
     A few rows from the edge of the stage, Namjoon realized that he was surrounded almost exclusively by girls. Most were juniors, but many senior girls were there too, clutching at their cameras and phones and each others’ hands. He spotted a few banners tucked surreptitiously under chairs, and he had a suspicion they probably proclaimed things like “We <3 Hanseong Dance Crew” or “Marry Me Park Jimin!!”.  He noticed a subtle line of teachers standing guard along the walls nearby, expressions ranging from nervous to ready for battle. There was a red silk rope tied off a few feet from the stage’s edge, so that no one could get too close; but, Namjoon thought as he found his seat right behind it, that rope wasn’t going to stop a hoard of rabid fan girls. Shaking his head in amazement, the young man wondered what he was getting himself into. This was starting to look very different from any school talent show he had ever attended before.
    Soon the last of the gymnasium lights fell, and a spotlight beamed upon the centre of the stage, bright light glinting off a single microphone in its stand. The crowd hushed, but the excitement only rose in intensity. Energy was humming loudly throughout the small stadium. 
    Dark red curtains pushed aside, and Jin emerged smoothly onto the stage. There was an outbreak of clapping, and a few hoots and hollers from students as the handsome young man stepped up to the microphone. He looked even more stately in his dark suit now, illuminated by the spotlight. Jin smiled, and Namjoon heard small giggles and sighs behind him. Apparently it wasn’t just Jimin fans in the audience. 
    “Welcome! Students, teachers, friends and family. I am senior class president Kim Seokjin, and I will be your host for tonight’s talent show. And let me tell you, it’s going to be quite a show!” There were a few more hoots from the crowd, and some laughter and clapping. Jin’s smile widened, large brown eyes glittering. “Thank you so much! I am excited to see so many of you here tonight, and I know our performers are too. They’ve all been working very hard to put on a great performance for you! So if you’re ready, let’s get Hanseong’s best talent up here to show you what they’ve got!!”
    Cheers rushed to fill Namjoon’s ears, and he clapped enthusiastically along with them. On a whim, the teenage boy stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly; Jin’s eyes caught his from onstage and the younger boy saw his hyung’s smile spread. The class president turned his attention back to the rest of the crowd, and spread his arms wide. “Let the show begin!”
    The cheering and clapping continued as the stage went black, and a moment later Namjoon felt someone slide into the seat next to him. A hand touched his shoulder and gripped it. “Did I do okay?” Jin’s voice whispered in his ear.
    “You were great hyung,” Namjoon whispered back, smiling in the dark. “You were made to be onstage.”
    He heard Jin chuckle softly. “I don’t know about that. Thanks though.” The hand patted him clumsily, swiping at his cheek. “Sorry sorry! I’m blind from the spotlight!”
    Soon, the darkness was brightened again as the curtains opened on a pretty young woman in a long silver dress and sparkling heels. She introduced herself a little nervously, and then sat down on the lacquered bench in front of a gorgeous grand piano. As she started to play beautifully, Namjoon found himself sinking into his seat, enjoying the music. 
    When the song was nearing it’s end, Jin moved to get up on stage again, and Namjoon stopped him with a hand. “Hey, so when are our boys gonna be up?”
    “Are you kidding?” laughed Jin quietly. “They’re last! Otherwise we’d have trouble on our hands.” He winked, and then quickly sprinted back to the stage in the darkness. 
    After nearly an hour of various acts, Namjoon had to admit, he was less bored than he had expected; Hanseong High had some impressively talented students, with surprising artistic and musical prowess considering the school’s lack of arts programs. There were a few singers, musicians, and actors who did small skits, but plenty of other various things. One kid in a ridiculous purple cape did a disappearing act that made Namjoon sit straight up in his seat, staring; he gasped along with the rest of the audience when the boy reappeared at the back of the gymnasium only a second later. One girl wowed everyone when she came out with a falcon on her arm, then proceeded to have it fly over the crowd and listen to her every command. There were hardly any slip-ups, and when there was one awkward moment as a boy forgot a punch-line near the end of his comedy routine, Jin jumped in and smoothed it over so effortlessly that people were still appreciatively laughing and cheering for the boy as he bowed and left the stage. 
    However, with every performance that passed, there was a growing chatter and buzz between sets. The girls behind Namjoon were getting noticeably antsy, and at one point someone yelled, “Dance crew!” loudly, adding to cheers from other students. Jin had smiled and dealt with it as coolly as usual - “Dance? Well if you insist, but I’m not sure if you’re all ready for my moves!” However, very soon the anticipation had built to a dangerous level, and Jin seemed to realize it the same time as Namjoon - and the teachers.  
    “Whelp,” the older boy sighed, muttering to Namjoon as he got ready to go back up as the girl stowed away her falcon. “Get ready. They’re gonna be awesome, but…” he glanced behind Namjoon at the growingly anxious crowd. “You might have wanted to bring earplugs.” With that, the older boy bounded up onstage for the last time.
    “Well folks, this is it!” Jin announced loudly into the mic; the level of excited buzzing had reached an all-time high, like a consuming cloud of white noise. “It’s the moment I know many of you have been waiting for! I  have been told -” his voice became louder as the noise did - “ - to remind you all that we trust everyone to maintain the level of decorum that is valued here at Hanseong High.”
    “JIMIN!!” shrieked a girl behind Namjoon, and he watched Jin sigh resignedly.                     “Here they are, gentlemen. Ladies. It’s Jung Hoseok, Han Soonjung, Lee Junseo, Park Jimin, and Jeon Jungkook - The Hanseong Dance Crew!!” 
    An explosion of cheers and screams crashed over the gymnasium, girls and guys alike suddenly standing up in their chairs, fan club members waving bright posters and banners proclaiming things just like what Namjoon had expected. The biggest banner was held up by 4 shrieking senior girls, splashed across with the painted words, “JIMIN HAVE MY BABIES”. Jin barely managed to get back to his chair before the performance began - a freshman with blushing cheeks and crazy eyes was trying to steal his seat for herself. But then the gymnasium went black, there was a loud whooshing sound like the closing of a huge metal door and the room went completely silent.
    The curtains clicked open, the large room so still that Namjoon could hear the fabric trailing across the stage floor. In the darkness, the shadowy profiles of five people stood out against the black stage. The quiet was deafening as the figures stood motionless in the blackness. All that could be heard was breathing from the audience and a muffled sob here or there. And then, the stage exploded.
    Fire erupted from the four corners of the stage making the entire crowd gasp loudly (“I told them no fire!!” exclaimed Jin, scandalized) and the five boys in the centre were fully illuminated, dressed in leather and black and white . Junseo was crouched in the middle as the others stood  in a circle around him. He looked up at the crowd with a crazy grin, and the music started. Namjoon recognized the song - it was “Psycho“, by the new group known as History. 
    The shiny leather of Junseo’s black trench coat reflected the flashing lights as he ran hands over his body, reaching up to grab his hair in distress. The other four boys stood around him, arms crossing their chests and moving as if struggling to free themselves from invisible straight-jackets. As the beat dropped, they broke free from their unseen restraints and spun in to face Junseo, hiding him. Then swiftly they all turned in perfect formation, Hoseok slipping up to the front seamlessly, Jungkook on his left in a black leather coat and dark shorts, and Jimin on his right, lights glinting off the silver studs of his body harness. As the other boys flashed individual poses, Hoseok grabbed at his dark hair and smirked at the crowd as he rolled his body, flirting with his darkly lined eyes. 
    If the practice in the courtyard had been impressive, it was nothing compared to this. The boys were perfectly in sync, and paired with the music, outfits, and flashing light and video effects, it was like being at a real live concert. Namjoon couldn’t keep his mouth closed as he watched the boys’ movements flash before his eyes more quickly than he could even comprehend. Their movements were so sleek, so perfectly choreographed that it was almost impossible to see every little change, every shift in formation. Namjoon couldn’t decide where to look; it was a sensory overload.
    The five boys formed a slanted horizontal line as Jungkook stepped out from the back and strutted along beside the others, brushing up against Junseo and heading towards the centre of the stage until, flash, another formation change and suddenly Jimin was front and centre. All five boys looked up and straight into the audience, eyes full of intensity. Girls were already shrieking bloody murder behind Namjoon at this point, and it only got worse as the dancers all reached a hand out, fingers beckoning, then very blatantly palmed their crotches, rubbing hands in slow circular motion back up their stomachs and chest. Jimin’s fingers caught at the edge of his white shirt, pulling it up just enough to barely expose a sliver of his stomach. Then they all casually threw up one arm to flex a bicep before tossing it away carelessly. 
    The fan club members were having heart attacks behind Namjoon. He thought he heard someone crying. And it was only going to get worse. He could see the faces of the teachers watching, and was desperately avoiding looking at Jin’s; he had a feeling much of this performance had not been discussed in detail. 
    Shifting through formations smoothly, the dancers formed another slanted line with Jungkook at the front. The young man tossed an arm out and flicked his hand as if pulling on a string, and they all fell towards him one by one like dominoes. The juxtaposition between Jungkook’s normally shy, apprehensive demeanour and his utter confidence while dancing onstage was shocking. His dark eyes glittered into the crowd, powerful and seductive. Namjoon noticed his lips moving along constantly with the words to the song. Jimin stepped up beside him and they both winked at the crowd as the soundtrack sang, “You’re gonna like this play.”
    Rapidly sliding into new positions, Jimin now stood at the back of the others as they formed a diamond shape, Hoseok right in front and Jungkook directly behind him. Soonjung and Junseo flanked either side. And then Jimin was playing puppet master, looking as if he were pulling the other boys’ strings as they danced for him. It was an incredible show of body control, and Hoseok in particular shined; he was truly like a human doll on strings. Jungkook suddenly reached out from behind Hoseok, running a hand under the boy’s arm and across his chest, leaning his face in close over the older boy’s shoulder, large dark eyes full of a forbidden wanting and then - 
    - Jimin snapped the strings and ripped Jungkook away from Hoseok - 
    - the formation changed and  they were all moving their hips, pointing at their eyes as the song rang out the words, “Look at me” - 
    - then all five boys lined up again as Jimin snapped a wrist and there was another ripple effect, except this time they were rising up instead of falling down - 
    Namjoon was up on his feet with the rest of the crowd, eyes wide open, impressed beyond belief. How did these boys move so fast? So perfectly in time with each other? Those days, nights, and sacrificed lunch breaks had really paid off. He whistled loudly as Hoseok spun by on gliding shoes.
    One of the more intense moments in the routine was when all of the dancers turned around, standing tall with their backs to the audience. Jungkook appeared from the back of the group, moving slowly through the boys as if winding through trees in a forest. The visual was vivid, and only became more vibrant when he disappeared into forest and now suddenly Jimin appeared, moving through the boys in the same way. This time though, when he got to Jungkook, he turned and grabbed the back of the younger boy’s head by his dark hair, tugging it back roughly so that Jungkook’s neck and back arched. He was forced to look up at Jimin, who stared straight at the audience as he held the boy dominantly, and then tossed him away almost thoughtlessly. Namjoon thought he heard a girl literally collapse behind him; all those left standing were hyperventilating, eyes shining with tears and pure netizen desire. This was starting to get dangerous - these boys were really pushing it. He had never seen so much fan service in the span of 5 minutes. 
    The music was ramping up, becoming more intense as the second chorus passed, and the boys were dancing on strings again. Hoseok had let go of his control and was finally dancing without holding back; he nearly blew the rest of the boys out of the water. Every twist of the foot, snap of the hips and turn of the wrist was not only calculated and perfectly executed but full of fiery passion. The heat bubbled up from inside the senior like lava and poured out in his movements. As Namjoon watched the boy completely dominating the stage, the thought flashed in his mind that Jung Hoseok was Min Yoongi’s dancing-to-rapping counterpart. It was really too bad they didn't get along; they probably had a lot more in common than either one realized. 
    As the soundtrack revved up for the final verses, the lights flashed quicker and the boys danced faster and the shrieking in the crowd intensified. Everyone was out of their seats now, throwing hands in the air, reaching, gasping and screaming every time the dancers pulled a new move. The energy onstage became high and violent as the boys made furious pounding movements at the ground with their fists and high-kicking outwards, feet stomping back down powerfully. Heads and shoulders rolling, eyes glittering, they were truly a force to be reckoned with. 
    The cherry on the ultimate fan service cake came right near the end; forming a circle so that Jimin was in the center, Hoseok came up from behind him as the other boys made strong, sharp movements. He grabbed the back of the younger boy’s neck, pushing his face down towards the ground - Jimin was way too flexible for comfort, hips bending easily as he let himself be forced down - then the older boy whipped around and pulled Jimin back up by the collar of his shirt, shoving a hand against his chest and staring into his eyes. The girls were screaming shamelessly. Namjoon winced, not only at the fan service; Jin had been right about the ear-plugs. 
    As the dance reached its end and the music ed, the boys turned as one; Junseo back left, Hoseok middle left, Jimin centre, Jungkook to the right and Soonjung right behind him, and all struck one final pose. 
    And then Jimin stepped up to the front of the stage and ripped his shirt off.
    It was complete pandemonium. The auditorium erupted in screams, girls losing all sense of decorum as they rushed forward, stampeding over the red rope and throwing themselves towards the edge of the stage. Namjoon braced himself against his chair desperately, trying to not get knocked over by the wave of fan girls. And judging by the shocked expressions on the other dancers’ faces, this had not been part of the choreography - Jungkook’s eyes were wide as he stumbled slightly, losing his decorum for the first time since starting the performance. Junseo was pointing and laughing; Soonjung had put a hand on his forehead, staring in horror. Hoseok sprinted forward and he tried to grab Jimin’s bare arm to pull him away, but the younger boy shook him off. Giving up, the dance captain shook his head at the others and they all jogged offstage.
    Chest heaving, eyes glittering and grinning viciously, Jimin stood front centre on the now empty stage. His bare skin shone with sweat underneath the black leather straps, sculpted abs constricting as he breathed heavily. Unable to help himself, heady with screams of fans, the young man did a full body roll from shoulders to toes, abdominal muscles rippling under a sheen of sweat as he ran grasping fingers through his damp black hair. He winked straight at the audience, slipping a tongue out of his mouth to his lips as he grinned, flaunting his toned body with ruthless enjoyment.
    What the hell?? thought Namjoon wildly. His poor eyes were feeling thoroughly molested, and he was torn between horror and admiration. How could a kid who was still a junior, and in all reality definitely still a , pull off being able to eye- an entire crowd of people? Where the hell were the sensors on this kid?? 
    His question was quickly answered when three teachers rushed the stage to physically pull Jimin off. The young man laughed as he was dragged away, still waving and sending out winks to his  shrieking fans as he disappeared reluctantly behind the red curtain. 
    Namjoon knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn’t help himself - he turned his head to risk a glance at his hyung. Jin’s face was stark white, hands hanging at his sides and coffee-coloured eyes flickering with the still flashing stage lights blankly as if witnessing the utter destruction of the world. His once-perfect hair was now standing on-end, dishevelled and ruined from apparently grasping at it in shock or stress. Namjoon noticed the older boy’s fingers trembling slightly at the hem of his suit jacket sleeve. He reached down without a thought and grabbed his hand. Jin didn’t even move.
    “Hyung? You okay?”
    The older boy turned his head slowly, the vein in his neck twisting. His eyes looked black in the dimness as he stared over at him.
    “Namjoon, if I kill Park Jimin will you please look after my Mario collection?”

{{{The Hanseong Dance Crew performed the choreography from History’s “Psycho“. I own nothing!!! (including ideas for dance moves and outfits taken from the MV). For reading/viewing pleasure, I thought I would add a link to the Psycho Dance MV to make reading about the boys dance it even more fun! Especially since it was my inspiration =)

The boys dance the parts as follows:

Hoseok as Jaeho (Silver hair)
Jimin as Kyungil (Sleeveless shirt w/ body harness)
Jungkook as Yijeong  (Black leather coat/shorts)
Soonjun as Dokyun (Long sleeve shirt w/ body harness)
Junseo as Sihyoung (Black trench coat)

I figured just in case you weren’t a History stan , this very simple description would help tell them apart  in the Psycho Dance MV without having to do any research xD That said, I encourage you to check them out!! History is a really great group. }}}


Bahahahahaha xD The expressions are just too perfect!!! LOL



Obvs, how could I not include a gif like this. *siiigh* Thank the beautiful lord of Kpop that there IS a gif like this.

How I imagine Jimin, J-Hope and Jungkook fooling around during dance practice breaks x)


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