Chapter 1

First Crush?

Tae's POV

It's here finally! The first day of 7th grade. By what I've been told it's the beginning of likeing girls.I don't know if that's entirely true though. Since most of the people I know have already been likeing people since elementary school, but I could just have a later start. Anyway I asked my dad about it and he said that the time will come someday or that I could Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, it's just I didn't expect that I too could possibly be gay. Oh, I just remembered, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello my name is Kim Taehyung and I am 12 and, as you might already know, I'm in 7th grade. 

Good inroduction if I do say so myself. RIght? Yeah..ok. Well now that you know me join me in my perilous and magical quest through 7th grade. Eh, whom I kidding. It ain't no quest nor magical. A little bit of risks maybe, but yeah. Just watch my life go through a rollercoaster of emotions in 7th grade.

~At the School~

I've been here for about an hour now and nothing. No girl has caught my attention. Not even the ones that I've never seen before. This night just mean that my dad could be correct and I could be gay. Not intirely though. Since I could just be a late bloomer. 

"Hey don't feel to bad about it. I mean  come on if you were possibly gay we'd finally have more of a bond."

I was so focused on finding someone that I forgot to introduce my best friend. Park Jimin. That's his name. And as you possibly can see, he is gay. He's been telling me about this Yoongi guy nonstop since elementary school. I have yet to see his face though.

"I know Jimin. I just think that there may be some gir-," I couldn't even finish my sentence 'cause right at that moment the world's most beautiful boy decided to walk pass with his friend. I couldn't do anything. All I did was stare. Mouth agape probably. But that moment ended quickly since he dissapeared from my sight.

"Hello! Earth to Taehyung!"

Jimin was in front of me waving rapidly in front of my face. After probably a good minute I came back to reality.

"Wha-what you want Jimin?"

He looked at me with a face between shock and an 'I told you' face. "Did I just see you check out Jeon Jungkook? Dude he's like the most popular kid in school. On a second note though, I think this means your gay. Yas!" I can't believe it. Is what Jimin just said possibly true. I'm gay. I don't know if I should be happy or not.

"Be happy Taehyung." 

I looked up from the floor quickly to give Jimin an incredulous face.

"I can mostly read your emotions, don't ask how or why though, but yeah be happy." He gave this beaming smile that madee me grin a little bit. Even so I couldn't stop thinking about this Jungkook kid. He was absolutely stunning. But if I remember correctly I think I might have seen him a couple times in the pass 2 years. I can't help but wonder if he even knows about me.

~Meanwhile with Jungkook~

I continue staring at Taehyung like I've done for the past hour. By what I've seen he's been looking around at many girls and a few guys with a bored expression. Even so I can't help this feeling bubbling up inside me. No I am not jealous.

" Jungkook if you're just gonna stare at him why not go talk to him?"

"I could say the same thing to you, Yoongi. Staring at Jimin all this time." He looked at me surprised. "Yeah, you heard right. Even though I'm staring at Taehyung I know you were staring at his friend Jimin."

"Ok fine, I get it I was staring too. How about this? Instead of talking to them why not just pass by them and see their reactions. Hmm?"

"You just wanna see your crush up close, don't you Yoongi?"

"That's hafely the reason, but just answer. Do you want to or not?"

"Eh, why not. But I don't think it's gonna work."

He didn't even listen and went ahead. I jogged forward to walk by him. We were getting closer and I could feel my face heat up a bit and my hands got a little sweaty. Finally we were passing right in front of them. In the corner of my eye I saw Jimin staring at Yoongi and Taehyung was staring awe struck at me. Yoongi startd to chuckle beside me. He saw, didn't he?

"Oh my god, did you see that? Jimin was totally staring at me. With hearts in his eyes too."

"Don't flatter yourself Yoongi."

"What? I could say the same thing about Taehyung. Looking at you so awed. I'm guessing you'll get lucky this year man."

I couldn't help but smile like a doofus and scream, internally of course, 'cause oh my god! Taehyung was totally checking me out. I'm so happy. Should I start planning a huge confession? Wait, no. It's way too soon. Maybe I could start talking to him and be friends first. That'll be fun. Why do I feel like a school girl right now though? Eh who cares? Senpai finall noticed me!

"Jungkook, stop dancing. Your getting weird looks."

"Let them look. I don't care. I'm way too happy!"


A/N: Apparently Jungkook if fangirling way too much. Sorry it's so short but I wanted to post something at least since I'mgetting ready for back to school. Yay. But yeah I'm gonna be shopping for supplies and having docters appt. so yeah busy. But I probably will update as soon as that stuff if done and I have free time.

That's about it. Bye bye for now untill next time.>.< 

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Chilling1314 #1
In your foreword it say that Yoongi"s Tae's best friend...
I'm confused
Who is the dominate tae or kookie? Please make it tae!