My Beginning in Seoul

My Journey

You, Kira, a 16 year old teenager who loved and admired Kpop so much had a dream, your dream was to one day work hard like the kpop idols. On your Junior year of high school you decided to make it come true, you decided to move to South Korean and audition for an agency. 

"Mom I want to move to South Korean with the money I had saved for my college... I really want to go and do music instead of college.."

"But Kira, I know how much you love music and dancing but honey.. this career won't take you nowhere.. Please listen to your mother once.."

"Mom! I really want to do this... I don't know what is waiting for me through this career I might die on the way who knows but I really want to do this... I really want to give it my best to what I love.."

"Kira... My baby... What else do I have to say..."

"Mom... Please trust me this once, please I really want to have my mother's support on my career..."

Later that afternoon you and your mother gathered the family on the living room to give the news


"What?! South Korea?!!!! How! You don't even know how to speak Korean... You are not on the figure neither.."

*That was your older sister who spoke, Gisselle*

"I will learn Korean... I will lose weight... I would do anything....all I really can't do is convince you guys for your support but even if it's without it I will show you all I can do it..."

*You could see that in your family's eyes there was no trust and no hope, you walked out the living room into your bedroom to pack your belongings either way*

"Mom! Are you really gonna let her go like that? Just because she's obsessed with some gay singers! She is nuts! She isn't gonna really go and be a singer, she is gonna go and be a crazy stalker!!"

*Vernon, your second oldest brother discuss with their mother who only shrugged her shoulders*

"Vernon let her be, we ain't no one to hold her back.. Mom you and dad go and decide.."

*The peaceful son and third oldest son, Cody, told Vernon and then the mother*

"Yeah I agree with Cody, Kira isn't a baby anymore.."

*Lynsey, your fourth oldest sister said as she had her daughter sleeping on her hands*

"Come on Gisselle and Vernon, I bet you guys preferred seeing Kira standing on stage than doing drugs and staying here and get on the darks side, don't you guys? I really want to see her sing and dance with a smile..."

*Henry said, he was your fifth older brother*

"I... I also think my daughter deserves to give it a try. As her father I believe in her so I chose to let her go.."

*Your father said looking at all his sons and daughters*

That night you had agreed with your parents about to try your very best and keep on touch with them, only that way your could go to South Korean and impress everyone.


The next morning your were on the waiting area on the airport with all your family

"Make sure to don't skip meals and keep in touch.."

*Your mother was telling you as she re checked your suitcase making sure your had the necessary*

"Also don't get sick because we won't be next room to take care of you. And if anything happens and they don't treat you well make sure to tells us immediately!!! Honey she has everything right!"

*Your father joined the conversation scratching the back of his head as he was nervous*

"Or course she does! Baby anytime you want to try Mexican food give me a call and I'll tell you how to cook it Okay!"

*Your mother closed the suitcase and stood up to hug you*

"Aunty! You gonna become famous and bring me a Jimin (BTS Member) autograph right!" 

*Your niece Vicky, daughter of Vernon, asked you as she ran and hugged you tight*

"And I want a JHope (BTS Member) one!!!"

*Your other niece Kailey came running as well to join her sister Viky in a hug with you, their aunt*

"Hehe... Of course I will, while I'm gone make sure to take care of your grandparents for me okay?"

*You told your two nieces referring to your parents*

After hugging every family member including the ones that didn't supported you, you smiled and started walking away towards the plane when you looked at them for last time. Gisselle was hugging her husband Max with Nick, their first baby on the way. Then there was Vernon with his wife Macy and their three daughters; Viky, Kailey and Abigail. Next it was Cody with his wife Lexi and their new born baby Sara. Then her sister who had just arrived from Mexico, Lynsey, with her husband Mike and their daughter Zuri and their baby boy Tony. Then it was her other brother, Henry, with his girlfriend Tiffany. Last but not least your parents, your mother was waving at you making herself strong enough to don't cry, your father wiped his tears fast to don't show how sad he was, wow your family was big. Sad you smiled at them and kept on walking away, you would miss them but one day you would come back as a singer to make them proud. 

You enter the plane and sat on the seat and finally let your crying out, you were in sorrow as if you were dying due that you had never been away from your family. 10 minutes later the plane had taken off and it was on his way to South Korean, for last time you looked out the window and dismiss Denver.


After around 16 hours or so the airplane arrived at Incheon International Airport, you grabbed your luggage and took a taxi to a hotel. Entering the beautiful hotel room you sat on the bed instantly and got your purse out taking the money and the phone out, you started talking to yourself and typing on the phone. You then stop doing what you were doing and dial a phone number 

"Mom! I arrived!!!!"

*You had called your mother,  you stood up from the bed and looked out the window*

"Kira!!! Sweetie!!! Did you got lost?! Ask someone for direction with hands signals honey!"

*She was so agitated from the other side of the phone, she was really worried*

"No mom! Hehe, there's actually people who are really fluent in English so I got the help I needed, don't worry too much mom..."

*Smiling to yourself you jump to the bed looking at the roof*

"That's a relief honey, so what are you gonna do?"

"I just finished doing calculations, tomorrow I'll go and look for a room in rent or a department.. then I will go and look for a job..."

"Oh my sweetie... God bless you my little Fox.. I hope everything goes well! we are all cheering for you even Gisselle and Vernon..."

"Thanks so much mom! My family's support really means a lot! I apologize about what I said earlier"

"Oh honey don't worry they were being just the caring brother and the caring sister they are... You are the youngest so we all worry about you. Come home soon and make us proud, we'll be waiting sweetie"

"I will mom. I love you and I'll call you tomorrow after I found a place to stay... I love you all mom!"

"Okay honey, eat and rest... We love you too! Bye my Kira!!!"

You hang up and got off bed out the hotel to take a walk. While walking you stare all around you, you were finally there! and still couldn't believe it, you were the happiest person ever!! While walking you spot at all the people around; adults, teenagers, kids, babies pets... everything was there. Excited while walking your stomach started making weirds sounds, a sound calling for food, making a stop you looked for a place to eat and quickly found a food stand.

"Excuse me.. Umm do you speak English..." 

*You approached the lady who was cooking for about 9 costumers*

"No English...Sorry "

*The lady said apologizing, and from what you knew, you bowed*

You stared at the lady cooking even though you couldn't order anything, while standing there the weirds sounds came again catching the attention of a costumer that was sitting where you had approached the lady from

"You don't seem to be from here... Are you from America?"

*The boy stopped eating and looked at you as he spoke to you in English*

"Oh! You can speak English!!"

*Excited you stopped looking at the lady and turned to look at the costumer who laugh and smiled*

"Let me guess, you thought you wouldn't be able to eat today since you didn't knew how to order..."

*The boy said still laughing so you joined laughing and nodded*

"Ajumma, please give me some more Fish cakes..." (Speaking in Korean)

"Ye... Is this for her?" (Speaking in Korean)

*The lady directed to you with her eyes handing the boy some fish cakes*

"Yes, she is from America and can't speak Korean... She's starving.." (Speaking in Korean)

*The boy told the lady back grabbing the rice cakes*

"Here... Eat some before you faint... I'm ShinWoo... Just call me Shin-Oppa..."

*He handed you a fish cake as he introduced himself*

"Oppa?... We just me, is it okay... You are saying we can be close?"

*You took a bite from the fish cake, and honestly you disliked seafood but since you were starving you made and exception*

"Woah... So you actually know something. Of course we can be friends, I'll even help you get around... But you look too young, why did you came here?"

"I came to make my dream come true and make my family proud..."

"Your dream? Is it becoming an idol? How old are you?"

"Oh how did you knew?! I'm 16 years old... and You Shin... Oppa..."

"Well most youngsters come here for that so I just made a guess, I'm 19... Dongsaeng.."

*Shin patted your head as you started getting money out your bag but he stop your hand and payed instead*

"Come on, I'll take you home... where are you staying?"


The next morning you went with Shin as he agree to help you look for a apartment. Sadly no one wanted to rent you since you were young

"You know, in my house there's extra rooms.... No! wait I don't live alone! My mother lives with me!"

*Shin quickly explained as you stared to looked at him worried*

"You could stay in my house for the time you need... You... Ummm could also come and work at my mother's place... She owns a Ramyun shop.."

*You looked surprise now*

"Do you think your mother won't mind? I would love to work in a Ramyun shop!!"

"Of course not! She'll love to have you... Come on!!


After one week you were all settled, staying  in a room in Shin's house, working on his mother Ramyun's shop, and now  ready to go audition.

"Good luck honey! Do well and just try your very best don't worry if they don't realize your talent!! You know we know you're amazing!!! Good luck baby and call me later after your auditon"

*You finished talking to your mother on the phone during your break, you then went back to working, it was only 2 hours until you were out of work and then run to audition on BigHit Entertainment*

"Kira! What are you doing here! Go to audition!!!" (Speaking in Korean)

*Shin's mother said when she spot you cleaning the tables of the shop*

"She says to leave! Go audition now!!!"

*Shin translated as he came with the order for some of the costumers. You looked at him then at Shin's mother who was sending you away with her hand*

"I'll be back to help you close up, I promise!!!!" 

*You smiled at both of them as you took of the apron and ran out the shop up the streets to find the BigHit Entertainment building*


Finding the famous BigHit building you stared at it, you looked at herself and thought 'How can I think about being an idol with this body...' You then saw a car parking as 7 boys came out of it, the boy group Bangtan Boys, BTS. You bowed to them when a secretary came out the building

"You, I saw you standing there... By any chance are you the girl that made a appointment for an audition? They are waiting for you..."

*You saw the secretary walked out the building speaking in English, the BTS boys only stared at you making you feel weird since you thought you weren't pretty*

"Is she auditioning for our company?" (Speaking in Korean)

*BTS Member leader Rap Monster asked the secretary*

"Yes... Hilarious right? Impossible she'll make it.." (Speaking in Korean)

*The secretary said laughing since you couldn't understand anything*

"Just take her to the room you said they were waiting" (Speaking in Korean)

*BTS golden maknae, Jungkook, told the secretary annoyed as he walked inside the building*

After Jungkook left the secretary took you to the room where they were waiting. 30 minutes later you were out the room in the hallway where the secretary's office was

"Looks like you didn't made it..." 

*The secretary said as you walked out really down, instead of answering you bowed and ran out the building*


In about 10 minutes you reached the Ramyun shop, you burst in, Shin and his mother were cleaning the tables ready to close up the shop

"Shin-Oppa... Ajumma..."

"Ani! Umma... Umma....."

"Shin-Oppa... Umma... I.... I.... I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!"

*You screamed. Shin's mother threw the rag with what she was cleaning away and ran to you grabbing you into a tight hug*

______ 2 B Continued______

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