Hating Monday Mornings


A/N 02-18-12: Finaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally, I finished this chapter! I had to rewrite it a lot. I almost forgot all about this story, curse my forgetfulness! Weee! Cliffhanger! :D I'm off to make the poster :3

The sky was navy blue with specks of white stars.

She held up her thumb, pointing towards the moon. It was no bigger than her thumb.

Streaks of dazzling moonlight were beating down intensely onto the soft and grassy ground, which she sat on.


An older man stood beside her, waiting with the girl too, eyes and skin glowing unnaturally, his appearance too young to be middle-aged, his mouth curved into a deep pout with fangs sticking out slightly beneath his upper lip. The fangs stood out from his other sharp features. Obviously a vampire.

While sitting, she continued her silent reverie. She sighed with annoyance as he couldn't help saying.

"Oh boy, you're in HUGE trouble, Taeng," his glowing eyes narrowed at her direction.

"Ya, I know. And don't call me that." Taeyeon growled, obviously not in the mood. He shot her an angry annoyed glare which she didn't bother to look, her eyes kept downwards.

"The great prodigy Taeyeon felt not even one tiny thought or remorse?" he prodded, beyond her annoyance. "Congratulations, you're on your way to becoming a true vampire." he clapped his hands in mock praise.

Another death glare from her then silence, which lingered on and on until she broke it herself.

"I felt nothing"

No dizziness, no remorse, not even satisfaction. She felt inhumane, her stomach twisted at that feeling.

He smirked. "I guess you'll have to get used to it."

She looked up at the sky bright and glowing with its glory. She then looked down on her wounds, they regenerated faster than she had thought.

She continued thinking, her mind screaming out scenarios.

She's only thirteen, she's not supposed to be here. She's supposed to be at home, sneaking a conversation on the phone and a loving family downstairs sleeping. But she's here, with a vampire waiting for the final decision. She felt fear run down her spine, emphasized more as he said:

"You'd be lucky if they don't kill you tonight."

Taeyon groaned, she wasn't in the mood.

"Monday mornings..." she muttered in annoyance and groaned as the professor droned on about their lesson, some lesson she would probably study later. It was becoming a routine now. She looked at the digital clock above him, it glowered with electric green numbers and letters reading: Monday 8:04 am.

"Yeah, I hate them too" one of her close friends, Hyoyeon, said with a hand resting under her chin. Taeyon nodded in agreement. Next to Hyoyeon were her other close friends Seohyun, Sooyoung, Yoona, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny and Yuri, all looking sleepy. They took up one whole row to themselves with Taeyon closest to the window.

"Yah! Pay attention! I don't wanna be in trouble..agaaaiin..." Yuri said in a faintly stern tone. Her voice qauvered with a yawn, sleepiness getting to her.

"Geez Yuri have mercy on us, you already forced us up this morning." Sunny pleaded.

"GAH, worst feeling EVER." Tiffany, sitting between Sunny and Yuri, concluded. Yuri gave her an annoyed look.

They continued to bicker amongst themselves, reprimanding and sneering sarcastic comments at each other. Yet they all know by the end of the day there's no doubt but complete trust. They'd fight at first and then be the "bestest friends" the next moment.

Taeyon looked at them, a big sleep-deprived group stuck in a class, then out the window, opportunity waiting out there for her. So why is she stuck in here? Even she didn't know. Life wouldn't give her the answer and she wasn't so sure of seeking it.

She looked at her unfinished doodle, she didn't feel like finishing it. So far, she had nothing to do. A daydream wouldn't hurt.

She stared out the window. Bright sunlight filtered in through the half-opened curtains at the back giving the whole room a warm sunny glow. Very different in contrast to the drowsy atmosphere in their classroom. Outside, college students bustling around getting to class while some just hung out by the benches strewn everywhere. Happy faces and sweet normality.

A cool breeze flew in, much to her content.

She knew what would happen next.

Taeyon saw nothing. Completely nothing. Flashes of light popped up now. White then blue then red which ended back to black, like a very quick firework show. Harsh words lashed out on her, words like: "Violation" "Death." and many other words she couldn't catch up. Weirdly, these all made no sense to her. She cowered back as the unknown enemy continued to beat her, overcoming her.

She didn't like the feeling. The feeling of defeat.

Another feeling rang through her chest, this time it was vague like it was never there. Some almost familiar feeling that seemed to be reawakened.

Her tongue burned longingly for it.

She felt herself spin and then suddenly stop.

Her bed felt hard and shaky.

"YAH! Taeyon wake your up!" Seohyun shook her as her phone vibrated in her backpocket. She definitely wasn't in bed.

Suddenly or rather more on an animalistic instininct, Taeyon stood up directly in some defense position, hand about to reach for the nearest throat. Shocked, she subtly slammed her hand back down. She felt wierd. The rest didn't seem to notice but the small pool of drool that had settled on the table.

She looked around, mind still a bit hazy, to see the classroom almost empty. "Class ended ALREADY?" 

"Yup!" Hyoyeon chirped in.

She remembered her phone, the vibrating already stopped. She fished it out of her pocket. The missed call sign beeping and flashing across the screen along with an uknown number.

An unknown number?

Just then, breaking her train of thought, Gongchan entered the room, backpack half-opened and in disarray with stuffed papers inside. A dejected pout on his face. His bangs disheveled. Obviously late. Really late.

The rest of the girls snickered. He saw Taeyon and smiled and waved.

She smiled back.

And if only she looked beyond the warmth and smile, and notice the room suddenly became a few degrees colder.

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exoticshawol125 #1
hey! new reader here~
ookool #2
awwww!!!!!!!! sweet! Update soon!!!!!!!!
Oh! So THIS is your new story ^^ I like the idea! Hey, MYNAME (lols) is here! <br />
Can't wait for it start! ...I SEE GONGCHAN.