ロータス - ☯Lotus Academy ☯ ❦Full Literate - Semi ❦ ⚜ℳaster/Ƙitten⚜ FEMALES NEEDED! Junyeon needs a mmaster to scratch his ears!


02 | 08 | 16 - Lotus Academy has opened. Taking reservations. 

Who are we?
Our mission statement is “There is a kitten for every master and a master for every kitten”.

Lotus Academy was founded by a wayward master and a lost kitten. Two souls that were looking for a place to call home. Kittens are promised protection and sanctuary behind the walls of the academy while being trained and sold off to the highest bidders.

Masters are promised kitten that are trained and versed in the ways of being obedient pets, ready and willing to serve any wish or desire a master has, both ual and non ual. But just because they’re trained doesn’t mean they will always be well behaved. The question is, will the masters be able to handle the feisty kittens?

Our population.

Admin Junyeon
Hi, I'm Ho Junyeon

I'm one of your wonderful head admins! I'm really just a lost kitty looking for a master to help guide my way in this crazy world called life. I love shiny things, strings, and very dominate men and women. I'm very kind and outgoing and I get bored easily. Come talk to me if you don't have anyone to talk to. I'll always be around and willing to hang out!

Hi, I'm KAI

Hello there im your handsome admin Master Kai, Need anything dont itate to come ask~ Im outgoing and laid back. If i seen arrogant and at ffirst dont mind it. Im a dork once you get to know me. Tho.. I do bie.

Hi, I'm The Base Account

I'm the account you will add that will notifiy you of important information! Don't forget to add me!

Hi, I'm NAME

Hi, I'm NAME

Hi, I'm NAME


Our rules.
001. This is an literate roleplay. This means you must be 17 or older to join the roleplay for legal reasons.(IF YOU ARE TURNING 17 SOON YOU CAN APPLY)

002. DO NOT advertise other roleplays in any of the groups.

003. Facechasing and OTP chasing is not allowed. Do not facechase any member for any reason. Do not CC change to a certain muse to match an OTP. Variety is the spice to life. Be uniqe!

004. Mini drama will be allowed but don’t let it get out of hand. don’t be the reason why someone leaves–we will stop the drama. mini drama where there are light instances that there are some problems but keep the major stuff in the pm or group chat. pm admins if these occur:

→ fighting with your partner
→ if someone is attacking you
→ getting harassed
→ drama getting out of hand.

005. Bans are being held to keep everything in order. Follow them without any trouble, bans are most important in any roleplay.

→ Dating ban is suggested 3 months (but not encouraged)
→ Pregnancy is prohibited. Absoultely no pregnancy, period.
→ Character Change is unlimited with a 2 week cool down period in between.

006. We will kick you out for the following reasons:

• Facechasing
• Inactivity of 10 days
• Inactivity in the first week of your arrival

• Double Accounting
• Failure to attend activity checks

007. Pm us or comment if facebook decides to eat you because of your charming personality! tell us if you’re going hiatus and what kind of hiatus. pm us why you
are leaving and don’t remove yourself from the group until an admin announces
your leave.

008. Hiatus type:

→ Full hiatus: which will take about half or the full month.
→ Short hiatus: 2 or more weeks but we will need you  to get active once
a week

→ Make sure to put us admins in a group chat if you have a problem and can't seem
to solve. We will try our best to help.

009. Be active at least 3 times a week. Being active in the ooc group doesn't count, nor does being in pms count. If you're inactive in the first week after you join, you'll be kicked out.

010. All ualities are welcome! If we receive too many gay or biual men that want to only be with men, we will reject applications for them. So please give us some straight guys or biual guys that will take interest in girls!

011. Having a greendot by your name doesn’t mean your active. We understand that you're going to be busy with life, but please make time to reply to all your partners and roleplays. DO NOT be selective about who you reply to. If you're on and replying to one person, reply to all people. If you can't do that, please don't log on. The point of this rp is to escape from reality and have fun and be creative. People can't do that if you don't want to be active and reply to them. It just makes people frustrated.

012. Beating, , etc. are allowed with ooc consent from both parties. Murder and suicide hover are not allowed.

How to join?
001. Read the rules and check the Master list. After reading ALL of our rules make sure to submit this down below in our comment section.

OOC age
Full Name
Stage Name
Kitten(breed) or Master/Mistress(wolf or vampire?)
What kind of master / kitten are you looking for?
Character Background
RP Style (1st, 3rd, para, mirrored)
Password: Most important rule to you,

002. You will have 4 days to create your account after being accepted and within those 4 days make sure to clean out any old account you use. DO NOT use your faceclaim's real or stage name. Use a made up name, this will help with keeping you from getting security checked.

003. Make sure to add our base account along with our admins at the top. If you don't know who our admins are then we'll tell you. Put a 'M' as your middle name if you're a master/mistress or a 'K' if you're a kitten

→ Kai - Head Admin
→ Junyeon - Head Admin

· Do Not comment in the Announcements page.
· Only add those that are friends with both admins.
· Check all files and pinned posts once added to the groups.
· Make sure to create your bio in a timely manner
· Every end of the month we will check your friendlist to see if it is clean from people who we kicked out & people who aren't in our roleplay.
· You must be active the first three days after joining. If you are not active within the first three days of joining, you will be kicked out.

→ How long is the wait to be auctioned?
· a week after youre announced.

→ Are the Kittens actually cat hybrids?.
· of course. With ears and tails.

Are the masters hybrids?.
· of course. You will determin wether your're a wolf hybrid or a vampire in your application if you apply as a master.

→ Are all ualities welcomed??
· you get to choose that by your application.

→ What happens if my partner leaves? what happens to me?
· we'll let you decide if and when you get another one.

→ Are ulzzangs and internationals allowed?
· we allow everyone.

→ Do we have to buy a kitten immmediately?
· no, take your time to get to know the kittens around you, and then choose the one that means the most to you. you can own up to four..

→ Are moving couples allowed?
· no, we are a strict master/kitten roleplay, that means that if we accept moving couples then those that are in relationships might not buy a kitten. which isn't fair to kittens.

Featured members.


Affiliates ?

If your roleplay is looking for affiliates, contact one of the admins.

Our Affiliates:

Solstice - FB Based

Advertisements thanks to:


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OOC age -17
Full Name- Jenn Im
Stage Name- none
Group- none
Timezone -7
uality- straight
Kitten- Scottish Folds
What kind of kitten are you? Jenn Im is the innocent looking kitten. She looks like she can do no harm but when she's shoved into that room that's when she reveals her darkness. She loves being dominated. She is a loyal, playful kitten. She's not afraid to do what she dares as long as she knows it'll please her master. As sweet and innocent looking as she is... everyone knows she's the wildest of them all. She wants a master who is willing to spoil, give the correct care, and always understands what their kitten wants. She wants a master who isn't too afraid to be adventurous, is easy to go with her, keep up with her attitude, and to know all her spots/kinks.
Character Background : Jenn Im was born into a poor family as they never made enough. With her sweet, innocent looks Jenn's parents put her out on the street at a young age; teaching her all the things that turned her to who she is today. In the process of this Jenn soon became sick and tired of the ion game. She wanted something better. It was then she came and found this place, Lotus Academy. She was always given more cause of her sweet looks and voice. Although, her attitude was the exact opposite of her looks. Jenn was rather more feisty and flirty. She wanted someone who could handle her.
RP Style- mirrored.
001. This is an literate roleplay. This means you must be 17 or older to join the roleplay for legal reasons.(IF YOU ARE TURNING 17 SOON YOU CAN APPLY)
OOC age - 17
Full Name - Cara Delevingne
Stage Name - Cara
Group - none
Timezone - Gmt +8
uality - Biual
Master - wolf
What kind of kitten are you looking for?
Someone who can keep up with her on an emotional level because she is just an emotional wreck if you get to break down through her tough layer and her happiness layer, which is a mask she puts on with her friends. Someone who also has a lot of patience since she can be slightly dim to those who like her and when they've fallen for her, it takes Cara a while to have some feelings back since she has just gotten a recent heart break.
Character Background:
Cara has been though town after town and no pet has pleased her physically and emotionally. She doesn't mind giving and giving but what she doesn't know is that it makes her more and more distant to having a relationship. She's had her fair share of heartbreaks and will seem to be cold to others who show some feelings, not too recent in her past she got her heart broken twice in a short amount of time so she will be wary of anyone interested with her.
RP Style (1st, 3rd, para, mirrored): Mirrored para and 1st
Password: Mini drama will be allowed but don’t let it get out of hand. [hate drama, but if it's planned by the puppets, us people, it's fine or as long as it stops before the day ends... Who ever's day]

This is my first time joining a literate rp. Please guide me /\
OOC Age: 18.
Full Name: Lee Jieun.
Stage Name: IU.
Group: Solo.
Timezone: GMT +9.
uality: Homoflexible.

Looking for:
Someone with the guts to claim her. Realistically, anyone willing to put up with her. Preferably someone who is grounded and stern to properly contrast her airy and dreamy personality. ually? Adventurous and doesn't mind allowing their kitten to take what she wants how she wants it every once in a while. Gender truly doesn't matter.

Little Jieun had held that glint her eyes since her adolescence. Bemusement would swirl in this warm ember orbs as she explored the world around her. For if there was any one wore that might truly describe Jieun, it would be 'curious.' The young kitten couldn't sit still, not when she had yet to run the soft pads of her fingertips along every surface in each respective room; not when she hadn't yet laid eyes upon every nook and cranny her prying eyes could discover.

This addiction of sorts spilled over into her ways of interaction with people as well. In the academy, she'd often be reprimanding for touching thing that weren't hers-- people who weren't hers. Jieun tried to be good where and when she could, she truly did; honest! It was just so hard when your heart is so utterly restless.

RP Style: I always mirror. Prefer third POV, though.
OOC age: 18
Full Name: Oh Sehun
Stage Name: Sehun
Group: EXO
Timezone: GMT-5
uality: Panual
Master: Vampire
What kind of master / kitten are you looking for?: I'm looking for a Kitten most compatible with me. The gender doesn't matter to me. I want someone who isn't afraid to explore kinks and . I'm also looking for someone who can be a good companion and have intelligent conversations.
Character Background: Sehun was born into a family with a lot of money, however he isn't the heir to his father's business so he's always gotten to live life free and easy. He's a quiet man and can usually come off cold at first. He's pretty hard to get close to and can be moody. Growing up, Sehun has always been a party boy, probably having drank and smoked more than someone twice his ages has. Two things highlight Sehun's life and that's pretty much just partying and ing anyone who is willing and catches his eyes.
RP Style (1st, 3rd, para, mirrored): 3rd POV preferred, but I can mirror as well.
Password: Age limit is a must.
Chapter 3: OOC Age: over 9000 (19)
Full Name: Lee Chaerin
Stage Name: CL
Group: 2NE1
Timezone: oh god I think it's GMT-5?
uality: panual
Kitten (breed) or Master/Mistress (wolf or vampire): Mistress (wolf)
What kind of kitten are you looking for?:
one who would be a switch in the bedroom, but otherwise affectionate, loyal, and obedient. must enjoy adventure as well as quiet, quality time. must also love being spoiled to death with cuddles and anything their heart may desire.
Character Background:
She was born into money, which she multiplied when she took control of the family business (which is a little illegal but shhhhhhhh). She loves to dote on others, and has a big-sister approach to some people who are younger than her. She sometimes gets into moods where she is quiet and prefers to stay at home, although she usually loves to go out and have fun. She wasn't shown much affection growing up, so she gives it to others rather than letting her childhood turn her cold. However, she takes no --will punish kittens that overstep boundaries of playful, feisty disobedience.
RP Style: I'll mirror~
Password: age limit is importante
LotusAcademy #6

Every thing is up to date
OC age: 19
Full name: Chittaphon Leechaiyakul
Stage name: Ten
Group: Nct u
Timezone: GMT +8
uality: Biual
Kitten(breed) or Master/Mistress(wolf or vampire?): Kitten ( white arctic fox)
What kind of master are you looking for?:
Someone who thinks about whats good for their pet, can be stern and strict. Understanding. .
Character Background
Ten is very playful yet can be quiet at times too. He's cuddly and really loves food.
RP Style: I usually mirror what the one i'm talking use so anything is fine.
Password: age limit is a must.
chasingyourmind #8
OOC age: 18
Full Name: Yoon Bomi
Stage Name: Bomi
Group: Apink
Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
uality: Biual
Kitten(breed) or Master/Mistress(wolf or vampire?) Kitten! (Scottish Fold)
What kind of master / kitten are you looking for? Someone who knows how to be stern yet understanding. punishes me only when I really deserve it, and remembers special events..
Character Background:
Being able to use her hair to cover her ears at times, bomi often can be seen out and about just like any other person. She's always enjoyed food and eats whenever she can. She's also very loud and strange at times. she doesn't give much thought to what people think of her. she loves to get her ears scratched though.
RP Style (1st, 3rd, para, mirrored) 3rd but i'm honestly open to anything
Password: The age limit.. I'm going to be 19 soon.. and it's just weird to think of people younger than 18 doing or anything like that...
chasingyourmind #9
Yoon Bomi or Son Naeun? or kim Myungsoo (just a little fyi the females will probably be bi whereas myungsoo will probably be straight to even out things and encourage female application..)
Chapter 3: OC age:18
Full name: Zhang Yixing
Stage name: Yixing/Lay
Group: EXO
Timezone: GMT +8
uality: Biual
Kitten(breed) or Master/Mistress(wolf or vampire?):
Kitten (Himalayan)
What kind of master are you looking for?: Someone that finds my embarrassing moment cute and someone that can give me attention and of course, love me. I would prefer if my master didn't shout at me.
Character Background
Yixing is a Himalayan breed cat. He is very shy and innocent but can be naughty sometimes. He is a very curious and love to go outside to discover the world around him.
RP Style: 1st mostly but I can do others too.
Password: age limit is very important because some of the content here isn't suitable for little kids.