
SAD LOVE STORY ~슬퍼요 사랑은~

The next day, the doctor came to check on me. I asked the doctor when can I be discharge from hospital. He told me that I needed to stay longer because I been coma for a long time after the major accident. Then the doctor and nurse leaves to check other patients.

"I really dont want to stay here" I tell Hongki. He just tell me to be good and listen to doctor.

I nodded to show that I listen to him, but deep down I already have plan to runaway but the problem lies in Hongki. He always with me leaving me no chance to leave.

3 day have passed, Im getting better but I still cannot leave. As I get better physically, I feel worse mentally. My mind always full of Gikwang and me.

I cannot stay at the hospital anymore, I must leave. So, I tell Hongki a reason that quite lame. The reason I said to him is that I wanted to eat home cooked porridge as I sick of hospital food. He still believe me though.

"Alright, I will be back as soon as possible" He smiled when he told me.

After Hongki leaves, I quickly change to some clothes that Hongki brings for himself. I changed to his clothes. Luckily his clothes is a plain shirt and long pants. His clothes still a little big for my size. I try to walk as natural as I can when I go through the hallway that crowded with doctor and nurses. As last I make it out without anyone notice me.

I step out of the hospital to the busy street of people. Bright sun greeted me, it hurts my eyes though. I wonder aimlessly at the unfamiliar road. I feel the gaze of people looking at me. I feel scared. I just wanted to hide from people and the brightness that Im not used to. My eyes looking for places with no people as I walk in the fastest pace that I could. I have no idea how long I walked as the sky became dark.

I hide under a bridge with no one there. Loneliness crept in. Memories of Gikwang once again raided my mind. This time this moment I wanted to have him with me but I know I cant. He no longer with me. He been gone from my lifes since the day he choses to save the kid. I remember that day we were going out to buy things from our wedding. We were looking for our wedding ring. Gikwang wanted to.give me the best for our wedding. We walked for few hours in the streets looking for the rings that we liked. We walked through many shops till the last one. We waited for the traffic light to turn green to cross the road to the next jewellary shop. I notice a loud voice beside me from a women busily talking in handphone with her kid. The kid were happily playing with his balloon. Suddenly the kid try to catch the balloon that slipped away from his hand. The moment that Gikwang let go of my hand to save the kid from the upcoming car I know I have loss him forever.

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pantherahami #1
i hope you will update this story
madesu2 #2
I love it!
Chapter 15: Update soon chebal... Please update ASAP author-nim..
i just discovered your fics, i hope you can continue them ^^
update soon jebaal , btw i like too much !
@feat2u,@dyann23: it will be reveals soon. *suspense* keke.
@restuannisa: thanks!! ^^
wtffffff whyyy hate her?! this is interesting!!!
what min had done until that women hate her so much??
Vrisbogh #9
nice update :D

yeahh.. i'll give so much loves for this story. hehehe
hey is this a minkwang story?