Lie #3

White Lies

It was long past sunset and the basketball court is no more filled with the guys. They decided to grab some dinner before heading to the respective homes.


"What should we eat?" The oldest ask.


Tao shrugged, "Not sure, what do you want to eat hyung?" He asked the oldest.


Kris shrugged, "Well there are lots of nice places to eat here. There's pasta, Korean food, Japanese food. You name it."


Chanyeol scratched his head looked to his right and left, "I am so confused when people ask what I want to eat."


Kris nodded and looked at me, "Why don't we let Nara decide, she's the guest of honor today."


I smiled sheepishly, "What guest of honor? You make me sound like a stranger to you guys."


"Well you should come to our games more often," I glanced at the person who just spoke, his name is Jongdae from what I remember. 


"Maybe I should," I smiled at the new friend I made. Jongdae kindly returned my smile.


"Well can anybody decide anything? I am starving," Sehun made sure to emphasize the word starving.


"Nara what do you feel like eating?"


I shrugged, "I don't really know."


"Well how about pizza?" Jongin asked, "When in doubt, just eat pizza. Right Nara?"


I bit my lip just to stop myself from smiling too obviously. He still remembers.


"Pizza it is!" 


"Tao keep it down, you're so loud."


Tao pouted at Kris and walked faster.


"Ugh, I hate it when he's like this," Kris huffed and ran to catch up with Tao.


Sehun chuckled and rested his hand on my waist, "How did you know that Nara likes saying that?"


Jongin let out a snort, "Oh Sehun did you forget that I knew your girlfriend way before you did."


"Really? I thought Sehun was the one who introduced Nara to the rest of the boys," said Jongdae.


Chanyeol shook his head, "Jongin was the one who introduced Nara."


Jongin grinned and nodded, "Nara was my seat mate in the first year of high school. And we just ended up being stuck together till now."


I pouted, "Why do you say it like you hate being stuck with me."


Jongin ruffled my hair, "You like to nag. You're just like my mom. Do you know how annoying it is to have two moms?"


The boys laughed and I sent a glare at each one of them.


I scoffed, "Fine. Don't ask me to cook for you ever again then."


Jongin laughed, "Stop being so sensitive Jung Nara, you know I am always going to pester you for food."


I rolled my eyes, "Sehun if this human being knocks on our door in the future, don't open the door for him."


"Don't worry bro, I got your back," Sehun fist bumped with Jongin and I just scoffed in disbelief.


"Oh you are so sleeping on the couch tonight."


The guys laughed and I couldn't help but smile a little.


Pizza was waiting for me, I had great company and everything was perfect.


The night was young and so were we.




The lights were off but I could still see Sehun's face clearly. He was staring at me, a habit he usually does. I hated the way he stared, it was as if he was reading my mind. It made me feel like he knew every single lie I told.


But when I saw him smile as he caressed my cheek, I couldn't help but smile back.


His hand found its way to my waist and he started drawing circles with his thumb, an action he does when he felt sleepy.


"I want to hear your high school stories."


I chuckled, "Why?"


"I want to know as much as Jongin knew."


I pressed my lips at the mention of his name, "Well my high school era was boring as hell."


"Still, I want to know."


"I was a very shy person back then, I wasn't really talkative and didn't have that many close friends. I only focused on studying and didn't really like to go out much. I liked staying at home and read or just watch tv."


"You still don't like going out till now," he chuckled.


I shrugged, "Old habits die hard."


"But you were close to Jongin?"


I nodded, "He actually missed the first week of high school because he caught a really bad flu and I didn't bother to sit next to anyone on the first day, so when he saw an empty seat he sat right away."


"Out of all the empty seats?"


"I sat at the front of class and the seat next to mine was the only empty seat left."


"Were you okay with him sitting next to you?"


"To be honest no, I liked sitting alone. Plus he was a boy, boys tend to be loud. But he was nice enough to let me study in peace."


"Did he annoy you he like he does now?"


"The first month he was such an angel, so quiet and always offered me his lunch but as we started talking he turned out to be an idiot who liked to tease me for my love for Harry Potter."


Sehun chuckled, "Sounds like the Jongin I know."


"But Jongin was really nice, even though he teased me a lot he always made sure I didn't feel lonely and always kept me company."


"Tell me more."


"What else do you want to know? I told you I had no interesting high school stories."


"Well what about your prom?"


"I didn't go to prom."


"You're kidding me right?"


"I am serious! Jongin kept on pestering me to go but I didn't."


"How could you not go to prom?"


"Proms are overrated, all you do is dance and eat food."


"And socialize!"


"Well I didn't really know anybody to socialize."


"You talk like Jongin was your only friend."


"I had other friends I guess, but no close ones. Tell me about your prom."


"My prom was a blast."


"That's it? A blast? Well at least tell me about your date."


"I didn't bring a date."


"No way."


"My friends and I agreed not to bring a date and enjoy prom together."


"That's some serious bromance."


He chuckled, "well even without dates we had so much fun. High school was pretty fun to me. Minus all the school work."


"Well at least one of us enjoyed high school," I smiled.


He pouted, "I wish we went to the same school."


"We do now."


"Well this is college, it's different. Maybe if I went to your high school I'd be your high school romance."


I raised am eyebrow, "But you are my current romance you dumb dumb."


"But who was your high school romance?"


"I didn't have one."


"Yeah right."


"You don't believe me?"


"I don't."


"I didn't bother to date in high school, I was too busy with school stuff remember?"


"Yeah yeah, top grades the president of the debate club and all that," he chuckled and pecked my lips.


"Of course, your girlfriend was such a busy person."


"But you didn't date before high school?"


"No, boys who were in my middle school were all asses and puberty hasn't completely done its job yet on them."


He laughed, "Does this makes me your first boyfriend?"


I nodded.


"Well I am honored then," he then kissed me.


I have kissed Sehun a lot of times. I even lost count. But this kiss.


This was different. It was slow, Sehun took his time with his kiss.


It was like he was trying to tell me something. It was his first time kissing me like this. So slow and so full of love.


The kiss screamed "I love you" and I just wanted to cry.


Because even though I kissed back, I knew that I couldn't give him as much as he gave me. I knew that every kiss was practically a lie.


I am so sick of lying, I am sick of myself.



Authore's Note



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hanharu #1
Chapter 4: Holy , this ending is so much sadder than ones that have character death in them O,O i wanna cry this was goooood
Chapter 4: Umm...what? No! That's so sad. :'( Why? And for once I read a fanfic that didn't work out perfectly. I love it for the change. I hope eventually, she'll learn to love Sehun with her heart since he cares for her much like the idiot he is.
camphalfblood #4
xoxo_Luhan #5
Chapter 3: Did she have a relationship with Kai before sehun