Bonus chapter

New school, new friends

Jungkook was joking, when he said he had to find a boyfriend. But now he really wanted to find someone. He felt lonely. Yes, he had Taehyung and Jimin and Yoongi and Hoseok as well.But Jimin and Tae had boyfriends and Hoseok was practically married to Yoongi. He was the only one who was single and he started feeling kinda sad. There was one time he was being seriously interested in a cute short doe eyed boy, but when he was about to reveal his feelings, his boyfriend came. Just when Jungkook was about to confess and ask the cutie to date him, this er named something like Kai came, grabbed the cutie nearly by his and led him somewhere, not caring about poor Jungkook. Jungkook tried ti talk to that cute boy and steal him for himself, but it didn’t work. He was in love with that Kai. Jungkook didn’t know, what he saw on Kai, he was such a ert. It took Jungkook some time, but he got over it and continued living as forever alone.

He was waiting for his friends to come in one of the school’s halls. He didn’t really care about what was happening around him and he barely noticed two guys stopping opposite him. But he lifted his head, when he noticed one of the guys. He looked like an angel. Brown hair reaching his shoulders, face that was beautiful and cute at the same time. He looked so gorgeous, gesturing with his hands and smiling at his friend. When he flipped his hair, Jungkook thought he was going to faint, it looked so beautiful. „Hey, Jungkookie.“ He heard Taehyung and Jimin, coming so he straightened himself, since he was leaning against a wall. They talked, but when their boyfriends appeared, he started feeling sad. He liked Namjoon and his brother, they were nice friends, but they had Jimin and Tae, they had their boyfriends and Jungkook didn’t have anyone. He turned his head, he wanted to see the nice guy again. But he was gone.

Jungkook didn’t see that guy until the next day. He was standing at the same place and after a while, he really came. Jungkook caught himself staring at him with open mouth and almost drooling. Well, of course he did, that guy was super handsome, everyone would drool! Same as tomorrow, the guy left when his friends came. Jungkook was sad, he wanted to watch that guy.

Jungkook wasn’t in love. No, no, no. It’s not like he’s going to the same place every morning, just to see a certain guy and looking for him everywhere. No, that’s pretty normal thing to do. Jungkook didn’t want to admit he was in love. It would be useless anyway. The guy definitely had someone. It was impossible for such handsome guy to be single… Jungkook, watching the angel, sighed. „What happened?“ He jumped, he got scared. It was Yoongi. „Nothing really.“ He answered. „Oh yeah. That’s why you are stalking my classmate?“ Yoongi said. „I-I am not stalking him!“ Jungkook raised his voice a bit. „Yeah, yeah, whatever.“

He was standing on the same place as every morning, waiting for angel to come. And he came. But he was alone. And he seemed he was going to Jungkook. „Hi. You must be Jungkook, am I right?“ He asked and Jungkook swore he had the most beautiful voice. Jungkook could only nod, he couldn’t believe that his angel came to him. „I’m Jeonghan. Nice to meet you.“ Jeonghan offered Jungkook his hand. The younger took it. Jeonghan smiled warmly: „I noticed you were coming here everyday and you were watching me.“ Jungkook blushed furiously. „You know, I usually don’t go here. But I noticed you were here. And I found you really cute.“ Jeonghan gently Jungkook’s cheek with his fingers. Jungkook blinked. He still couldn’t believe. His angel has come to him, he has talked to him and even touched his cheek. What did he say again? ‘And I found you really cute‘ Cute. Jeonghan thought he was cute. No. He certainly did it only to make him a little happy. He will say that he is sorry, but he has got someone and he should get over it. „I actually really like you.“ Jeonghan spoke: „And I suppose that you like me too.“ Jungkook avoided eye contact. Jeonghan reached for his hand. „I would like ask you…Would you try it with me?“ Jungkook looked at Jeonghan. Jeonghan did nothing, just waited for the younger’s respond. „I…I…Uhm…hyung…“ Jungkook stuttered, he was nervous. Jeonghan smiled at him warmly again. And Jungkook could do only one thing. „Yes.“

The next day Taehyung and Jimin came to Yoongi. „Where is  Jungkook?“ Jimin asked. He usually already was there with Yoongi. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly they heard a familiar laugh. They turned. There was Jungkook coming to them with some long haired boy. „I’m sorry, I’m late.“ Jungkook said, having the other boy’s hands on his shoulders. „Jungkookie, who is that?“ Taehyung asked. „That is Jeonghan. My,“ Jungkook blushed: „Boyfriend.“ Tae and Jimin cheered for him and Yoongi smile dat him knowingly.


My beloved unnie really wanted me to write a bonus chapter about Kookie, so I decided to write it. :D

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Hope you post the newest chappie soon <3
Chapter 11: Where are Jimin and going where Jimin and Namjoon going where Jimin and Namjoon goingggggg
Oh god I just have to know so please post the next chapter soon author > w <
kuroxas #3
Chapter 8: Kookie being all shy and happy is really cute, i look forward to their friendship.. And yeah namjin you've got a problem because you stupid just fell in love and it will be hard to fix your habits lol
The chapter was really short but i enjoyed it so thanks hehe
Have fun
kuroxas #4
Chapter 7: Ugh the namjin just pisses me off ugh i just hate bullies so much and seeing how jimin struggle and taetae wants abd tries to help him doesn't help at all.. Let's just hope they'll admit their feelings soon because i just want to punch someone whenever i read how they treat the vmin issh

Thanks for your efforts i'm looking forward to your update.
Have fun.
kuroxas #5
Chapter 6: The maknae line friendship is so good but i hope the namjin will stop being asses like really their actions are just ugh.. Anyway i'm enjoying this and really want to know what will happen next since finally the vmin started to act brave, i'll wait for your update.
Thanks for your efforts
Have fun.
Chapter 6: Hello, I'm here again :)
I really love this story, it's one of my favorites <3
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Bye, sweetie :*
alovera1 #7
Chapter 3: I love the whole fic~~~
Chapter 3: Loved this chapter. And I loved the fact that Jungkook is Seokjin's brother.
Can't wait for the next.
Bye bye
Kisses, honey <3
Chapter 2: Oh God, I'm loving this story <3
That's so cute, please, never stop writing, I'm in love.
Love the way you write.
Sorry for my English, that's not my mother language :/ But I needed to leave a comment here.
Bye bye, and kisses, sweetie :)
See you in the next chapter :*