New school, new date

New school, new friends

When Jin and Tae left, Namjoon turned to Jimin. „So it’s just the two of us.“ He smiled. Jimin smiled shyly back. „Can I walk you home?“ The older asked. „But will you be able to make it home?“ Jimin spoke quietly. „Yes, I’ll memorise the way and just return here.“ Namjoon had a huge smile on his face, it made Jimin smile too. „So can I?“ The older guy offered his hand to the younger, who took it happily. Jimin like holding Namjoon’s hand and he hoped tomorrow he’ll be allowed to hold his hand too. „You really helped me with the math,“ Jimin beamed: „We wrote a test yesterday and I got B!“ He jumped a little. „Woah, that’s really great!“ Namjoon the other’s head. He was really happy for him, it was nice to hear. „Hyung, could you please tutor me one more time? There are still some things I don’t understand.“ The younger asked nervously. „Of course, I’ll be glad to.“ Namjoon squeezed the other’s hand, it made the younger blush. „Could you do it now when we come? Pretty please, hyung.“ Jimin was affraid that his hyung won’t want to. „Yes, sure. If your parents don’t mind.“ Namjoon said. „They are not home, they always come in the evening.“ Jimin held Namjoon’s hand with both of his. He was shy thinking about being alone with Namjoon. But he was also happy, he liked to spend time with him. „Thank you, hyung.“ Jimin whispered. „You’re welcome, I’m happy to help you.“ Namjoon patted the youger’s head. Jimin looked at him and smiled wide.

Namjoon was in Jimin’s house for about a hour. „Is everything clear?“ He asked when tey were done with math. „Yes, thank you so much.“ Jimin smiled reaching for Namjoon’s hand. „So I’ll be going now, I have something to do.“ Namjoon got up. „Do you really have to go?“ Jimin asked quietly. He didn’t want Namjoon to leave, he wanted to be with him. It felt so good to be with Namjoon. „Yes, I’m sorry.“ Namjoon let go of Jimin’s hand. „Don’t worry, tomorrow we’ll have a whole day just for us.“ He Jimin’s hair. Jimin sighed. „I promise I’ll text you later.“ Namjoon put his hands on Jimin’s shoulders. „Hyung, can I…“ Jimin hesitated: „hug you?“ Namjoon smiled warmly. „Oh sure you can, you don’t even have to ask.“ Namjoon found it incredibly cute when Jimin wrapped his hands around him and rested his head against his chest. Namjoon held him tight. „I promise that tomorrow you can have as many hugs as you want.“ Namjoon whispered to the younger. Jimin nodded. They pulled away. „Bye, Jiminnie.“ Namjoon the other’s cheek. „Bye, hyung.“

The next day Jimin rushed to a place they were supposed to meet. Namjoon was already there when he came. „I’m sorry, am I late?“ Jimin breathed out. „No, you came just on time.“ Namjoon smiled and went to hug Jimin. Jimin snuggled to the older guy and refused to let go for quite a long time. „There, Jiminnie,“ Namjoon the younger’s head: „I told you I’ll ghug you anytime you want.“ Jimin grunted, but he let Namjoon go. „I hope you didn’t eat yet, did you?“ Namjoon asked smiling and Jimin shook his head. „Great. I know really good restaurant nearby, I wanted to take you there.“ Jimin grabbed his hand. „Let’s go then. I’m so hungry.“ He smiled wide, making his eyes disappear in two cute halfmoons. Namjoon swore to god this was the cutest thing he’d seen in his life. It made him smile back.

They had a really nice day together and in the evening they sat on bench in park, enjoying a slushie Namjoon has bought. „Thank you so much, hyung.“ Jimin said, holding his cup with both hands. „You’re so welcome, Jiminnie.“ Namjoon his hair. Jimin took a sip, before he spoke up nervously. „Uhm…hyung. Are we like…d-dating now?“ He was never so nervous in his entire life. His heart was beating so fast, Jimin was affraid he’ll get heart attack. He could feel every single vein in his body and the blood rushing in them. Namjoon smiled mysteriously. „Do you want us to?“ He asked. Jimin squeezed his cup. „Yes,“ he whispered. Namjoon pressed the younger boy against himself. „Then we are dating.“ He said quietly to Jimin’s ear, before nuzzling his nose to the other’s neck. Jimin seriously thought he was going to die. His hands were shaking when he was putting his slushie down. He hugged Namjoon. „Thank you, hyung!“ He hid his face in hyung’s shoulder, he didn’t want Joon to see him with completely red face. Namjoon hugged him back. „I can feel your heart beating,“ Namjoon said and ran his hand through Jimin’s hair: „Were you that nervous.“ Jimin didn’t do anything. Namjoon laughed. „You silly little boy, you didn’t see that I liked you the whole time?“ Jimin looked at him. „You-you liked me?“ Namjoon him. „Of course. I would never offer you my help if I didn’t.“ Jimin’s cheeks couldn’t get any more red. „Thank you so much, hyung.“
„It’s Joonie for you.“


So my teacher was so excited about my story Sleep lack, she wants to read another story. She was aslo so kind she helped me with my grammar. Pretty please comment and thank you to all subscribers, I love you. <3

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Hope you post the newest chappie soon <3
Chapter 11: Where are Jimin and going where Jimin and Namjoon going where Jimin and Namjoon goingggggg
Oh god I just have to know so please post the next chapter soon author > w <
kuroxas #3
Chapter 8: Kookie being all shy and happy is really cute, i look forward to their friendship.. And yeah namjin you've got a problem because you stupid just fell in love and it will be hard to fix your habits lol
The chapter was really short but i enjoyed it so thanks hehe
Have fun
kuroxas #4
Chapter 7: Ugh the namjin just pisses me off ugh i just hate bullies so much and seeing how jimin struggle and taetae wants abd tries to help him doesn't help at all.. Let's just hope they'll admit their feelings soon because i just want to punch someone whenever i read how they treat the vmin issh

Thanks for your efforts i'm looking forward to your update.
Have fun.
kuroxas #5
Chapter 6: The maknae line friendship is so good but i hope the namjin will stop being asses like really their actions are just ugh.. Anyway i'm enjoying this and really want to know what will happen next since finally the vmin started to act brave, i'll wait for your update.
Thanks for your efforts
Have fun.
Chapter 6: Hello, I'm here again :)
I really love this story, it's one of my favorites <3
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Bye, sweetie :*
alovera1 #7
Chapter 3: I love the whole fic~~~
Chapter 3: Loved this chapter. And I loved the fact that Jungkook is Seokjin's brother.
Can't wait for the next.
Bye bye
Kisses, honey <3
Chapter 2: Oh God, I'm loving this story <3
That's so cute, please, never stop writing, I'm in love.
Love the way you write.
Sorry for my English, that's not my mother language :/ But I needed to leave a comment here.
Bye bye, and kisses, sweetie :)
See you in the next chapter :*