You're Mine

You're Mine


The upbeat background music started to flow from the speakers mounted on the ceiling and Mr. Shin held his five fingers up outside the recording booth. Krystal nodded as she cleared quietly. It was now her turn for individual recording for the group’s song in the company’s Christmas album. Luna has just finished and probably telling stories with the girls in the other room.
She held the earphones closer to her ears. Strays of hair were filtering the music from the pair of foams. She began to sing.
One step more, two three four, Love’s around the corner
Left and right by your side, Boy you’re getting warmer
Up the street, Move your feet, See you coming closer
You better run to my door, into my arms say you’re mine forever more
You better run to my door, into my arms say you’re mine forever more
Krystal waited patiently as she rang on the group’s unit, and like always, Amber answered the door on the second ring.
“Hey…” Amber was scratching her eyes. She has just woken up and it’s almost noon.
Krystal immediately stepped in as Amber closed the door behind her. “Where are the others?” she asked in English as she dropped on the couch.    
“Victoria is in ‘Best Couple’. Sulli is in a photo shoot, while our Sunyoung is busy with her new drama.” Amber, in the same language, narrated lazily as she walked towards their kitchen.  It was time to speak in English again, since it’s just the two of them. “Didn’t you know? Didn’t manager oppa inform you?”
The princess smiled inwardly while maintaining a stoic face. Of course she knew.
“No.” Krystal lied. “Don’t you have taping for Invincible Youth today?”
“Nah.” Amber emerged from the kitchen with two mugs in her left hand and a plate of cookies with her right. “We had it yesterday and I just got home earlier.”
She gave the white mug to Krystal. “Milk.” Krystal accepted.
“Don’t you have High Kick today?” Amber asked as she sat beside Krystal and sipped her coffee.
“None” was all Krystal said before sipping her milk quietly.
“Well, I read that your supposed brother has a crush on you.” Amber teased with an obvious trace of heartache.
Krystal shot her a look. A cold stare. “Shut up.”
“You look good together. The two of you.” Amber continued, not looking back at the girl beside her. “I bet you’ll be a great team. Besides, he is really sweet towards you. You’ll be a greater team.”
“Amber…” Krystal said, her voice full of warning.
“Krystal.” Amber said, this time looking straight at her. She has put her mug of coffee on the table in front of the couch. “We have talked about this already.”
“And my answer would always be the same. By now you should have known that.” The princess said with firm voice. She too has put down her milk on the table.
Amber sighed and shook her head. Not this again. Please.
Krystal softened her face and brought a pout on her lips. She then carried both her knees and brought them over Amber’s thighs.
“Amber…” She then said, her voice soothing and sweet. “I honestly feel hurt because of this argument of ours. It seems that there’s no finish to it. Can we just drop it?”
Amber brought her hands to Krystal’s ankles and massaged them gently.
“Amber…” Krystal continued, her arms were encircled tightly on Amber’s arm. “I won’t forbid you to be friends with Suzy, Bora unnie and Woori unnie anymore. You can play with them naturally on set and I won’t say anything. And you can be naturally at ease with Jiyoung, Hyoyeon unnie and Sunny. And I won’t care if you even talk to Yewon.”
“Krystal…” Amber tried to interrupt.
“And I won’t mind if you take pictures with Hyuna unnie.” Krystal continued. “Even if you hold hands with Yuri unnie, it’s okay. If you talk to other girls, even if you hug them or hold their hands…It’s okay. I won’t mind, Amber.
“Just…Please, Amber. Don’t tell me that I am better with someone else. I would do everything. Don’t… Don’t just give me away.” Krystal finished with tears flowing from her eyes. She, the cold and rude girl that the articles talk about, has lowered her pride and humility in front of her love.
Amber dared not to look at Krystal. She has been thinking for the past days already. And if she had mistakenly looked at that lovely face, definitely her resolve would crumble once again.
Krystal unwrapped her arms from Amber’s and with her two hands, brought them tenderly on Amber’s cheeks, slowly and lovingly making her servant look at her.
“Krystal, I have something to say.” Amber finally blurted out, while Krystal sat still, waiting for the dreaded moment.
“I have been thinking of what that old Sooman told us last week.” Amber started. Her hands left Krystal’s ankles and removed her hands from her face and held them midair between them. She held them tight and looked straight to her eyes.
“I think this time, we really need to let go.”
Don’t act so shy boy, there’s no need to play coy
Open up your heart and tell me that I’m the one you adore
It has just been a week. One week, Amber repeatedly told herself.
Luna was talking animatedly about her Kyujong oppa, while Victoria was responding with much enthusiasm as what Luna has. Sulli was concentrating on the piece of paper where the lyrics and notes of their song are.
Amber tried to look at the paper and absorb the notes and lyrics in it. But she could have brought a hole on the paper already but not one word has retained on her head.
Mr. Shim’s loud voice was seeping in the room. He was telling Krystal that the song is a hopeful one, not tragic or suicidal as what her voice was portraying.
It would help if you put a smile on your face while singing. Again!” He said.
Krystal’s apologies were resonating in the room, as well.
I’m sorry. I’ll do my best not to be a bother.
Amber, unknowingly crumpled the piece of paper in her hands, with that pained look she had on for days.
“I’m really sorry, Amber. I’ll do my best not to be a bother.” Krystal whispered. “But come on, tell me you’re joking.”
Amber sighed. “Krystal, you very well know that I’m not kidding.” She said in a low and serious voice.
They were both quiet for some time until Krystal spoke. “Did you really love me?”
“Of course.” Amber immediately said. “I love you very much. And believe it or not, I still do. My heart is pouring out for you.”
Krystal had questioning eyes, full of hurt and confusion. “Then why? I don’t understand…”
Amber’s left hand left Krystal’s hands and went to her right cheek, wiping those tears that seemed non-stop. “The one that we had is really special. I will always cherish our memories, Krystal. We had wonderful days together. It’s just that we had to stop…and let go.”
“Amber…” Krystal breathed in deep. “Please don’t speak of our relationship as if it’s already in the past. Please, I beg you. We’re still working it out. We’re still together. Don’t end it yet.”
“You know that Sooman-ssi is right, Krys.” Amber shook her head. “Aside from us, we need to think of others, too. Your parents, your sister, our groupmates, our seniors, and our comp—“
“I don’t care!” Krystal interrupted. “Why do we need to think of other people when all that’s involved in this relationship is just me and you? We have been together for more than two years now, with all those people you mentioned knowing about it, then why do we need to end it now?! Why now, Amber?!”
“Let’s say we continue on this. Let’s say we continue to forget of our surroundings and only think about ourselves. Do you think we’re going to be happy?” Amber asked.
“Yes, of course.” Krystal said, her voice quivering but sincere.
“You think you are gonna be happy?” Amber asked again.
“My God, Amber! What kind of question is that?” Amber was really getting on Krystal’s nerves. “Of course I’m gonna be happy. We were always happy.”
 “With all those girls I’m surrounded with everyday? You think you can still cope up?” Amber asked again.
“Are you trying to challenge me?!” Krystal growled, voice low but frightening. “Tell me, Amber. What’s with all these silly questions?”
“I… I don’t know.” Amber, brought her hands on Krystal’s knees, looked down and shook her head. “Honestly, I don’t know, Krystal. One day it’s gonna be a skater, then it’s gonna be an actor the next. I don’t know, Krystal. I think I’m growing tired.”
Krystal made a quiet gasp. Realization started to seep in her. “Amber! How dare you put the blame on our friends when the reason is just really you?!” She then began to hit her with her fists – head, shoulders, arms while Amber made no intentions on defending herself.
“How dare you! Amber! You are a selfish person! I hate you!” Krystal said repeatedly as she continued on releasing her anger and wrath physically.
They were quiet and still for awhile. She was calming herself by breathing deep, the other waiting tensely; surely it would not be enough.
Then she gave the final blow. “I hate you, Amber. Right now, I really do.”
Tears finally flowed from her eyes. “I’m really sorry, Krystal.”
You keep me waiting and anticipating
Open up your heart and tell me that I’m the one you adore
Amber was located along the peripheral vision of Sulli’s. She was giving the lyrics a scan before her turn in the booth, and she has noticed that Amber’s eyes never left a line on the paper…for minutes now.
Amber removed her cap and brought it down on the table. And unlike always, she didn’t comb her hair with her hands.
They fought again, Sulli thought. She has always known everything about Amber without Amber saying anything.
Today, they were called in the studio for their Christmas song recording but unlike most days, the two were at the opposite sides of the room.
Sulli felt evil as a smile toyed on her lips. Is this the moment she has been waiting for since three years ago? Will she have finally her moments of joy back?
She felt monstrous with all the evil thoughts she has. But what can she do? After all, Amber has always been in her vision.
Sulli has been waiting atop SM Entertainment’s Building for 15 minutes already. She looked at her watch as her hands tried to warm her her body up. It was the night of their first Gayo Daejun as a group. And she can still remember the smile Amber gave her earlier that day.
“I’m going to tell you something later. It’s a surprise!” She said.
So there Sulli was, enduring the freezing December gust of wind, waiting for her Amber hyung and whatever surprise she has in store for her.
She heard the metallic fire exit door creak. She turned around smiling. Then, unknowingly that sunny smile of hers faltered. Amber was walking towards Sulli but with Krystal following her hyung.
“Hey there, Sulli-ya!” Amber smiled. “Sorry for being late. I was preparing my surprise for you.”
“No, it’s okay.” Sulli lied. She was dreading that she wouldn’t like Amber’s surprise for her. “Krystal-ssi would be seeing the surprise, as well?”
Krystal smiled as she stepped towards Amber.
“Ah, Sulli-ya…” Amber shyly scratched the back of her head. “Krystal is actually a part of my surprise. It’s our surprise to be specific.”
“We wanted you to be the first to know.” Krystal smiled tenderly.
“Huh? What’s this all about?” Sulli tried to play coy. She could already guess the surprise from the intimate stares the two has been giving each other right in front of her. Her knees were starting to shake.
Amber held Krystal hand tightly. “We’re together now!”
“Really?” Sulli asked with a smile but her voice was hoping it to be a joke. Surely, it’s just a joke, right?
“Just today.” Krystal smiled then gave a peck on Amber’s cheek.
Sulli wasn’t able to control her emotions, the tears.
“Hey, are you alright?” Amber asked.
Sulli nodded, still crying. “I’m so happy for you! Wow! Look at the two of you! You look so good together! I would always be right behind your backs supporting you!”
Lies. Sulli felt monstrous.
“I knew you would be happy with this surprise!” Amber said, hugging her younger brother tightly. “I love you, Sulli.”
Sulli kept on crying on Amber’s shoulder. With a cracking voice she genuinely said “I love you, too, Amber.”
Krystal smiled at Sulli. “Thank you. Thank you very much for your blessing, Ssul.” She then stepped forward to hug her friend.
“You’re welcome, Krystal. You lucky girl”
So 1, 2, 3 I put a spell on you, that’s what I got to do
So you can finally see that you belong with me
Sulli looked at her right to check on Amber. She has given up reading the lyrics because as of the moment, she was staring at the speakers where Krystal’s soothing voice are coming from.
She got a pen from the middle of the table and wrote on the backside of her lyrics.
Sulli waved the paper at Amber. It took a while before Amber noticed the paper waving right beside her.
Amber smiled. Sulli did bigger.
She took the opportunity to sit on the empty chair right beside Amber.
“What’s wrong?” Sulli pouted. Though she didn’t really give her 100% on supporting Amber and Krystal, she never wanted to see her hyung sad.
Amber sighed. “I hope I can tell you. But right now, I can’t”
Sulli nodded. “I understand. But you know that you can always count on me, right?”
“I always knew that.” Amber smiled. “Thank you, Sulli.”
“Of course!” Amber cheerily said. “You’re my hyung!”
Amber chuckled. “You’re always there for me. And you’re always there for us. What would I have done without you?”
“I love you.” Sulli said earnestly.
Amber nodded. “And you should know that I love you, too.” She said as she ruffled Sulli’s hair. “After all, you’re my little brother.”
“I always know that.” Sulli looked down.
“I really love her.” Amber then said. “I would definitely die without her. That’s why I think I’m dying right now.”
Sulli can almost swear that she’s hearing the cracks on her heart. She then put her hand over her hyung’s. “Be brave, Amber. Don’t give up. If you really love her, don’t give up.”
“You sometimes act as if you’re older than me.” Amber said. “But if you do love a person very much someday, I hope that you would not experience the same confusion that I’m feeling right now.
“Sacrifice. Sometimes, we need to let go of that special person for the both of you to be happy.”
“I don’t understand. I love someone right now, Amber. That person is very special to me.” Sulli confessed. “Even though that person doesn’t love me back, I’m not giving up on giving my all for that person.”
“You’re in love and you just told me today?” Amber asked, shocked. “And why did you decide to keep this from me?”
Sulli giggled. “I’ll tell you about it when I’m ready to tell you.”
“Alright. I totally understand.” Amber smiled as she hugged Sulli. “I bet that person just made a wrong decision not loving you back. You deserve true love.”
“Thank you, hyung. Thank you for telling me that.” Sulli said, trying her best for her tears not to fall.
The door creaked and showed Krystal stopping on her tracks; her stare zeroing on the two people hugging each other tenderly.
Amber saw the misunderstanding on Krystal’s large eyes. “Krystal…”
But before she could utter another word, Krystal has back tracked her steps and ran out of the room.
“Krystal, wait!” Amber cried out as she instantly left the room and followed the girl of her dreams. Victoria and Luna stopped talking immediately and stared blankly at the open door. Sulli failed in controlling her tears. She covered her eyes with her hands and started to weep.
We have no time to waste, no hesitation
I can’t stop dreaming
Someday you will feel the way I’m feeling now
Amber panted as she ran along the corridor. Her eyes were scanning every corner that she sees; panic stricken.
Where are you, Krystal?
Henry Lau emerged from the fire exit, looking bewildered.
“Henry!!!” Amber called out.
“Oh, hey there.” Henry gave Amber a quick hug. Then he took a swift look at her disheveled appearance. “What happened? I just saw Kryst—”
“Where?!” She exploded. “Henry, where?”
Henry was shocked. His friend never lost her cool. “I ran past her in the exit stairs. I called her but she didn’t even look at me. Why? Did something happen?”
“Was she going upstairs or is she going towards the basement parking?” Amber asked instantly.
“Upstairs.” Henry answered with his finger pointing up; puzzled.
“Thanks, man.” Amber gratefully tapped her best friend’s arm. “I’ll explain this to you soon.” She then dashed towards the staircase in the building’s fire exit. She just knows where Krystal must be.
Krystal stared at the Seoul Metropolitan under her eyes. The headlights from the cars on the highway and the lights from the buildings in the city made one beautiful scenery of light, darkness and shadows from the rooftop of the SM Entertainment Building.
She has been standing there in the cool December breeze for some time now. Yet the tears never stopped.
She has been thinking of what she just saw earlier – Amber and the smile that Sulli had. The tightness and sincerity of the embrace that the two had shared. It was truly heartbreaking for Krystal.
This week was truly painful and exhausting for her. There were moments when she would break down all of a sudden.  She then decided to survive the heartaches by maintaining the indifference and a stoic heart.
She then heard a clearing of throat not too far behind her. She knew that voice wherever she would go. Then that stoic face of hers softened. In a second, it became hopeful.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you cold?” Krystal heard Amber’s voice getting nearer her.
“I just needed to think I guess.” Krystal quietly replied.
“You can actually think inside though where you would have a greater chance of not catching pneumonia.” Amber said as she put her own jacket around Krystal’s shoulders.
“Thanks.” Krystal murmured. Amber stood beside her and joined in watching the moving lights under them.
“Remember the nights we spent here?” Krystal asked; a smile appearing on her lips. “There were a lot of memories of us that happened here. I can’t even count all of them.”
Amber smiled, as well. “Of course I do. All of them are happy times. We never went here when we fought. It was like a rule we needed to follow.”
“Yes.” Krystal agreed. “I’m still hoping, you know. It is my way of coping. Of surviving. But then I saw you and Sulli—”
“That’s not what you think it is, Krystal. Please believe me.” Amber said, almost pleading. “Sulli and I…are just friends. We can’t do that. I’m her hyung and you know that.”
Krystal smirked. She’s no fool to not see the admiration Sulli has for Amber all this time; admiration that Amber insists is just from a younger brother to a hyung.
“Why are you here anyway?” Krystal asked. “Are you done with your recording?”
“No, I haven’t recorded a single thing yet.” Amber said shyly. “I just want you to know that wherever our relationship may be going…” Amber faced Krystal. “Just remember that I am still your friend. You can still cling on me. You can still cry on my shoulder. And of course, you can still laugh with me. You can count on me, Krystal.”
After a week, finally their eyes meet.
“Thank you, Amber.” Krystal whispered. “I would really appreciate that ‘cause right now, I need you to stay with me.”
Amber nodded as she wrapped her arms around Krystal’s body; Krystal weeping freely now that she has someone to lean on.
Say 1, 2, 3
Won’t you stay with me?
Complete our destiny
When you hear me calling you should hurry
“I never met someone so persistent.” Luna remarked before she popped a tofu dice inside .
“I agree.” Sooyoung said as she slurped some jjamppong noodles. Seohyun agreed.
“Well, Kwanghee has admired her for a long time now.” Hyoyeon stated, playing with the beef stew on the table. “Even telling how he feels for her in public.”
“It’s just right that she give him a chance. Poor guy.” Tiffany said.
Taeyeon pouted. “Ya, why are you moping there, Amber?” she asked the quietest person around the table.
“Huh?” Amber looked up from her bowl of untouched bulgogi.
Jessica shook her head; her eyes rolling. “I don’t understand you. The both of you. Have you two broken up and not even telling us?”
Amber sighed. “I’ll explain when I can.”
“Amber…” Yuri asked gently; her hand holding Amber’s across the table. “What happened? You can tell us.”
“We love you, Amber. You and Krystal. And it hurts us that the both of you are not happy.” Victoria urged. “Tell us what happened.”
“It would definitely lighten the burden that you’re carrying.” Yoona said.
Amber breathed in deep. “Lee Sooman-nim talked to us last week…”
Sunny gasped, along with the others. “No way!”
“It’s true.” Amber forlornly said.
“Does Manager oppa know about this?” Victoria asked; the leadership in her was taking over. She can’t believe that tactics that the company is doing again.
“Ani.” Amber said. “It was a private meeting. It was just the three of us.”
“And my sister didn’t even dare tell me?!” Jessica blurted out.
“Oh my, Amber. I’m really sorry to hear this.” Tiffany said, almost teary-eyed.
Seohyun stated with an angry and disgusted face. “This is just so wrong.”
Taeyeon tapped the table with her fingers. “The company is surely behind this. Lee Sooman is no longer in position. Sajang-nim is behind this, too.”
“We have to do something.” Hyoyeon said.
They all thought of a plan or a connivance. “I can’t think of anything.” Yoona said. “We know that going against the company will backfire on us.”
Luna was crying her lungs out. “I don’t want this to happen to me, too. We have to fight for Amber and Krystal’s happiness.”
Yuri held Amber’s hand tighter. “Amber, don’t worry too much. We’re going to fight for you.”
“Be strong, Amber.” Sooyoung said. “We’ll definitely make a plan.”
“Thanks, guys.” Amber was teary-eyed for all of the concern of her girl friends.
“Amber, do you really love my sister?” Jessica asked seriously.
Amber was aghast with the question. “O-of course, Jessica. I love her so much.”
“Good.” The elder Jung smiled and nodded in approval.
Sulli stared at Amber as if in a slow motion movie.
Her heart could not be broken more at the sight of Amber’s loneliness. Her cracked glass seemed like it was stepped on by a shadow she can’t explain.
The pain that emanated in Amber’s soft, low whispers of what happened between her and Krystal…it was too much for Sulli to bear.
The longing that her hyung’s eyes showed. The longing that no matter what Sulli does she wouldn’t deserve. Or will ever deserve.
Sulli saw the kind of love Amber has for Krystal. It is so different from what Amber is giving her. From what they both share.
If she could just give her heart to Amber, just to fill in the gap in her chest. She smiled a little. Of course, it would never be enough.
Sulli thought of Krystal. What is she thinking? What does she feel right now? Is she hurting as much as Amber is?
She breathed in deep. What was that that Amber wished for her? Ah, that she won’t feel confusion or ever let go of the one she loves.
The ache in her heart was unbearable.
She looked at Amber once more before clearing .
“I have a plan.” Sulli declared as she fished for her mobile phone in her bag.
Hyung, I understand you now. What I’ll do will break my heart into tinier pieces but this would certainly heal yours.
Sacrifice. You have to let go of the one you love. You have to set her free because you love that person very much.
Amber, I love you that’s why I’m letting you go.
“Sulli-ya, I’m still in Naksan Park.” Krystal answered. “But I’m on my way to Dongdaemun Market.”
Krystal furrowed her eyebrows. Why would Sulli ask how long would she be in the market.
“I don’t know. An hour maybe? I’ll buying the staff some gifts. So I might even stay there for more than an hour.” She replied anyway.
“Arasseo. Annyeong.” She said before ending the call. The car was filled with silence once again.
Kwanghee cleared his throat. He was driving the car. “Krystal-ssi, you don’t know how you made me the happiest man today. Thank you for agreeing to have a meal with me.”
Krystal looked out the window. “It’s okay. I have nothing else to do anyway.”
She sighed. This, by far, is the most boring date she’s ever been. He’s a nice guy, a really nice guy. But no matter how hard she tries to talk to him, he really doesn’t appeal to her. They have different tastes in food, music, religion and perspective in life, among all other things.
“Amber, what are you doing?!” Krystal shrilled through a whisper. They just came from the SM Building to tell Sulli of their relationship and decided to walk in Namsan Park.
“What?” Amber acted apathetic. “What’s wrong?”
Krystal was tugging her hand from the clasp of Amber’s. “Someone might see us you dimwit!”
Amber acted hurt. Her free hand went to clasp her chest. “Is it not enough that you’re calling me your servant?”
Krystal giggled as she stopped tugging her hand. Instead, she tightened it under Amber’s hand. “Seriously, someone might see us.”
“I don’t care.” Amber said smugly. “I love you and I want everyone to see that.”
“Oh, Amber, you cornball~” Krystal gushed as they both stopped walking.
“Krystal~” Amber faced her and with her free hand pulled the strays of hair away from her girlfriend’s face. “I love you.”
A rather obvious blush showed on Krystal’s face. “I love you, too, Amber.”
In the middle of the crowd walking along Namsan Park, a couple stood, hungry for each other’s lips while tightly hugging each other.
There’s nothing you can do
No turning back, ‘cause
It’s now or never
And if the fates align we’ll be together now
Yuri and Jessica drove Amber to Dongdaemun Market as planned.
“Here you go.” Yuri said who’s in charge of the steering wheel. “Don’t you worry. We got your back.”
“Thanks, guys.” Amber really appreciated their help.
“Go get my sister! Woohoo!” Jessica cheered from the front seat.
The black Mercedes Benz roared away from Amber. It was time to get back the love that’s truly hers.
She started to run. A lot of people recognized her. After all, she didn’t even try to conceal her face. But right now, she doesn’t care.
“AMBER!!!” A horde of people rushed towards her, blocking her way.
“Please let me through” Amber asked politely. “Please let me through.”
“We saw Krystal-ssi earlier. Do you have a show nearby?”
Amber’s ears tingled. “Where did you see her?!” she demanded.
The fangirls were too shocked to speak. One brave fan pointed to the right. “She went there with Ze:a’s Kwanghee.”
“Thank you very much.” Amber said sincerely and ran towards the direction where the fan pointed.
A lot of people followed Kwanghee and Krystal wherever they go. All of them were snapping photos of the two.
Kwanghee felt like he was in heaven having the girl of his dreams with him and confidently showing it in public.
Krystal, on the other hand, looked as bored as she was since the moment Kwanghee fetched her from their apartment unit.
He was showing her a figurine of a young baby boy. He was also telling a story about his childhood, but as much as Krystal tried to understand, she can’t.
It was that voice again. Was it another memory in her head?
There it went again. This time, only louder. Her heart was now beating so fast. She smiled.
Her eyes went round and large as she turned her back and see that one person who she has loved all these years. Amber was panting and smiling brightly.
And for the first time that day, Krystal genuinely flashed a sweet smile.
Mountain high, valley low
I know you will find me
Krystal’s beauty never wavered. Amber would be the first to attest to it. The moment Krystal turned around upon hearing Amber’s voice, Amber would have sworn that she can hear her heart pounding on her ears.
That smile. Oh, that perfect smile. Impossible but Amber feels like she’s falling in love with Krystal again. Impossible ‘cause Amber knows she already loves Krystal with all her heart.
Filled with excitement and overflowing love, Amber felt invincible. She started to walk towards her.
Ocean wide, flowing tide
It won’t stop my baby
Krystal knew that there were a lot of people surrounding them. But she had erased them from her vision. She has long forgotten that Kwanghee was just right beside her as Amber started to walk towards her.
Step by step, in your stride
One for every heartbeat
Her eyes met Amber’s. She can feel it. Intense love. Only for her.
Krystal can’t bear the strong emotions on her chest that. It felt like Amber was walking a kilometer of distance between them. It took so long for her to reach Krystal.
Krystal opened her arms, inviting Amber in.
They hugged and the crowd ooh-ed.
“I missed you.” Krystal whispered. “I feel so sad thinking that I won’t be spending the Christmas Day with you.”
“I love you.” Amber whispered back, their eyes sharing an intimate moment.
Krystal brought her face inches near Amber’s. “I love you.”
Amber smirked as she brought her hands on the sides of Krystal’s face. “Let’s fly together.”
She then pressed her lips hard on Krystal’s soft ones as Krystal smiled in their kiss.
For the both of them, it was pure ecstasy.
Come to me, set me free
I hear you knocking on my door

“That was totally awesome!” Jonghyun cried out as he and Minho grabbed Amber and ruffled her hair.
“What did you do with Lee Sooman?” Siwon asked, baffled.
“Ah! Stop it!” Amber was crying for help as the SM artists looked and laughed.
Henry was smiling brightly as he jumped at Amber. “That was so cool! You’re a real swagger, man!”
Amber laughed with Super Junior and Shinee as Krystal proudly looked on.
“I’m so proud of you, sister.” Jessica stood beside Krystal. “You’re a true Jung.”
Krystal grinned. “Shut up, Jess.” Then she walked towards the group of boys hauling her girlfriend.
“Hey, hey, here’s the princess.” Shindong announced, making the boys back away from Amber.
Amber smiled as she held her hand towards Krystal, to which Krystal took it.
“Let’s go.”

It’s been an hour but their bodies were still pressed against each other, slowly dancing to the music only they can hear; giving each other warmth in the freezing December night wind.
“I have to tell you something.” Krystal murmured.
“Me, too.” Amber answered back. “But go ahead and say it, my princess.”
“I’m glad I have my adorable and loyal servant back.” Krystal closed her eyes. “How about we say it together?”
“I love you.”
“And you’re mine.” Krystal quickly added.
One step more, two three four, Love’s around the corner
Left and right by your side, Boy you’re getting warmer
Up the street, Move your feet, See you coming closer
You better run to my dAoor, into my arms say you’re mine forever more
You better run to my door, into my arms say you’re mine forever more
--------========== END ==========--------
SHEINee : Hi, guys! Thank you very much for readin ^^ I really hope you liked it. And if it's not much of a bother, how about leaving some comments/ suggestions/ violent reactions that you have? Again, thank you very much. And f(x) & Kryber FTW!!
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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 1: Great story
Alerth #2
Great storie!
Chapter 1: i like it.. good one shot
Chapter 1: THIS WAS ____ING CUTE ;A;
Chapter 1: Wow another masterpiece by you...i love it this is great story Sheine ;)
december12 #6
Wah this is so good. It is full of many emotions. <br />
I love it so much. <br />
But you still leave mysteries in there like how is Sulli, what Amber said to Lee soman? <br />
It is great, anyway. Touchy ~
@ackyel: you have successfully touched my small heart TT.TT Anyway, i want to give you a huge THANK YOU for what you've written down below. Thank you so much ^^ I have written a Kryber fic before. You can check it if you want. Then, i would really appreciate if you tell me which is better? i have been writing fanfics since last year and most of them are not posted online cos they all have different writing styles. im still making my own writing style, so hearing or reading your comment below truly made me happy. Thank you very much, ackyel!
Ackyel #8
It's so... amazing! You really good at writing. This is the most touched Kryber fanfic I've ever read. Keep writing.
@coolregina: AWWWWWWWWWWWW. THANK YOU! <3 I just hope you cried out of joy and not of sadness and despair for the story :))<br />
<br />
@kimhyuraa: wah~ me too. i like this song. and amber's part was kinda unexpected. hope she get more singing lines. thanks for commenting :))