

Unbetaed :)))  Image not mine!!! (I can't make it fit. I'm sorry it's all disproportionate)






Min Yoongi has a traveler's soul.


He'd go all around the globe in his old, rusty, but trusty Westfalia. The caravan is not brown nor orange: it's brorange-ish, just like his grandmother's ageless sofa. It roars alive when Yoongi puts contact and the familiar vibrations of the machine are enough to relax him whenever he's back to the city and trying to stay calm in infernal traffic. At home.


He never really did feel like home in the city. The air is too heavy, noise constant. It made his brains turn when his former friends would drag him along at the mall. Or worse: on a surprise date with the friend of a friend of a friend.


His former friends were true city boys. He remembers that Namjoon dreamt of being the King of Underground Stage. He'd spend days, nights even, cloistered in his room or hidden behind his schoolbooks in class composing raps to melodies he was the only one to hear. Yoongi miraculously heard from Seokjin that Namjoon had in fact made his little nest in the rap industry.


Seokjin himself wanted to be a reputed chef. Last time they talked, the later was indeed working in that field. Though it's a savage and overly competitive game...


Yoongi though... He remembers the nights they'd finally agree to leave the living world to go around some mountains on the outskirt of Seoul on hiking trips. These were the only moments where Yoongi felt he was alive. When he wasn't surrounded by gigantic towers made out of concrete and glass. When he could feel his heart pump and the blood rush through his veins. When he'd sweat and get thirsty because of the burning sun. These were his favourite moments, because he felt alive. Because he didn't feel like doesn't belong there.


During these trips, Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi would sleep under the stars, lulled asleep buy the song of the wind through the savage herb, making the tree leaves dance. As cliché as it sounds, they'd wonder about their future, trying to picture themselves moving out of their parents', falling in love...


Namjoon would always pester Yoongi in these moments. He'd stay mute, listening to his friends carry on with their daydreams. Yoongi knew things would not happen as perfectly and effortlessly as they imagined. He also knew that he would not quite live a life like his friend's. He couldn't let himself become a prisoner like everyone else. He wanted to see Jeju island in another way than during school trips. He wanted to see Japan and China, as well as Thailand and Philippines. Norway and its old wooden churches, Italian castles, Egyptians pyramids.


He wanted to go there, to all these places. He wanted to breathe Polar air, as well as desert air. He wanted out of Seoul, because he'd asphyxiate and rot inside if he stayed there for too much longer.


As soon as he could, he bought a plane ticket for Canada, one way only. There, he met some old native tribe and learnt about dreamcatchers. Dreamcatchers are used too to catch and destroy the bad dreams we experience. The dreams get caught in the web, only to be burnt by the first rays of sunrise. Only the good ones remained in the end.


Yoongi might not be a superstitions person, but he couldn't help but believe the efficiency of dreamcatchers. When he first slept under one, he awoke in the morning in the morning with a strength he never knew he had into himself.


Also, if Yoongi is truly honest with himself (which he is, but he will never admit it in a direct conversation) he will say that he travels around the world because he has no other dream.


He tried many things while growing up: sports, arts, sciences, technology, astrology, you name it. Always, it was fun, for a time. But then he'd get bored and be bored for a while before he finally decided to try something else. Society didn't help either. He couldn't understand how such mindless music industry could be so popular, publicity so effective, people buying things over their means. It was too much stress. Too much trouble.


Yoongi had started to lose weight with disinterest for life when he bought his ticket to Canada. In a way, his trip saved his life.


That was the beginning of a long series of trips. After, Canada, he continued down South, crossed the frontier. He saw the White House and real cotton fields. Even Disneyland, but only for one day.


Then he was lucky and was in time for Rio's Carnival. He even took a selca with the statue of Jesus on top of Mount Corcovado. His favourite moment was when he tried hot peppers in Chile for the first time. He did not taste anything for weeks after that.


Through all his trips though, there was always one thing he would seek out. The dreamcatcher, it seems, was a shared belief between native tribes. Everywhere he'd stop, Yoongi would make it a priority to fine one, two, three dreamcatchers handmade by real natives.


It was like he could relate to them in the way that they had a purpose in live, the one to bring peace to its user. And Yoongi needed peace. He needed space, air and freedom, just like the feathers hanging under the catchers.


Yoongi being honest with himself, he knew that he was only looking for a guide, a reason to pursue with his life, his so minuscule and insignificant life.






Back in Seoul, Yoongi took on a part-time-but-a-little-more-than-part-time job so he could afford another trip like his previous one. He lived at his parents, since he never technically left. His former friends Namjoon and Seokjin were now engaged with younger boys named Taehyung and Jimin, which was ironic seen how dirty they were when talking about girls back in high school.


He stayed in Seoul for two years, showing up only on important occasions whenever his friends asked him to come over.


Not that he didn't care about them. He did honestly appreciate them. Though they were... part of society. A society in which Yoongi could never quite fit in. His ideas were too different, too wild to be shared with many. Though his former friends knew better than to reject him for that.






His second trip he made by the road. His two years of hard work paid off when he finally parked the brorange-ish Wesfalia in front of his parents' house. He knew by the frown on his mother's face that she did not exactly approve of his choice. She would have preferred a more... trustworthy caravan. Though Yoongi had fallen in love with the western and old fashioned style of the engine.


With his passport in the glove compartment of his caravan and a pile of clean clothes in the trunk, Yoongi departed.


This time, he went around the big steppes of Mongolia, and drove a long way to the northern European countries. As he has always dreamt of, he finally saw wooden churches in Scandinavia.


In France, he helped during the grape-picking season (and made a little welcome money). He ate goat cheese from Switzerland, danced with a gypsy troupe in Spain.


Fruits from Morocco are in Yoongi's opinion the best he ever tasted. The carpets were so colourful he had to acquire one. Egyptian pyramids are exactly as in the picture books, huge, majestic and triangular. He saw so many people around Africa that it's hard for Yoongi to remember them all.


In India, Yoongi had a real curry with real curry spices. He almost got lost in the mountains in Nepal. Luckily for him, there was an abbey nearby and its lights guided him to safe ground.


Yoongi came back home after many, many months. His old, rusty but trusty Westfalia was still alive and has dreamcatchers hug all over the trunk, Yoongi's makeshift bedroom. Many more have taken place around the windows and over the ceiling. They're part of him now, as much as he's part of them.


For many, many months, Yoongi finds painful to get used to home again. Sure he missed his parents, he missed his friends. Though there's this part of himself that longs for away. Mundanity bores him in ways he never thought possible before. Along his trips, he was never truly alone. There was always someone somewhere he could ask, someone he could share with.


Mundanity feels like a worm digging holes in his bones, eating his insides, out all of his energy. Nobody did truly understand him. Nobody stopped to listen.


Nobody except Hoseok.




Jung Hoseok.




Nobody had that effect on Yoongi like Hoseok did.


Yoongi had gone through thunderstorms in the middle of Mongolian plains, but never felt as electrified as when Jung Hoseok laid his eyes on him. He had the hazel eyes of a shining sunshine and a smile whiter and purer than the Alps' eternal snows.


Jung Hoseok, who listened to Yoongi like he was an old native shaman, like he knew everything, like he mattered.


For that, Jung Hoseok mattered for Min Yoongi more than a thousand road trips.






"Why do you have so many dreamcatchers?" Hoseok asks once as they are camping on the outskirt of Seoul, like when Yoongi was a teenager. The stars are a little brighter there and Yoongi wonders if he could see their shining in Hoseok's eyes.


Yoongi takes a moment before giving an answer. It's the first time someone ever asks about his dreamcatchers and he realises that he never really thought about putting words on it before.


"They remind me that I'm alive. That not only I can dream when I'm asleep, but also when I'm awake. You know the affect that city has on me. It oppresses me. But dreamcatchers they... push me towards something better, I guess... I never really thought about it..." Yoongi concludes, scratching the back of his head.


Hoseok keeps silent, pondering over Yoongi's answer.


That's another thing Yoongi likes about Hoseok: he thinks before he speaks. It makes him even more beautiful. It also makes him a sort of dreamer: everything he says is thoroughly reflected, yet sometimes a little unrealistic.


"I always wanted to see Kangaroos" Hoseok admits, out of the blue. "Would you take me there?"


And for Yoongi, this only sentence is better than any wedding proposal. Yoongi wonders how he even could live a single day without Jung Hoseok. Jung Hoseok the dreamer; Jung Hoseok the catalyst of his bad mood swings, turning them into heartfelt echoes of laughter. Jung Hoseok, his human dreamcatcher, the man too perfect to be true, too bright, too positive, too beautiful.


"A hundred times, without hesitation."


And he means it, because Yoongi would take Jung Hoseok to the end of the World and back if he asked him to. 






[If you read until here, Thank You!!!!! also, I hope you're not bored <3 Leave your impressions :)))) ]

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Joir3C #1
Chapter 1: Here yet again. I never got to travel this summer. An upcoming surgery forced me to work all summer to avoid going broke, and I will probably be home bound for about three months. This story is almost it's own kind of dreamcatcher for me, something to read when the desire to feel something, anything is pulling me in a thousand different directions and I have nowhere to go. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to use this story to keep my own bad dreams away
Joir3C #2
Aah, I find myself reading this again and wishing I had a Hobi in my life. It's lonely living in a world where you're the only one who doesn't seem satisfied with the daily grind. I'm planning Alabama, New York, ia, Kentucky, and North Carolina this summer, I can't wait to be out traveling again.
Joir3C #3
Chapter 1: I relate to Yoongi in this story, for sure. It was like you were writing about me. Not having any other dreams, wanting to travel, wanting to get away... You put it into words and it's beautiful. Thank you.
Chapter 1: the way you write is so beautiful. this is beautiful. just - *wipes tears* i'd love to read your stories more~