Chapter 1: The Bar

Grad School

    Youngjae still couldn’t believe Mark was able to convince him to come out tonight. He had literally just been turned down from another grad school and, even with graduation quickly approaching, he had no idea what he was going to do with his life or degree. Yet here he was, out of his element and down five bucks to get in the door. Mark had immediately ditched Youngjae when they got in to go bother his boyfriend Jackson who was up at the bar. Youngjae looked around before sitting in the empty booth in the corner.

    After playing a couple round of piano tiles on his phone, Mark and Jackson sat down across from him with what seemed like an entire tray of shots and before Youngjae could even ask, Jackson explained enthusiastically “It’s dollar shot night and you have to spend at least ten bucks to start a tab, so Mark decided to get us each four.” Youngjae laughed, but not at the situation, at the realization of why he was always picking up these two from random places around town on friday mornings.

    “When one door closes another one opens!” Mark said while handing the other two shots, “And I think you’re door was the bar’s because your favorite dreamboat just walked in.”

    Youngjae looked over at the door as the other two giggled and . It was Im Jaebum. Youngjae had been in class with him or had classes taught by him as a graduate assistant since he decided to major in music composition. Needless to say Jaebum was super handsome and unbelievably talented. And since the two across the table from Youngjae had found out he thought that way, they’ve been trying to get youngjae to ask him out. No matter how much he tried to avoid the topic things like this always happen.

    “Look he came alone.” Jackson pointed out. “And he doesn’t seem to be looking for anyone either! Maybe we can finally get youngjae laid.”

    Youngjae turned bright red  and put down the still full shot that had been in his hand as he said “Actually I don’t think this was a good idea, I think I’ll go home.”

    Mark grabbed his arm before he could get up “Jackson is just joking! Tonight's about cheering you up, we won’t do anything or make you do anything you don’t want to. Promise.”

    He seemed sincere so Youngjae decided to stay. Also, Jaebum had sat down in basically the opposite corner of the bar so he could always escape through the front door if these two tried to get him to go over and talk to him.

    “To new prospects!” Jackson said before getting a swift elbow to the ribs by his boyfriend. “I was talking about his future not boys, geez.” He said as both of them started giggling again before motioning me to pick up the shot.

    As the cinnamon burned his mouth and throat Youngjae remembered he hadn't even asked what they brought over. He glared across the table at his friends who were laughing at him because his eyes were watering, before looking out into the bar to see a terrifying sight. Jaebum was walking toward their booth with two beers in hand and looking directly at him. He even cracked a little smile when they made eye contact.

    Youngjae quickly took another shot as Mark and Jackson noticed the boy approaching. They quickly gathered up the shot glasses before wandering off while wishing Youngjae good luck.

    Youngjae tried to calm his nerves as the boy who he would never admit he was completely in love with made his way through the crowded bar towards him. Trying to figure out what to do with himself, he ended up pulling out his phone to try to seem nonchalant.

     “You’re Choi Youngjae, right? I thought I recognised you!” Jaebum said when he got close enough to hear. Youngjae looked up to see him approach with a surprising soft and nervous looking smile. “Mind if I join you?”

    “Oh, yeah, sure.” Youngjae forced out while motioning to the seat across from him.

    “Why did your friends wander off? I wanted to meet them.” Jaebum said with a laugh.

    “They’re always abandoning me in uncomfortable situations” Youngjae replied with a sigh.

    “Oh I’m sorry did I make this uncomfortable? I’ll leave if you want.” Jaebum said as he started to scoot out of the booth.

    “No no no, not you, just the whole bar thing in general. I’m terrible at small talk and never know anyone.” Youngjae reply while half reaching out to grab Jaebum’s arm before pulling back and picking up his phone again.

    “Oh yeah, I totally feel that. Hell, tonight my friends decided I should go out by driving me up here, paying my way in, handing me a twenty, and just leaving me here alone.” Jaebum said before taking a drink. “Oh I brought this for you, it seemed rude to interrupt without something to offer so here.”

    Youngjae took the offered beer with a smile before taking a sip. He wasn't a big fan of beer, but it was actually really nice, for a beer.

    “Good isn’t it? Thank my friends, I’d never spend the nine bucks of each of these with my own money.” Jaebum laughed while putting his beer up to clink glasses.

    “To your friends!” Youngjae said with a smile as he clicked the glasses. “I didn’t even realize you knew who I was.”

    “Of course I remember you, at the very least you were the best in that music comp class I got stuck teaching. Hell, if it were for you I probably wouldn’t have went most days.” Jaebum laughed before breaking eye contact to look into his beer. “Anyway! What are your post graduation plans? I know that’s right around the corner, I remember being so stressed out I couldn’t sleep.”

    Youngjae’s smile sank as he replied “I’ve been rejected from practically every grad school I applied for for mediocre gen ed grades and I don’t even have enough experience to land an unpaid internship. I’ll probably end up moving home at the end of may and trying again in the spring. I mean what else can I do?”

    “You didn’t apply here?”

    “They’re the only one that hasn't gotten back to me yet. I’m assuming that’s a bad sign because the rest of them got back to me pretty quickly with their ‘we don’t think you’ll be a good fit’-s and ‘sorry our program is already filled, try again next year’-s.” Youngjae said, defeated.

    “You know, I know all of the grad advisors, I can put in a good word for you.” Jaebum said with a smile.

    Youngjae couldn’t help but smile back, he was starting to feel those shots, “That’s nice, but you shouldn't. I want to get in on my own merit.”

    Jaebum laughed, “Noble, but they don’t know your talent or seen your potential like I have. Trust me you’d be an asset to the program. I got you.”

    “Geez. Hot and nice, your girl must be a goddess because you could get any of them.” Youngjae said, surprised at his own words. He probably shouldn’t have done the second shot so soon after the first, this was not going to go well.

    Jaebum blushed “Haha, you’d be surprised. I’m quiet and have an unapproachable face I’ve been told. No one ever comes up to me and I don’t have balls to just walk up to strangers and start a conversation. I was so relieved when I recognised someone in the crowd, and you even let me join you. Tonight is started off miles better than I expected.”

    “But you always seem so cool and collected. And most people get way more talkative when they’re drunk.” Hell, look at me - Youngjae luckily only thought the last part.

    “I mean, yes and no. I don’t see myself meeting someone in a place like this so I guess I put off the vibe I don’t want to meet people here. Or at least that’s the closest guess I have.” Jaebum said with a smile. At this point Youngjae could help but smile back as he felt the alcohol warm up his face, to which Jaebum followed with “Now everyone must be after you with a smile like that. It’s like a baby’s laugh; it just kind of warms you heart. That was the best part of you presenting your pieces in class actually. While most of them were so nervous and weary of what everyone would think, you were always so proud of your work and happy to share it. I think that’s why everyone liked your work the best. That and it had more feeling than most of the other’s. Some of their pieces felt so forced. I hope you get into the grad program here so you can share your process with me.” He added a wink for emphasis.

    Youngjae turned bright red, “I’m really not that good.”

    “Don’t be modest man, you’ve got a gift!” Jaebum said, giving Youngjae a gentle punch on the arm.

    “How’s it going, love birds?” Mark interrupted as him and Jackson rejoined the booth. Both Jaebum and Youngjae sat back against their seats, Jaebum hiding himself in his beer and Youngjae embarrassingly aware of how close they had been leaning towards each other across the table. Youngjae knew Mark had noticed too from the smirk on his face.

    “We were thinking of going dancing at that new place down the street, how about you two join us? We can wait until you finish your drinks, no rush. You can introduce your friend to us on the way, Youngjae.” Mark added with an eyebrow wiggle.

    Before Youngjae could complain or contest, Jaebum said, “Sure, it’s pretty dead here anyway. Maybe we can keep sunshine over here distracted from his grad school trouble with some terrible dancing.”

    Everyone looked at Youngjae waiting for his decision. “Well, I’m not going to let you guys leave me here.”

    “Let’s go then!” Jaebum concluded enthusiastically before chugging the rest of his beer.

    Youngjae finished his drink as the group started towards the door. When he got up he ended up drunkenly tripping right into Jaebum. Before he could ever apologize Jaebum just started laughing while helping a surprising drunk Youngjae upright and put youngjae’s arm around his shoulders.

    “I didn’t realize you’d been drinking before I got here, but I’d hate for you to hurt that pretty face of yours, clumsy.” Jaebum said with a wink as he snuck an arm around Youngjae’s waist and led him out of the bar.

    When they got outside Mark and Jackson just started giggling at the sight of them. Youngjae reactively shrugged Jaebum off of him. He looked over to see Mark rolling his eyes before the group started down the street.

    As they walked Youngjae tried to keep a distance between himself and Jaebum, until at one point he saw Jaebum reaching out for him when he realized he was stumbling off the curb. Luckily Jaebum was fast enough to catch him before he fell into the street.

    “Geez clumsy, my life flashed before my eyes there. Be more careful!” Jaebum scolded while moving Youngjae so that Jaebum was between him and the street,

    “Thanks. I didn’t even realise. I shouldn’t have done those shots earlier.” Youngjae replied with a smile. He immediately stumbled again and decided to slip his arm around Jaebum’s to lock elbows with him.

    “I would usually say maybe you shouldn't do that, but I really can’t complain about anything that gets such a cutie on my arm.” Jaebum replied, squeezing Youngjae arm to emphasize the last part.

    Jaebum laughed as Youngjae slowly comprehended what he’d said. Youngjae’s eyes were wide and his face was so red as the two locked eyes. They both looked away after a second but Youngjae took the opportunity to lean his head on Jaebum’s shoulder. Jaebum reacted by putting his cheek onto Youngjae’s head for a second before straightening up and sliding his hand down to be next to Youngjae's.

    The two walked the rest of the way arm in arm with Youngjae lightly running his fingers over Jaebum’s arm and hand, too nervous to actually take it.

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animetanaka #1
Chapter 2: I just want to let you know how much I adore this plot, the pacing, the characters set up for Jaebum and Youngjae, and that I keep coming back to this fic and read it over and over. :) it's really charming! I just want to let you know that I'll patiently wait for you to update! The development of the plot has me so hooked! Hoping to get an update from you soon~~♡♡
xxxiiixxx #2
Chapter 2: Oh oh I like this already, it's cute, they're both so cute.
chillaxdiva #3
Chapter 2: This is so cute!! I am looking forward to the next chapter~ the start is very good and steady, wonder what will happen to youngjae now ;)
Chapter 1: I'm so exciteeeeeeeed. "Cutie in my arm" is jut... I can't even:D
mollysomerville #5
Chapter 1: OMGGGGGGGG, Pleaaaaaaaaaseeeeee continue thisssss. Its so far so good. iuyvsfgdkibnjf *giggles*