Chapter 2

Just A Friend.

She didn't know what to expect when she signed up for Professor Jung's class. She heard the rumors about her through some of her senior. Not a good one, apparently. Professor Jung is known as the strictest lecturer on the campus who does not be guilty-ridden piling on her student with tons of extra assignment.

Hana crawled into her bed and lay down exhausted. She cried out of stress. She's still behind on other classes’ assignment. When Professor Jung asked her to resend her paper, her heart sank deeper. She's criticizing her paper as sub-par compared to the others in front of the class. The whole class.


Being a center of attention has always been her Achilles’ hell. She never felt humiliated. A few of her classmate said some word of encouragement. She shrugged. None of it made her feel better.

Are you busy? I just have the tiest day ever.
From: Hana

I'll be there, give me fifteen minutes.
From: Mark

"Hey. What's wrong?" He walked into the Hana's room and sat next to her. He grabbed her hand and rubbed at the back of her palm.

"Arghhhh. Professor Jung is being impossible. She'd rejected my paper that I've been working on for a long time and she's expecting a polished one before tomorrow's evening."

"That's ." He hugged her tight.

"You think?" She mocked him.

"I'll help you. Anything. Just tell me what to do."

"No. It's okay. You're going to hang out with JB, right?"

"Meh, I can ditch him. Besides, it's not going to be fun anyway."

"You sure?" He smiled and nodded.

She sat on her desk chair facing her laptop typing word after word. Mark was highlighting a few points in her reference notes. They've been pulling out all night working on her assignment. She felt really tired.

Min stepped into the room reeking with alcohol smell later that night. She just got back from one of the party. Min was too drunk even to say hi to her. She threw herself on her bed falling deep into sleep. Hana glanced at her watch. It's 3 am in the morning. She stretched her body hearing some bones cracking.

Mark has already snoring softly on her bed with a paper on his hand. She chuckled. She put away the paper on her desk. She pushed Mark a little bit giving her space to lie down on her bed next to him.

"Are you finished?" Mark voice sounded hoarse. He's too tired to open his eyes.

"Yeah. I get like four hours to sleep now before class."

"Okay. Sleep. I'll wake you up later." He slid his hand to her waist and rested it there. Hana closed her heavy eyes and drifted into deep sleep.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hana sat in front of her desk working on her assignment. She’s been working on one assignment to another. She sighed. She didn’t realize she’s been yawn for a couple of time now. She needed to take a break. She browsed through her book shelves and picks one out.

Min was not around that night in the room. Hana lay down on her stomach reading a novel. She's always been a fan of Cecilia Ahern. She flipped through the pages reading every word on 'The Book of Tomorrow'. She flinched when Mark suddenly barged in her room and threw his body lying next to hers.

"Don't you know how to knock?" She yelled at him in shocked.

"You won't hear me even if I've knock. Falling too deep into Cecilia Ahern's fictional world." He mocked her.

"I could've been , you know."

"And I would've hitting the jackpot, didn't I?" He winked at her slyly. She nudged him.

"So, what is this story about now?" He flipped around and lay down on his stomach like her. She shrugged. Mark read along with her. He'd keep pestering her to flip the pages faster and complaining at her. "Oh come on. Did you trying to memorize each word, Hana?"

"Shut up."

The door opened wide. Min just got back for wherever she was before. She's not alone. She introduced them to her friend who standing giddily behind her. "This is Jia, a friend of mine."

"Hey, I know you. You're in my class right?" Mark greeted her with a smile. Jia nodded and smiled sheepishly.


“We’re going to Burger King’s. Want to come?” Min asked. Hana shook her head. She’s already had dinner earlier.


“Nah, I’ll pass too.” Mark replied short. Jia seemed to be disappointed. They walked out of the room after Min grabbed her purse.

Mark turned his face to Hana. "Next page, please."

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Babyjb #1
this is great! i've been looking for mark fanfic and lucky me that i found this. btw, i like cecelia ahern too (^. ^)
KimHyeJoo #2
Chapter 7: awww i love this fic ♡♡
Chapter 5: poor hana :( update soon babe
Chapter 3: i think he remembered everything >.<
Chapter 2: i think mark loves hana lol