Minseok and Cole.

His Notes

Going into Cole’s room, the man sighed as he saw the amount of papers scattered around her room; at her bed where she was supposed to sleep, her floor that was supposed to be clean as she likes to run around, and at her desk, where she was peacefully sleeping on the pile of books that she was studying, before was sleeping, that is.

Attempting to carry Cole to her bed, she woke up the moment he lifted her off of the chair she was at. Her eyes slowly opened, still not aware that she was being carried.

“Baby, you slept on your table. Again.” Exasperation was evident in his voice. Instead of responding, Cole snuggled into Minseok’s chest for warmth.

“Stop doing that.” He frowned. Previously, he told her how he’s going to be away for a short while. Hearing this, the girl was disappointed, excusing herself so she could study. He attempted to go into her room a few times, but all he got in return was silent treatment and screams of “I’m studying!” from inside.

After a few whines and heavy lifting, Minseok managed to place Cole on her bed. She opened her eyes to squint. “Do you really have to go?” She whispered sadly. Looking into each other’s eyes, the corner of his lips raised a little. The gaze that he fell for made him falter and wanted to say “No, I don’t. I won’t go if you don’t want me to.”

“I have to. It’s just short trip. Just a few nights, okay?” Minseok assured her while holding her cheek. She nodded before drifting back to sleep. He got up and smiled at her, while getting assorted colours of small papers and a pen.


The next morning, Cole woke up with a gloomy ambience around her. Not half a day has passed since Minseok left, but she already misses him. Seeing the amount of reading materials she studied in her room, she scratched the back of her head.

“I forgot what I was supposed to do again.” She grunted, messing her already messy hair. “If only that bastard was here.” She made a ‘tsk’ sound. She went to her desk expecting her books to be opened halfway where she last read.

Just because I’m not here by your side doesn’t mean I’m not in your heart. <3” Cole gasped seeing the amount of coloured notes on her table at the top of her books, arranged neatly. She read each note one by one, only to realize that Minseok had written her reminders with motivational words at the bottom. She laughed, all of her worry and sadness disappearing. Smiling, she read the last note slipped in between the pages of her book.

I love you, always remember that!”

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