Last Dance (Angst, Jimin)

Less Words

The last song of the party was playing and everyone had gathered on the dance floor hand in hand. And there you were, hand in hand with the boy you had grown up with through thick and thin.



“Time passed by so fast… Didn’t it?”


“Too fast…” you whispered to him in agreement.


Jimin had pulled you closer into him as he kept his gentle grip on your waist. You rested your chin on the dip of his shoulder, and had chosen to keep silent. Closing your eyes, you had decided to let the last slow song of the night do most of the talking for her. Guiding you, your footsteps followed each slow beat to the song.


“Can we stay like this for a little longer? Please?” Before you had caught herself, you had let the unspoken words your heart has held on to- go.


Jimin hummed in response and had tightened his hold around your fragile waist. You felt his larger body frame close what was left of the tiny gap between the both of you. “Just like when we were kids?”


“Just like when were kids…”


It was the last night before he was leaving for Korea, a new life and a new beginning. A new for all, and you were happy for him. At least you wanted to believe you were. He had gotten his whole life planned and set ahead of him and you had helped him with each step along the way. And that meant endless nights of organizing and putting great thought into each and every decision, good and bad.


Trying to grow accustomed to this new reality, everything had felt out of place “Please, please don’t forget me.”


“I’ll never forget you.” Jimin responded, giving your hand a squeeze of reassurance.


After tonight, it was bound for your world to change drastically. You had fallen in love, and it was a long way down its free fall, and hitting the ground would be so very painful because after tonight he would no longer be there to catch your fall.


I love you.


“Thank you for supporting me.”


I love you.


“I don’t know how to thank you any further, especially for just being there for me.”


I love you.


And that’s all your heart can say, unspoken stupid words of ‘I love you.”


“Make me proud, and make her happy.” was all you can say.


The song had ended and he let her go, looking into your eyes he smiled. “Thank you.”


Pulling you into a tight embrace, your heart stung in a million different ways for all the wrong reasons. The last thing you wanted was for Jimin to let go, because it was what can hold you together that very night.


I love you.


All the colourful lights that had danced around the hall merged into one. That’s all this whole night was, an awkward blur.


You clutched on to the back of his shirt and tightly closed your eyes, hoping time would stand still. All you wanted at that very moment was to hold on just a little longer, hold onto a piece of yourself that you knew you will never get back after he leaves through the doors.


It was simple: love, it either worked under your favour to piece you together or tear your world apart. And that is exactly what it did, it had pieced you together and it had been tearing you apart at the same time.


“I love you.”


You smiled, “I love you too Jimin…”


You two were on two different worlds, and you looked at the man that had used to be your anchor turn into the waves that had drowned you that very night.


“I love you so very much. And I hope you take care, and make her happy just as much as you made me so very happy.”


That’s all you needed to say, I love you. But it will never be in the same language Jimin’s heart spoke when he had told you the same three words.


And you’ll never know what it’d be like. You’ll never know what it’s like to be seen in the same way you had been looking at him the entire time.


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Chapter 2: tearing up and my heart is beating fast.....kkkk....that was very good.....i thought i died,,,,kkk...