1516 We met

Reblooming Love

I'm sorry Jungkook.Of course I know how do you feel about me.I don't  know how would Kim Taehyung react to your confession but for me,I only have my heart for Iris.I had make promise with her to acknowledged after 500 years,the years doesn't seem long yet it doesn't seem short either .I've been waiting for 500 years.Jungkook,all I could say is sorry,I only see you as my good comrade,Jeon-ssi,with that resemblance.Taehyung is thinking while on his way.Being an immortal human who had been through from the Joseon dynasty with emperor until right now a country without emperor,republic Korea - he even seen the build of Eiffel Tower.


After leaving the restaurant and Jungkook behind at there,Taehyung immediately makes his way to look for Irene nearby the floristry and places she will possibly head to just around her residential area.Taehyung remembers of what Wendy mention to him about Irene was in unstable state after finding out the truth behind her that her father was someone who had cheat behind Irene's mother and even have another family outside in which making Irene as the love child while her mother became the third wheeler in the relationship.However,the true story was the otherwise.Irene is the legitimate child and her mother is the real Mrs.Bae.Yet,this had been almost 10 years ,her father who used to be her hero and king in her heart as well had gone to another world.Irene just couldn't accept the fact that her father would cheat behind her mother and her ,the fact that Irene had two sisters too who believe now is a high schooler.


"Taehyung,please look after Irene when you found her.I can't reach her phone.I want to join you to search for her but my father had me to go for a ball tonight.I can't break the promise,"the thing Wendy told him through the phone as she can't make it to look for Irene.She is worry about Irene but she had promise her father to attend the ball tonight.In which she could only depend on Taehyung to look for Irene.He is reliable as he wouldn't want Irene to get any harm as well ;Irene is just his priority .


Taehyung head to the nearby floristry for the first station to look for Irene while still trying to reach up for her phone,yet,it is the same that out of connection of the number he dial.Please be alright,Iris.You promise that after 500 years we will meet again.Now,we met but why did you forget about everything.You say that a promise should be never be break.I didn't break our promise so do you.You can't break the promise as well,Iris.Please be okay,the calm Taehyung who use to be instantly become nervous wreck who anxious of Irene's condition.


500 years,I've been waiting for all these years just for today to be finally met you.500 years,I live by enduring the pain to see everyone close to me leave one by one.I can't bear to loose you anymore after 500 years.


The fate between Taehyung and Irene isn't just typical fate as the two had been separated for 500 years.Being an immortal ,Taehyung might seen many generations of people and resemblances.For instance ,Jeon-ssi and Lady Tsan in the past and the resembles of now in 2016.However,his fate between Irene never being tied up through this 500 years since it is a curse being set by purple butterfly herself.To wash up all her sins of being as a wizard,she sacrificed her afterlife for these 500 years.Just right after 500 years,she will be able to reborn as a human in this world.

1516,Joseon Dynasty

"Rise,the arrival of Emperor Yi,"an old man announced while gesturing his hand to some unmanly moves .The old man wasn't just a typical old man yet he was the Chief Naesi among all the eunuch in the kingdom.He was the one who look after the emperor right now since he was a little kid.The Naesi likely the one who talked in behalf of the emperor,what he spoke was what the emperor want him to say.The life of being in a kingdom was easy as long as you well listened to the upper rank and never did something out of order ; don't try to be capable than your upper rank,just stay humble unless you wanted to be loathes and sabotage to being punished ,sacked out from the kingdom.


As you can see all around in the hall as the emperor arrived,everyone will bowed to him until he seated on his throne only allowed to lifted up their head.The hall with the throne was somewhere only males were allow in here,no females could be seen to be attend in the imperial meeting with the emperor.


"Long live,emperor!"everyone yelled out in the same time as a greeting to the emperor.


It was a last minute official statement from the emperor by eunuchs of the kingdom to the general and officers of the kingdom to have this meeting in the hall.The reason they were being called was to seek out someone that the emperor was currently looking for.


"I heard about this capable lady outside who can heal my weird sickness,"the emperor began of the purpose of today meeting was actually to help him to seek of this young lady who recently had rumors going around the country about her power to heal someone.Miracle could happen as long as that person with sickness being heal by her ; she got a mystery power to give death to alive again.Eventually,the emperor would like to meet this lady which he leave an order to all the officers and generals to help him to seek out of this lady.Ever since a month ago,rumors around the kingdom said that the emperor had always having a nightmare about a sick and dying dragon in which they believe was a bad omen about the emperor's health that he will be taking down from the throne because of his life will be getting shorter.The emperor will passed away in a young age.


Emperor Yi inherited directly his crown from his father in which the ex- emperor yet his health wasn't had been that good since young as the doctors inside the kingdom as well as some officers who believe to be knowing some magic had fortune telling the emperor that he will had a short lifetime.After he became the emperor for around 10 years,his life will be taken back by the God as he was being somehow curse with some weird sickness.No one ever succeed in seeking out the real answer even someone who knew about black magic.


Since  this lady who seem to be capable in healing had been going viral around the country these days,the emperor would like to try of it by asking her how to get rid of this curse of having short life time.Leaving an order to all the general today in the meeting for them just to seek out this lady from now on which was the prior.


"I heard that this lady is really have some mysterious power to heal people,"one of the General said before General Kim interfered their conversation.

"Is there really a person like this in this country?I haven't heard about it,"General Kim said.

"Ah,General Kim.Good to see you again.You don't know about this person?"Kim shook his head ,knowing nothing about it.

"General. Kim is a capable person of course he is busy of protecting the country.Of course he won't know such a rumors going around these days,"one of the General who look a bit younger that the first one spoke.

"Is the emperor's condition really that bad recently?"Kim asked as he had been out of the country these days to train the armies to be get prepared from the outside attack.

"I heard that the emperor had this nightmare even more frequently which makes him worry of losing his crown,"the elder first one stated the fact of emperor wanted them to seek out this lady was because of the emperor's condition had gotten even worse.

"It explain why emperor would like us to look for this lady."

"I heard that this lady really is mystery and her background is unknown.Her presents to somewhere is undetectable,"one of the General added.

"Anyway,what is the lady name?"Kim asked as they had been mention about this lady yet the name still unknown.The emperor just leave order to seek of this lady but General Kim didn't have any idea about it as he out of the country recently,didn't know exactly what had happen.

"Her name is Purple Butterfly,"the General said.

Purple Butterfly?The name seem to give a deep impression for General Kim as they mentioned of it.


As the emperor really look up of this lady namely Purple Butterfly ,as a loyal General as Kim was,he couldn't get rid from his mind about this lady who had been talk by everyone recently about how good she was.Her name seem typically like a chinese name yet her fame of healing people seem to go viral these days in which making Kim to astonish of it.


"What's wrong,husband?"a beautiful lady approached to Kim who was in the middle of thinking of the emperor's order.

"Ah,Tsan,"he turned around as he jolted by his wife sudden nudge him from having deep thought of what the emperor said.


Even after returned to home,Kim still thinking of the mystery Purple Butterfly in which people had been address him as the most loyal to the emperor who would do anything for the emperor.It wasn't just empty talk,it was actually had a prove of it just by this case of seeking a person,Kim really put it in mind to help the emperor out.


"What's it,husband?You look like in worry,"Tsan noticed of the frown on her husband's face,immediately that she poured some tea that she brought for Kim ,"Here,take a sip of tea.This is jasmine tea,it will reducing your tension."

"Thank you,Tsan.You are so nice,"Kim thanked for the tea in somehow awkward way.


The marriage between Kim and Tsan was actually an arrange marriage by the emperor to reward for General Kim who had been done a very good job in a previous war against their enemy which helped the emperor from getting back one of the land that had been invaded by the enemy.In order to thank for the lead of General Kim who attack their enemy ,the emperor decided to reward him with a beautiful wife.Eventually,Tsan was being chosen as she was the daughter of one of the imperial family of the emperor.Good manners,elegant ,beautiful and flowing with an imperial blood,Lady Tsan was everyone dream wife .In which Kim became the luckiest guy to be able to have Lady Tsan as his wife.


As this was an arrangement marriage by the emperor in which making everyone had to accept it without any objection.General Kim just must to accept it.The two had get married for 1 year now yet the connection between them was still a little lack and inconvenience sometimes.Even though Kim only know to protect the country and do everything the emperor demanded to,yet he was also a typical man who would like his love life to be going by naturally that he could at least first developed feeling towards the one he loved before really getting married.For him,he developed a feeling towards Tsan after the marriage yet it wasn't the feeling that could become husband and wife ; Tsan was just like a sister for him ,a good companion who will inspired him every time when he was tension about the war.It was just different.A gap appeared between them,Tsan was a very good wife but for Kim,he just thought she deserved much more better man than him as he knew that their marriage somehow was like a force.


For Kim,he might thought as Tsan like that but as for Tsan,she actually had make her choice that Kim was the right man for her,why does he always like this?We are husband and wife,why does he distant away from me?


Everytime she tried to attach closer to Kim,he will immediately felt awkward around.


"By the way do you possibly heard about this lady who can heal someone from death to alive?"Kim tried to ask Tsan about the rumors of Purple Butterfly.

"Sorry,I never heard it yet,"Tsan apologized as she didn't heard anything about the lady Kim was talking about.

Disappointedly that Kim showing a face of as he expected Tsan could be helping him out for this yet the answer was no,"It's okay."The time was getting late the sky was getting darker,"It's getting late now.You should be resting by now,Tsan,"Kim convinced Tsan to take a rest instead of accompanying him.

"How about you?You shouldn't work until midnight too.You will overdo yourself,"Tsan concerned of her husband too.

"I'm okay.I still have a little bit of work to do here.You go rest first,"Kim insisted Tsan to returned to the room for sleep first as it was getting late and late.He knew that Tsan won't leave if he didn't insist her to,in that case he get up from his seat while led Tsan to the doorway of the study room.

"I will be rest after I done my work,"Kim promised to return to the room as soon as he finished his work ; with that Tsan leave without hesitation yet still looked back of Kim who was busy with his work at the table with a pile of documents there.


The next day,Kim awake at the study room.As usual,he didn't returned to his room to sleep as he promised Tsan to.Sorry,Tsan.he felt sorry for his wife yet Tsan never blame him - as soon as he stretched his body from bending all night long fell asleep on the table with improper position while adjusting his sight.The first thing he saw was a simple note leave by Tsan which referred to the bowl of warm water being prepared next to him at the stand for him to wash up his face after he awake.


Head towards the prepared water for him to wash up before a struggled thought of his played in mind,Sorry,Tsan for treating you this way.I don't deserve for you to be treat as nice as this.I spend too much time of war and neglected you,Kim wasn't a metallic human who didn't have any feeling,he felt sorry as well for his wife who had been done everything for him yet recently he felt that he had been neglecting her because of the work he had in his hand.He wanted sit and have a proper talk with Tsan about their marriage which seem won't be fruitful anyhow.Yet,he feared of hurting Tsan as well,she is a very nice girl,he didn't want to ruin her life.


Instead of directly to the dining room for breakfast as Tsan slipped a piece of note for Kim about having breakfast after he washed up,Kim headed off from home to somewhere else to seek for the lady that the emperor had order them to.Again,he leave Tsan with disappointment ,this wasn't just the first time - he tried to develop feeling towards Tsan for the first few months yet it didn't work well.


Sorry,Tsan,with guilt that Kim walked along the street while looking for the lady.By working,he would only just erased away the thought about his relationship between Tsan.

"Excuse me,have you seen a lady called Purple Butterfly?"one by one that Kim going to ask the people.Unlike his usual formal costumer with the armor of a General ; he dressed with a casual wear with his hair tighten in bun instead of having the armor helmet around it.Look more casual and lighter without those heavy armor around him - a good looking ordinary man that will swooned every females with his casual wear.


Asking one by one of them yet there was still no one who seen about this lady ,Purple Butterfly.As one of the General had told him that her present was undetectable ,less people seen her unless they were sick people or dead.Healing,Sick,dead,He suddenly remembered of what the General said ,that's it,came up with a thought of where would person he was seek possibly be.


Immediately that he headed to the nearby street with beggars around.The street with rats,cockroaches and other pests as it was a place that most dirty and live with beggars who didn't have money to rent a room nor house.From what the General said about this lady was a kind person who would heal sick people like those beggars and someone who didn't have any money.


“Hey,look,pretty lady.”

“I wonder if she is still a .”

“How about we help to check it out?”


As soon as Kim arrived at one of the back street, a pack of wolves men was trying to do some criminal to ual harassing the lady who laid on the ground who looked unconscious – dressing all prettily with purplish colour.Immediately that Kim stopped them from what they were thinking of doing to ruin a young lady’s pride.


“Hey!Stop right there!”

The group was just a group of cowards who immediately ran away when Kim shouted at them.

“Hey,lady,are you alright?”as soon as the group ran off,Kim tend to wake the unconscious lady on the ground ; she looked like faint of exhaustion.Luckily,Kim passed by here by coincidence as if not she will be in harm.Pulling her into his arms as he gently laid her on his arms while trying to wake her up before her heavy eyelids moved and blinked.She’s awake…

She adjusted her sight of the surrounding in Kim’s arm,”Where am I ?”she asked sheepishly.

“You just fainted away just now and someone trying to ualizing you,luckily I passed by here and saw it,”he explained the whole situation as the latter one adjusting her sight before completely conscious while tried to settle herself up properly.

However,she dropped back as the aftermath of her faint haven't yet completely gone,her hands trembled as her face still looked so pale,"It seems like you got a weak body,"Kim said before he was on his knee while gesturing his hand for the lady to leap onto his back for a ride ; piggyback.

"Come,I could carry you way back to your place,"Kim suggested - it was just their first meeting,the lady first felt inconvenience to did so yet her body seems to be weak that she couldn't walked by herself either ,in fact she let Kim to carry her on his back.


The lady gained a bit of conscious while Kim carried her on his back,

"Pardon,may I know what is your name,sir?"

"Everyone called me General Kim,"instead of hiding his true indentity,he just simply told the truth for her by telling that he was a general.

"What about you?What is your name?"he asked back the lady on his back.

"Everyone called me Purple Butterfly,"as returned of not hiding her true identity as well that the lady told Kim her real name as seeing how Kim being true to her.

Purple Butterfly?It's her.


The person that Kim had been wanted to search for was actually the lady who he saved - coincidence or fate?Two anonymous could actually meet in an unpredictable consequences.




While Taehyung is still in the middle of searching for Irene,the sky become darker that the moon even further now- it is 10:30 at night.Yet,no sign of Irene or able to reach to her phone.She doesn't pick up the phone even though how many times Taehyung had been trying to reach her number.Eventually,Taehyung become nervous wreck who worry as if something bad will happen to Irene.He had awaits for 500 years,he doesn't want this to be happen.where could she be?

Wendy had send a message to him earlier by telling that she tried to call Irene's mother as if Irene is home yet.But,it turns out that she haven't yet - by disguising the true story from Irene's mother ,Wendy told her that Irene will be home late because of having a dinner with her friends.


Irene,where are you?


As Taehyung passes by one of the dark back street,something catch his attention by the noise of the stray kitten growling while stray dogs barking at the sound.Having a curious thought of it that Taehyung head to the dark backstreet to take a look of what is happening as he has some kinda of omen about it isn't just a typical cat and dogs fight.


"Irene!"his omen is right that as he walks into the street,there is the cat who in front of Irene's body while the stray dogs trying to sniff on the human body but being block by the cat from going further.Taehyung shoo them all before immediately makes his way towards unconscious Irene on the ground.He settles her head on his lap before checking out her condition,"Irene,"Taehyung tries to wake her up but no response until he notices slightly red rashes on her arms.


Without thinking much that Taehyung immediately on his knee before gently place Irene on his back to carry her home first as if something will be happen next if they don't go now.The street is dark and full with pests and stray dogs,Taehyung shoo them earlier,who's know what will happen next.Immediately he carries Irene with him and makes his way out from there.


Please be alright,Irene.Hang in there.


After walk a while by feet,Taehyung still carries Irene on his back on his way back to Irene's home,

"Hmm?"a small murmured sound come from Irene.

"You are awake!"Taehyung responds right away when he heard the murmured.

Irene had been unconscious for a while now that she doesn't make any movement or sound ; Taehyung feels a bit of relief to see that she is finally back to conscious.

"Taehyung?"Irene notices of how she is at the back of Taehyung being carry by him."what's going on?"

"It's a long story ,noona,"Taehyung implies while still walking Irene home by carrying her on his back safely.With carefully that Taehyung carry her in which he wouldn't want Irene to get hurt or anything.


500 years,yet,something never change that we are still the same old us.500 years ago,our first meeting start like this and now 500 years later,I can't believe the same thing repeat too.However,the difference of 500 years ago and now is that I won't let you get hurt anymore.The pain you've endure 500 years ago ,I would never can mend it but in this 500 years later,I won't let anyone to hurt you anymore,I promise...


A/N:Do you guys believe in fate?

I kinda do...hahaha

anyway,enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment,please *puppy eyes*I really love comments yet I haven't seen any comment except for the previously


catch the bubbles from Vrene..^^ 

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since this fic is originally my own idea and i even have a draft of it,i hardly to give up of it><


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MsTaeyong 249 streak #1
Chapter 11: The story is going smooth wow I'm more intrested now
vrenelover #2
Chapter 15: awh okay. please take your time authornim~
wintaliaa #3
Chapter 14: Woaah the story .. I like it soo much! I'm a new subscriber and just finished reading this series. I am really, really looking forward to this!♥♥ I hope you update this.. soon... Your last update was couple months ago.. But I'll be waiting for you author!
comicon #4
Chapter 14: Yeay!! An update. The author. This chapter is really good.
Chapter 14: aigoo!!!! update soon
Chapter 10: no jungkook how could youT^T
taehyung will hate you once he know that your the one deleted the message.
Chapter 10: no jungkook how could youT^T
taehyung will hate you once he know that your the one deleted the message.
Chapter 9: Poor Irene
Chapter 9: wow so sana and irene is related....
vashkook #10
Chapter 9: OH.MY.GOD! :o its really great and the feels just asdfghjkl :") omg i can't wait for your next update. please asap! :3