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AstroGuru Love Tarot Reading

Past Card: The Hermit
The Hermit may be alone standing atop of the mountain looking down at you, but this does not mean that you must do the same. In fact, the Hermit card is a sign for you to take stock in what you have going on in your life’s relationships that are good and revel in them. Rather than focusing on what you WANT now is a time to focus on what you need from love. Knowledge is power and you have the power to get what you want out of life through your relationships. If you are looking for love and this card comes up it can have one of two meanings. The first is a representation of your lonely feeling by not being in a relationship. The other is a representation of needing to take a break from your search and focus on yourself for a while and allow for love to find its way to you. Maybe consider taking a break from dating and take up a hobby.

Present Card: The Empress
When the Empress shows herself in a reading about Love, be prepared to go through a cycle of being worshipped. Love is in the air when you are the Empress; everyone wants to be close to you because you are The God/Goddess of Love. How can they resist you? It is practically impossible. This is your time to say what you want exactly the way that you want it and have others rush to your side to provide it. Do not compromise your beliefs or your integrity for anyone that isn’t similar to you. Take this opportunity to attract someone fantastic, that matches your energy, and let it happen.

Future Card: The Fool
Often we hear the saying, ‘Only fools give in’ or, ‘foolishly in love.’ These sayings are designed to express a level of care-free behavior that has at times been knocked down in today’s skeptical society. There is an overall sentiment that foolish means stupid and that you should always be in control. But this is not so always in life. Responsibility and foolishness both have their place in the cycle of your life. If you ignore the fool within, the romantic, the jester then you might become only a shell of yourself and your existence can feel pointless. Open yourself up to the endless possibility that this card signifies. Whilst pursuing counsel through the tarot about love and relationships the Fool says to tear down the walls that surround your heart and have some fun with the wild and ecstatic energy of love. Now is an excellent time to pursue new love, to feel silly with someone or just to fall unconditionally in love with you. Embrace your inner fool and trust that falling into this phase is the point. When you feel fear, remember that you are never alone. Doubt is no more than indecision taking up residence in your heart. Make a decision, any decision and you will become free of the chains that bind you.


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