Am I Lucky?

Lucky Enough

Minseok always knew he wasn't brave enough to face his feelings. Feelings were such a scary thing, he didn't knew how to deal with them and if they didn't exist at all, it would be so easier. 
All he could do was pray to never fall in love with anyone, that's too much for his mind, too much for him.

That's not how things work.

He must be afraid of those feelings, but he's not dumb, clearly noticing something was going on deep down in his heart. But why? Why with him?

Why Luhan? 

They were close friends, really close friends and it's been like that for a very long time. So, why? It wasn't supposed to change! 

But it was inevitable and too late, his heart insists in beating faster in response of stupid things. Like, when Luhan hugs him, when he hold his hand, and mostly all the time when they were together. That's stupid, that's stupid! He's not ready to everything up, not ready to ruin their friendship. 

Minseok feels so lost, and doesn't know what to do. But totally sure he would never be capable to say anything all loud about his feelings. Feeling lost and such a coward.

Weeks go by, even months. Couldn't take it anymore, he need to say something, do something. But why? 

For the first time in his whole life, Minseok got jealous.

Not a big deal, of course. It shouldn't be.

He shouldn't be jealous because a girl invited Luhan to a date. He even said no, so why was he feeling this way?! 
That's why feelings were so scary and complicated, he doesn't understand them. So annoying.

In a desperate act, Minseok decided to do something. It was so stupid, even ridiculous, made he feel like a 12 year old little girl, whatever.

He left a note in Luhan's locker at school.

"That's so embarrassing, why am I such a coward?..." He thought in his way home, feeling more nervous than ever.

He regrets what's done hours after, feeling even more nervous and scared. What did he do?! In the next morning, everything would be ed up, and all because he wasn't capable to control his stupid feelings.

Minseok was so, so wrong.

He didn't went to school in the next day, pretending he was sick. Just wanting to be alone in his room forever and die while sleeping. Dramatic? Yes, but he's only sixteen, he has the right of being dramatic.

What's done is done.

Luhan found the note in his locker, wondering if that's kind of a joke. And of course, he reads it.

"There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just do it. I'm sorry... I'll understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore. 

Lu-ge, I love you.
At first I wasn't sure, I thought I was misunderstanding things between us.
But day by day, I knew this feeling were getting... Stronger. I fall in love with you everyday, in every way you could ever imagine. 
I'm telling you because... You need to know, you deserve to know.
Maybe... If I'm lucky enough, you can love me the same way as I do. 


Sincerely, your Minseok.”

"Oh my god. Is that serious?" He thinks.

If was a joke made by one of his classmates, he would kill all of them, that's clearly not funny.
But it felt so real, it really looks handwritten by Minseok. That's totally something he would do, considering how shy Minseok is.

"Baekhyun-ah, did you ing do that?" Is the first thing he says when the younger arrives in the classroom, showing the note. He looks confused, what's happening? 

"I swear, I did not. I really like to mess up with you guys, but I would never do something like that,” Baekhyun explains after reading the note. "I think it's real, Minseok really wrote that. And I'm not surprised, it's so obvious you guys are in love with each other"

"Shut up! Ok, it wasn't you, but it could be someone else.

"Stop being so paranoid, it's so difficult to believe he really likes you? Look around, Minseok's not even here and he's never late. There's no way is just a coincidence, I'm sure he's not coming today.”

Baekhyun was right. It makes sense he didn't show up. 

"What do I do...?" Luhan almost whispers, staring at nothing.

"What's so difficult about it? If you like him, tell him. If don't, tell him, but don't be mean. You should see him after school, go to his house, and please... Think a lot before saying anything.

Ok, that's not difficult. Not difficult at all. 

"I'll talk to him after school, it'll be fine.

Luhan's still holding the note and decides to read it again. Now, he's smiling, he just... can't believe it! Minseok said he loves him, in every way... He's almost sure he never felt this happy in his whole life.
What is Minseok afraid of? He thinks Luhan didn't corresponds his feelings? That's silly! He must be really blind... He never noticed anything, how? Just... How?

"Maybe... If I'm lucky enough, you can love me the same way as I do” Luhan reads it, probably his favourite sentence of the whole note. He can't help it and keeps smiling.

Minseok was lucky enough. Actually, Minseok was luckiest than ever.

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Chapter 1: Ooooh cant wait for more
Chapter 1: Now Im squealing like there's no tomorrow... XD
almighty_bee #3
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload....
thank you
Chapter 1: Ahhh the cuteness ^^ <3
Nice job!!
Chapter 1: this was so cute!!! i love when minseok is the first to confess, especially when they are awkward teenage boys askljlffgkpotrv
i really liked this, i hope you can keep writing more of this or more xiuhan in general :D good job!!