The Goodbye Boy

New Beginning

“Crap we are late. I swear that this is all your faults Kim Baekhyun” Woohyun frantically shouting from the driver seat. They are leaving the house later than they should and the traffic is not that nice for them.

“Eh, why is it my fault? We could have left earlier if not for Jiyong-hyung who claim that the room still need some retouch” the 17-years old senior of high school whine for the passenger sit only to receive a smack from his second brother.

“Yah! Don’t you dare dragging me into this! Relax Woohyun, the detectives say that Youngjae needs a little time to clear his mind right?” Jiyong, also known as the famous G-Dragon try his best to calm his over-reacting elder brother. It is weird though as they usually counts on Baekhyun to be over-react.

”Still, we could have left earlier. It is already bad enough that Jaejoong hyung can’t make it, we don’t need Jae to think that we forgot about him” Woohyun sigh as they finally nearing the park Yong Guk told them earlier. As soon as the car is safely park, all three boys rushing out to the spot where Yong Guk had told them earlier.

They honestly can’t really describe their feeling. Their family has long be broken if not for Jaejoong-hyung that pulling them together. Their mother commits suicide from the sorrow of losing their youngest brother and their father lifelessly waiting for us to be old enough before he also following our mother footstep. Frankly, Woohyun and Baekhyun had long giving up on Youngjae but Jiyong and Jaejoong always believe that he will comeback.

They finally spot three very familiar figures from far away. Fasting up their pace as if the ground is burning if they go slower, they can see Himchan, the psychologist and also Kim Jaejoong’s closest friend stood up and smile at him. Yong Guk smiles and mutters something but none of them could catch what he said as all their attention focused on the boy who is standing with Yong Guk. He is looking at us with wide range of emotion. The three of them stop in front of them and panting to catch his breath.

Baekhyun being the noisy diva he is immediately engulf the boy into a bone-crushing hug. “Oh finally you are back with us. God knows how many times I pray for this moment to come true. To finally be able to hold you and see you up close like this” the rambling is cut short thankfully by CL who after finally had enough of her fits of laugher smack the poor boy on the head.

“Stop being so dramatic Kim Baekhyun. You are scaring your little brother.” CL said making Baekhyun pout. “I just want to cherish this moment and I have been practicing this line since yesterday and she just hit me calling me dramatic” could be heard under his breath as he quickly smile towards Young Jae.

“Don’t worry Jae, they are weird but they are very nice. Go on, know your brothers” Yong Guk push him lightly towards his brother but after realising couple raise eyebrows “It has been kind of a nickname I give for him and it stuck” he smiles rubbing the back of his neck.

“Jae! That is a very nice name. My name is Kim Woohyun, your third elder brother. How are you feeling Jae?” Woohyun quickly step in front of him pushing Baekhyun to the side.

“I am fine. My name is Kim Youngjae but Jae is fine” I tell him honestly as I really like the nickname. I take a look at them before I finally settle the uneasy feeling in his stomach. Unexpectedly, he burst out laughing for the second time for the past months only stopping after realising all eyes are suddenly on him. “Sorry” softly mumbling an apology as I afraid i might come out as weird to them. Even though after seeing Baekhyun and CL he kind of forget what is weird exactly.

“Aww you are so cute. You should really laughing more Jae” he smiles, no he grin widely and ruffling my hair. Baekhyun feels like it is the right moment to burst in and he pinch my cheeks so bad that I really cry today.

“Yah you make him cry” CL say as he smack Baekhyun head for the second time today and pulling the guy away from me.

“Sorry for that, my name is Jiyong. You probably know me as G-Dragon, the leader of Korea most famous boy band, Big Bang but I am your second elder brother” he smiles sweetly in front of me that make me really comfortable. It is not the pity smile people often gives but just the fatherly smile Yong Guk will offer him.

“Where is the other one?” I scan carefully as I really remember that I have four elder brothers but only see three in front of me. Himchan seem to be realising the same thing, quickly ask “Where is Jaejoong”.

“Owh Jaejoong-hyung got an emergency meeting with his supplier so he could not be here today but he promise to come back for dinner” Jiyong smiles as Baekhyun and CL starts quarrel.

“Oppa I told you right? They are late because this boy actually forget where he put his favourite eyeliner” CL voice out loud for us all to here. “I can’t help but to look awesome for today” Baekhyun cross his arm over his chest as he smile and ruffle my hair. “Hyung want to look the best for you”.

“CL we should get going. Yong Guk you are coming?” Himchan finally realise how much time they had spends here. I quickly look at Yong Guk who just smiles “You are in safe hands now. Ask my number from your brothers and call me if anything ok?” he smiles.

“Take care of yourself Youngjae. We will be seeing each other again, I promise you” she smiles and giggles at my clueless expression before they make their way.

“So let’s go home?” Jiyong hyung reach for my hand while Woohyun taking my other hand. Baekhyun is happily jumping around and singing behind me. Home, there is where I am heading now and I am with my family.



This is it my second official chapter. Still got a long way to go and mistake to correct but I try my best.

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Chapter 21: Ohhh...amazing story authornim..i hope u can update soon..hwaiting (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Chapter 20: /gasps/ and they met yongguk at the mall too
Can't wait to see the update for this.
eternalpain #4
Chapter 12: That's the main is daejae but it might change...that's kinda idk. Im going to be so bias with daejae ✌~>_<~~>_<~
Chapter 9: I like your story.
Keep updating :)
eternalpain #6
Oh yea I was also wondering since [vero0703] commented daejae main or bangjae main, but who or which couple is the main is it daejae or bangjae.
eternalpain #7
Chapter 7: I can't wait for your next update.
Chapter 7: This is nice. Cant wait for the next chapter XDDD