
That's Right My Type (Discontinued)
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***I'm back! I'm sorry if my writing's a little rusty... 


"Hey Jongdae," I crept up behind him, making him jolt up in surprise. "I was wondering if you were free sometime this weekend."

Jongdae placed his burger on the table and spun around, his wide eyes meeting mine, "Are you asking me out on a date?!" He exclaimed, mouth full. 

"Don't talk when your mouth is full. You're spitting everywhere." Minseok scolded, crossing his arms. 

"Would you think I would ever ask you on a date?" I questioned and raised an eyebrow. 

Jongdae swallowed his food and asked, "Then why would you need to ask if I was free? I thought my best friend finally noticed how charming I am and decided to confess her undying love for me!" 

"In your dreams," I punched him lightly on the shoulder and sat down beside him. I was reminded of Jisoo's favour and figured that the best most suitable guy out there who matched her description was possibly Jongdae. 

"Handsome and funny guy who went by the nickname Chen."

Not that I felt that Jongdae was extremely handsome and funny - his jokes were not really my type - but he was definitely above average  in terms of looks and would probably be the only person who would actually help me out on this one. Jongdae was kind of weird sometimes, but I bet he'd like the nickname Chen. 

"Could you do me a favour?" I asked.

"What?" Jongdae replied, uninterested as he munched on his burger. 

I shuffled in my seat, "You know, I have a friend who needs someone to act as her fake boyfriend." 

"Is she pretty?" He turned his head towards me, eyes sparkling. 

Muttering under my breath, "I can't believe you're such a superficial-" I paused. "Yes, she is. Happy?" 

"Happy." He winked, "So how may I help you? Am I supposed to meet her parents or something because I can do anything but that."

I frowned, "Why can't you meet her parents? You're great with adults."

"Are you asking me to meet her parents?" He widened his eyes in horror, "No way! I'm not going to do that! I haven't even met her yet!" 

"She lied to her mom that she has someone she likes because her mom kept pestering her about it." I explained, "You don't need to act as her boyfriend, you're just going as her crush." 

"What are you going to do for me if I say yes?" Jongdae asked, "I'm not the type of person who does things without anything in return. You know what? Since you're a great friend and you said that your friend is pretty, I'll give you a discount. Instead of treating me to barbecued beef, you owe me a week of free drinks." 

Minseok scoffed, "You're grateful that Myungeun is setting you up with a pretty girl and yet you're asking her for free drinks?"

"Oh come on, you asked me to do you a favour!" Jongdae whined. 

"I consider it." I said as I packed up my stuff and got ready to leave for the next class. 


I received a text message from Jisoo during the lecture.

[Have you found anyone yet?]

[Still searching for someone suitable.] I lied and replied her message. Was I willing to pay for a week of free drinks for Jongdae? That manipulative thing, always trying to get something from me when I need help. 

I took a look at Jisoo's message again. Ah, this was hard. Jisoo was always there for me when I needed help and comfort. She rarely asked for help. I could always negotiate with Jongdae. 

[No, I think I found him.] I pressed send. 


"So?" Jongdae asked on the phone, "Did you make up your mind and decide to call me?" 

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I love this story I hope you will update soon. Jisoo and Jongdae is cute together. I can feel that they will end up together btw HAHA and as for Minseok I think he had a crush on Myungeun but I feel like Myungeun see him as brother. And Sehun , he is a bit mysterious and creepy. He know everything about Myungeun. Is he her stalker ? I think Sehun like Myungeun. Anyway I will be waiting ! Good job author-nim !
Chapter 5: I hope you'll continue this story huhuhu
mandysparks90 #3
Chapter 5: I like this very much! Somehow, i still feel Sehun is a bit weird and mysterious, like he is lying or hiding something.
Chapter 5: There's too little tension lmao
This chapter is a bit fast paced I can't squeal enough
And the cliffhanger omg
But I'm shipping Jongdae and Jisoo hard!
Chapter 4: I'm already shipping Jisoo and Jongdae together omg
Can't wait for their date <3
Anddd Sehun is so freaking mysterious he's bit like psycho and stalker
Chapter 4: Sehun is so mystery! He knows everything and tell her almost anything! Oh god...what's in his head anyway? Love this so much. Good job, authornim! Looking forward to the next chapters.
Chapter 1: Omg , he smirks! This is so great! Next!
angry_spoon #8
Chapter 4: Okay Sehun's got me awful curious
Chapter 4: He's creepy . . .
ohsehunnf #10
Chapter 4: ah yay thanks so much for the update! (also sehun in round glasses is a yes)