Suga - Soulmate!Au


There they were once again. The same words on his wrist.  ‘It’s ok’, he read. He didn't know how it started. Couple weeks ago he started noticing those words on his wrist. Each morning he waited for them to appear. One of his friends once told him that it was his soulmate writing things. But he didn't believe in soulmates, people that were just born to be with you, it didn't sound right in his head. 

“Oh look, it’s back” said Hoseok, one of his friends, pointing to the words; that once again appear in his wrist. Yoongi looked at the words printed on his wrist and just shrugged. 

“They are always the same, I don’t get why you are surprised” he tells Hoseok. 

“You don’t have to be so negative about it. I wish I could get words like that on my skin too; you know what people say; it’s probably your soulmate trying to communicate with you” Yoongi rolled his eyes at his friend and went back to writing the song he was working on. 

Hoseok left the room couple minutes after that, leaving Yoongi with his thoughts. He slowly traced the words with his finger. Letting out a sigh he took a sharpie that was laying on his table. Hesitating he started writing. 

‘It’s going to be alright’ 

She gasped when she first saw it. Could it be true, she thought, I have a soulmate I guess; she happily looked at the new words below hers. After years of writing encouraging words to herself, someone on the other side replied. Smiling a bit she stops looking at the words and went back to work. 

Yoongi, on the other hand, stared at his wrist for a couple of minutes. Letting out a sigh he gave up and tried to go back to editing.

It went on for a couple days, she would write the same words like every day and he replies with different things each day; from an ‘It’s ok’ to a ‘Have a nice day’. He didn’t know why but he felt like those words could make his soulmate smile like they made him. It became a routine. He waits for her to write first, then he answers. Even after or before every performance he wanted to see those words on his skin. 

She was excited. She was finally getting a response. She didn't know if she had a soulmate but now it felt real. Someone who will try to understand her, or just simply put up with her. 

“Hey, stop daydreaming. Get back to work” her manager scolded. 

When she was done with her work she left and went towards her house. The walk there wasn't the nicest but she did make it home. Trying to open the door as silenced as possible, she went in. She took off her shoes and tiptoe inside her bedroom. Leaving all of her stuff inside she went to look for something to eat.

She senses someone behind her and turned around. Her mother stood there; bags on her eyes and really pale.

“How was work today?” Her mother asked trying to show her a smile. 

“Mom, you should be in bed. But, I had a nice day; sorry I'm so late today I had to cover for someone else. Come on let's get you to bed” She tells her mother and helps her inside the room. 

“I love you, honey” Her mother says when she is laying on the bed. 

“Love you too mom” she answers slipping on the bed next to her. 


Something was wrong. Yoongi could feel it since he woke up. Something was off. Everyone at the dorm knew something was bothering him, yet they didn't know how to approach him. 

Jimin,  one of this band members, sat next to him while he was staring at his wrist. 

“Hyung, are you ok?” he asked softly.

“it's not there” he answered without looking at Jimin. 

Jimin and the others were confused. Jungkook, the youngest, pointed to his wrist and they all looked. There was not message today. Which was a surprise for all of them.

“Maybe, she's still asleep. Try writing first” Rap Monster, who was the leader said. Yoongi stood up and went to find a pen or anything to write on this skin. When he found something he wrote ‘You ok?’ and sat once again waiting for his response. 

She was feeling awful. From a running nose to a massive headache. Her mother sat on the bed taking her temperature. 

“It's still too high for you to go outside. You need to rest” She said. 

“Mom I'm sorry.  You should be resting too. Stop fussing over nothing and get your rest too” 

“Sweetie, I'm fine and now it's my turn to take care of you so shush” 

After taking a long nap she woke up to see her mother shaking her shoulders a bit. 

“You need to eat something. Here you go some soup to help you” She smiled at her mother and started eating. She picked up her spoon but her mother stops her. “what's that on your wrist?” 

Looking down she saw the question. Smiling to herself she starts getting up to get a pen and answer. 

‘Just peachy. Getting a cold it's never cool’ 

Her mother watched her carefully and smiles. “You have a soulmate?” She blushes but nods her head.


He reads the words and feels like the weight of his shoulders have come off. Taking the pen once again he writes. 

‘Do you need anything?’ 

After couple seconds he continues. 

‘not to freak you out. But I guess I'm supposed to help you out somehow’ 

Her mother watches her grin on the words, making her smile. “He seems nice. Have you met him yet?” 

“No, he just started answering back couple weeks ago” She replies and starts writing ‘Don’t worry. I just rest and I will be ok. Thanks for asking’ 


His bandmates were staring at him. He was smiling and tracing the words on his skin. 

“Is he ok?” Taehyun asked 

“He seems fine, creepy but fine” Jin answered. 

“Yoongi, is she ok?” Hoseok asked him sitting next to him on the sofa.

“Yes, she just caught a cold. You were right you know?” He stated Hoseok was confused but before he could ask Yoongi continue “The whole soulmate thing, I think you were right” 

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