A Hat Full of Dreams: It's Still Magic (Even if You Know How it's Done) Title: It's Still Magic (Even if You Know How it's 


Soft, amber sunlight filtered into Kris' living room, laying long fuzzy shadows across the cream Ikea carpet.


Pairing(s): Krisbaek (Kris/Baekhyun)

Summary: Soft, amber sunlight filtered into Kris' living room, laying long fuzzy shadows across the cream Ikea carpet.

British!AU University!AU

Genre: Fluff, Melancholy

Rating: PG

Warning(s): none (Rediculous use of imagery, I mean it, Metaphors, Oh dear lord, might have a bit of language, writing by a chemistry student)

Word Count: 728

Author's Notes: Title is taken from Terry Pratchett's A Hat Full of Sky


This was inspired by the tol and smol prompts by otpimagines-af on tumblr (I will link later, I'm on tablet), which were too cute to resist.


I must warn you, there is a large amount of British pop culture in this, I'll explain in the notes at the end for those who ware confused/interested.


Hopefully this will be a series of drabbles, I'll add more members in subsequent parts.


Cross posted at http://archiveofourown.org/works/7582033 and http://exofluffs.livejournal.com/305.html


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