6. part

A little thing called love / Only the greatest love ever


''Ask him.''-mom said.

''No.''-I say stomping my foot. ''There is just no way in hell I am going to invite him to dinner with us.''-I say.

''Ask him right now.''-mom said pointing to the house next door. I don't know why is she so stuck on that we have to fix our relationship. I mean it's not even a relationship of any kind.

''No. What is wrong with you?''-I ask almost stabbing myself in the eye with a mascara brush.

''Okay young lady. I am your mother and you will do as I say.''-she said. I sigh.

''But we haven't seen him all day. Who knows maybe he left.''-I say. I don't know how I felt about that possibility yet. She stepped on the balcony with one leg only to peek over to his place.

''The light is on.''-she said coming back. Looking myself in the mirror I could see the relief on my face and how obvious it was. ''Ask him.''-she said.

''Mom please.''-I try one last time.

''Hanna, go next door and ask him while I am still nice to you.''-she said.

''Me? Ask me what?''-the voice came from outside and I tried hard not to face-palm with makeup on.

''Oh, you heard.''-mom said peeking outside again.

''Ah yes, sorry.''-he said and I totally knew he wasn't sorry. Not the first time he listened in.

''Well my daughter wanted to ask you something.''-mom said.

''Mom!''-I say feeling angry all of a sudden.

''Now.''-she said so only I could hear and I stood up. I went outside and he laughed a bit.

''What's up with crazy eyes?''-he asked and I remembered I only did one eye. Stupid.

''Look, you totally don't have to, but would you like to go to the dinner with us? But you don't have to.''-I repeat. He cocked his head to the side pretending he was thinking about it but I knew he was going to say no.

''Since you asked. I think I can go.''-he said and my mouth hangs open. He winked and disappeared inside his apartment.

''Looks like we have company.''-mom said patting my . Oh how nice.

We lock our doors and walk down the stairs. He was already waiting and my heart almost stopped, not gonna lie, it did stop for a second or two. His hair was styled neatly a little pulled back. He had a black button up shirt again with top buttons undone. He had white ripped jeans and Nike shoes on. A model. That's what he was.

''Excuse me, I didn't know how I should dress.''-he said. My mom beamed.

''You look just fine.''-she said. ''Is your friend not coming?''-she asked.

''Oh he had some business to do. We encountered some problems with our luggage and since I got them today he went to do some paperwork.''-Ji Chi said.

''Too bad.''-mom said.

''Well it is his fault anyway.''-Ji Chi said.

''Aren't you a bit too harsh?''-I ask and mom looks at me. Ji Chi just smiled.

''Maybe.''-he said. After mom and I headed toward the street he turned to us. ''We are walking?''-he asked spinning car keys on his finger. I wondered which car is his.

''Yeah. Having dinner on the ship. It's close by.''-I say passing him and he quickens his pace to catch up with me. ''You don't get seasick do you?''-I ask glancing at him.

''Not that I know of. I mean, I didn't ever get seasick.''-he said.

''Okay.''-I say.

''Do you?''-he asked.

''Well I wouldn't be having dinner on the ship then.''-I say.

''Smart-.''-he whispered.

''Yeah you wish you had my .''-I joke and he actually laughs.

''You're right.''-he said and I glance at my mother who is luckily on her phone right now talking with my sister. ''That's a nice .''-he added and I was thankful for the help of darkness which hid my red cheeks.

''Don't look at my .''-I say.

''Well you mentioned it first.''-he said.

''Aren't Koreans supposed to be conservative or something. You should be shocked with my language right now.''-I say.

''Not really. We are almost the same, young ones especially. It's the dramas that make everybody think that way. It's all to innocent.''-he says.

''I know what you mean. Like I get really frustrated with the way you kiss. Guys go for it but girls just stand there. I am not even going to mention the kiss between Lee Minho and Park Shin Hye.''-I say. I chuckled.

''Yeah that was awful but they still call it the best kiss.''-he said.

''The best kiss I ever saw was... I don't even remember a good one.''-I say.

''That kinda hurts.''-he said. I turn to him.

''Sorry, I keep forgetting.''-I say.

''Yeah that kinda hurts too.''-he says.

''Damn it.''-I say.

''It's okay I am just kidding.''-he said. ''You look really flustered.''-he said suddenly poking my cheek and I flinched.

''Well I am not aware of being with a celebrity right now. It's awkward.''-I say.

''That's what I like actually. You don't treat me the same as everybody else. It's nice for a change to see someone being real. I think that's why I keep picking fights with you. So you can curse me and yell at me.''-he said smiling. It was fun for him.

''Maybe it's all fun and games for you but not for the person you keep playing with.''-I say a turn away from him. He stayed silent.

''I can't wait to eat.''-mom said. I swear hunger was her middle name. I link my arm with hers and he walks in silence beside us. This is so awkward, and it could have been avoided. Ahead of us was a large cruise ship and you can have dinner on it or rent out a room for a day while it circles the island. We had to have dinner there because I was in awe just from seeing the billboard about it. It was large, well not like Titanic but close. It had two pools and three restaurants. It had about hundred and fifty rooms and a big dancing/party hall. Very fancy.

''Whoa.''-Ji Chi said next to me.

''Exactly.''-I say.

''Aha.''-mom adds on. One by one we cross a little bridge to the ship and as soon as my feet stood on the ship floor I could feel the swaying of the sea. So cool. We told our last name to the guy with a tablet in his hands and he showed us our table. A table for four. I look at my mom. She knew he would be coming with us. Sneaky woman. We sit down. Mom next to me and Ji Chi across. Women turned toward him and whispered. It was clear who was fame worthy here.

''Welcome to Aurora.''-waiter said the ships name. ''What may I get you?''-he asked. Somebody tapped his shoulder.

''I'll take this table.''-a familiar voice came from behind the waiter. Mark showed his face.

''Mark?''-I ask. ''What are you...?''

''Oh, multiple jobs.''-he says with his boyish smile. Somehow it didn't affect me like before. ''You bailed on me the other day.''-he said.

''Yeah, sorry. I was sick. To much Sunrise for me.''-I say pulling out my best smile.

''All is good if you make it up to me.''-he said and suddenly Ji Chi cleared his throat. He looked annoyed while my mother was very much amused. Mark turned to Ji Chi. ''Oh. You...''-then he looked at me. ''You told me you don't know each other.''-Mark said and Ji Chi lifted his eyebrow.

''Well we don't. No, we do. But not really.''-I sigh. ''It's a long story.''-I say.

''Not that long.''-Ji Chi said and I resist the urge to kick him in the knee with my heel.

''Anyway. We are not close.''-I say to Mark.

''Okay then. May I take your order?''-he asked and I nod. We ordered and he left. Now that was an easy man to deal with. How nice.

''You gotta thing for summer flings?''-Ji Chi asked and mom laughed.

''No, but I gotta thing for not staying alone for the rest of my life, thank you.''-I say. He laughed.

''Fair enough. You're young though. Take it easy.''-he said.

''I wanna say you sound like my mother but my mom is weird so you don't actually.''-they both laugh. I looked around taking in the atmosphere. It was very pretty. We had a table by the ship railing and the ocean was close you could hear the hum of waves. There were no bright lights only small lights like for Christmas. It gave the restaurant the look of stars being all over the place. I looked over Ji Chis shoulder and spotted two asian girls whispering to each other looking at us. Not good.

''Ji Chi...''-I say. He looks at me. ''Does anybody know you're here? In Europe?''-I ask. His eyebrows furrow.

''No, only the company I work for. And only my boss.''-he says.

''I think they know who you are.''-I say discretely pointing to the girls behind him. He pretended to look around but glanced at them. Judging by their reaction they definitely knew him. They kept pushing each other and laughing. Taking courage. This will be bad.

''They know.''-he whispered.

''They know what?''-mom leaned toward us.

''Mam, I am kind of popular in my country.''-Ji Chi said. And I snorted when he sad mam.

''Well I figured that much since you look like a model.''-mom said. Finally she takes a step toward asian people. Ji Chi smiled.

''Well I sometimes model but that is not my occupation.''-he said.

''Yeah mom. He's a stripper.''-I whisper. They stayed silent. Not funny? Okay.

''I will pretend I didn't hear that.''-Ji Chi said.

''Me too.''-mom added.

''Well what are you going to do? I am pretty sure they will come here in about two minutes the most.''-I say.

''I don't know yet.''-he said. He stared at a spot on the table for a few seconds than stood up. He went right to their table. They squealed in happiness.

''Wow he must be really popular.''-mom said.

''Yeah, he is.''-I say. They shook his hand and smiled at everything he said. He signed for them and even took pictured. Then he bowed and left. ''So?''-I ask when he joined us again.

''I asked them nicely not to reveal anything to anyone and in return after I come back to Korea they can say they met me and release the pictures.''-he said.

''Well that sounds good.''-I say.

''I know.''-he said. Mark came and put our drinks on the table.

''I'm sorry there are a lot of guests so you may wait a bit longer than usual for your food.''-he said.

''It's okay.''-mom said. Mark was called into the kitchen so he left. Ji Chi filled our glasses with ruby red wine and I took a sip.

''This is so good.''-I say.

''Really?''-mom asked and took a sip too. I could see she melted in her chair.

''You have a good taste.''-Ji Chi told me.

''I know.''-I say. With every sip I took my eyes wondered around. Not really around as much as over his body. His forearms. The way his fist was clenched on the table and how y his knuckles looked. His skin was slightly tan. It looked warm. My moms phone suddenly rang and I shook off my daydreaming.

''Excuse me this is from work.''-she said before answering and leaving us. I turn to look at him. He was studying my face.

''Where were you looking just now?''-he asked. My cheeks flushed. ''Busted.''-he said smirking.

''Shut up. I am just out of focus that's all.''-I say. He snorts.

''That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.''-he said and he leaned on the table. Unintentionally I leaned in too.

''You look hot.''-I say before I could stop myself and my face heats up even more. Surprisingly he looked caught off guard and he just stared into my eyes. He was so close I could feel his breath on my chin. It sent goosebumps down my neck. I took two sips of his wine. A message came on my phone and the screen lit up. He glanced at it.

''No way?''-he asked.

''What?''-I ask.

''You like him?''-he asked pointing at my phone.

''Park Hyo Shin?''-I ask and he nods. ''Yeah, I love him.''-I say.

''Wow, you just never stop to amaze me.''-he said.

''Why?''-I ask.

''Well not many foreigners know about him. And not many people your age are that big of a fan.''-he said.

''My age.. well how old are you?''-I ask. I never looked really.

''Twenty nine.''-he said and my eyes widen. ''And by my guess you are twenty one?''-he asked.

''Twenty.''-I say quietly. Damn, when I was born he went to school. When I was ten he was eighteen. ''You people are really freaky.''-I say angrily.

''Why?''-he asked amused.

''You don't look twenty nine. At all.''-I say.

''Technically, in my country, I am thirty.''-he said.

''Wow.''-I say.

''Don't look so down. I'd still date you.''-he said and I almost hit him with my fist when my mother comes back and sits beside me.

''Did I miss anything?''-she asked.

''Not really.''-I say.

''She flirted with me.''-Ji Chi sounded like he was telling on me and he made a pouty face.

''Mom, can we not invite him anymore?''-I ask.

''Did he turn you down?''-mom asked.

''Mom.''-I sighed. ''I didn't flirt with him.''-I whine. The music started by some band on the deck. They played indie rock kind of music and it really smoothed my nerves. Mark came again and put food in the middle of the table.

''Don't eat to much or you'll die in your belly.''-I put my fork down. I have a great relationship with my mom but somehow I had enough. I stood up.

''Excuse me.''-I say. Mom looks at me.

''Where are you going?''-she asked.

''Now I am going to flirt.''-I say and leave the table. I could feel Ji Chis look on my back while I was walking away and joining Mark by the bar.

''Why hello, did you eat already?''-he asked glancing at our table.

''No, I am not hungry.''-I say. ''Give me what I want.''-I say. He smiles.

''Actually we don't serve that drink here but I can make it for you anyway.''-Mark said.

''Thank you.''-I say.

''No problem blondie.''-he said winking. His wink didn't feel the same as Ji Chis.

''Do you have a break soon?''-I ask.

''Maybe in fifteen minutes, why?''-he asked.

''Well I like this music and I am feeling kind of dancy.''-I say.

''Oh do you?''-he asked. ''You're not gonna go all Cinderella on me again, are you?''-he asked and I laugh. Truly, I can relax with him.

''I already said I was sorry.''-I say.

''I didn't say it was forgiven.''-Mark said. He put my improvised Tequila Sunrise in front of me and put in an extra straw for him to drink.

''Are you supposed to drink and work?''-I ask.

''Not really. But you'll keep it a secret right?''-he asked.

''Sure.''-I say.

''Troublemaker Mark, go take a break. A lovely lady is waiting.''-other waiter said.

''Thanks Ry.''-Mark said and untied his waiter apron.

''Let's dance.''-he said holding his hand out for me. I take it and jump of the bar stool.

''Let's.''-I say. We joined other people on the dance floor and I put my arms around his neck. I never really danced before with a guy so closely. I glanced at my table and saw mom and Ji Chi looking straight at us. Mom was surprised but Ji Chi mostly looked pissed off. I am not that stupid to say he looked jealous.

''You smell nice.''-Mark said.

''That means you're too close.''-suddenly Ji Chi said beside us. I didn't even see him move. Mark stopped moving and looked at him.

''Excuse me?''-he asked.

''You are excused.''-Ji Chi said grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from the dance floor. Without looking back or even struggling, my eyes followed his movements. I hate to admit. But my heart followed... but my mind was struggling to keep focus. To remember how he treated me badly and how he doesn't care, but when he is in front of me like that. I just can't bring that hate to surface.

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murnilan_98 #1
Chapter 14: wow....a very great ending....love this story so much......Thanks to you..i've being a fan of Ji Changwook.....<3<3<3<3<3<3:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
Starxxdominax #2
Chapter 14: Nice one
Chapter 7: holy effing ji changwook. Stop doing wonders to my poor unguarded heart ;__;
lilith9999 #4
Chapter 14: Perfect! Congratulations for this story. I imagin him as a great boyfriend too. Between the fantaisies of a fan and who he really is, it may have a big gap!!!!
Hanna is severe with herself but you wanted her to think first about Ji Chi and I can understand. The last scene is violent but ends with their make up: that scene was as the typical bad guy who claims the girl they want. (Boys over flowers...)
lilith9999 #5
Chapter 2: I begin your story. It's funny. ;)
Isabellachoi #6
Chapter 9: Rly good! Glad they're together now! Keep going!
Isabellachoi #7
Chapter 6: Luv this chapter! Well done
Isabellachoi #8
another update! Ur writing is good, keep it up
SakuraOP #9
Chapter 5: This is sooo good! Super amazing! Thanks!
SakuraOP #10
Chapter 3: This is super duper good! Just read all of it! Rly excited for this! Woo!