A Bottle of Banana Milk

Banana Milk

It was a bright and sunny day in the park. The sky was blue and white, fluffy clouds were floating around and the breeze was pleasant. Children’s laughter could be heard while their mothers sat on benches, sharing stories.

“Now, Taeminnie, play nice with the others, okay? Umma will be right here if you need anything.” A beautiful lady with long black hair tied into a ponytail said to her 4 year old son. The boy played with the cat ears on his white hooded shirt and nodded.

“Yes, Umma.” Taemin hugged his Umma and walked slowly to the other kids. He kept looking around for Key, the boy who always plays with him. After seeing that he wasn’t there, little Taemin didn’t feel like playing anymore.

Taemin saw all the kids playing and laughing around and he wanted to join in too, but he was too shy to try and approach them. So he just sat down on the swing and pulled on his hood. He looked just like a lost, little white cat.

“Hey! What are you doing on our swing?” Taemin looked up to see two older boys running towards him.

“I’m just sitting here…” He looked down, not wanting to meet the mean glares.

“Well you can’t! Because it’s our swing and you’re not allowed to play on it.” The taller one of the two harrumphed and the other just nodded along.

“I don’t see your name on this swing! So it’s not yours!” Taemin got up and pouted. The bullies looked at each other and pushed Taemin until he fell down with a loud thump.

“We don’t have to write our names! It’s ours, so it’s ours and no one can play on it!” The shorter bully said. Taemin started to feel the pain on his tooshie. Tears welled up and poured down his pink, plump cheeks.

“Hey, look! He’s crying now! Crybaby, crybaby!” The boys sang and laughed at poor Taeminnie.

“I’m not a crybaby!” Taemin whined. But the bullies didn’t care, they kept calling him a crybaby. Taemin cried even louder, wanting them to stop and go away.

“What are you guys doing?” Someone shouted from afar. A boy with a picture of chicken on his shirt came rushing towards them.

“Uh-oh. Let’s go!” The bullies ran as fast as they could, not wanting to be scolded by the older boy.  The chicken boy frowned.

"Hey there, why are you crying?" The older boy kneeled down beside Taemin. He stopped crying and looked up, greeted by a wide smile.

"T-they pushed me! A-and they made fun of m-me!" Taemin said between hiccups.

"Don't cry anymore. They're gone now. Here, why don’t drink this.” The chicken boy gave Taemin a bottle of banana milk and smiled at him. Taemin’s sobs stopped and he shyly accepted the milk.

“Thanks, hyung…” Taemin whispered just loud enough for the boy to hear.

“You’re welcome. My name is Jinki, what’s yours, kitty?” Jinki grinned.

“I’m Taemin…” He looked at Jinki and pulled off his kitty-hood. Jinki got up and stretched out his hand.

“Well then, Taeminnie, let’s be friends!” Taemin just looked at the smiling boy and slowly broke into giggles.

“Yes, hyung!”

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Chapter 1: This is so cute! >///< Loved it! \(^o^)/
Chapter 1: aww it's totally cute >///<
simple but cute~
i love chibi ontae kkk
Ivettie25 #3
Chapter 1: Aww a cute story!!! Love it! ^_^
Chapter 1: The story behind the banana milk obsession.^^
Taeminnieah #5
..aaaand they grew up to be lovers >w<
Aww :) So sweet of Jinki. Taemin looks so cute in this story, in my mind.
OMO, so adorable, I just wanted to slap them boys for being so mean to poor little Tae, he did nothing wrong and he was so little, poor baby, so glad that Jinki was to to help him, know wonder he's obsessed with banana milk he links to to being safe and cared for, so sweet, bless him. ;-D
awwwwwwww i want to hug this fic. and they would be sooo cute as little kids.