
Sleep Well?

There was something comforting about having one of the BTS members sleep in the same room as Jimin. He didn't know what it was, but his sleep quality increased tenfold when someone from Bangtan was there. 

Honestly, it didn't even matter if they were awake; they just had to physically be there. 

Actually, Jimin couldn't fall asleep with just anyone, just Bangtan. He still had insomnia without his group beside him. 


Of course, his tendencies weren't always like this. When he was younger, Jimin used to dread the very utterance of the word  "sleepover."

As a child, he couldn't remember a time where he fell asleep during a sleepover. Perhaps it was all in his head, worrying that something would happen. Maybe his subconscious mind was telling him that he was not comfortable with the people around him. Or it could even be that he wasn't comfortable with the environment. He'd never know for sure. Sleepovers, Jimin decided, were a dreadful, beastly, horrendous thing, and he hesitated to repeat the experience. 

It meant a night of sleepless tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning. It meant glancing at the clock every few minutes wishing that time would go just a little bit faster than before. But, most of of all, it meant that the next morning would be filled with lies when he answered the casual questioning of, "did you sleep well?" 

Jimin hated lying. But he hated making people worry even more.

So, to spare other's feelings, as well as his own, he would always avoid sleepovers as much as possible. That worked well for quite a few years- until it didn't. 

Jimin, notorious for bailing out on parties last minute in his high school years, attempted to reconcile himself in front of his friends. He attended every sporting event possible, frequently bought lunch for all of his hyungs, and practiced dancing with anyone available. He had quite the reputation for himself. Everyone knew Jimin, and even if they didn't, a friend or a cousin or perhaps even a grandparent knew Jimin personally. And Jimin made it a point to get to know everyone personally. 

Instead of staying up late with friends, Jimin's grades soared high. He became notorious for his dancing skills and even picked up a bit of singing on the side. He wasn't lacking in friends, no, but he was steadfast in maintaining only daylight activities.

But all the basketball games in the world could never amount to a "boys' hangout" as the guys often phrased to seem a little less childish. (However, Jimin could pick out quite a few people who were even more childish than he was.) Still, he rarely showed up for over nighters and even more seldom stayed the night.

While Jimin's reputation remained untarnished, his pride was most certainly bruised by his inability to sleep for more than an hour or so. So when Taehyung practically begged him to go to a small-scale "hangout" since the younger knew no one and Jimin knowing everyone, he hesitated before reluctantly agreeing. To be completely honest, Taehyung's bribes of free coffee and fruit snacks for a month certainly helped. Also, Tae-Tae swore on his honor- not that the alien had any honor anyway- that he would not release any of Jimin's girl's dance footages he had sneakily taken one day on his phone. The grainy videos were a terrible quality, but they contained enough evidence to secure that Jimin was the one dancing. That was enough to make him reconsider going.

Of course, agreeing to something is much different than actually showing up to said party. Jimin would have ditched right then and there had Taehyung not been right behind him when he rang the doorbell. 

A surprised-looking boy opened the door, then widened it after seeing the two standing on the doorstep. Looking at each boy in turn, he quickly greeted, "Taehyung. Jimin. It's nice to see you. Come in."

Taehyung all but shoved Jimin into the the house, not giving him a chance to flee. Jimin glanced at the room, taking in the sight of all the boys lounging on chairs and sofas. They casually chattered over cans of energy drinks- drinks that Taehyung was banned from, regardless of the circumstance, due to an unfortunate incident including a garden hose, a piñata, and a poor, old lawn chair. Other people hung by the kitchen, stuffing themselves with potato chips while complaining about teachers and particularly difficult classes. His brief scouting was enough to conclude that he knew considerably less people than he thought he knew. 

However, the conversations awkwardly paused when Jimin walked through the door. One boy stood up and brought Jimin in for a hug, "Jimin, my man, you're here." 

Jimin didn't really know how to respond, so he forced out, "Uh, yeah, I came."

Taehyung interrupted the conversation by declaring, "I was the one invited here; Jimin was just a tag-along. Can someone pass me the chips?" 

And just like that, the uncomfortable atmosphere quickly faded into a chorus of laugher from the rest of the boys. Jimin didn't hesitate to send Taehyung a grateful glance in thanks only to realize that his friend had already begun to gouge himself with unhealthy potato chips. He sighed to himself before he completely invested in the conversation at hand. It wasn't difficult to immerse himself in the discussion; he was Park Jimin after all. No conversation was too difficult for him. In only a few moments, Jimin's silly antics had the entire crew laughing. However, the threat of sleep still looked over his head like dark gray clouds ready to pour buckets of rain. 

Even though Jimin's posture was open and relaxed, his mind screamed that he was anything but calm. Taehyung had left a while ago to spend some quality game time with his other hyungs. Jimin didn't mind much, he hung out with Taehyung all the time and it wasn't like he needed moral support... that much anyway. Actually, the last time Jimin checked, Taehyung had already fallen asleep, latching onto a controller and mumbling, "No, I am the ultimate turtle crusher of all time. Sick 'em on me. I can handle it." Taehyung then twitched vigorously. Jimin honestly didn't want to know what he was playing beforehand.

Eventually, one of the boys suggested that they should probably get some rest and the others quickly agreed. Jimin stayed silent, hoping that someone else would protest in his stead.

No one did. 

Just because Jimin couldn't sleep didn't mean he was going to hold anyone else back. He secured a heap of blankets on the space by the foot of the couch, building himself a nest. He dove in, hearing the clatter around him as the other boys attempted to do the same. After a few grunts and one boy yelling out, "That was my foot!" the boys had settled down into some semblance of a calm atmosphere. 

Of course, these were teenage boys. After the lights were turned out, Jimin could hear the tell-tale deep rumblings of men in slumber- snoring. While it wasn't obnoxiously loud, it was still there, making Jimin's attempt to sleep impossible. If he couldn't sleep around silent company, then there would be no way he could slumber amongst at least fifteen snoring bodies. 

Even though Jimin knew sleeping was futile, he still rolled on his side, pulling the blankets up to his chin. Perhaps a miracle would happen. 

Or maybe not.

 After he was sure that he must have lain there for half an hour, he sat up and picked up his phone by his head. He checked the time, 4:23. It was still too early to get up without people getting suspicious. 

He tossed to the left, then to the right. Next he his stomach. No matter the sleeping position, one fact held true- he can't fall asleep. He thought to himself that surely he could fall asleep this time. He had no such luck. 

Sighing, he checked his phone again. 4:27 glared back at him. Not even four minutes had passed. It was going to be a long night, or morning he supposed, considering that caffeine-crashed teens like himself normally didn't get up until the afternoon. He shut off his phone and went back to lying on his left side, hoping, wishing, praying, and doing anything at this point for him to fall asleep soon. 

Snores still rumbled through the house, and if Jimin payed close enough attention, he could probably match the grumbles with the person. He resigned himself to being a walking zombie that morning after he left. Hopefully he wouldn't have anything to do later that day.

After sighing for the nth time, he heard a soft voice mutter, "Can't sleep either, huh?"

At first, Jimin thought he was hearing things because surely no one else was still up this early. It must have just been his imagination. Jimin was certainly tired enough for that to be a possibility.

However, his thoughts were quickly shaken when he heard a soft, "Come 'ere."

With nothing else to lose, Jimin crept up to the couch containing the voice, only to meet eye to eye with the one and only Min Yoongi. Yoongi, otherwise affectionately referred to as Suga by his friends and fans alike, was a star basketball player notorious for his grumpy and lethargic persona. Even so, he was still an amazing player that Jimin often saw dribbling on the courts when he attended basketball games. Jimin looked up to him from the sidelines, though they had never really met in person. 

 Jimin almost kicked himself because he didn't even notice Yoongi show up. However, many often said that Yoongi had the tendency to fade in the background when he wasn't in the spotlight. Jimin assumed that was the case now. But, that didn't change the fact that Yoongi's bright, piercing eyes clashed with his entire sleepy demeanor and Jimin couldn't help but blurt out, "Do you have trouble sleeping too?"

The older responded, his voice deep with a drowsiness that Jimin knew all too well, "Of course, Kid. Get over it."

Jimin hesitated, then decided that he couldn't screw up any more than he already had. He carefully curled up under the blankets on the couch alongside Yoongi, resting his head on the shared pillow. Actually, Jimin wondered how Yoongi managed to snatch a pillow since he heard the other boys fight about them earlier. Perhaps being grumpy had it's perks. But he buried himself in Yoongi's smaller frame, too tired to think straight. Yoongi simply grunted, obviously just as exhausted. 

Jimin did manage to mumble a small "Thank you" to Yoongi after settling down comfortably. Even if he couldn't sleep, he wasn't about to forget his manners.

"You're welcome," came Yoongi's belated reply, unmistakable between the pauses in snores. Even though Yoongi didn't seem to mind, Jimin moved again, trying to give Yoongi a little more space. "Stop moving, you brat," Yoongi murmured, wrapping an arm around Jimin's middle to keep the younger from moving.

Jimin tensed in shock. But, he soon relaxed and closed his eyes, letting his mind wander. The first thing Jimin noticed after settling down was that Yoongi was the perfect temperature. He wasn't a heater nor was he too cold. The second thing Jimin thought was that Yoongi smelled faintly of cinnamon and freshly baked apples. Jimin couldn't remember anything after that; he was too far gone. 


Jimin woke to warm arms and a strong hold. He realized that in his sleep, he had rolled over on Yoongi's arm, preventing the older from moving. He sleepily blinked his eyes, hearing a few camera clicks and Taehyung's unmistakable laugher as he dashed away. Yoongi remained asleep, but Jimin forced himself up, hoping that none of the other boys had caught them so close together. When Jimin checked his phone, he realized that it was only a little after eight. Of course Taehyung would be up early- only him. 

However, now Taehyung had even better ammunition to blackmail Jimin than the girl group dances. Jimin really shouldn't have gone to this party. But, for the first time ever, Jimin had been able to fall asleep. Never mind that it was only for a few hours, Jimin felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. So maybe it was worth it.


"Hyuuuuung. You're lying on my am," Jimin groaned on Bangtan's large couch. When no one responded, he opened his eyes. Somehow he had fallen asleep listening to Jungkook and Taehyung's bantering, and he had woken up to the rest of Bangtan all sleeping on the same couch. Go figure. 

Both Jungkook and Taehyung had fallen asleep on top of each other, seemingly still fighting, even in sleep. Hoseok had sprawled out next to them, taking up the most room, almost pushing Namjoon off the couch. Jin took a tiny sliver of the couch at the end, his head resting on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi's cheek rested on Jimin's thigh, though Jimin knew that everyone was tired from a long day of dance practice so he hesitated to move. He figured that he'd try to fall asleep again since he was basically forced into this position. Before he drifted off, he heard Yoongi mumble, "Sleep well?" Though Jimin was so tired that he may have imagined it.

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Chapter 1: yoonmin feels is like, urghhhh... i'm ding already.... aaahhhhhh.... please do more...... *bows 175 degree*
yoonmin9395 #2
sorry if i disturb you , but I really like your fanfic , so I can translate it into Vietnamese is known or not, I will write a full cre and I will give you a link when i posted it
Thank you and love you <3
i love it!!! it so cute >.<
does it end already?