Does It Hurt You Too?


He didn't get to make her feel like this. He did 't get to build her up just to tear her down again, she was done, but he wasn't,not even close. Except the one who was hurting wasn't her anymore, it was him. He deserved it but at the same time he didn't, and that was the worst part, that she should want him to suffer, but if he did, she'd be even more broken. And as messed up as it was, she still wanted him to be happy, even after everything he'd put her through.



I wonder  if you're seeing the same stars i'm seeing, watching the same sky. I wonder if you still think about me, or even if you remember who I am. I wonder if you still look at all the pictures we took together and miss what we used to be. I wonder if you kept the hat, or the necklace, or the pair of sunglasses, or maybe even the shirt, I left at your house, I doubt you would've but I wonder if maybe just maybe, it's in some box that you haven't opened. But most of all I wonder if you hurt as much as I did. I wonder if you stay up late at night wondering where she is. If when you kiss her you know she doesn't belong to you but you stay because you can't bear to be apart from her, to not have her in your life. I wonder if you think about how I felt when you're feeling this way. The old me would've wished this on you, when I was angry, and scared, and desperate for you to come back I would've given anything for you to feel the way I did. But now I don't anymore, because just thinking of you feeling the way I did kills me and I hate myself for it. I hate that I love you, even after all that you did. I hate that if you showed up one night and said you loved me I would believe you and if you asked for me back I'd accept it in a heart beat. I hate you more than I hate myself, and I hate that I need you.


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I love the foreword! Moreeee :)