Tear In My Heart


If you knew your love is leaving, what would you do? Because Taehyung doesn't know what to do either.


"Rain. I always hated this kind of weather because it made me feel quilty. It made me feel like I've done something bad, something really dumb and that it hurted people close to my heart. Of course, right now I know why I feel hopeless, but back then... Back then I would think about what happened all day, or week, and then I would feel stupid, because I just waited for you, that was all I did. How could I do something terrible and careless when I was just laying in my bed and thinking how did I end up here. Maybe it was already stupid, that I waited for you, maybe. Regrets played in my mind, thoughts about what I should do now also wanted to be thought, but nothing, I mean literally nothing said in me, that I was interested in something new. Well I think I was absolutely ready for my new life, but I don't know what I should say about finding another lover. I think I just need to quit it. But even after these words, you are still in my heart, Jungkook".
Just when I stopped writing Yoongi stepped into my dorm room, and smiled. I wish I could say I knew what that smile meant, but after five years of our friendship I know, that it's hopeless to know what he is thinking.
"I saw him." and that's when my heart stopped pumping blood through my veins. Him. I don't know if he saw that bastard, who ruined my life, but something in my body wanted to hear those words.
"And...?" I said after long pause, trying to collect my papers from living room table. I really wanted to know what Yoongi saw, because if we talk about what happened between me and Jungkook- well, he literally, absolutely, carelessly broke my heart and went to his first love. Yes, Park Jimin, obviously. Part of me wanted to scream, break some expensive plates from my mother's collection, but another part of me wanted to show that I don't care about what happened. Also I would like to say, that we weren't made for each other, and that's it.
"First of all- he changed. Not like all the boys from our college changes after summer. I mean, he ing changed like heck. Even his face is different. But he was alone. I don't know, there is some rumours that Jimin broke up with Jungkook because of some boy that Jimin loves." my heart was happy at one point, that Jungkook is with a broken heart too, but it was just a rumour, right?
"It's weird that our group of friends are split. I remember when we sat at our table and laughed." Yoongi said as he made his way towards me.
"I thought you were our grumpy grandad, that always mocked his kids for interrupting his relaxation time, but now you miss those days. Man, what happened to us?" I say as I stand up from my couch and start to look for my phone.
If we talk about what happened to us, group that was named Bangtan Boys just because we thought it was a funny name, well we don't know either.  Of course there was still us left. With us I mean Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin and me, Taehyung. Jungkook left this group just because he thought it would be weird to be with me and see me as a good friend, and obviously Jimin thought the same. And by now I know what they meant, because if I wanted to see someone who broke my poor heart repeatedly, every day, I would download all pictures that Jungkook uploaded to his twitter. Yeah, it's stupid. So back to what I was saying- we agreed to them, and for eight months stared at how they loved each other each and every day. When our ways were seperated, just because summer break happened, I was beyond happy. That's when I started to write this stupid diary about Jungkook, which started from hate to texts that made me cry and say "What am I doing?". Yoongi thinks it's a dumb way of saying that I still care about him, but where is the lie, when he broke up with me just when I started to love him even more than my mother?
"Jimin wants to come back," after long time of silence Yoongi smiles like a proud dad, and then I see my phone in his hand. Well now i'm stuck, "he said if you agree with him coming back he will. You know, it's our last year, we need to remember what we had. And you know how I miss Jimin." Yoongi rolled his eyes, and then I remembered why I hated Jungkook with Jimin. Yes, they made our group a little bit weird, because lately we haven't talked, and I think we can admit that summer was why we were in silence.
"Namjoon is the head of me, so why should I make decisions. Last time I checked, Jin was in hospital because of my want to know how to ride a motorbike. But I still love Jimin as a brother, even though he made me cry three nights in a row," I said this unexpectedly loud, that even Yoongi yes winced a little bit from shock, "but if you and others want to see him again, i'm not going to be the one who is a party pooper." I smiled and then Yoongi gave my phone back.
"I knew you." he said as he grabbed my hand and led me to my front door.
Just when we made our way out of the dorm I saw them, standing, and waving their hands like I was some kind of their best friend. Maybe I was. Maybe. Seokjin and Namjoon were holding hands, making me way more jealous than I was before, and there stood Hoseok, who waited for Yoongi. Yeah, they are some kind of couple now. When they started dating Yoongi changed. He is more talkative now. I hear his laugh lately more and more when he is at my house for some kind of unknown reason. And then I saw Jimin. At first it made me feel weird, because he was here, but at the same time I felt... good. He looked shy, but happy at the same time. Warm feeling crepted in my heart and I hugged him. In this group I was the warmest one, and I liked reunions, so Jimin made my heart flutter a little bit. Obviously.
"Aah, are you going to stand there and act like a couple? Last time I checked Taehyung was listening to emo music for past months and trying to be more and more depressive." Hoseok said as I released Jimin from my embrace. I just rolled my eyes and started to go towards college. And there when I saw him. He stood there with with some other boys I never knew and I never wanted to know, just because they looked like drug dealers.
"It's sad to see him," Jimin said as he stood right next to me. His words made me so damn curious, that I wanted to grab him by his collar and sing "What do you mean?", but thoughts were just thoughts.
"What do you mean?" I said with a serious voice tone, as I watched every Jungkook's move. He was a little bit different. Those weird jeans he used to wear were now replaced with some black skinny jeans, t-shirt was white, and some kind of black leather jacket that made me want to smell his cologne, which I think was some kind of drug store edition..
"He is leaving this college. He is...," gasp escaped Jimin lips as he continued his sentence, "leaving. That's why we broke up." he smiled ant then went into the school with others, while I was standing astonished.
That's why he changed. Because he is leaving.


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