It Starts From Your...

It Starts From Your...


Kyuhyun’s POV


“Donghae hyung, hurry up! next is our stage!” “nee~ jamkkanman~ Minhae ssi, palli~” “ne ne ne”


MC 1: “Kkeucheun eobseo NEVER END! Yeogin NEVERLAND! whoa U-KISS’ comeback stage is amazing!”

MC2: “yaaa~ Ofcourse~ now, let’s see, next stage is DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG ~ Super Junior!”


*because you naughty naughty, hey! Mr. Simple!*



-after perform-


wow today’s Music Bank is more exciting! and we’ve just became closer with U-KISS’ members, even Eunhyuk  hyung , Soohyun hyung, and Kisseop  have already followed each other on Twitter! but, what will I do now in the dorm? Eunhyuk hyung and Donghae hyung are having their dinner, Leeteuk hyung just watching TV, me? Starcraft again? no way, I’m too tired to play Starcraft now.

Leeteuk: “aaaahhh very tired and sleepy!  what time is it? aish 8PM, the TV programmes are very boring iin this hour *taking his phone* waaa so many mentions~  *reading the mentions*

                @****teuk: @special1004 Oppa, you are tired right? get some rest okay!

                @EvilKyu13: @special1004 ! what @GaemGyu is doing right now?

                ya, Kyuhyun-ah, what are you doing?”

Kyuhyun: “mollayo hyung, I’m so bored, nothing to do”

Eunhyuk: “Kyu! maybe FanFictions will make you not bored anymore!”

Kyuhyun: “FanFiction? Hyung, you know that I hate reading story right?”

Eunhyuk: “just try it! go to, many ELF write FanFictions there, and some are yadong kkk”

Donghae: “YA! *hit Eunhyuk’s back*”

Eunhyuk: “ouch! I’m just kidding Donghae ssi!”

Fanfiction? I turn on my laptop and go to the website that Eunhyuk hyung told me while listening Mr. Simple then I search a fanfiction about me or Super Junior and there’s a fanfiction by…Kyuiloveyou?! kkk such an ELF~ the title is “Kyuhyun and Me", maybe this one will be interesting and thank God this one is a 'one-shot' fanfiction. I read it for like 15 minutes and i'm starting to like fanfiction, especially the fanfiction that made by 'Kyuiloveyou' hahaha! i read the comments of that fanfiction i read just now and they said 'Kyuiloveyou' made a book by herself and the book has been sold in the bookstore, wow, i must buy this book! the name of the book is 'Minhyun's Fanfictions' so her name is Minhyun, nice name...ya Cho Kyuhyun! what are you thinking about, does her name important for you?! ah i don't care! i'll buy that book tomorrow after Music Core finish! 


Minhyun's POV


i'm at Seoulmate's Practise room now, Yoona is practising to do 'split' now while i'm just laying on the floor and reading my fanfiction's comments 

'Yeonji comments: Minhyun eonni! i already bought your book and this thing is AMAZING!! I LOVE YOU!!"

'Minhyun comments: Thankyou for buying! ^^ Thankyou~'

'Suhee comments: eonni! can't for your fanmeeting at Nangsam Hall next week!'

Yoona: "Ya Minhyun-ah, come practise with me! don't just playing with your laptop!"

Minhyun: "uh ne ne~ bytheway, can you accompany me to Busan? Super Junior will have a fan signing event there!"

Yoona: "what?! when?"

Minhyun: "10 days later, accomppany me okay? please please pleaassee" i put my aegyo face, Yoona won't reject me. kkk

Yoona: "aish that face, okay okay, i miss Teukie oppa too hehe"

Yoona also likes Super Junior especially Leeteuk, but she' not as freak as me kk. yes, i LOVE Super Junior so much! Kyuhyun and Donghae are so handsome! 

Yoona: "how many people are going to come to your fanmeeting?"

Minhyun: "ehm, they said the ticket has been sold out, so there will be 100 people, waeyo?"

Yoona: "ani, you're great, you just make some fanfictions and a book then you can make a fanmeeting with 100 attendees, that's very great!"

Minhyun: "hehe gomawoyo~"


Kyuhyun's POV


- @ Media Book Store-


Leeteuk: "ya Kyuhyun, why you suddenly like to read fanfictions? even you wanna buy the book! jinjja, so weird!"

Kyuhyun: "ah Hyung, this one is different! you must try to read Minhyun-ssi' fanfictions!"

Leeteuk: "ne ne whatever, just hurry up find that book and pay it!"

i hear him grumbling with small voice but i just ignore it. i've search for the book everywhere but i still can't find it. okay i giveup, the shopkeeper saw me confused and ask me "can i help you?" "uh yes, can you bring me the book named 'Minhyun's Fanfiction' please?" "ah ye, please wait" we wait for like 10 minutes then the shopkeeper come bringing the book "here" "gomawoyo, how much is it?" "it's 8000 won" "okay here" "okay thankyou verymuch, have a good day!" me and Leeteuk hyung go out of the book store and suddenly we meet 3 ELFs "ah annyeonghaseyo Leeteu oppa and Kyuhyun oppa" we smile and say "annyeonghaseyo~" "ah Kyuhyun oppa, you also bought that book?" "ne, waeyo?" "the author will have a fanmeeting in Nangsam Hall next week, we are going to go there, i hope you will go there too!" "fanmeeting? hmm okay thankyou for the info" "cheonmaneyo oppa, annyeong" "annyeong~" we bowed to each other and then they go to a restaurant next to the bookstore. fanmeeting?


-Next Week @ Nangsam Hall-


Minhyun's POV


Okay Minhyun, calm down, don't be nervous, but eottohke?! This is my first fanmeeting, how come i can't be nervous?! 

Yoona: "Minhyun-ah, you said there's only 100 attendees right?"

Minhyun: "ne, wae?"

Yoona: "but, there's 115 attendees now!"

Minhyun: "MWO?! How come?!"

Yoona: "they said there's 15 special people came here"

Minhyun: "jinjja? i wonder who they are"

Yoona: "it's already 1 o'clock right? get ready!"

Minhyun: "omygod okay okay"


Kyuhyun's POV


wow, the hall has already full with 100 attendees?! is she famous? but today i'm not alone here, i ask all members to accompany me. people won't realise us as Super Junior because we already use hat, black glasses, sweater, etc. i think the fanmeeting will start very soon. "ehem, annyeonghaseyo, i'm Minhyun, thankyou for coming to my first fanmeeting" i look at the stage directly after heard that voice, so that's Minhyun! she's...cute...not so short...beautiful...pretty... why my feeling suddenly changed like this?! omygod

Eunhyuk: "aah, so that's the author~ i've suscribed all of her fanfictions!"

while the fanmeeting begins, i'm just thinking about weird thing and have a weird feeling, why my heart feels like beeing massaged everytime i look at her face? do i like her? what if i love her, what will people think about me? even Minhyun and i haven't known each other! do i love her? my heart feels like wanna scream 'SARANGHAE Minhyun ssi!' but i can't, i can't do it here. WHAT SHOULD I DO THEN? i really love her now, is it called 'love at first sight'? hah impossible.


Minhyun's POV


wah my right hand feels like wanna broken off, so that's the feeling become an idol and give 100++ signature in 2 hours, God, i won't be an idol then! while i'm looking at the seats, there's a boy group of 14 or 15 boys, but they're familiar to me, i look at them again, again, and again and realise that one of them is looking at me for like 10 minutes, until i saw his lips like saying 'i love you' without a sound, i only give 'what?' face and continue giving my signatures, after that i look at him again and he's gone, but the other boys are still there. weird.


Kyuhyun's POV


what the, what did i do?! such a stupid creature named Cho Kyuhyun! arh! i escape from the seats and go to my car, look depressed, i'm very confuse about myself! i better go back to dorm and just take a nap or play Starcraft! 


meanwhile the other 14 boys still at the Hall and searching for Kyuhyun, he's gone, no one knows, he's the one who ask them to come here! and they're planning to do something to him. 


Minhyun: "Yoona-ah, do you know who are the strange 15 boys who come to the fanmeeting?"

Yoona: "molla, waeyo?"

Minhyun : "oh ani."

Yoona: "let's go home and take some rest, you'll be very tired!"

Minhyun: "*nod* kajja!"


- 3 days later -

07:30 AM


Minhyun: "Yooonnnnnaaaaaa ~! ireona!"

Yoona: "uhm waeyo?! it's still half past seven in the morning! i was dreaming about Leeteuk!"

Minhyun: "jinjja? waa mianhaeyo~ but hurryup go take a shower than let's go to Busan, i read on Twitter that at 8 o'clock, there will be very crowded! we must go there earlier!"

Yoona: "Okay okay wait a second"

i saw Yoona walking to the bathroom with half waked-up mind then i change my clother. after 15 minutes we are already on our way to Busan, my home isn't far from busan, so it's only takes 15 minutes to go there and we're arrived at the Fan Signing Hall! wow it's already crowded! Super Junior's members haven't appear yet, it'll starts in 1 hour, me and Yoona takes pictures with a big Leeteuk and Kyuhyun poster and then eat some snacks, then a guy announce that the fanmeeting will start, we all (ELFs) are already excited, i already bring my Mr. Simple Version A album (Kyuhyun cover ofcourse) to signed by Kyuhyun! kk . atlast! they appeared! everybody is screaming, Super Junior give a speech than they sit down on their own seats, we start to make a queue, i take pictures of Kyuhyun with my handycam and i'll share it on my Super Junior website! After queue-ing about 20 minutes, it's my turn, i walk to Kyuhyun, my heart beats 5time faster than before now!


Kyuhyun's POV


will she come here? i hope she's an ELF and Kyuhyun (me) Biased . hahaha, silly. i've been thinking of her non-stop after the fanmeeting event. ah my cheek become very stiff because i smiled to alot of ELF here, but it's okay as long as they're happy kk, suddenly i hear voice that's familiar to me, i move my face up so i can see her face, WHAT THE? she's Minhyun! so she's an ELF! i pretend that i don't know her and as usual, i give my best smile "what's your name?" "Minhyun. Oppa, how are you" she asked me!! "i-i'm fine" i give her my signature and i write 'to: Minhyun. wait for me at the beach near here, i'll go there after this' i give back her album and she go down from the stage, i keep looking at her until she look at my note and look at me with a shock face, i only give a smile then continue giving my sign to other ELF. 


Minhyun's POV


yeay! i got he's signature, ohmygod he's so handsome, cool as always, and his smile omg!! i keep saying that words while going down from the stage, after that i look at my album which have been signed by him, and.....there's a note?! i read it for a while and WHAT!! i look at him directly with a 'ohmygod seriously?!' face, he only give smile like he's saying 'ne~ ^^'. i pull Yoona directly and give her the album, ask her to read the note, she read the note and look at me with a shocked face. "SERIOUSLY?!" "i don't know, i-i just gave him the album and he wrote it!!! i'll go to the beach now, you can go home if you want, i'll be back soon!" i run to the beach and it's still 10AM. so hot! i sit under the palm tree, i was making words using my finger on the sand, i wrote 'Kyuhyun oppa, is this true? am i dreaming?' suddenly there's a shadow, like someone's standing behind me, i look back and guess what, it's Kyuhyun! he sit beside me and write "you're not dreaming" on the sand. i'm still shocked, i can't even say a word! he starts the conversation first "do you like me?" "o-ofcourse, i love you and the other SJ members" "so you love me not more than you love the others too?" i can't answer, i'm still shock and speechless "you know, you saw a group of 15 boys in your fanmeeting right?" "n-ne, waeyo?" "one of them is me! you look a boy who said something to you but you only give a 'what?' face right?" "ne, is that you?" "yep, after that, i feel like i have a 'love at first sight', i read your fanfictions too" "how come? you hate reading right?" "Eunhyuk hyung told me to read fanfiction when i'm bored and i tried! i love your fanfiction!" "haha gomawoyo" after that, there's a silence between us, i think he's thinking about something, and he brakes the silence "erm, i know this is too quick but, would you be my girlfriend?" "but, we even don't know each other, how come.." "you know me well right, i'll try to know you more, please?" i think for awhile then "o-okay then, just give it a try" you know, i feel VERY SUPER DUPER EXCITED now!! Kyu hugged me, but i still don't know what did he say at the fanmeeting, i must ask him! "uhm.. oppa, what did you say at the fanmeeting?" "hm? ah that one, i said 'i love you'" he give me a smile and hugged me

tighter. "i love you too oppa" "we must say thankyou to your fanfiction, our love, It Starts From Your Fanfiction" and my sweet days with him starts.




aaaaakkkkkkkkkhhhhhhhh do you like it? do you like it? this is my first fanfiction that have been FINISHED! sorry if i made grammatical errors~ :D don't be a silent readers~ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TIFFANY again :D longlast with Kyuhyun~

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