Late Autumn

Late Autumn

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Kyuhyun's POV

Birds are chirping while the sunlight is trying to sneak through my curtain. It is another typical morning. Everything seems  normal, except a thing which has gone for a year. I pat an empty space beside me, hoping some miracle brings you here.

One year ago, it's already a habit that every sunday you will come here so early, then sleep beside me. You'll wake me up and nag me to take a bath. But now, a thing which makes me wake up is only the realization that the memories won't happen anymore. You won't come here. You won't wake me up. You won't nag me to take a bath. Where are you now?

Lazily, i drag myself to take a bath. I close my eyes, inhaling the scent of autumn while bathing. After i'm done, i walk to my closet and some clothes catch my eyes. Even though it's still early, but i just wear them. Standing in front of the mirror, I look the same as back then.

I don't know why, but today i just want to take a walk around the neighborhood. It's cold and wind blows the fallen leaves, while the sun is setting.

You told me once, that autumn is your favourite season. You are the one who brought me out of my nest, taught me about the beauty of autumn. You grabbed my hands which i kept in my pocket, you hold it tightly, while ran to your favorite park.

You smiled beautifully to me. Seeing you smile, i smiled too. I took my polaroid, then took your picture. Being a shy girl, you really don't like when i took your picture. You said that you are ugly, you said you prefer to take picture of people than yourself. No, you are wrong. You are very beautiful. You are more beautiful than the autumn itself. You immediately tried to take the photo, but it was a failed attempt, beacuse of your height. You blew a raspberry, aegyo-ing on me. But i just laughed, and kissed your cheeks,  and ran away while you chased me everywhere. We giggled happily like kids all day long.

" I miss your laugh.

I miss your smile.

I miss your footsteps."


But memories will be remained as memories. It won't happen anymore. 

If only i didn't say goodbye, will you be here right now ?

If only i was more patient to you, will you be here right now?

If only i didn't say harsh words to you, will you be here right now?

If only, i can go back to that night, will you be here right now?


Thw wind starts to blow harder, reminding me that winter will come, right away. I keep my hands to my pocket, and go to my favourite coffee shop. While walking, i keep telling to myself that i have to prepare of the approaching winter nights. the lonely winter nights. The winter nights which have a lot of your memories.

Inhaling the scent of coffee, my mind starts to wander of to that times. Times that have memories about you.

" Where are you now ?

I miss your laugh.

I miss your smile.

I miss your scent.

I miss your cry.

I miss your nagging.

Moreover, I Miss You. "

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: i like your story...
Please make a sequel! D:
YoonTaeRi #3
@I_am_annika_o_143777 : Maybe i will :)
Make a sequel,a very long sequel please pretty please.I like it so much.I cried after.
Whoa this was really sad :'( I really liked it :D! I remember reading 'Unheard Screams' before, but never read this one :(
I really enjoyed, and if you ever think of making a sequel, I surely want to know! :D