My World of Fire

Fighting the Romans

So the stuff that's italicized and underlined means it's in English. ONLY when it's in someone who is Korean's POV.




L.joe's POV:

I pulled my blazer over my gray t-shirt, leaving it ed. I looked at the mirror before I looked at my hands. They were balled into fists and as I opened them, I closed my eyes. I concentrated, focusing every nerve to my hands before I felt the warmth. I opened my eyes and smiled at what I saw. For the third time this week, I was able to produce fire from my hands.

"L.joe!" Chunji called. I quickly closed my hands, extinguishing the fire before he could see. "It's time to go." He said as he looked at me through the mirror.

"I'll be down in a sec." I told him as he walked out of the bathroom. Giving my hair one last brush with my hand, I walked out of the door. I met the rest of group outside of the apartment building. Niel was whining to C.A.P. about having to wait and how they should have just left me behind. I shot him a glare which silenced him. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. We walked in silence for a couple minutes before we arrived at the bus stop. There was no one there so we began to speak openly.

"Hyung, why hasn't our rival group shown up yet?" Chunji asked C.A.P. as we waited for the bus.

"Don't get impatient, it's a matter of time before they appeared." C.A.P. responded without looking at him.

"What if they're already here?" Changjo questioned. This was a surprise, Changjo didn't normally start talking until 10:33 AM.

"That's not possible. If they were here, we would have noticed." Chunji told him.

"But what if Changjo's right? I mean, don't you guys think it's weird how that foreign group show up around the same time as Andy told us our rival group is coming. Doesn't that strike you as odd at all?" Ricky said, trying to piece things together as he said the facts.

"The kid's got a point you know." I told C.A.P. He only shook his head.

"Look, if our rival group DID appear, we should feel SOME vibe from them. The foreigners just seem like foreigners, that's all. They don't seem like they would be the children of gods. I mean, when we walk down the street we can recognize almost immediately if someone is a demigod or not because they have that aura. The foreigners? They don't." C.A.P explained to us. It sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than he was trying to assure us though. He was probably in denial. A part of me wanted to believe that they weren't Greek demigods. It wanted to believe that if they were demigods, they were Roman. Another part hoped they were Greek though. If they were Greek, we wouldn't have to run or hide or be so cautious anymore. We could just fight our war and end all this edginess that built in all of us.

A bigger problem was my curiosity for one of the foreigners, Zia. She seemed to be the average human girl. Friends, family, schoolwork, boys. You know, typical girl stuff. But to me, that just seemed to be the cover. I feel like deep down inside her, there's a girl that no one sees. Her closest friends probably do, but the general public don't. She's always so jumpy in class, I mean, she almost punched me the other day! It's almost as if she's waiting to be attacked. When she isn't paying attention in class, which isn't that often, she seems to be in deep thought. I just wanted to get to know her better. I quickly snapped out of my daze when Chunji pulled me onto the bus. Although we were a group, Chunji was still my best friend. The bus was full so we stood for the 20 minute bus ride to the school. We finally arrived at the gates and I rushed to my classroom. Odd, this is the first time I have ever felt the need to be on time. I walked into the classroom and saw some girls staring at me, which was kind of creepy. I walked over to my desk only to find a girl sitting in it. I cleared my throat and the girl looked at me, ah. The class president.

“Oh, good morning L.joe. It's nice to see you.” She said politely, obviously surprised that I was early.

“It's nice to see you too. “ I replied. I didn't want to be rude and force her out of my seat but I didn't want to stand next to it and wait either.

“Oh, sorry.” She said quickly as I just stood there, waiting. She got out of the chair and leaned on a desk across from Zia. Zia was surprised to see me early too. Her eyes were still wide with shock. I just sat down and smirked to myself. Although I was looking forward, I was listening to the conversation behind me.

You know the track meet on Saturday?” Eunhee asked Zia.

Yeah, what about it?Zia replied as she rummaged through something. Probably her backpack.

I was wondering if you, Chelsea, Holly, Madeline, Penelope, and Alex would like to watch.Eunhee replied.

Well, Penelope and I are busy on Saturday. But do bring Chelsea, she loves to run. Holly's probably gonna sleep and Alex is probably gonna clean the house. I'll ask them though! I heard Zia say. Her tone suggested that she didn't really like going to sporting events. I may be wrong though.

The bell rang and class started. Great, another hour of Literature and then English before lunch. I hated school. I would normally sleep but I had to help translate for Zia. She struggled the most with Literature, for the obvious reasons, and History because the teacher didn't know English. I'll have to have a long session with her today, just so she knows how to understand SOME Korean.

I was glad when the bell rang for the end of first period and a 10 minute break. Zia went straight to her phone. I wonder who she's texting/talking too. As I sat there being the bored me, I took out my iPod, just for background noise. I wasn't listening to the lyrics. That's when Chunji popped his head into the classroom followed by Niel and Ricky.

“L.JOE HYUNG!!” Ricky squealed. I say squealed because his voice is a little...high.

“What do you want Ricky?” I asked him. Ricky never squealed my name unless he wanted something, I always fall for it.

“Hyung, can I have so money~?” He asked, dragging out “money.”

“Why?” I questioned. Why does he need money...and why from me?

“Cuz I wanna buy a movie~.” He said, dragging out “movie.” Why does he do this to me?

“Why can't you go get money from C.A.P Hyung?” I asked in a slightly annoyed tone. He's the oldest so he should be taking care of all of us.

“He won't give it to me.” Ricky pouted.

“Fine, how much do you need?” I asked him as I rolled my eyes.

“Only 20,000 won.” He replied with an innocent smile.

“Only 20,000? ONLY 20.000??” Jeez, I'm gonna go broke because of this kid!

“Please hyung?” He pouted again.

Fine.” I replied. I pulled out my wallet while mumbling “Stupid kid, why can't he go ask someone else. I bet they have more money then me.” I gave him the bill as I shoved my wallet back into my pocket. That's when I heard a chuckle behind me.


Zia's POV:

I watched the little boy, who was probably older than me, ask L.joe for money. It was quite hilarious to watch as it reminded me of the times when I asked Holly for money. I couldn't help but find it funny when L.joe gave in and cursed himself for doing so. I was laughing silently as I watched but I accidentally let a chuckle slip through my lips. L.joe looked back at me, his eyes locking with mine. I just stared back. Well, this was kindda awkward. His friends, Niel and Chunji, asked him something in Korean and he replied. Then he looked back at me.

“These are my friends, Niel and Chunji.” He told me. Well...I already knew that I thought.

“It's nice to meet you.” I said as I beamed at them. Their eyes widened for a second before they smiled at me.

“It's nice to meet you too.” Niel said with broken English. I smiled at him, recording the whole thing through my contacts.

“I'm not your friend?” I heard Ricky ask L.joe slowly in English, but it was understandable. His feigned look of hurt was hilarious on his face. I burst out laughing.

Chunji gave me a...judgmental look. I just ignored him. They went back to their talking when I realized something. Everyone in the group participated in some type of sport and we should probably start looking for the teams. Holly is a break dancer, although she's not as good as Hong10 or Pocket, she still competed some. Penelope is probably one of the most powerful 17 year old tennis players I've ever met in my lifetime. Her shots were always really heavy and powerful and it just got even worse when she got mad in a match. Madeline dances and plays tennis, but she's great at theater. Maybe there would be a club for that. Track was out of the question for Chelsea seeing that the last meet was this weekend, but cross country was starting soon and Chelsea could pick that up. She still holds the record back at Boston. Alex was one of the captains last year for volleyball, she's amazing. I could start swimming again. That would be nice, I haven't actually swam since we got back from the mission for Ares.

“What clubs and sports do you guys have here?” I asked to L.joe's back. He turned around.

“Excuse me?” He asked. He didn't hear my question cuz of Ricky screaming. I decided he was the most annoying out of all of them.

“What are the athletic teams and clubs this school has?” I asked, clarifying and repeating my question.

“We have track and cross country, obviously, and basketball. We also have weightlifting, archery, badminton, soccer, tennis, and swimming. The biggest club we have at school is theater.” I nodded my head as he listed everything.

“What about volleyball?” I asked him.

“We have that too.” He replied with a curious look in his eyes.

“Thanks.” I murmured as class started. I looked at the schedule cuz I didn't have it memorized yet. Great, English. Might as well just go to sleep.


L.joe's POV:

Why was she asking about sports? Does she play volleyball? She asked me earlier. Whatever, it didn't matter. I looked up at the board and realized we started English class. The teacher wrote out the assignment and began teaching. Half-way through her lecture on prepositional phrases, she started yelling at Zia.

Zia Li! What do you think your doing?” She yelled. Everyone turned back to look at Zia. She wasn't doing anything actually. But that's probably what set off the teacher. The fact that she wasn't even trying to listen irritated many people in the room. Whispers began going around mainly stating that Zia was arrogant because she's from America. If you think about it though, the English grade level was around a 4th graders. Zia would be in 11th grade at America, of course she didn't have to pay attention.

I'm j-just, I'm sorry ma'am. I'll pay attention.” She said as she looked down at her fingers.

You better start paying attention if you don't want to get sent out of the classroom.” The teacher said. Zia just nodded as she looked at her lap. She took out a piece of paper and her pencil. Even though the teacher turned her back on Zia, I still watched. I almost laughed out loud as Zia started drawing instead of taking notes The picture was quite amusing to look at. Zia had drew a little old lady with a blown up head and a bunch of arrows sticking out. She then started to write on the side about the teacher's fat head. I turned around and started taking notes again. The teacher turned around and scanned at the class. She looked at Zia and while Zia was still writing about the teacher's head. The teacher gave Zia a nod of approval and it took every ounce of willpower I had not to release my laughter. The teacher gave me a weird look as I puffed up my cheeks.

Byunghyun, are you not feeling well? She asked me with a concerned look.

N-no. I-I'm fine, thanks. I replied while holding back my laughter. The rest of the class gave me odd looks before returning back to the class. I took a glance at Zia and laughed silently. She had added a shark that was going to eat the teacher's head and a ten-ton weight falling on her foot. I accidentally let a chuckle out and Zia looked up at me. She gave a playful smirk before going back to her doodling. I quickly turned around before the teacher could see me and scold me again. The bell rang signaling lunch and before anyone else had packed up, Zia bolted out of the door.


The bell rang signally the end of lunch. I stood up, brushed my legs and waved bye to my friends. Ricky started opening his mouth to ask me something and I walked away before he could ask me for more money. I went to third period and immediately regretted not ditching because it was time for Calc. I hadn't done the homework and I wasn't paying attention last lesson so I could only hope that I would be able to understand what the heck the teacher was talking about. For once in my life, I took notes during the math class and promised that I would do the homework due today. The teacher raised her eyebrows but just left it there. Physics was probably never going to be as boring as it was today. The teacher's wife was going through labor. Shocking right? Anyway, we had substitute to come and talk and she just played an “educational” movie. I fell asleep. When the lights came back on, I bolted up in my seat. Finally! I was about to run through the doors when I remembered that I had to tutor Zia. I was about to tell her to meet be at the library but her phone began to buzz.

Hello? She answered into the phone. “Oh! Kyuhyun! How did you get this number?” She asked as her eyebrows knitted together. The other side was talking and she just 'mhmed” to everything he told her. “Ok, I'll be right there. Thanks Kyu!” She said as she hung up. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

L.joe, I gotta be somewhere today. I'm sorry but I can't meet you after school today.” She said apologetically as she packed up.

Zia, you need to learn Korean. Whatever you're doing can wait. The sooner you learn the sooner I don't have to tutor you.” I said with a stern voice.

I know and I'm sorry. But if you don't want to tutor me, just be happy you don't have to today and I can do what I need to do ok?” She said as she began walking out of the classroom. I just scoffed. She didn't even wait for me to reply before she left. That's ok though. Since I didn't have to tutor her, I could get some extra time alone which means more time to practice.

I walked out of school after telling C.A.P. that I could actually make practice today. He said to meet them at the field in an hour. One hour to practice didn't seem nearly enough but I needed to use every little bit of time I had. I walked about a fourth of a mile from the school before turning into the park. I walked to the end of the park and looked around me before I jumped the fence to woods behind it. I walked until I came to the lake. I couldn't control my ability and definitely did not want to set something on fire. I closed my eyes again and concentrated on the nerves in my hands. I felt the warmth tingle from my hands and opened my eyes.

There was fire from the palms of my hand again. A part of my brain was tugging at the warmth. Instinctively, I closed my hands and felt the warmth. It began slowly at first, crawling up my arms. It wasn't until the warmth was up to my elbows before I opened my eyes in surprise. The warmth had never been that far up before. I looked down at my arms and was terrified by the sight. The fire was no longer on my palms but was up my entire forearm. It began to creep up before it was at my shoulders. I quickly closed my palms and willed it to stop. Great, I would have to buy a new blazer from the school because I probably burned off the sleeves. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, my clothing was not scorched. I marveled and looked at my hands and arms, they were fine too. I closed my eyes and this time the fire came faster.

I did this until I heard someone jumping over the fence. I quickly shut it off. I didn't want the others to know. Not yet. I wasn't ready to let them in on this secret quite yet. I watched as the last spark died in my palms. You're not doing anything wrong L.joe. I thought. This was something they wouldn't understand. This was my world of fire.


Hi! So I finally updated...and I hope you enjoy it!

There isn't much stuff about their feelings here...but I hope you like the background of L.joe.

Please comment and suscribe! :)

Haha, cute! <3


@silverseaturtules: I'm not wishing for a death sentence, I promise! Be assured by the fact that Donghae is coming up...REAL soon.

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Thank you!
not a serious update...but a message to me from my good friend


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silverseaturtles #1

"It's even worse during that time of month. Zia's a total ____ but at least she knows it."

LOL, I DIED at that part! XDDDD Does this mean that I have to update Kyuhyun's Notebook now? ^.^
silverseaturtles #2
oh dearie~ someone's stealing info. its probs L.JOE!!!!!!!
hahaha, that gif of yesung! KYA!
silverseaturtles #3
I loved this chapter.
"You're retarted."
And "Maybe she just claimed him since he's good looking." LOL!
Anyways, just saying I loved it and hope u update soon!~
PinkPumpkinPie #4
Making up for your lost subscriber!
Anyways, I hope you update soon!! :P
silverseaturtles #5
................. I see why you put that picture of Donghae at the begining...... so you can ease my wrath. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it was a cute picture ^^. Sungie is cuter though)
Anyways, glad you updated and I hope you update soon!
silverseaturtles #6
You finally updated! YIPPEEE!!
Nows when the real action begins! I'm curious on who will find Nel's wallet.
And Donghae, y u so mean to Nellie?
silverseaturtles #7
Hahahahahahahaha jk jk. But I'm glad you updated. It was interesting to read it from L.joe's point of view. And Kyuhyun has Zia's number? I wonder how he got it......... probably by using his evil maknae skills.
@ silverseaturtles:

please don't kill me. I'll dedicate a whole chapter of Donghae for you if you'd like that.


There will be a chapter all in L.joe's POV....I promise. haha.
silverseaturtles #9
Jk, jk, this chapter was adorable.
I agree with lovekdramakpopmanga! Write from l. Joe's point of view!
ehh....haha, about the typo: i kindda just copied and pasted it from yahoo answers so......