Lost Item

Fighting the Romans

Penelope's POV:

     When my alarm went off I REALLY didn't want to get up. Like, hopefully I can just stay in bed and Alex will be understanding. But Alex wasn't understanding so I was pulled out of bed, literally. I heard Zia groan and looked over to see her cover her head with her pillow. That girl, she makes sure she can get the most sleep possible so she always wakes up thirty minutes before we need to leave. I do feel bad for her though...just a little. Kyuhyun forced her to study Korean until 10:00. She stayed up till 3:00, finishing her other assignments besides Lit. She gave up on that entirely and just went to bed. I dragged my feet to the bathroom and quickly got ready before coming back to put on my uniform. By that time, Zia was sitting up with closed eyes and Alex nudging her.


“Get up Zia.” Alex said gently. Zia explodes when she's just getting up and you're annoying her.


“I don't want to.” She said, slurring her words.


“It's Friday.” Alex said. Zia quickly opened her eyes at that.


“Friday??” Zia asked, looking wide awake already.


“Yup!” Alex said with a prod to get Zia out of bed.


“Fine.” Zia said as she got off the bunk and grabbed her uniform. She was out for breakfast ten minutes later.


     We walked into the school and gave small nods to each other before heading to our classes. I flopped into my seat and tried recalling what class I was in. Oh right, math. Well, seeing that I actually finished all of the high school math classes LAST year in America, this class is basically useless. I just doodled and stared when the teacher was lecturing. I looked over to my right and looked at Ricky. To my convenience, the clock was also in my line of sight so it just looked like I was looking at the time. The girl on HIS right was more observant than he was though. She watched as I stared at Ricky. When I did acknowledge her existence, she gave me one of the scariest glares I have ever seen in my life. I gave her a small wave and she looked at the board, people these days. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at Ricky. This was a perfect chance. I looked at him and my left eye started zooming in. It couldn't actually place a tracker on him cuz he wasn't looking directly at me so it couldn't register his bone structure and eyes. I sighed and put my pencil on the desk. Then I brushed my hand across the desk and knocked the pencil under Ricky's chair. I quietly reached over and tapped him, he looked directly at me.


Click. Perfect.


“Um...do you need....something?” He asked in whispered, broken English.


“Oh, um...my pencil kindda fell under your desk. Could you get it for me?” I asked politely. He looked at me for a second before registering what I was talking about. He then took the pencil from under his desk and handed it to me.


Thank you.” I told him as he looked back at the board. He nodded in acknowledgment. The girl to his right was glaring at me the whole time.


     I probably looked like a retard as I started setting up the tracker on Ricky. I was looking down or looking up to scroll on the list. When I finally found the tracker setting, I blinked once for select and then blinked twice. The world became gridded again in my eye. Biology was after Math and I actually took some notes. I'd have to type this all up on Google translator later or ask Leetuek. I had no idea what I was writing down. When the finally rang for lunch, I jumped out of my seat and ran right into the girl who kept giving me death stares. When she's up close, she looks like an alpaca. She stepped back from the impact and all the papers in his hand flew everywhere.


“I am so sorry.” I said in English. Alpacaface just shot me a glare before bending down to pick up her things. I bent down too to help her. I reached for a piece of paper and within three minutes, we had everything picked up. I handed everything to her, the whole time being glared at.


“I'm really sorry.” I apologized again.


“Just....just watch where you are going next time.” Alpacaface said slowly but snappily before walking away. I let out a scoff, this kid should learn some manners. I shook my head before gathering my things and walking out of the classroom. I walked down the hall and was just about to call Alex when I got a call from her.


“Hello?” I answered.


Penelope? Where are you?” She asked in a somewhat worried tone. Here we go, Mother Alexandra all over again.


I got held up in class. Sorry, just tell me where you guys are. I'll meet you there.”


To be honest, I don't know where we are. Super Junior came and took us to a park. I'll send you a picture. Try to get here fast.” Before I could ask her anything else, she hung up. Well, this was lovely. I ended up walking over to Ricky who was at his locker. I tapped his shoulder.


Can I help you?” He asked.


Um...how do you pronounce this?” I asked as I showed him the street sign Alex sent me. When he told me, I quickly thanked him and turned around. I quickly asked Siri for directions and started running before I heard thunking behind me. I turned around to find my backpack open and all of its contents a trail behind me. I let out an exasperated sigh before turning around and picking everything up. I started running towards the park again.


I met up with the rest of the group a couple minutes later, panting. Zia spat out the water she was drinking and was laughing me. I sent her a death glare and she became quiet, obviously laughing on the inside. I went over and started whacking her.


Stop laughing at me! It's not funny!” I yelled playfully.


Why are you so mean to me?” She asked in a shrill voice. Donghae pinned my arms to my side.


Jeez Penelope, why are you so mean to her?” He asked, siding with Zia.

She's mean to me! She was laughing at me first!” I huffed. Donghae just eyed me before sitting down again. This was unfair. I glared at Zia who snickered at me. I rolled my eyes before plopping down and taking out my lunch.


Why are we eating here?” I asked as I took a bite out of my sandwich.


Thought it would be fun, why were you late?” Heechul asked.


Bumped into an alpaca.” I muttered, Zia spat out her water....again. Now she was bursting with laughter. Unfortunately she spat it on me.


Eww, you're disgusting.” I said as I wrinkled my nose. Holly handed me a napkin and I tried wiping it off.


An alpaca? We don't go to school at a petting zoo.” Zia said between laughs.


The girl looks like an alpaca. Her lips and eyes are the same, I swear.” I said. Everyone just chuckled at me. “Fine, don't believe me then.” I said angrily as I took another bite out of my sandwich.


You shouldn't have to be held up for five minutes if you bumped into her.” Zia stated.


I knocked a bunch of things out of her hands and had to help pick them up.” I replied. “By the way, I placed my tracker on Ricky.”


Oh, I still need to place my tracker.” Zia said as she frowned at her sandwich.


Zia, you still haven't placed your tracker yet?” Alex asked carefully. Zia flinched as Alex scooted closer to her.


It kindda, slipped my mind.” She said quietly as she looked down at her hands.


How can you let something like this slip your mind? This could be the difference between life or death for all of us, you know that right?” Alex started in a stern voice.


I'm sorry, I'll place on during third period, I promise.” Zia said, still looking down.


Zia, this is amateur stuff, you should have placed one ages ago. You know better than this Zia.” Alex began lecturing. Zia stayed silent and just looked down.


Back off Alex, the last thing we need is fighting between the group. Zia knows she did wrong and she's going to place a tracker. That's all that matters.” Holly said as she looked at Alex right in the eye. Alex pressed her lips into a thin line before rolling her eyes. She packed all her stuff and got up.


Where are you going?” Kibum asked as she got up.


I don't know, the library, home, somewhere. I have a free period for third period. I'll see you guys later.” She said. She threw Zia one last glare before walking away. When she was out of earshot, Zia sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose and got up.


Where are you going?” Kibum asked Zia.


To school, I should place a tracker on L.joe. I'll see you guys later.” She said as she took off. The atmosphere was really awkward after the two left. I looked in my backpack to take my phone out so I knew what time it was. I could feel panic build in me as I kept fumbling through my things.


What are you looking for?” Holly asked. I didn't listen and kept searching through all of my pockets.


Nel, if you're looking for your phone, it's next to your leg.” Donghae said behind me.


I'm not looking for my phone.” I told them as went through all the pockets a second time.


What are you looking for then?” Holly asked, eyebrows furring together. I met her gaze.


My wallet, it's gone.” I said. This was bad, very bad. Our group's card was in there. We all had one. The card wasn't only an access to our money. It had all of our personal information including where we lived, where the camp was, emergency contacts, and most importantly: who our immortal parent was.


Hey! It's been a while since I updated...yeah.

Hope you like this chapter though!

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<3 ss_strawberry56

Kya!!! He looks soo good!!! >.<

Teehee, so cute~! <3

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not a serious update...but a message to me from my good friend


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silverseaturtles #1

"It's even worse during that time of month. Zia's a total ____ but at least she knows it."

LOL, I DIED at that part! XDDDD Does this mean that I have to update Kyuhyun's Notebook now? ^.^
silverseaturtles #2
oh dearie~ someone's stealing info. its probs L.JOE!!!!!!!
hahaha, that gif of yesung! KYA!
silverseaturtles #3
I loved this chapter.
"You're retarted."
And "Maybe she just claimed him since he's good looking." LOL!
Anyways, just saying I loved it and hope u update soon!~
PinkPumpkinPie #4
Making up for your lost subscriber!
Anyways, I hope you update soon!! :P
silverseaturtles #5
................. I see why you put that picture of Donghae at the begining...... so you can ease my wrath. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it was a cute picture ^^. Sungie is cuter though)
Anyways, glad you updated and I hope you update soon!
silverseaturtles #6
You finally updated! YIPPEEE!!
Nows when the real action begins! I'm curious on who will find Nel's wallet.
And Donghae, y u so mean to Nellie?
silverseaturtles #7
Hahahahahahahaha jk jk. But I'm glad you updated. It was interesting to read it from L.joe's point of view. And Kyuhyun has Zia's number? I wonder how he got it......... probably by using his evil maknae skills.
@ silverseaturtles:

please don't kill me. I'll dedicate a whole chapter of Donghae for you if you'd like that.


There will be a chapter all in L.joe's POV....I promise. haha.
silverseaturtles #9
Jk, jk, this chapter was adorable.
I agree with lovekdramakpopmanga! Write from l. Joe's point of view!
ehh....haha, about the typo: i kindda just copied and pasted it from yahoo answers so......