Snake Vs. Bambi

A Change Of Heart.

I hate him. My head hurts, my body aches, and my ears are gonna start bleeding if I heard one more bang against the wall. 

Im Jaebum. 

One of the smartest kids on this campus, A science and - weirdly enough, music major. He’s in his sophomore year of college but he lives like a senior, A disgusting, annoying, inconsiderate of a senior. You’d think he’d get picked on for being this hyper-intelligent, openly gay kid but people tend to stick to him like glue, guys especially. He’s beautiful, no denying that. I even take short glances every now and then to admire his god like beauty, He has the softest dark brown hair, this big beautiful smile, and a semi-strong build. He has 7 piercings all on his ears and two cute little moles right above his left eye, one being darker than the other. I guess you could say some parts of his lifestyle don’t exactly match his face or wardrobe. 

Even with all that effortless beauty, he was the last person I’d willingly talk to. Actually if it wasn’t for the fact that we were roommates I’d go out of my way just to ignore and avoid him. He’s rude, arrogant, and LOUD, may I add. After about a good hour of traumatizing me with his overactive ual life, the door to his side of the dorm opened, The guy that came out of his room was walking like he had a stick shoved in his but now that I think about it, he did 5 minutes ago. “You were fun, Let’s do this more often.” he said. . 

He didn't even have the decency to help the poor guy completely out the dorm, he just slammed the door to his room after his guest was kicked out. "Um.....hi?" He said staring at me awkwardly. When I only stared back as a response he took that as his cue to leave. For what reason would I talk to him and what about? I guess he realized that as he scurried out. Why did I have to carry the burden of rooming with jaebum? I'm quiet, I keep to myself and if I do bother to speak to someone I act as kindly as I can. But he...He's the complete opposite. He's loud and rowdy and he has absolutely no care for others or what great discomfort he may be causing them. And I hated him. I hated how he most likely only gets good marks because of his beautiful face and charming attitude, everyone always falls for his face and disregards his personality. His beautiful face; the one I'd probably fall for if I hadn't heard his mouth first. 

I needed to call my mom, I was gonna do it when I came in but I highly doubt she'd want to hear hardcore in the background while she's asking me how life in japan is. It's where I'm studying or training for performing arts; my absolute passion. My mom though -- along with all my family, were still back in mokpo going on without me. We are a close family, me and my siblings shared a room as kids; so I always missed them when It got time to go to sleep and dream about my future -  which I was beginning to look at with scared eyes. I'd miss the sound of my sisters laugh. It sounds so much like mine that it's painful to giggle. I'd miss my mother, and the feel of her soft, comforting hands mixed with her encouraging words. I'd even miss the way my father yelled at me for sneaking in practice on my piano instead of doing schoolwork. They never really supported this dream of mine to pursue music, but they loved me enough to let me do it. 

So now I feel bad because suddenly I don't feel the confidence necessary to do this, to be here alone and know that they only half-heartedly supported me. What would become of me if I lost my family because of a dream? I don't wanna have to choose, I'd rather die.

The tears falling from my eyes would have gone unnoticed if I hadn't heard a voice insulting me about 5 feet away. "Crybaby. What's wrong? mommy didn't answer? that means you call too much." I gave him a look mixed with confusion and pure hate. How did he even know about my phone calls with mom? usually he seems too preoccupied with his own nonsense to even be in the dorm, let alone pay attention to what I'm doing. "Didn't think I knew about those hm? You should pay more attention youngjae; If I was a snake I would've bit you." He said. "You're not too far from it, to be honest. You're sneaky, slimy, untrustworthy, and viscuous. all you're missing is the green, scaly skin." I said. "I'd rather be a fast striking snake than a newborn deer, completely unstable, struggling to walk on his own. You're not tough enough youngjae." he said. Why was he even bothering to speak to me, he was taking the same old shots at me that he always did for no reason. It's like he wakes up every morning thinking of something witty and hurtful to say to me. My response to his quickwittedness was a simple and bitter glare, He laughed and left the dorm to do god knows what. I didn't even care, part of me hoped he got into a bad accident and never came back; meaning I got a brand new and much nicer roomate. One who doesn't enjoy tearing me apart with their words and even their popularity. I loathe the day he was conceived.

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Chapter 1: OoOoooOOo this is pretty rad
KimJuhi #2
Chapter 1: seems interesting.. can't wait plss update soon(^^)