





The irritating rays of sun passed through the spaces between the curtains of Sehun’s window. Sehun groaned and buried his face further on his pillow before his alarm went on.

He hated mornings, or more specifically Monday mornings because for unknown reason, every little ball of sunshine decided to show up and slapped him on his face, effectively waking him up from his sweet dreams of lamas and fluffy clouds. The birds are extra joyful today, mocking him on his pathetic life of stuDYING.

He slammed his heavy palm on his obnoxious clock before glaring at it, as if it’s the most annoying thing in this world, except it is. Sehun stared at his stupid alarm clock when the time displayed on his clock finally sunk in. 10 in’ minutes before his class starts. 10 IN MINUTES. He rushed in his bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth while he opened his shower. He yelped when he realized that he forgot to turn the heater on… So much for Monday mornings -_-


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun was officially twenty minutes late in his first class, but luckily his teacher was absent due to some sort of faculty meeting… Sehun could care less. He lazily dropped his bag on the ground before fishing out his pen and casually slipping it inside the pocket of his blazer. He then crossed his arms and slouched on his sit, ignoring the giggles coming from the back of their room, not that Sehun ever minded that he’s popular.

He glanced on his side, hoping to get a glimpse of a familiar mop of auburn hair, and as if on cue, Baekhyun appeared on the doorway. Seems like Sehun’s isn’t the only one who’s late (in his defense: who would want to wake up early on Monday mornings?). His hair is slightly disheveled, thin sheen of sweat covering his forehead, bag hastily draped on his right shoulder and glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.

A slight smile formed on Sehun’s thin lips before he nestled his chin on his palm, drinking the adorable sight before him. Baekhyun has always been his crush since their first year. He could still (vividly) remember how the other accidentally bumped him in the hallway, books falling from his thin arms. It might be a very cliché situation, but Sehun would admit that it’s love at first sight.

Unfortunately though, Sehun has a courage as big as a pea. He couldn’t bring himself to confess his oh-so-longtime feelings for the shorter. Their conversation never progressed into something more coherent, something that isn’t just a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. And to aggravate his situation, Baekhyun and Sehun only have one class in common, and sure it has to be his least favorite subject: Math.

He’s not bad at it, it’s the contrary, in fact. He aced every single exam his boring teacher gave them, or if not, he would have three mistakes at most. So he couldn’t tell why he hated Math, or maybe because despite the fact that his name is always the first one to be called (because he’s the highest, duh?), earning more gawks from his classmates, Baekhyun never spared him any glance, or if he does, he would usually give him a blank look. Sehun would like to say that his reason is the former, but Jongin would insist that it’s the latter (Kyungsoo would stupidly nod his head in agreement with Jongin).

It’s frustrating. Not that he ever wanted Baekhyun to congratulate him, but he wanted to have a real conversation with the shorter, and he couldn’t think of anything else to do it (because he’s a wuss despite the fact that he’s handsome and genius as Jongin liked to say. Baekhyun is either scribbling some notes messily in his notebook or he’s staring outside the window where, according to Sehun, nothing interesting is going on.

The students scrambled for their seats when their teacher decided to show up on the last minute, opting to use the last minute to formally end their discussion about measures of central tendency.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun was pissed, because first, he forgot his calculator, so he couldn’t really grasp what’s happening, and secondly, Jongdae decided to show up on their table while having lunch. He doesn’t have anything against Jongdae, really, aside from the fact that he’s obnoxious, and everything about him is annoying, plus, he was the first one to find out about his unrequited love-as Jongin called it- on Baekhyun. Sehun always pondered how Jongdae knew (“it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out Sehun, you’re practically ogling on the boy’s ” said the troll faced Jongdae to him before).

He’s munching his sandwich silently, thoughts swimming on the auburn haired shortie, when he noticed that Jongin and Jongdae are squishing him. This is not a good sign, Sehun muttered on himself before giving a kicked-puppy-look on Kyungsoo’s direction, the guy just smiled at him sheepishly, knowing that he couldn’t do anything.

“So, how’s the day of our precious maknae so far?” Jongdae asked innocently (Sehun knew better, if the ominous cloud hovering on Jongdae’s head is anything to go by. He could practically hear the evil cackle going on inside the latter’s head).

“Bad… because you’re speaking to me.” Sehun said blankly while prodding on his potato salad. He wondered why on why he even became friends with these horrendous people.

“There, there sweet maknae, have no fear because Jongin and I have found solution in your problem.” Jongdae wiggled his eyebrows at him before sharing a knowing look with Jongin.

“We thought if-what?” Jongin cut his own statement when Sehun glared at him, the potatoes in his potato salad being poorly tortured by Sehun’s fork.

“I’m already judging the both of you right now.” He declared while he tried to push Jongdae from his sit so he could run away from the two devils who decided that it’s fine to annoy the already pissed off Oh Sehun. The man is surprisingly heavy, giving his innocent smile at Sehun’s direction again.

And Sehun finally understood how grave his situation was when he noticed that Baekhyun’s nearing their table, his adorable specs slipping down on his equally adorable nose. He suddenly stiffened on his sit, the table became eerily quiet, when Jongin decided to call Baekhyun, making the latter stop to face them.

Sehun’s ready to die at the moment.

Baekhyun looked up on them, tray in his hands, head slightly tilting on his side, before a small smile began to spread on his lips. Sehun gulped, how could a perfect creature exist in the form of Byun Baekhyun? He noticed how Baekhyun seemed so vulnerable in front of them, he just wanted to hug him so tight, and his lips, oh god, his lips, he could-

He was interrupted in his train of thoughts when Baekhyun asked them. “Yes?”

Jongdae smiled at Baekhyun’s direction before snaking an arm around Sehun’s shoulder. “Sehun said that he wanted to tell you something. Right, Sehun?”

Sehun thought of how many years he would be in jail for murder, because he’s ready to shove his fork on Jongdae’s throat. He glanced at Baekhyun (which is a very wrong move because the latter decided to his lips nervously and Sehun just wanted to kiss his nervousness away, wait what? Kiss? What the hell?).

“What do you want to say Sehun?”

Sehun could see Baekhyun’s uneasiness so he decided to answer, unfortunately he didn’t know what he’s going to answer, instead a sound of dying seal, almost inaudible (but not exactly inaudible, how unfortunate, really), was his answer. He could feel the shaking shoulder of Jongin beside him. Jongin’s trying to stifle his laughter but is miserably failing at trying to.

“Uhmm, huh?” Baekhyun asked innocently.

“Uh. I-I thinkYou’rePretty.” What? Did he just say that he’s pretty? Oh please no. Now he knew that Baekhyun would never, ever, talk to him again, because why would somebody want to talk to a creep like him, and yes he’ll grow old all by himself without anyone beside him because his adorable little Baek won’t like him-

“Th-thank you.” Baekhyun said before scurrying away from their table, but Sehun never failed to catch the blush that formed on the shorter’s cheeks.

“That went smooth.” Kyungsoo, who was silent in the whole ordeal, finally spoke. “Baekhyun is a really nice guy, Sehun-ah. I don’t honestly know why you’re afraid to talk to him.”

Sehun just grunted in response wanting to plant his face on his potato salad so that maybe, no one will talk to him because he’s a potato… a POOPtato (a wild Jongdae suddenly appeared in his mind and corrected him).


♥ ♥ ♥


Wednesday afternoons are always reserved for watching sunsets before going home. It is something Sehun would always look forward to. It is the time where he would take a break for everything, clear his mind, or think whatever he wanted to think.

Every Wednesday afternoon though, someone would play the grand piano just below the rooftop, making Sehun relax more and enjoy the sight above him. There are always a different piece playing every Wednesday, not that he could remember if any of the pieces were repeated anyway. He’s not exactly a fan of classical music, but he must admit that he appreciated it because of his daily routine. He knows some titles of the pieces being played, and whoever is playing, that person’s really good at doing it.

Each notes are sinking in every corner of the rooftop, and strangely, the pieces played seemed to be always in sync with the sun, like the one who’s playing it is actually watching beside him when in fact, there’s none.

The notes turn into lively dance and swirl on the air when the sun starts moving, then slowly… slowly, the volume’s decreasing when the sun’s being hugged by the fluffy clouds until nothing could be heard in the background aside from the honks coming from cars, when the sun is nowhere in sight.

Sehun made it a habit to check out the piano place before going home, hoping to find the one who’s playing it, but Sehun never caught that person.

That day Sehun decided to stay a little longer, not that his mom would mind because she knows that her son would come home late every Wednesdays and of course, Fridays. He took time in walking downstairs, taking in the sight of silent hallways, which is ridiculous as Jongin would often tell him because, “that’s the time when ghosts decide to lurk around Sehun”. In his opinion though, Jongin’s the one being ridiculous, he never encountered any ghosts or whatsoever.

Seoul’s polluted air greeted him, tousling his hair in every direction, and for some reason, Sehun thinks that it’s going to rain. He pulled out his umbrella from his bag, and as if on cue, little droplets started to fall. It’s drizzling and he knew that he should already hurry because it is only a matter of minutes before the sky would decide to bawl.

He was already in the bus when the rain got stronger. Sehun pulled out his phone from his pocket and checked the time before putting on his earphones and playing a song. The ride went smoothly, just as usual, but when he was nearing his bus stop, he saw a familiar mop of auburn hair inside the bus and omg what a wonderful night I have.

He was about to approach Baekhyun, but the bus already stopped and it’s a signal that Sehun should get off, and he did, but he didn’t expect that Baekhyun would also get off.

Seemed like the latter doesn’t have any umbrella with him, or any jackets or hoodies, or whatever is there to go against the rain. Sehun hastily took off his earphones and placed them in his pockets before hurrying towards the shorter. He immediately opened his umbrella the moment he stepped off the bus, he’s just lucky that he didn’t slip on his way because apparently, Sehun is a magnet of stupid accidents, the kind of accidents that would not hurt his body, but his pride.

Baekhyun started walking on the dark alley, which is weird because that’s where Sehun’s going too, but he set aside those thoughts when his and Baekhyun’s distance is becoming shorter. He didn’t know where he got the courage a while ago, but he could feel that it’s already slipping from his fingers like a sand when he was about to approach Baekhyun.

“Hey Baek- ow!” Sehun was met by a sudden slap on his face. That… he didn’t expect. 

“Oh gosh, Sehun?” Sehun saw that Baekhyun looked up at him innocently with a hint of concern, glasses sliding on his nose.

“Uhm.. H-hi!” Sehun stuttered awkwardly before pushing his umbrella towards Baekhyun’s direction so that the both of them would be covered.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry Sehun… I’m really sorry. I thought you’re another person who decided to follow me or whatever. I’m really sorry.” Baekhyun apologized and offered him a sheepish smile.

“That’s fine. I just wanted to lend my umbrella to you when I saw you, but it seems like we’re heading in the same direction.” They walked slowly, Sehun trying his best to be close to Baekhyun as possible because hey, he’s just being a good classmate (no reasons aside from that!). “Are you living near this area?” Sehun continued.

“Oh yes, I am. We moved here last week actually. ‘Quite a good neighborhood, I might say. You? You’re near here? Baekhyun asked, but before Sehun could answer he glanced at the smaller guy beside him, which is a wrong move again (Sehun made a mental note to stop doing that if he wanted to live longer because boy, the shorter is giving him heart attacks). They walked in silence for a while, and when he was about to answer, Baekhyun shouted.

“Watch out!” He didn’t exactly understood what Baekhyun said when his face collided on a lamp post.




Damn it.




Sehun was seeing stars when Baekhyun pulled him and examined his face. Sehun realized that he just got into one of his stupid accidents -again, accidents that won’t hurt him but his pride. Wow! Nice! Smooth Sehun, that’s so smooth. He decided that at that moment, he’s ready to dig his own grave because asdfghjksdfghjkl, this is twice in a row. But before he could curse both the lamp post and himself, he noticed how close Baekhyun’s face is with his own. He could already count Baekhyun’s eyelashes, and damn his bangs are sticking on his flawless forehead, and he just wanted to cup his face and-

“Earth to Sehun?” Baekhyun asked, a sigh of relief coming from the shorter when Sehun finally came back to reality, albeit a little awkward because he’s almost sure that he’ll have a heart attack if Baekhyun will come any closer.

“I-I’m fine. Ha-ha-ha.” He laughed awkwardly at himself, cursing whoever decided to place a stupid lamp post in a stupid alley without a stupid sign (but are lamp posts supposed to have a sign that says: “Caution! Stupid people might collide”?).

“It’s fine Sehun, I’ll pretend that I didn’t see that.” Baekhyun chuckled before shivering. That’s when Sehun noticed that they’re both drenched and the umbrella’s not exactly serving its purpose.

“Where do you live by the way, I’ll walk you home.”

Baekhyun vehemently shook his head. “I’m pretty close anyway, no need to walk me home, though it’s very nice of you to offer.”

Before Sehun could utter a word, Baekhyun ran. He followed the other while struggling to cover him with his umbrella. He could already feel the water starting to come inside his shoes.

Baekhyun halted in front of his house, and that’s the only time he noticed that Sehun’s still behind him. The other man just offered him a sheepish smile. Baekhyun decided that it’s a very sweet gesture… No! What? Sweet? Damn.. what’s happening? “Seriously Sehun, you shouldn’t have followed me anymore.” Baekhyun said before chuckling.

“I haven’t seen you around, which is weird, but my house is across yours.” Sehun pointed at his house and Baekhyun smiled wider.

“You’re not serious, are you?”

“I am! I should go by the way...”

“Yeah! Thanks. Really.” Baekhyun said before stepping on their porch. He watched Sehun’s retreating back. Seemed like the tall guy’s actually living across their home. He let a small wave on Sehun’s direction, and the other reciprocated it before going inside their house. He saw a woman on Sehun’s doorway and assumed that it was his mom, if their similar looks are anything to go by.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun liked thinking before sleeping. And right now, he’s thinking of Baekhyun and how they talked-THEY TALKED! The idea of talking with Baekhyun brought excitement and joy, starting from his fingertips down his spine. If Jongdae was to comment on Sehun’s antics right now, he’d totally say that Sehun’s finally a grown up man… aherm.. girl, who’s fangirling on his crush, being a creep and all those whatnots. He’d admit it openly, though, except the part of being a grown up girl, because Sehun is so manly.



That night he slept with a smile on his lips and dreamt of auburn haired guy.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun wasn’t expecting that his doom would be sooner. Doom spelled as J-O-N-G-D-A-E. The sat next to him during lunch, and Jongdae just gave him another one of his signature knowing looks. Sehun’s clueless on why the other always seemed to know, not that he’s easy to read. Nope, definitely not. In fact, a simple glare would make others scurry away from him (it’s not his fault that he has this permanent face), so he totally doesn’t know how Jongdae does his job. There came a point that Sehun’s almost convinced that the other man has ten pairs of hidden ears and eyes.

“So… we weren’t able to finish our agenda yesterday, Sehunnie.” And oh! Maybe Sehun overestimated Jongdae’s powers. Clearly, the other is clueless on what happened the night before, making him squeal in joy because finally, Jongdae won’t force him tell his story of both misery (he bumped to a stupid lamp post, not to mention that Baekhyun thought he’s an offender), and delight (because yes, he talked to Baekhyun and found out that his house is across his).

“Jongdae and I thought of something that could possibly make you and Baekhyun closer.” Jongin said, seriousness evident on his face.

“Well I know you guys are just concerned-“ Sehun was cut off by Jongdae, giving him an ear splitting grin.

“I know right, because we’re such good frie-.”

“No.” Sehun rolled his eyes at them before having a bite of his Tiramisu.

“Whatever. So we thought that what if you’ll pretend that you’re having a hard time in History and seek Baekhyun’s help. More like, Baekhyun will be your tutor.”

The table was suddenly enveloped in an awkward silence, until Kyungsoo spoke. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Sehun mentally face-palmed himself because what the hell, Kyungsoo’s actually agreeing at his friends’ ridiculous ideas. Kyungsoo, who is probably the sane one among them.

“You guys are weird. Really.” He stared at Kyungsoo who is also staring back at him. He couldn’t figure out why his friends are suddenly like this unless-

“Are you guys betting on me or something?” He eyed Jongin suspiciously before having another bite of his Tiramisu, chewing it extra slowly.

“What? Of course not,” Jongdae said defensively. “Besides, I think that you need to hurry Sehun… A guy who looked like Yoda might steal him away from you.” Jongdae Baekhyun’s direction, and true enough, a lanky guy, Chanyeol’s his name apparently, is approaching Baekhyun, offering him a help to carry his tray. They were so close, and Sehun can’t help feeling a little bit jealous.

He felt a pang near his chest, whether the pain actually came from his bite of his Tiramisu, or the sight before him, Sehun didn’t know. Not like he wanted to know.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun wondered when did Baekhyun and Chanyeol became close. He’s irked whenever Chanyeol puts his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulders or when Baekhyun would actually laugh on Chanyeol’s silly jokes, or at least that’s what he thinks. He’s too busy admiring his crush that he failed to notice the people his crush is interacting with, not that he has a say about it, he’s not his boyfriend or even his friend in any way.

Then he realized that Baekhyun and him never spoke a word to each other, or never had any more interactions after that night, which is ironic because the shorter male is just a few steps away from him.

It really is frustrating, especially when one day, Chanyeol actually walked Baekhyun home. It was another rainy day, and Sehun decided to be a good son to his mom by buying some ingredients in a nearby grocery store. He was about to enter the store when he spotted a familiar figure with a lanky guy (who also happened to have large ears) walking down the alley, an umbrella shared by the both of them.

There’s a heavy feeling on his chest again, but Sehun’s afraid to admit what it was, so he decided to ignore it and headed inside the store.


♥ ♥ ♥


That night, Sehun wished he has more courage to approach the guy he’s been crushing on. He wished that that courage won’t be easily swept away by the cries of the wind outside his window. Then suddenly, a wild Jongdae appeared in his mind (why the hell does that troll constantly appear in his mind) saying: “Think about our suggestions.” His voice is so vivid, so clear, taunting him.





But after countless hours of research, lab tests, googling… and inward cursing, the mighty Oh Sehun has finally decided.


♥ ♥ ♥


History is something Sehun neither liked nor disliked. In his defense, Math is worse than History, besides, Baekhyun would easily figure out that he’s feigning his future failed exams if he decided to intentionally fail some tests. He’s his seatmate, and not like Baekhyun is stupid.

History’s actually where Sehun has his lowest scores (if you even call 91 is low, that is), because seriously, not that he’s bragging, but, he never opened (okay, maybe a little) his book. His history teacher is really good at explaining stuff, and Sehun noticed that he also doesn’t give items that are not covered in his discussion, and with that he inwardly gives his teacher a thumbs up for not being an .


♥ ♥ ♥


Turned out that his plan is easier said than done.

He tried so hard to fail the subject (which is weird because some of his classmates are having a hard time to study just to pass the subject, and here he is, being an because of ‘puppy love’), but his teacher seemed like he knew what he was trying to do.

He talked to Sehun one time when he noticed that his scores in his last two quizzes are low compared to the earlier ones. He noticed the worry of his teacher, and he can’t exactly blame him. His scores in History may be the lowest in all his subjects, but he’s usually still the one who gets the highest mark in class (he admits that although his teacher is cool and friendly, the items he gives are tricky even though those topics are all covered).

For some reason, he thinks that all he’s been doing is not worthy and so stupid, which it is. He’s risking not only his grades, but also his future, and now’s not exactly the time to horse around because quarterly examinations are coming and the last thing he wanted from his parents would be disappointment.

His grades are insufficient proof that he really needs Baekhyun’s help. If he really wanted to fail, he should just literally not answer an item in his next quiz, but he can’t do that. First, his teacher will talk to him again, and this time it’s painfully obvious that he’s into something very stupid, and secondly, the adrenaline of taking exams easily takes over his system. So nope, Sehun would definitely not risk it.

Besides, this process is so painfully slow. He could see Chanyeol everywhere now. This really irked Sehun down to his bones, because for some reason, whenever he sees Baekhyun, he kinda expected Chanyeol to be near him, and what’s so frustrating is that his expectations are never wrong. Whenever Baekhyun’s passing by their table, there’s a Chanyeol beside him, Baekhyun pulling out stuff from his locker, Chanyeol’s behind him, Baekhyun going inside the restroom… CHANYEOL’S FREAKIN’ FOLLOWING HIM. Sehun hopes that he’s seeing all these in wrong view, especially the last part.

But what could he do with this young, naïve, and inexperienced heart of his? Not like Baekhyun always comes out of their house. Sehun rarely sees the other come out, really. And whenever he has the courage to knock on Baekhyun’s door, he suddenly forgets that he doesn’t have anything to say to the shorter. “I’d like to see you” is absolutely not an option.

Today is a Wednesday, and Sehun really doesn’t know why his mind is so clouded with facts and not with information. He’s usually calm, especially since he’s in his sanctuary. But his sanctuary, is not exactly a sanctuary right now. The sun is barely peeking from the fluffy clouds, and he could tell that it’s going to rain later (ooh yeah, he has his umbrella so he’s fine with the incoming rain).

He just sat lazily on the ground, legs sprawled carelessly while his arms supported his weight. He looked up the skies, but the skies just innocently stared back at him. The usual concoction of pink, red and blue are nowhere in sight, and the huge yellow ball of happiness is barely seen.

The sight’s making him uncomfortable for some reason (aside from his clouded mind). Then suddenly, he felt that there’s something very important missing, something like-

A beautiful melody cuts his train of thoughts, freeing him from his nonexistent worries. 

-and there it is.

Each notes are filling the cracks of the concrete he’s sitting at, and he swear, he could literally see black musical symbols twirling and dancing in space, its wavy staff holding down every rest, crotchet, semiquaver and all those whatnots he learned from their music class (and great, now he’s literally insane).

He closed his eyes for a while, making the sound burn in his skin. He thought that this will make do for the absence of the sun, because the melody makes him feel warm, like how the light is serving its purpose in this world. Sehun doesn’t know how he got so artsy all of a sudden, or maybe because he recognized the piece being professionally played: The Entertainer by Scott Joplin.

He doesn’t know, but it seems like whoever’s playing always know how to make him happy, or what’s going on in his mind. He never met the pianist, though. And now that he thinks about it, he never met the pianist, because he only comes down after the sun has set, and surely, no one wants to stay in the school at night.

Today’s different. He’s suddenly curious on the man behind the professionally played piano pieces, so he slowly stood up and made his way downstairs, careful not to disturb on whoever’s playing the piano.

He closed his eyes for a bit, because damn, the music is just doing its magic inside his veins.

He crouched a little and tried to insert his head between the banisters, but oh well, he has a big head and Sehun inwardly cursed himself for that. He tried to peek, and was met by the pianist’s back so he took a few more steps on the staircase until he could make out the pianist’s shape against the piano. His slender fingers pressing the ivory keys expertly, and Sehun could tell that the latter’s playing with his eyes closed.

Sehun looked up to see who it was and- “Oh.

Oh damn, did he or did he not say it out loud? Maybe be it’s the latter because the pianist stopped playing and his direction.

Both of their eyes widened, and Sehun’s beyond belief, because there, sitting on the piano bench, is his long time crush, Baekhyun.

He looked amazing, with his hair slightly disheveled, and slender fingers hovering among the columns of smooth white keys.

“H-Hi.” Sehun stuttered. Uggh great, now he might think that I’m stalking him.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun didn’t know how it happened, but the next thing he knew, he’s sitting beside Baekhyun, muttering some musical stuff he hasn’t heard. It’s fascinating, how Baekhyun’s comfortable talking to him, and maybe that’s because he’s talking about his passion.

“… and yeah my favorite is Mozart for some reason, and someday I’d like someone to play his Eine Kleine with me-“ Baekhyun cut his own statement when he noticed that Sehun’s stupidly staring at him, a smile visible on his lips.

“-Sorry,” Baekhyun said, giving him a sheepish smile while he rubbed his neck.

Sehun thinks he’s adorable, Baekhyun getting flustered is so cute and squishy.

“it’s just that… it’s not everyday I talk to someone about music.”

Sehun nods and chuckled. “I don’t exactly know how that feels, I mean not talking about something you like, but I think I kinda understand too.”

An awkward silence enveloped the two of them and Sehun suddenly panicked, because he doesn’t want Baekhyun to run away, not that he ran away from Sehun before, actually, so he decided to be the first one to break it.

“By the way, are you the one who’s always playing here every Wednesdays?”

Baekhyun visibly stiffened at his question, and Sehun berated himself for it, though he doesn’t quite know what’s wrong with his question, nevertheless, Baekhyun answered.

“Y-yes.” He said softly, eyes glued on the keys in front of him.

Sehun almost wanted to ask him why, but the answer is right under his nose. Of course he likes it, idiot. Then suddenly, an idea popped in his mind.

Sehun remembered how he forced his mom and dad to enroll him in a piano class before when he learned that his dad would take him to a soccer class nearby. Not that Sehun disliked soccer, but he’s more into something less strenuous, and it didn’t help when he saw someone playing the piano outside a music shop. He remembered being mesmerized and captivated by the sounds it emitted, and it didn’t take too long for Sehun to grab his mom and dad and drag them inside the store.

That day, they learned that they’re offering a piano class for kids, and after seeing eagerness in their child’s eyes, they quickly enrolled him in a few sessions. He enjoyed it, and now that he thought of it, it makes sense on why he knew some of the pieces Baekhyun plays.

Too bad though, because he became so busy in school that he neglected the piano, so-

“Can you teach me how to play?”

The question caught Baekhyun off guard, his eyes visibly widened, and Sehun almost chuckled at the sight before him, gosh, he wanted to pinch Baekhyun’s cheeks so badly.

In this way, he’ll be sure that he will be able to interact with Baekhyun without a gangly Chanyeol in sight, and he won’t be lying to anyone anymore, especially himself. Besides, Sehun would like to learn how to play and this is the best way he could think of to get close to Baekhyun too. Hitting two birds in one stone: he liked to learn and he liked to be close to him. Easy pissy, unless-

“I don’t think I could…” Baekhyun continued staring at the keys, and Sehun thinks that Baekhyun’s starting to get fidgety, and he doesn’t like that, though Sehun felt something inside him cracked.

“Look it’s alright-“

“but I’ll try.” Baekhyun finally looked at him, and oh dammit, he’s giving a very bright smile, Sehun almost thought he went blind. Relief washed over him. He’s an idiot for even listening to Jongin’s and Jongdae’s suggestions.

“Uhmm.. when do you want to start?” Baekhyun asked, though he didn’t look at him this time, hands arranging the pieces to keep himself from shaking.

“How about Wednesday next week?”

“That’s fine by me.”

Sehun nodded and smiled at him, and Baekhyun returned it to him, although his smile was easily washed away when he heard a clap of thunder, making him shiver.

“I forgot my umbrella again.” He muttered on himself, shoulders sagging, but Sehun heard it anyway.

“We can go home together...” Baekhyun raised his brows on him. “…If you’d like to, of course.” He continued. He doesn’t want to force Baekhyun go home with him if he doesn’t want to.

Sehun felt that Baekhyun’s squirming under his gaze, so he quickly looked away and saw that it was raining heavily outside.

“Okay.” He answered softly, voice almost inaudible because of the rain outside. He wondered why he wasn’t able to notice it earlier, but whatever, Baekhyun’s going home with him. He grinned at himself, careful not to show it to the other, because he doesn’t want him to freak out. He might think that he’s going home with a lunatic, and Sehun might die out of shame.

They stood beside each other, and unlike earlier, the atmosphere between them is not that awkward anymore, it’s more comfortable. Sehun prayed that this time, he won’t attract any accidents, and it seemed like God heard him.

The umbrella didn’t serve its purpose again, and the two of them are soaked when they arrived at Baekhyun’s door. They stood there awkwardly for a while before Baekhyun spoke.

“Thank you… for bringing me home.” He gave Sehun a sheepish smile. “I promise I won’t forget my umbrella next time.”

He raised his arm, a cute gesture of promise, Sehun noted. But he didn’t like any of that. “I wish you would, though.” So that I could always walk you home. He blurted. He almost slapped his mouth on that because, what the , did he seriously said that out loud?

Oh well, maybe no, because Baekhyun’s asking him to repeat what he said.


“I said that I think I need to go home now.” Sehun chuckled before heading towards their home.

“Oh, of course, thanks again, Sehun. Goodnight.”

A stupid grin was pasted on Sehun’s lips when he stepped out of the Byuns’ lawn, he’s a huge ball of joy right now, and he couldn’t seem to contain it.

He knocked on their door, and was met by a worried looking mom with a towel on her hands. She always seemed to know, but Sehun doesn’t have anything against that. His mom is doing a good job of being a mother. But before he stepped inside, he glanced back and Baekhyun waved at him, smiled at him, and what the hell, he’s going to melt. He stared at him stupidly, until his mom cleared .

“I think you need to wave back, dear.”

“Oh-uh… yeah.” He said awkwardly before waving back at Baekhyun. With that, Sehun stepped in and closed their door. Her mom gave her a knowing look before saying: “I think it’s time for us to know them, yeah?”

She wiggled her brows at him and oh noooo, this’ll be a disaster.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun thought that his lungs would give out because damn, he’s already ten minutes late, and he might not reach Baekhyun there anymore. That’s so smooth Oh Sehun, very smooth. What a good impression you’ll make. Sehun almost wanted to slap himself, but he immediately stopped when he found Baekhyun already seated on the piano bench, eyes never leaving the musical piece on his lap, while his fingers pressed the non-existent keys, as if he’s actually playing an imperceptible piano.

Sehun just stood there, admiring Baekhyun’s side view, how he seemed to be glowing, and damn he looked so ethereal, so peaceful, with his eyes closed, and Sehun could see how his lashes casted beautiful shadows beneath his eyes.

It’s not until Baekhyun finished what he was doing when he noticed Sehun’s presence. He immediately blushed upon seeing him, so he tried to busy himself by averting his attention on the messy pieces on his lap.

“I-I’m really sorry f-for being late.” Sehun cursed himself for stuttering, but Baekhyun didn’t seem to mind.

“It’s fine… how long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to see you finish the piece.” Sehun grinned at him.

“Uhmm… okay. C’mere.” Baekhyun patted the space beside him, to which Sehun awkwardly complied. He could feel the heat from the former’s skin, and he wondered if he’d be able to concentrate properly on today’s lesson.

Sehun was so nervous, first, because it’s his first time to play the piano again after so many years, and second, well, Baekhyun. Baekhyun. Not like he’s going to do this to impress him, lo! Sehun can’t impress him. He doesn’t even know if he still knew how to play the piano.

“We’ll start with the pieces first. I assume you already know how to read them?”

Sehun nodded before Baekhyun passed the pieces to him, asking him to read the notes. He’s surprised that he’s putting in use all the lessons they’ve had in music from previous years, and right now, he thanked his ability to retain information.

Baekhyun patiently points out Sehun’s mistakes once in a while. He noticed that Baekhyun has his own set of music pieces, and that the latter is marking it where Sehun had his mistake.

“It’s for improvement and progress.” Baekhyun said.

After teaching Sehun how to read piano pieces, giving instructions and suggestions once in a while, Baekhyun asked him to play the notes for right hand only.

“There’s no harm if we start with ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’.” Baekhyun said while chuckling, arranging the pieces on the music rack.

Sehun had a hard time multitasking, reading the notes while fumbling for the right keys, although he’s thankful that he’s still familiar with the keys. Here’s the sharp, one step back is a flat, here’s the do, c c, here’s sol, g g

He didn’t notice that Baekhyun arranged a bass for the simple music piece, so he almost halted when he heard a melody in sync with the sound he’s playing, but Baekhyun nudged him, urging him to go on.

Sehun never thought that this piece could be a complicated piece. And soon, both melodies danced with each other, a very simple one harmonizing with a complicated bass, and soon Sehun saw the notes floating, hovering on the piano, with their wavy staffs holding them in place. He could see Baekhyun smiling from the corner of his eyes, and this brought a smile on his lips too, lips forming into a perfectly shaped crescent.

Sehun didn’t notice that they’re finished with this piece, not until Baekhyun stood up to flip the page of the piece.

Baekhyun grinned at him. “I’m going to teach you the bass now. I think this’ll be a little hard since it requires multitasking, but you seemed familiar with the keys already, yeah?”

Sehun just nodded before hovering his fingers on the left side of the piano.

Baekhyun’s voice is like the music itself, especially his laugh, Sehun noted. He decided that it’s his favorite sound, and slowly, the stiffness on his shoulders gradually dissipated, making him relax with every words Baekhyun utters.

After a few hours, Sehun could already play with his both hands, although he still presses some wrong keys once in a while. Baekhyun’s a supportive teacher, though, always there to remind him that it’s normal to have mistakes, and that he should just ignore those because Sehun’s progress is fast.

They didn’t notice the time, not until Sehun’s phone vibrated in his pocket. It’s already seven and his dad would kill him if he won’t text him any sooner about his whereabouts (Sehun also has strict parents…kinda).

“Baek, I think it’s time to go.” Baekhyun nodded and hastily shove his things in his bag. He headed towards the stairs but not until he grabbed Sehun’s cufflinks.

Sehun stiffened, he could feel Baekhyun’s fingertips, slightly brushing the back of his hand. He hoped that the other won’t turn back, because he knows that his cheeks are red as an apple.

He silently wished for this to happen every day.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun walked like a zombie towards their usual cafeteria table, bags under his eyes are darker, his hair disheveled, the knot on his tie is loose, and what the hell, is that drool on his cheek?

He placed his tray unceremoniously on the table while he sat on his sit before burying his face on the crook of his elbow.

“Let me guess,” Jongdae started while picking on his Macaroni salad. “the dinner with the Byuns was a disaster?”

Sehun just grunted and buried his face further on his arm.

“What did you do this time Sehun-ah?” Kyungsoo asked patiently before taking a sip on his milk.

“Arrrgh…” Sehun scratched his head before recalling the horrible accidents and misfortunes he made. “I tripped when Baekhyun and I were on our way home… My mom showed my childhood pictures to Mr. and Mrs. Byun, and Baekhyun saw it too... I accidentally spilled my drink on Mrs. Byun’s dress… What else is there?” Sehun looked up for a bit, trying to recall all the accidents and misfortune he experienced that night.

“There, there dear Sehunnie.” Jongin rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, but Sehun could’ve known better. “You have pictures when you were a kid… Why didn’t I know that? I need to have a copy of those!”

Sehun shrugged his shoulder before glaring at Jongin. “And what? Use it as a blackmail?”

Jongin bit his sandwich before answering, spewing some pieces of sandwich on Sehun’s direction. “Nope. I’m going to post it in a popular site.”

Sehun smacked the back of his head before glaring at Jongdae who’s failing at stifling his laughter. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened at Jongin’s remark, and Jongin just threw him another one of his innocent smile.

They continued bickering, but not until his thoughts drifted to a certain auburn haired guy. Baekhyun is so kind to him. He helped Sehun get on his feet when he tripped, although he still laughed at him, but that’s alright. Baekhyun’s laugh sounded like a bell against the rain. He jokes once in a while, and sometimes he teases Sehun too, saying that he looked like a walking stick. Not that he has anything against it. He’s scrawny and lanky, anyway.

He looked around them. It’s the usual, with students giggling while they talked about their crushes, chatter here, chatter there, spilled drinks once in a while, and so on, until his eyes landed on a familiar mop of hair.

Baekhyun has a sandwich in his hand, while the other is flipping the page of their History book, glasses sliding down his nose.

He looked cute with his overly sized sweatshirt that constantly slips from his shoulder, and Sehun just wanted to put it back in place, or brush his bangs away from his eyes, or run his finger on his soft locks.

He was taken aback when Baekhyun looked up and smiled at him. But Sehun’s cautious, so he glanced at his back first. He didn’t find any other students that reciprocated Baekhyun’s smile, so he waved at him.




He ate his lunch with a smile after that.


♥ ♥ ♥


Sehun doesn’t know what’s happening between them, but after the afternoon he found out about Baekhyun’s habit, everything seemed to change. A good type of change, and Sehun is more than glad about that. For one, Baekhyun’s already talking to him in their Math class. He rarely saw him look out the window ever since that day. He also met Chanyeol, formally now, and he found that Chanyeol’s just as rowdy as Sehun’s friends. He found himself talking to him sometimes when they meet at hallways, or during History and English where Chanyeol sits behind him, although he’d like to admit that it still disturbs him when Chanyeol’s being too close with Baekhyun. Still. This change is better than nothing.  


♥ ♥ ♥


“Hey, Sehun.”

Sehun turned to him with a smile on his face, although he could already feel the tiredness from his fingers. He didn’t want to stop, though. The adrenaline and excitement of being able to finish a piece, no matter how simple they are, are too overwhelming. It felt too nice.

But Baekhyun seemed to sense his tiredness, so he grabbed Sehun’s right hand. His hands are so soft, and oh, Sehun just wanted to hold those hands all the time.

Baekhyun’s massaging his hand, brows scrunched in concentration before looking up at Sehun.

“You need to relax.” He smiled at him as he continued massaging the soft flesh on his lap. “There’s no need to rush, okay? You need to feel the music. Let it takeover for a while, yeah?”

Sehun could only nod. All the words he wanted to say are stuck in his throat, damn Baekhyun’s fingers are so soft.

“Relax, okay?”

Before Sehun could nod stupidly again, he felt a pair of lips on his cheeks. Baekhyun kissed him…. BAEKHYUN KISSED HIM!

Now Sehun didn’t know if he already melt into a pile of goo.


♥ ♥ ♥


“Hey, Baek.”


“You’re beautiful.”


♥ ♥ ♥


Sometimes Baekhyun laughs at his jokes, and sometimes, Baekhyun throws him some odd jokes that he couldn’t exactly understand. Like right now.

“What's the difference between a tuba and a vacuum cleaner?” Baekhyun asks, a mischievous glint found in his eyes and Sehun knows that this is one of his jokes. 

“Uhmm… what?”

“You have to turn one of them on before it .” Baekhyun laughs, eyes crinkling, before turning to Sehun.

Sehun laughed too, even though he didn’t understand Baekhyun’s jokes because what the hell, I haven’t seen a tuba alright?

“You understood?” Baekhyun’s still laughing, hands clutching his stomach.

Sehun laughed loudly again before saying: “No.”

This made Baekhyun laughed even more. “Why are you-“ Then Baekhyun laughed some more before wiling himself to stop, all the air he could. “-laughing then?” This time Baekhyun calmed a bit, although he’s still chuckling and this made Sehun chuckle too because, he too doesn’t know why’s he laughing.

“I don’t know.” Sehun just shrugged before turning to Baekhyun. He almost squeaked when the moment he turned, Baekhyun’s face is so close, so so close that Sehun could already count his eyelashes.

Their laughter died down, and all he could think is how Baekhyun’s warm breaths hit the apple of his cheeks. Sehun’s careful not to lean closer because one wrong move would make them kiss, not like he doesn’t like it. Of course he’ll like it, but not when Baekhyun’s still oblivious about his feelings.

They stayed like that for a while, and now Sehun’s shamelessly staring at Baekhyun’s beautiful features, how his jaw seemed really sharp or how Baekhyun’s skin seemed soft, and it made Sehun wanted to run the back of his hand on his cheeks, how his lips are so pink even though it’s chapped and oh dammit, it looks so soft and Sehun wanted to taste it so badly.

He almost leaned closer when Baekhyun cleared his throat before leaning away, making Sehun look at him in the eyes. Baekhyun just flashed him his signature smile before bending to flip the page of the musical piece.

“Uhm.. uhh… we’re going to be a little fast today.” Baekhyun said and Sehun noticed the slight waver of his voice, though he didn’t say it out loud, instead, he tried to distract him from earlier, choosing to ignore what happened a while ago.

“We’re playing Gavotte today.” Baekhyun settled comfortably beside him.

“You sure this piece is still a beginners’, looks like it isn’t.” Sehun said while eyeing the piece on the music rack warily.

Baekhyun chuckled. “Nope, though I might say that it’s the last piece for beginners’ before I let you play a harder one…”

“Okay.” Sehun took a deep breath before starting to play, hovering his left and right hand on the columns of white keys. He haven’t heard this piece before so he doesn’t know if he’s doing it right, but it seemed so because, Baekhyun didn’t mark his own set of piece yet.

He continued playing, long thin fingers pressing down soft white keys, the music replaced the awkward atmosphere a while ago, and Sehun let himself be drowned. Baekhyun’s not kidding when he said that this piece is fast, but he tried to feel what the music is trying to tell him.

He smiled when Baekhyun stood up to flip the page for him, but he still didn’t stop, liking the way how coherent the sound he’s making right now.

He felt pressured though, because he hasn’t committed any mistakes yet, but Baekhyun seemed to notice so he put his hands on Sehun’s left arm, gently, so that Sehun won’t stop. It’s Baekhyun’s way of saying that he’s pressing the keys too hard and that he should relax.

Sehun could feel Baekhyun smiling beside him and it suddenly made Sehun smile too, though he didn’t let it bother him much because his eyes are still fixed on the musical piece before him. It amazes how he progressed easily, and Sehun’s really thankful on Baekhyun’s patience while teaching him.

He didn’t notice that the piece already came into an end, and Sehun realized that he’s holding his breath this whole time.

He was truly mesmerized on the fact that he could produce such beautiful melody, and he was awed, because even though he’s still so far from being a professional player, he knew he played well judging by the standards of beginners.

He looked at Baekhyun, and there, pasted on his lips, is a proud grin, which made him smile too. He felt a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, but before he could wipe it away, Baekhyun wiped it with his own hands, slender fingers brushing away his slightly tousled fringe until his fingers come on contact with the small beads of sweat on his brows.

Sehun looked at him properly, eyes trailing the slopes and corners of Baekhyun’s face, until his eyes dropped on his pink thin lips. He wanted to taste it so badly, so maybe-

He leaned closer this time, slowly, as if giving Baekhyun some space to think about this, but Baekhyun had none of that. He too leaned in and before Sehun even closed his eyes, he felt a pair of soft lips against his.

It’s a simple kiss, but it’s a kind kiss enough to make Sehun’s eyes flutter, enough to make his toes curl.

He could feel Baekhyun wrap his thin arms around him and pull him closer, to which he complied, before placing his hands on the small of Baekhyun’s back. There are fireworks, just like what the cheesy novels say, and Sehun could feel his chest going to explode. Baekhyun’s slender fingers are massaging his nape, and this made Sehun shiver, skin tingling from where Baekhyun touched him.

They pulled apart slowly, both scared to look up, but Sehun did it anyway. He looked at Baekhyun, but the latter’s gaze is glued at his hands.

Sehun placed his finger under Baekhyun’s chin and slowly tilted his face, making him look up at him. They stayed like that for a while, staring at each other, drowning in each others’ presence, until a comfortable silence elapsed between them.

Sehun broke the silence first though. “Uhm… Uh… I don’t exactly know how to explain this, but… I really like you… for quite some time now.”

Baekhyun chuckled at this, eyes never leaving Sehun’s. “Me too. I like you too… for quite some time now.”

Sehun pecked him, before kissing Baekhyun’s temple as he pulled the shorter for a hug. He rested his chin at the crown of Baekhyun’s head, and the latter closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth that’s currently enveloping him. Baekhyun snuggled closer, burying his face on Sehun’s neck before speaking. “By the way, you really did a great job today, and I’d just like to say that I’m proud of you.”

Sehun pulled back to see Baekhyun’s face, the latter’s face is so red so Sehun decided to make it redder by kissing his cheek. “Mhmm, thanks! Although I’m still far from playing the piano professionally, just like you, I wanted to thank you for being a very patient teacher to me.”

Baekhyun just smiled at him, but he jumped from his seat when he was startled by a clap of thunder. Baekhyun sighed at this, damn his umbrella. He forgot it again.

“Let me guess, you forgot your umbrella again?” Sehun asked before standing and gathering his things. He Baekhyun’s direction, and the latter just gave him a sheepish smile.


♥ ♥ ♥


Wednesday afternoons are spent either in Sehun’s or Baekhyun’s home, or the music room below the rooftop ever since ‘the confession’, as Sehun liked to name it.

Right now, they decided to hang out in Sehun’s place, limbs lazily sprawled on Sehun’s carpet while Baekhyun rested his head on Sehun’s stomach. It was one of their lazy afternoons, where none of them moves or speaks, just enjoying the comfortable silence that elapsed between the two of them.

It’s quite surprising how lots of things already happened in a span of four months, and Sehun will always be grateful for those things, those events, that lead to his and Baekhyun’s special relationship, and now that he thought about it:

“Baek, I think we need to clarify some stuff right now.” Sehun said carefully. He doesn’t want Baekhyun to think that he’s pushing him into something he doesn’t want. But what about the kiss?

“Hmm… what stuff?” Baekhyun shifted a little so he could he view Sehun’s face before giving him a gentle smile.

“Uhmm, about…” Sehun squirmed on his position, and Baekhyun seemed to sense Sehun’s uncertainty, so he sat for a bit before settling himself comfortably on Sehun’s side, resting his head on Sehun’s splayed arm. “About,” Sehun gulped. “our kiss.”

Baekhyun gave him a questioning look. “What about our kiss?” He asked innocently.

Sehun his lips before turning towards Baekhyun, fully facing him now. “Uhm… what are we Baekhyun?” He asked nervously, unconsciously fiddling the hem of his shirt. “Are we… boyfriends, now?”

Baekhyun just stared at him, and Sehun didn’t know that rejection tastes bitter. He remembered the boys and girls he turned down, maybe this is how they felt? Sehun’s crease on his forehead deepened when Baekhyun suddenly laughed, his glasses sliding back on his eyes as his head tilted upward.

He snuggled closer on Sehun’s side, burying his face on his neck, while he inhaled the familiar scent of home and first loves. “You haven’t even asjdhajsdbsjadha.” Baekhyun mumbled.

“What?” Sehun asked as his right arm s on the shorter’s waist.

Baekhyun pulled back before he straightly looked at his eyes. “I said… you haven’t even asked me to be your boyfriend.” Baekhyun chuckled.

“Oh.” Sehun stared at him as realization hit him. A smile quickly formed on his lips, as he settled his back on the carpet again, pulling Baekhyun with him. “But, isn’t it that you’re already together with Chanyeol?”

Baekhyun shook his head in horror. “What the hell… He’s just my bestfriend, Sehun.” He said before chuckling. He rested his chin on Sehun’s y clavicle that jutted out his shirt, staring intently at the other. He felt Sehun’s arms tightened around him, and this made Baekhyun blush even more.

Sehun stared back at him before grinning. “Byun Baekhyun, would you do the honor of becoming my boyfriend?”

Baekhyun chuckled before he leaned in, brushing his soft lips against Sehun’s dry ones. He gave him an ear-splitting grin before nodding. “Yes.”

Sehun kissed him again, but only to bump the bridge of his nose on Baekhyun’s glasses. Damn it. Sehun inwardly cursed himself.

Baekhyun chuckled before sitting up and placing his glasses on their side. He waited for Sehun to sit up before reaching up on him, wrapping his arms on his shoulder, as his hands meet at his nape. He closed the distance between them, lips gently moving against each other, although their noses keep on bumping, a proof that neither had done this before.

They both pulled back with foolish grins painting their faces.

“I think we need to practice our kiss.” Sehun said, wiggling his eyebrows at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun pecked Sehun before burying his face on his neck, hiding his pinkish cheeks from the younger. “Yeah. We have all the time.”


♥ ♥ ♥


Their piano sessions are going on smoothly and Sehun’s progress can be seen, not only by Baekhyun, but also by his parents.

He could already play some harder pieces, but not without Baekhyun on his side. He still patiently teach Sehun how to do this and that, giving suggestions once in a while, and a few kisses when Sehun’s parents are not around.

Sehun’s oblivious that Baekhyun listens every time he plays their own piano, chin resting on his hand on the window ledge, as he watch Sehun sway his shoulders in sync with the music.

He imagined Sehun’s peaceful face on the rooftop while he’s the one playing the piano. He secretly hoped that somehow, his music would reach the latter, and maybe it did, because Sehun’s music is reaching him.


♥ ♥ ♥


His friends are not surprised when Baekhyun sat with them on their usual cafeteria table, although they felt the others’ curious glances being thrown at them.

It’s an unusual event that a person like Baekhyun gets to sit with the “kings”, as other students liked to call them, although none of them paid any attention to those people.

It’s also not a surprise that Chanyeol’s sitting with them too, although the surprising part is that, he and Jongdae are getting along smoothly.

It scared the hell out of Sehun because it seems like Chanyeol and Jongdae is a very bad combination. The two are too rowdy and obnoxious, and it seemed like they always have the same thing on mind, if their wiggling brows and winks are anything to go by.

“Baekhyun has something to say to Sehun… right Baekkie?” Baekhyun frowned as Chanyeol nudged him.

Baekhyun froze on his sit when he realized what Chanyeol is asking him to say.

He sat there in horror when Chanyeol started blabbering about his infatuation on Sehun, and oh well, let’s just say that Chanyeol was nursing a lump on his head on his way home (Baekhyun smacked him hard), with Jongdae and Jongin on his side, not even caring to hide their laughter.


♥ ♥ ♥


“So… I didn’t know that you liked me ever since middle school. I didn’t know that ‘for quite some time’ meant that long. And I didn't know that you're actually playing the piano for me.” Sehun said while wiggling his brows at him.

Baekhyun squirmed beside him, hiding his face on his neck. He’s sure that he’d die at the moment if Sehun would keep on pressing on him. “You believe Chanyeol?”

“Well, why not?”

Baekhyun pouted and crossed his arms. He heaved a defeated sigh before a smile crept on his lips. "Okay, fine... I do admit it, you happy now?"  

"But why?"

"Because I like you, and i wanted you to feel calm whenever your on the rooftop. You stole way my territory, but that's fine... I guess." Baekhyun was flustered by his sudden confession, but nevertheless, he rolled his eyes at him. 

Sehun flicked his forehead playfully, but shut him up immediately with a kiss before Baekhyun could react.

“That’s so unfair Oh Sehun!” Baekhyun whined.

He gave Baekhyun butterfly kisses all over his face. Holding him still so that Baekhyun won’t be able to push him away.

“Hey! You’re being unfair!”

But Sehun just gave him his signature grin.







A/N: Baekhyun’s joke is from here: I’m so lame, I can’t even make my own lame joke >.< Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, because I really enjoyed writing it. Ooooh yeah… This is my first ever legit SeBaek fic. And… sorry for grammatical lapses and inaccuracies, it’s been a while since I used my music knowledge orz


You can also read it ">"> here.  

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978 streak #1
When I reached the part of Sehun on the rooftop listening to piano pieces. I realized that I have read it before.
But I continued reading because it is such a good story and I have not commented before.
It was so nice to know later that it was Baekhyun serenading Sehun every Wednesday. And it was the piano that really brought them together.
Thank you so much for this gem of a story
I really liked it. ♥️
Chapter 2: Omyghad i was really thankful that my heart made it until the end. No one is wrong when they said at the comments that it's really a cute story and that they're smiling throughout the whole story. This deserves a lot of chapters and i can't wait for more SeBaek storh from you authornim bcs you da best!!! More fluffy and cute chapters~
Chapter 1: WHY TF I JUST FOUND THIS EXTREMELY FLOOFY FIC TODAY DWJWJWHEHSHEG this is so cute ohmygoooood everything just soooo fluffy audushshe my favorite scene was when they had their first kiss uGH SO CUTE MY HEART FLUTERRED
mollysomerville #4
Chapter 1: This was so cute and fluffy and romantic - hugs pillow - lkhjgbfkidjnb ♥
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Sooooo fluffy and cute really nice and simply loved it thank you for writing this and please write more sebeak
Chapter 1: so cute and flooooofffffyyyyy~~
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 1: Hehehe that was so cute and fluffy sebaek are adorable. Thx for the amazing story.
Chapter 1: Awwww thats so sweet n cute
LuciferBuzel #9
Chapter 1: Beautiful ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: I love how Baekhyun ended up teaching Sehun piano~ And the kiss scene, too cute!! I really loved this, thank you!!