Letting go


They were supposed to be the forever one, not them.


Teacyeon closed his eyes and tried to envision how she had looked like.
But try as he might he couldn't remember, maybe some of the features but not the whole one. Maybe he had not looked at her enough.
But now she was gone, and he wouldn't be able to see her. 
He had always been to busy for her that she had met him. Gave herself to him. And that made him furious, it was tearing him apart. His place was suddenly lonely,empty her scent still lingering.
They were supposed to be a forever one. Not those two.
He took another deep breath his chest heaving heavily.
Well he was a man, and he had to accept the situation. He had to let her go, for her happiness was what he lived for. And maybe one day when they met again they could hug, or is that too much too ask?
What if she didn't let him near her. That would break his heart. A tear almost made its way.

Someone else sighed, got up and smacked his arm.
"Honey, your dog is just pregnant, she has to go to the hospital and no she did not elope she is gonna come back right back to you. So just it up and stop your mourning." Yoona said in annoyance.


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