run that by me again

fire under the rain
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|| Pretty boy Suho meets the team and realizes he's not as ready as he thinks.





Jung Il Woo nods to the door where the newest member of the precinct had materialized. The eyeglasses, backpack and spiffy uniform told enough. Combined with the nervous giddy smile and sparkly eyes, it was a good thing this was Precinct 33 or he'd be getting feasted on already by not so amorous team mates.


"Be kind, Jung." His partner, Seo In Guk, forks the last piece of omelette in before he settles the plate onto his table and turns just in time for the new officer to come his way. Three years of owning the desk closest to the door has its advantages. Being first in the Captain's sights every morning is not it. Welcoming new officers might be better. This is a first anyway. Technically. He nods at him. "Don't tell me you're one of those guys."


"O-One of what?" The nervous component of the smile is winning now. In Guk almost feels guilty. Then again, he didn't last long in the force without tormenting people.


"Pretty boy geek with exceptional computer skills and average field capability."


A voice calls out from the kitchenette and shortly after his head pops in sight, the clink of spoon hitting the sides of a cup an unmistakable sound inside. A quick once over told him he might have just gotten the description right. He looks like he's going to get outweighed by his backpack anytime.


"Choi Siwon."


"Kim Suho." Pretty boy actually waves at him.  "My field skills are satisfactory."


"We will see about that." Siwon hands him a cup of coffee before sitting on top of an empty desk.


The earlier members of the welcome party likewise introduce themselves, taking a cup for themselves.  They all savor a gulp, a collective Ah to the heat and aroma and Suho smiles. He'd expected to get bullied, his abilities questioned but so far things haven't gone as bad as he expected. His new seniors seem decent. Well, unless they're just lulling him into a false sense of security. The thought almost makes him nervous again.


The sound of cars arriving makes him turn for the entrance. Doors open and slam shut and above the hum drum of chatter are particularly distinct voices. Arguing. They're closer now that he could make up some of the words. Men start to come in and there are a couple of Here we gos with amused shakes of heads. In Guk and Il Woo groan.


Shortly after, faces are given to the voices and they were as loud as they were real. And beautiful, Suho thinks almost immediately. Standing a few feet from him is the Choi Seung Hyun, his idol in the flesh. Suho could have whooped, as there was a feeling of elation he could hardly contain, but as the inspector was obviously furious at the moment he chose to blend into the small audience that had formed and watch.


Elle Kim, recognized bane of Choi Seung Hyun's existence, glared just as strongly at the taller man in front of her. She has been the inspector's partner for three months now, and their discord over the forced team-up is a controversy among people in their circle. Their missions are as legendary as their fights - reckless and most of the time without logic. Suho recalls stories about and prolonged and with the way these two are going at each other, he believes it possible. It's almost hot.


"That's it," Seung Hyun points a finger at her, talking through gritted teeth. "I've had enough of you, Kim."


"I followed orders!"


"When they were convenient to you!"


"You were minutes away and I was on site. They would have been gone by the time you arrived and we wouldn't have intercepted the deal." She threw her hands up exasperatedly. "You're welcome!"


He scoffs, "For what? You deliberately ignored the plan, Kim. Get back here!"


The small group watched as the doctor-turned-partner brushed past the fuming officer and headed for the kitchen. She waves him off with, "Unless you have a protein bar for me to eat while you foam on your mouth standing there, I'm going to look for breakfast."


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