Chapter 1

Finding Home

"Seulgi ! Where are you going ? Who told you could go out ? Come back here immediately !" Seulgi could hear her father calling out after her but she did not care. Not anymore.

It was Saturday evening of fall when she finally decided to leave her house once and for all. No, not her house, the house she was living in. Heck, it was not like they would miss her in there, not even her older brother who, she was sure, would not notice she would be gone. 

Maybe it was a reckless decision of her to leave like that, when it was already dark despite the early hour of the evening. But at least, she knew she would be able to breath as long as she was far from her home. And maybe, just maybe, her sorrow would disappear - even though she knew it would not. She had on her back, all the things she found useful in a bag. She did not take her school uniform with her, she thought of going back to get it back with her when there would be no one in there. She even thought of bringing some money with her in case they would block her card.

She did not have a place in mind to go. Her only true friend, Wendy, was out of town all Saturday lond and would only come back the next day. Otherwise she would have gone to her and asked her to go to the karaoke as they usual did whenever Seulgi was feeling down. And as tears still fell down from her eyes, she just walked ahead without really knowing where she was heading to. It was funny how she could be crying so much right now when she could never before. The tears never fell from her eyes as much as they did right now.


She only stopped walking when she saw a playground. She recalled going there when she was much younger, when she was still a carefree child who could do everything she wanted to.

She felt nostalgic standing there, in the middle of all the equipments. She remembered when she would laugh whenever she would fall off the seesaw, or when she would try to stand in the merry-go-round, or even when she would watch the 'elders' playing basketball in hope of boasting in front of their girlfriends.

All the past scenes would replay before her eyes, just as if it was happening right here and right ther until all vanished into the air. There was no more noise inside the playground when she finally came back to reality.

She did not know why, but her feet brought her there and somehow, she did not mind, not at all. Not at all, when the place was calm, weakly illuminated by two lonely street lamps. She walked a little more, touching from time to time the different facilities.

It did not feel like home but at least it could make her forget about her current situation.

She thought she was alone in the playground until she heard some shuffling of feet. She looked aroung and spotted a lone figure sitting on a swing. It seemed it was girl, who was quietly and softly playing on the swing.

Somehow, she thought of giving the girl some space and walking away. But then, maybe she could try to speak with the stranger.

She could not deny speaking to a total stranger would make her feel at ease, so she decided to approach the girl.


"Hey." She softly said and her voice cracked a little, still weak from all her recent crying.

The girl jumped in surprise before turning towards her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you scared."

The other girl remained silent and stared at her, as if she was analyzing her face.

Seulgi took the time to look at the other girl. She seemed a little younger than her although she could be wrong.

"It's okay." The other girl's voice was smooth and quite airy. "What are you doing here at this hour, Seulgi ?"


"You know me ?" She asked, surprised someone she did not know would know her.

"I know you. You're Kang Seulgi." The spoiled brat. She thought so hard that she was afraid she would end up voicing her thoughts. "We're going to the same school." She added after seeing Seulgi's confused face.

"Oh, are we ?" Seulgi tried to recall her face but could not find who she was and if she had ever seen her. "Then, are you a freshman ?"

"No, I'm a senior. I'm Irene." Irene said, used to being seen as younger as she really was.

"Well, to tell you the truth it's the first time I'm seeing you." Otherwise I'm sure I would have remembered you, Irene.

"Yeah, of course. You're too busy ruling everything and everyone at school and thinking you own the entire school."

"That's what you think of me ?" Seulgi scoffed, offended by Irene's accusations. 

Irene only nodded in response to her question.

"Of course, you're just thinking like what everyone at school thinks of me." Seulgi said, her voice letting Irene know she was hurt. At that moment, she kind of regretted coming to the girl. "Who am I kidding."

"Well, if you think you can make me change my mind, then go on, I'm all ears." Irene told her, curious as to what would Seulgi be doing here, in the playground, with tears still visible in her eyes.

Seulgi thought a little before letting her bag fall on the floor and sitting down on the swing next to Irene's. 

What else would she do anyway ?


"So, why are you here at this hour in this neighborhood ?" She asked again.

"I ran away." Seulgi sincerely said, sorrow coming back in her voice.

"You ran away ?  Why ?" She asked, surprised. She would have laughed at her and thought it was a joke if she had not seen the way Seulgi's eyes were swollen and her voice so weak. 

"I needed some fresh air." Seulgi said cooly.

She chuckled. "You could have gotten some fresh air without having to run away, you know." 

"Yeah, I know. But somehow I thought I needed to go once and for all to find a new home. So I ended up here and saw you sitting. You seemed quite lonely and I thought I could keep you company for a little while. End of the story." Seulgi said firmly, not wanting the tears to come back.

"What made you run away ? What made you think your home was not really your home ?" She asked out of curiosity.

"I'm just... I just got sick of my parents." Seulgi said, her voice void of any emotions.

"Why ?" Irene did not understand why the perfect Kang Seulgi would be in such a turmoil.

"They're too overprotective. I can't do what I really want to do." She paused a little, thinking of how she could say it. "It feels... It feels like I'm just piece which every move is controlled by them. I can't even make my own choices !" Seulgi finally felt like she could confide herself to someone.

"I'm sure they love you and even give you everything you want. You shouldn't act like that. You've got what most of us would dream of."


Seulgi sighed.

"You can't understand." She shook her head.

"You're right. I can't understand you. Guess I'm not spoiled enough like you." Irene winced at her own words. She did not know why she was being so harsh with her when the latter clearly needed support at the moment.

"Whatever." Seulgi was supposed to be used to this kind of words but somehow, tonight, it hurt her more than it should have. She did not come here to hear what she could also hear when she was with her family. "I'm going." She then stood up.

"Wait ! I didn't mean to be rude to you. It's just... Your parents must be worried about you. Just try to talk to them or something. I think it's better if you go back home."

"Home ?" Seulgi rose an eyebrow. "How can you call it home when it's all but a home to me ?"

Irene did not know what to reply to her.

"Just... Just go back, Seulgi. And I hope I won't see you here again. I mean ... I don't think it's a good idea for you to wander at night like that." Irene said calmly, trying not to anger her even more.


"But if I want to see you again, I can come back here, can't I ? I hope you'll still be there when I need someone. Maybe next time you'll be the one to confide yourself."

Somehow, the way Seulgi said it made something inside Irene melt.

"See you soon." She did not wait for her to speak and began to walk away.

"Wait !" Seulgi then stopped walking, before looking back to where Irene was. "If you don't plan on coming back to your house and If you don't have anywhere to go tonight... And I'm sure that's the case, just come with me. I can let you sleep at my house. Though just for tonight." Somehow she couldn't let her go like that without helping her.

It's just out of pity, nothing else, nothing more. Irene repeated in her head.

"Okay." Seulgi nodded. "That would be great."

She had nothing to lose and somehow she did not know where she was at the moment so she could not really go to Wendy's house.


"What were you even doing there alone at this hour ? Aren't you scared being alone like that at night ? I find it pretty scary here." Seulgi said once they were walking towards Irene's house.

Irene chuckled at her words.

"It's not that late. And I'm just... Doing some thinking, you know. Trying to decompress a little and enjoying the silence. It's not that scary when you often come here."

"You often come here ? You're also having some problems ?" The tone Seulgi was using seemed so fragile Irene thought she did not have the real Kang Seulgi in front of her. Indeed, Seulgi seemed so weak and so pathetic at the moment, maybe it was why Irene offered her place for the night.

"Not really some problems, I guess I just want to escape the reality I'm living in."

"Why don't you escape then ?" Seulgi asked, getting curious as to why she would not do so.

"That's why I come to the playground. To escape." Irene turned towards Seulgi and giggled at Seulgi's expression. "Don't look at me like that, we all have our ways to escape, right ?"


"Do you live far from here ?" Seulgi asked once silence engulfed them.

"No, just a few blocks away." Irene reassured her.

"Do you live with your parents ?" Seulgi did not know why she was getting all curious about Irene.

"Just my mom and my little sisters. Joy and Yeri."

"And your father ?"

Irene stopped and shot her a look. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Seulgi apologized and carried on walking.

"No, it's just... My father is not dead. He left us when I was younger but still keeps on asking money from my mother. And I kind of resent him for doing that." 

"Resentment ? No hatred ?"

"It's been years now. It's like I don't even care anymore."

"And your mother still gives him money when he asks for it ?"

"That's the problem, she can't afford doing it, but if she doesn't, he threatens to send the loan sharks to our house."

"He owes money to them ?"

"Yeah, and he keeps on asking them money. It seems like there's no end to it." Irene sighed. She did not know why it suddenly seemed so easy to confide to Seulgi. Maybe because the latter had confided to her earlier.


They finally stopped in front of a house. It seemed old and way smaller than Seulgi's house. But she was not going to make any remarks about it. It would have sounded rude to Irene and Seulgi could not risk to anger her.

They removed their shoes before entering.

"Mum ! I'm home !" Irene shouted once they passed the entrance.

"Ah, finally ! What took you so long ? It's already nine o'clock. Are you okay ? I thought you had an accident." Irene's mother called out to her.

"Well, I met a... friend and we discussed much more than I thought we would. Sorry." Irene then signaled to Seulgi to stop. "Actually, I brought her with me. Is it okay if she sleeps with us for tonight ?"

"You brought someone ?" Her tone was gentle and she did not seem bothered by the fact that Irene brought someone home.

Irene then gestured to Seulgi to come with her.

"Yes, is that okay ? And..." Suddenly Irene's stomach growled, making her smile sheepishly. "We haven't eaten yet."


Seulgi entered the small living room and was met with a figure who looked like Irene, except her face seemed more tired and older than her.

"Good evening, I'm Seulgi, Kang Seulgi." She bowed to Irene's mother. "I hope you don't mind if I stay the night."

Irene's mother took the time to look at the incomer. She seemed to be around her daughter's age but her attire said she was not from the same situation as theirs. She also noticed she was well dressed and had a bag on her back which seemed to be full. Despite her elegant posture, Irene's mother saw that the latter was beyond tired and gloomy.

"Of course, I don't mind. Make yourself at home, I'm going to bring you some something to eat. Irene, come and give me a hand." She then stood up and went to what seemed to be the kitchen.


Seulgi put down her bag next to the couch and was about to sit on it when she heard two voices behind her. 

"Hello !" They said at the same time. Two girls appeared in front of Seulgi. She then remembered Irene saying she had two little sisters. However she could not remember their names.

"Who are you ?" The smaller one said.

"Are you Irene's friend ?" The taller one said.

"I'm Kang Seulgi, Irene's... friend. Yeah, I'm her friend." Somehow saying it made her feel strange. It was not everyday she would say the word friend. She had to say it twice to convince herself she was Irene's friend even though she had only met the girl less than two hours ago.

"Nice to meet you ! I'm Yeri !" The smaller one said. "And this is Joy !" Joy then waved at her.


"Why are you here ? Are you lost ?" Yeri asked. 

Seulgi did not have time to reply since Joy also asked her questions.

"Why do you have a bag ? Do you have some candies for me ? If you have, don't give any to Yeri, she always steals mine !"

"That's not true !" Yeri tried to defend herself.

She thought she would get annoyed by them but surprisingly, it did not bother her that much. Sure, they were quite hyper but it helped her clear her mind.

She ended up playing with them to some games she did not know about.


Meanwhile, Irene and her mother were in the kitchen, preparing some snacks.

"What happened to her ? She seems really sad." She asked.

"She... She ran away. But don't worry, she will go back tomorrow ! She's just staying for the night."

"I don't mind but... You've never spoken of her. Is she really your friend or have you just met her ?"

"We go to the same school although I admit it's my first time speaking to her. But... I don't know why I brought her, she seemed so pathetic and it didn't seem like she would be going back to her house. That's why I brought her here. I hope you're not mad."

Her mother shook her head and soflty sighed.

"You're too kind for your own good. I hope she'll return you the favor."

That, I can't be sure of it... After all, she's still Kang Seulgi.

"I can't hear them. Could you check if everything's all right ?" Her mother asked her. "I wouldn't want our guest to get murdered tonight by those two." She said jokingly.


Irene nodded and went back to the living room to see Seulgi playing with them to some card game. A smile formed on her face as she saw the frowning face of Seulgi who was trying to comprehend the game's rules.

"No ! That's not how you should do it !" Yeri said, getting more and more excited to play with Seulgi. "You're going to lose to Joy ! You can't lose !"

She then went back silently into the kitchen.

"They're playing with cards."

"No disaster in sight ?"

Irene shook her head.

"Good. Here, I'm finished. You can bring it to them." 

Irene then nodded and brought the snacks to the living room.


Seulgi thanked her and her mother for the snacks before stuffing with it.

Irene smiled seeing how Seulgi was hungry before doing as well.

"You must have been famished, right ?" Irene's mother laughed after seeing Seulgi eating so much. "Ah, before I forget to tell you, Bogum came by earlier." She then said.

Bogum ? As in Park Bogum ? Seulgi thought. Why would he come to Irene's house ? Are they close ?

Park Bogum was almost as rich as Seulgi was. He lived in the same neighborhood as her so she also knew him. Even though she did not really like talking to him. She thought he was just a spoiled brat like she was but after all, she did not know much of him.

"Oh, really ? What did he want ?" 

"He wanted to take you out to eat with him. I told him you were not here so he replied by saying he would come back tomorrow."

Irene sighed. "You should have told him he didn't have to."

"He insisted, I couldn't do anything." Her mother replied.


"Is it Park Bogum ?" Seulgi asked. "The one who goes to our school ?"

"You know him too ?" Joy asked with stars in her eyes. "He's some handsome and so kind with Irene ! Irene likes him a lot even if she doesn't say it !"

"Joy ! You know that's not true." She then turned to Seulgi. "He's a good friend and often comes here."

"Yeah, but he never plays with us like Seulgi did !" Yeri exclaimed. "Right Joohyun ?"

"Joohyun ?" Seulgi said with confusion.

"It's my Korean name." Irene clarified. "Irene is a name I was given when I was younger and I decided to keep it."

"Yeah ! I like Irene better !" Joy said.

"No way ! Joohyun is the best !" Yeri contradicted her.

Seulgi smiled as she watched them. She did not feel like uninvited guest at all. All their interactions were natural, not forced and it seemed like living altogether did not bother them. The atmosphere was so different from her family.

Somehow, she thought, this is what could be called 'home'


"Seulgi ! When you're finished, play with us again !" Yeri exclaimed again.

However Irene's mother shook her head.

"No, once they're finished with their snacks, both of you go to bed, understand ?"

The two girls pouted but nodded nonetheless.

Seulgi slightly giggled before saying. "I'll play with you another time, okay ?"

"Really ???" They both exclaimed.

"Yeah, really. Now go to bed before your mother gets mad at you."

They both nodded before running out of the living room.

Seulgi turned to Irene.

"They're cute."

"Yeah, they are." Irene said in acknowledgement.


That night, they had to sleep in the same bed since Irene did not want Seulgi to sleep in the couch and Seulgi did not want to throw her away from her bed.

Irene turned off the lights once they were both installed in the bed.

"Good night." Seulgi was the first one to say it.

"Yeah, good night. Sweet dreams." 

"Yeah, as long as I don't dream of you, it will be anything but nightmares." Seulgi said in order to .

"Hey !" Irene complained.

They both lightly laughed. 

"Ah, that's right !" She added. "If you want to have sweet dreams, you should-" She got cut off by Irene.

"Dream of you, yeah I know." Irene said sarcastically.

Seulgi only sighed in content and did not say anything back.


Both of them shuffled in the bed for a little while, trying to find the perfect position without having to bother the other. 

Seulgi could not find sleep, she kept on tossing and turning around.

She then turned to her right, facing Irene and took the time to admire her face through the weak light of the moon. She could feel Irene's warmth although she was quite afar from her.

"Thank you, Joohyun." She quietly murmured. "Thank you for making me feel like I'm at home."

Little did she know, Irene was not fast asleep yet and could feel her own heart warming up at her words.

Maybe Seulgi the spoiled brat was not that much of a brat.

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Okay, so it's been more than one year since I had updated this fic. Well... Here goes nothing ;)


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soncelfeu #1
Chapter 1: just got here and hell i can relate to seulgi’s position so much, thanks for making this fanfic
JuliaAlexiaRiessfeld #2
Chapter 4: Omfg this story is gold.... so when will you plan to update authornim???
Chapter 4: ugh bogum why you have to
Chapter 4: Ahhhhh although the bitter still won over the sweet but i still look forward to this story
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 4: Must be Bogum again >:(
Hope they sort out the situation!!
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 1: Just started reading this~
whesasomo #7
Chapter 4: Ah i like this story. Please update soon! :)
Chapter 4: My seulrene heart </3 i hope they will clear their misunderstanding. It was a great chapter author nim! Please update soon :)
Chapter 4: thank you for updating again! oh goodness, i hope seulrene settles their misunderstanding