Shape of Love

Shape of Love


Minho and Taemin, despite their two years gap, were surely best friends since their childhood.

They laughed, played pranks, and did a lot of silly stuffs together, yet no one ever knew how mischievous Minho could be since he looked like a prince when he stayed quiet, even though it was a public secret that Minho was a very nice guy.

While in the other hand, Lee Taemin was famous with his overwhelming, ageless beauty, and those sparkling eyes whenever he stared at something or somebody.

They were, known, as the most gorgeous best friends ever. They never hid something from each other, and always told it honestly without caring what other party might feel. But again, they were really close, so basically any feeling would come they were going still to get over it.

If there was any case, after all, all things they were talking was never far from any other problems..

Except about ‘love’.

Until one day, everything changed.

That day Minho scooted over with beaming eyes and ear-to-ear grin, making a eager way towards Taemin who apparently got immersed with his book.

“ Taemin-ah!”

The said boy’s gaze broke off the book and he smiled back, seeing the older come forward. He waved, and Minho immediately took a seat over Taemin. He then showed a somewhat sheepish smile and batted eyelashes, much to Taemin’s concern. “ What’s it? You seem so happy.”

“ What do you think?”

Taemin laughed softly, closing his books and putting it back into his bag. He crossed his arms over the desk, tilting playfully. “ I bet it has something to do with a girl?” he snickered, “ nah, I’m just kidding, there’s no – “

“ Eh?”

Taemin’s words halted right away.

The next thing he saw was, Minho’s face had turned red and looked flustered.

“ How.. did you know?”

Taemin blinked his eyes slowly, to comprehend what had just happened.

“ Bora..” Minho blushed, “ She confessed to me.”

That Bora. The one kind of nicest and prettiest queenkas here.

But Taemin didn’t know that Minho had laid his eyes on someone like Bora before.

“.. You didn’t tell me that you like her,” Taemin tried to laugh, “ Your red face gives a sign how much you like her.”

“ Well, who would not like Bora,” Minho stretched his arms, “ She’s beautiful, sweet, and really kind..”

Well, I do not like her, unlike others.

“ I see..”

That was the only thing Taemin uttered before he finally fell into a complete silence that Minho realized it after a few seconds. “ Hey? Why don’t you say anything?”

But Taemin didn’t soon look up and lit up a smile just like he usually did.

Wow man, that kind of hurts.. somehow.

“ Taemin?”

Then the other boy lifted his head, smiling like nothing happened, and supported his chin on his small hand.

“ It was a good one, don’t you think, Minho?”

After that, it was the last sincere smile that Minho had ever seen.


The days after were like usual, both Minho and Taemin were still seeing each other for a simple greet. Minho would always run into Taemin whenever he felt like telling his happiness as the time passed that he got closer to Bora, with that kind of stupid smile plastering on his face. That idiot look Taemin always received when his bestfriend came to him, incoherently saying how cute Bora was – and at the end, Taemin always, always smiled.

But Minho, of course, wasn’t as stupid as he looked, despite his insensitive side. He noticed that the sparkles in Taemin’s orbs had overcast, and the smile he gave wasn’t the same anymore, yet every time Minho wanted to ask the reason, Taemin would always look away, clearly sending a silent message that he didn’t want to be bothered by any ridiculous question for now, then Minho at the end kept his mouth quiet, even though he still went to Taemin about anything concerned to Bora.

“ You know, Taemin-ah? She wiped off my sweats today after P.E class! Her chuckle sounds really adorable – oh god I – “ and Minho continued blabbing like forever. There, Taemin still patiently waited his friend to finish his story with amused expression that he had mastered in faking up it. Taemin laughed softly. His fingers trailed up the hard surface of the desk in a slow pace as his eyes squinted carefully when Minho reached the end of story. “ You seem deeply in love with her.”

“ I am,” Minho replied happily, “ who would not?”


Taemin clenched his fist quietly before he ran his fingers through his brown hair backwards, taking his bag along with him. “ I am gonna head up first. Pick your girlfriend up in front of her class now, Minho. I won’t disturb you two.”

Minho frowned. “ Are you serious? Lately we have not gone home together much..”

The younger boy let a dry chuckle escape his lips. “ I’m fine. We’ve been together like since you knew what ‘’ means,” and Minho’s cheeks blushed reminiscing the old memories, “ After all, we’re just friends so it’s okay.”

Yes, nothing more, stupid. For what do you put a high hope?

Minho stared at the boy near the door there for a few seconds before he got up and trailed behind Taemin. “ You know, I don’t mind if we..”

“ Listen.” Taemin stopped, making the other do right the same reaction. He headed off Minho, this time he seemed kind of unhappy. “ Just do what I said. It’s a good time for you two.”

Minho thought of it for a while before he finally nodded and thanked his best friend for giving him a wise advice – or so – then he ran off the corridor to meet Bora quickly.

There, Taemin was left all alone quietly, looking at where Minho just ran past. A sigh came out after, and he closed half of his face with his small hand, smiling in pain.

“ That hurts, you know,” he whispered, his uniform shakily, and took deep breaths couple times, before he finally left the school.

And in the night, Taemin finally had to face the reality that actually he wanted it not to ever happen – but he did advise Minho many times before – now actually he found it hurt more than he imagined.

“ I’m now going out with Bora. I mean, we’re still in the process of seeing and getting to know each other more, but I’m really happy, Taemin! You’re the first person I let to hear this!”

The phone in Taemin’s hand was slowly squeezed.

“ It’s good, then..” that felt bitter, “ I’m happy for you.”

Sometimes, lies were the best language to talk through a phone.



It became stranger to Minho, feeling that slowly Taemin make a mysterious distance kept between them.

Sure, Taemin still gave his usual thin smile and greeted, sometimes he asked if their relationship went smoothly or not, but it was all. Every time Taemin was offered by Minho to go to cafeteria with him, he rejected it softly, saying that he should go with his girlfriend instead.

And Taemin, little did Minho know, did that purposely.

Because if he continued his feelings to take over his mind, he would not be able to stop.

Although it hurt, it did, Taemin thought it would be better like this. Sooner or later, he could face his own feelings along with the reality. All he needed was ‘time’ to settle his heart.

Nothing else.

If he dragged Minho along because of his unrequited love, it would be a troublesome for the jock. Taemin knew from the start that Minho was straight, so it’d be better to leave things be. He didn’t want to cause more problem, even though it might cause him more and more pain as the return, he would be still okay.

Minho’s happiness was his happiness too, that’s why he did this, Taemin convinced himself.

Because this is the shape of my love.. different from Minho’s.

He likes girls, after all.

 He sat under a shady tree during lunch break with a slice of bread in his hands, looking up at the clear sky through the leaves. He munched the bread lazily as drowsiness began hitting him. It had been a while since he spent the lunchtime alone without Minho on his side, but again everything was his decision. He did not want to ruin his best friend’s relationship because of him being all clingy and whiny, about how lonely he felt, so he let things now be. Taemin laid his bony back against the trunk, eyes narrowing as the sunlight was blinding him through the shade. “ , .” Taemin mumbled in irritation, closing eyes completely. He began feeling sleepy, for some reasons, perhaps because of excessive boredom so slowly, his mind drifted off to the dreamland.



Bora said that she got her homeroom teacher telling her to come over to his office so she explained the reason why she could not eat lunch with Minho today, so the boy nodded. To tell you the truth, Minho felt relieved somehow, because he could see his best friend today after a while. They rarely spent time together lately, maybe because he was too busy with his girlfriend and Taemin was being too considerate. He turned over and walked around to find Taemin, until he saw the younger boy was sleeping peacefully under the tree.

Minho stared at the latter in confusion as he knelt, the bangs carefully to get a better view of Taemin – and right after he did, he was completely stunned.

He did not know that Taemin got such a beautiful face.

Minho’s big orbs, in a tantalizing pace, trailed up to observe Taemin’s smooth feature. Really, he never knew that Taemin had a sharp nose, elegant brows, perfectly shaped slanted eyes, red lips, and high cheekbones. As his eyes looked down, he found that Taemin’s collarbone was visible enough to attract how amazing it seemed, and the fair white skin.

The older boy actually realized that his best friend was good-looking, but he didn’t expect it would turn out this gorgeous.

Realizing that he began captivated, the reality snapped him back as he saw a empty lunchbox ignorantly placed beside the sleeping boy. So the younger boy apparently had been eating alone all of this time – but why didn’t he complain to Minho? Or eating with his friends?

No, the last idea somehow irritated Minho. Come to think of it, never once Taemin left him only to eat with his other friends. Minho was always the talkative one, telling Taemin that he should spend his leisure time with Minho like everyday, and Taemin still complied it with a light chuckle.

When was the last time Minho heard that laugh?

You seem so far away now.. Minho thought, looking upset, I should get him to make up the time I spent with Bora.



The next day at school, after the bell rang furiously to urge whole students to grab their lunch, Taemin was prepared to go to his usual spot when Minho immediately stopped him. Taemin glanced over his shoulder, only to find the latter scurrying over.

“ Let’s eat lunch together.”

The younger one tilted thoughtfully, and replied, “ Go with Bora instead.”

“ But I haven’t been together with you lately,” Minho whined, looking unsatisfied as he crossed his arms, “ Please?”

“ It’s not good if you fail to please your own girlfriend,” Taemin sighed, “ Bora is waiting for you.”

“ I’ve told her that I want to eat with you and she agreed,” Minho grinned, “ You have no choice.”

“ What makes you think I don’t?” Taemin laughed bitterly, “ I understand girls too well. I have older sister – Sunkyu noona often tells me about that kind of – well, because they are girls.”

The jock shrugged nonchalantly, amused with the fact of Taemin just swearing, “ A little amount of time without me won’t hurt her much, but it will pain me if I don’t spend my time with my best friend too.”

“ And why is it so?”

Minho stared into Taemin’s orbs, and spoke, “ I miss you.”

The young boy’s eyes turned a bit wider, until Minho continued, “ You’re my best friend, after all.”

And what did he just put a small hope for?

Stupid Taemin.

“ No,” the young boy firmly answered, shaking his head calmly, “ it’s not good. You should listen to me.”

Minho snorted, feeling slightly angry all of sudden. He got up from his seat, walking past Taemin quickly. “ Fine. I’ll just play soccer with Ghun and Hoya. I hate you.”

Like a child, he spilled out ‘I hate you’ easily because he was so ing annoyed, but Taemin smiled weakly, unknown to Minho.

That’s better.

But was it really better for them?

I need to get over with my feelings soon.



After that, Hoya and Ghun realized how furious Minho’s playing style seemed. He was usually the calm type and never rushed in playing soccer because of his competitive side, he played soccer almost smoothly for all of this time but now, he looked like a completely different person.

“ Hey, hey,” Ghun sounded scared, taking tiny steps backwards, “ Is he telling us to stay away because he keeps leading the ball dangerously?”

Hoya grimaced. “ Dunno,” he commented, “ Better to keep a distance. If anything may happen, it can be the ball hitting us or his body crashing against us.”

While on the other hand, Minho was raging, clearly enough. The way he played with the ball wasn’t composed as he used to, because a annoyance was pilled up in his heart. Why the hell, Taemin? Why did you change? Where’s the old Taemin I know?

Minho was aware of the fact that Taemin was completely avoiding him, of course, in a soft way.

The jock bit his lower lip harshly, not concentrated on the game so he kicked the ball too hard, using so much power, that eventually was flying past aiming a certain window, which was turned out to be next to Lee Taemin, sitting in the classroom.

Minho widened his eyes. “ TAEMIN!”

And the ball crashed the windows, scattering into pieces right onto Taemin.

Everyone in the class was screaming in fear, seeing some blood flowing down from Taemin’s forehead, while the young boy grimaced in pain. It didn’t hurt much, but still it shocked him.

“ Minho! Why did you do that?” Hoya shouted in panic, and that successfully made Taemin’s mind going blank.

He thought, at first, Minho probably hated him so much now, so when the jock was playing soccer, an irritation came approaching him when he saw Taemin behind the pane so he accidentally put extra power in kicking the ball, which turned out aimed at him.

To be honest, it was the first assumption in Taemin’s mind.

Until Minho jumped over the broken window, squatting down and cupping Taemin’s cheeks, forced the younger one to look at him directly.

Today, Taemin could not hide the surprise on his face.

Minho was there, in front of him, his face was surely about to cry but he could not since he wasn’t a crybaby type. He was still the cool Choi Minho Taemin knew, but this time, the glossy eyes of worry and fright didn’t play a trick on Taemin. He didn’t miss the trembling hands that were holding him now.

“ I’m.. I’m..” Minho’s deep voice sounded shaky, biting his lips like a scared puppy, “ I’m sorry.. Taemin..”

The young boy sighed, knowing that Minho didn’t do this in purpose. “ It’s okay, Minho.”

“ No.. I mean.. I.. I’m.. really sorry.. I am truly a jerk..” Minho drooped his head on Taemin’s shoulder, feeling all weak, “ What can.. I do now.. to make up my mistake.. I almost hurt you.. .. Why aren’t you… angry at all..”

Something warm was enveloping Taemin’s heart when Minho’s body was this close to him. It felt like a missing piece in his heart had found the other one – he felt complete.

Taemin closed his eyes, a tear was about to fall, although he managed to endure the urge to cry. Still, seeing how Minho looked so helpless and pathetic because of the fear of hurting Taemin.. made him think of something..

It would be wonderful, Bora.. If I can replace you in this amazing man’s heart..

The young boy took a deep breath as he pushed the older gently with a soothing expression. “ If you’re feeling sorry, you can take me to the infirmary,” Taemin whispered, “ I’m okay, Minho.”



When they arrived at the infirmary, the first thing Minho did was begging the nurse to let him take care of the young boy. He urged Taemin to sit at he edge of the bed while he took out some first aid. He grabbed some bandages and sat at the opposite direction then began treating the small cuts.

“ I’m sorry.”

“ It’s okay.”

Then they fell in silence.

Minho caressed the bandaged cheek, looking sorry and guilty as what was seen on his mixed expression. “ I was just feeling upset because you don’t spend much time with me, and you refused me too.” Taemin looked down as the response, while Minho put his hand on Taemin’s, hoping that the young boy would look at him this time.

“ Taemin, I really miss you,” he mumbled, “ Why can’t we be together?”

Because Minho often saying sweet nothings without knowing the meaning, that kept hurting Taemin’s feelings over and over.

At first, Taemin didn’t look properly right into Minho’s eyes, as if he seemed like he was thinking deeply, before finally his mouth opened.

“ You have no idea how words can affect someone, don’t you?”

Minho batted his eyelashes rapidly, confused. Taemin then turned his head, this time finally their eyes met.

What shocked Minho was he never saw that kind of sadness in the pair of Taemin’s brown orbs before, until now.

“ You know, Minho,” Taemin spoke in a low voice, “ We’ve been friends for a long time. We grew up together. I know you better than anyone else, so do you. We share happiness and sadness, that’s why we never fight before. Also, anytime I lost my stuffs randomly, I always managed to find them at the end, with your help too. Then as the time passed, something has changed, Minho, which turned to be something that you can never help me.. Although for all of this time, I always remain loyal as your best friend.”

The jock felt taken aback suddenly, but he didn’t dare to retort, so he waited Taemin to finish his words.

“ But, Minho Hyung,” When was the last time Minho heard Taemin calling him ‘hyung’? “ I’ve lost something in you and I can’t seem to get it back.”

Minho gulped.

“ And what is it?”

Taemi stared at the taller boy quietly, deeply, for a moment, before he finally answered.

“ My heart.”

And that was the only thing that made Minho widen his eyes in shock, hands leaving Taemin’s slowly.

The kind of reaction was ever the thing that scared Taemin the most, if he confessed his love. It would ruin their friendship – and he just did.

Taemin chuckled bitterly. “ You just don’t understand, Minho, but I am happy that you get yourself a beautiful girlfriend. I’ve said, we share happiness together. Your happiness is mine too, so everything is good. I just need a longer time to get over my feelings. I don’t want to trouble you any further, you know.” He got up, patting Minho’s shoulder. “ Thank you for taking care of my wounds,” was all he said, before he left Minho alone, in that infirmary.



Ever since Taemin confessed to Minho, the distance between them had become separated more and more. This time, Taemin didn’t even greet Minho properly. He would look past him again, and again. As if they both didn’t know each other, which made Minho suffer. He felt lonely, and irritated whenever other boys approached Taemin in a friendly state.

Even being with Bora didn’t help Minho much. Instead, he found his girlfriend have no presence in his life now, unlike Taemin who had affected him this far.

“ Minho? Minho?” Bora’s soft voice brought him back to life. Minho looked at her over his eyelids sleepily and smiled. “ Yes?”

“ I asked if you wanted to come over to this new restaurant together,” she repeated, finger pointing at a brochure. “ How’s it?”

“ I’m fine,” Minho shrugged, “ Pick anything you want.”



And when Minho and Bora stopped right in front the restaurant, the jock froze upon the fact that Taemin actually went to the same place with him. There, Taemin was standing like a statue, could not hide the shock. Around him was his ‘other friends’, who Minho could not remember nor want to. “ Taemin? Isn’t that Minho?”

Taemin narrowed his eyes reluctantly. “ Yeah. Hi, Minho. Going out for a dinner with Bora?” he smiled sweetly, something that Minho didn’t expect to happen.

He thought Taemin would at least show a jealousy right now and then, but Taemin didn’t show any glimpse of jealous expression. Whether he had mastered the art of faking up expressions or he didn’t keep any feelings again for Minho.

The last thing caused a great fear in Minho’s chest.

“ Y.. Yes,” Minho replied, “ and what are you guys doing?”

“ Going for a blind-date,” a guy next to Taemin smugly grinned, “ A lot of boys and girls from other schools are interested in Taemin, so we begged him to come along and he agreed. We’re gonna have a great time today.”

Minho’s body stiffened when he heard the answer. He shot a glare at Taemin, but the other was simply ignoring it. Minho didn’t like the idea of Taemin being hit on. He might not understand his own charm that could be so appealing, and Minho could see it, as the contrast.

But why did he feel so irritated and annoyed with it?

Even when they all came into the restaurant, Minho could not stop himself from eavesdropping the conversation on the next table. He hated it so much when a certain guy, if he wasn’t wrong, his name was Junsu, he was trying to get Taemin’s attention. The captivating beauty had drawn attraction and lust from the other party of the blind-date, and Minho was scared of the probability of Taemin being fooled around because it seemed like some people were intending to take advantage of him.

“ Minho.”

Bora called him again, and Minho sighed when his girlfriend pulled him out from zoning out. “ Yes?”

Bora supported her chin on her palm. “ I said if you wanted western cuisine or eastern.”

“ Anything is fine.” And Bora turned to the waiter with a unhappy voice, ordering something. Minho went back concentrating on his activity earlier.

“ Say, are you still single, Taemin?”

A sheer of sly grin came after. “ What do you think?”

Junsu winked. “ A beautiful person like you is impossible for not having a lover.”

“ Well,” Taemin laughed, “ I don’t have, in fact.”

“ What?” Junsu’s face scrunched up in disbelief, “ Really? So you have someone you like, then?”

Minho stilled instantly, while Taemin paused for a moment, before he calmly responded, “ What do I seem to be?”

That was a quite clever way to sneak out of the question.

Junsu slowly shifted the sitting position closer to Taemin, which made Minho feel angry – or was he jus jealous?

“ Minho,” Bora sighed, “ You are spacing out again.”

“ Ah,” Minho blinked, turning his head, “ Sorry. I was thinking of something else.”

“ Lately, you’ve been acting weird,” Bora dropped the bomb, “ Do you have someone else in your mind?”

Minho was like close to throw dust in her eyes after hearing the question because hell, she was really a blunt person in real life. The jock flustered, and Bora hissed. “ I knew it. Who’s this person? Do you even like her?”

When Minho was about to retort, he realized something really soon.

If he had blurted out everything, it would have been ‘ it’s not ‘her’! It’s ‘him’!”

Which made Minho jump into a conclusion that, he might not deny the fact either.

“ What’s with this bruise on your temple?”

Junsu’s voice distracted Minho right away when he saw the flirty boy Taemin’s bruised skin in concern. Taemin laughed. “ Just a small cut.”

“ Did someone hurt you?”

Taemin paused for a few seconds. “ Well, it’s not something important to be discussed either, is it? I don’t care about it.”

Junsu smugly chortled. “ What are you up to?”

The young boy glanced over his shoulder a little, and he saw that Minho’s gaze didn’t pay attention on him right now, so he answered, “ I am trying to get back what I’ve lost.”

That finally got on Minho’s nerves. He instantly forgot about everything – the dinner, situation, even Bora. He got up in rush, shocking his girlfriend, and walked past her towards Taemin. The young boy was startled when Minho pulled his wrist. Taemin yelped, glaring at Minho and yelling, “ What the heck, Minho?!”

But the jock didn’t care. He tightened his grip and mumbled, “ We have something to talk.”

“ What?! Why don’t you just – “

“ Shut up.” And with that, ignoring his shocked girlfriend and Taemin’s blind-date mates, the taller guy dragged the poor boy out of the restaurant, without giving a to Taemin’s shouts.


“ Minho!” Taemin shrieked, “ What the hell, why are you like this?!”

Minho didn’t answer.

“ Hey! That hurts!”

Minho immediately let Taemin’s hand go and murmured a low ‘sorry’. Taemin rubbed his wrist and snarled. “ Are you crazy?! People were watching! Don’t you feel sorry to your girlfriend too?!”

Minho didn’t reply, instead he took out his phone and typed something quickly, before he showed the screen to Taemin, which was turned out that the phone was sending something in process.

“ I just texted Bora about breaking-up,” Minho shortly answered, and earned a total shock drawn on Taemin’s facial features. “ You want to break up with her?! How come?! You like her, don’t you?!”

“ Why do I need to maintain our relationship,” Minho responded quickly, “ when all in my mind was about wanting the bruise on your temple not to disappear soon?”

Taemin frowned. “ The hell, Minho? I know you have sort of bipolar side but this is not funny. I thought you were feeling sorry for causing this wound and – “

“ I do feel sorry,” Minho emphasized, “ But at the same time, the wound can make you remember about me everyday. Whenever you see your reflection on the mirror, or you touch it, I will always come in your mind.. so when you said that you didn’t care of it, I was truly hurt.”

The young boy face-palmed, not looking happy. “ You are really childish. I still remember you, and always will. It’s unnecessary to think like that.”

“ If you will,” Minho paused, “ Then will you forget about your feelings towards me?”

Hearing that made Taemin to freeze instantly. He shakily asked, “ What.. the hell? I said that I would get over it, so don’t bother to make me say this twice – “

“ If I tell you that I don’t want that to happen, will you still love me?” Minho asked, “ Because you said that you wanted to get back what you’ve lost.. Is that what you have lost in me? Your heart?”

Taemin blushed furiously and barked, “ Don’t say such embarrassing stuffs like that! And yes, I will get it back so please, stop it!”

Minho’s body stiffened. “ What if I don’t want to return it to you?”

“ W – what..”

“ Because I don’t want to return what’s mine.”

Taemin took a long sigh and shook his head. “ I don’t get it.”

Minho frustratedly scratched his head and growled, prattling on. “ Really, Taemin? I’ve broken up with my girlfriend and I even said that I don’t want to return your heart that has been lost in me – can you just understand it? I am not a romantic type, you know!”

The younger boy rolled his eyes. “ What do you expect me to – what? ‘romantic’?” and a realization slowly hit him. Minho was going to say something else. Taemin looked up with curious gaze.

The taller man stared quietly at the other, a hidden meaning present in his eyes. “ I might be a jerk.. you know.”

Taemin pouted his lower lip out a little. “ I am not sure about that..”

Minho chuckled lightly. “ You really don’t get it, do you?” he said blankly, “ and I was interjecting.. half-exasperatedly trying to sort out my feelings altogether..”

“ You can just say anything clearly.”

“ Oh God, Taemin,” Minho sighed, “ I love you, silly.”

A moment later Taemin squawked in disbelief, but he succeeded to compose himself during the time like this. “ Really, Minho? You like Bora! Don’t confuse yourself. I am really sure that you’re a straight guy so quit making fuss about this and go back to your girlfriend, then – “ through the constant rambling, Minho took Taemin’s hand and squeezed it to prevent the other from talking more, and that seemed to work. “ I feel jealous of anything, or anyone, that comes near you.”

“ You’re just confused,” Taemin shook his head, “ It can’t be.”

“ I am not.”

“ You’re straight, Minho.”

“ Up till now, and forever, I think yes, but you are exceptional.”

Taemin sighed, “ Minho, this can’t be said normally without thinking deeply, constantly, and – “

Minho lifted up Taemin’s chin and barked, “ Will you just shut up and believe my love to you? I broke up with Bora, I chase after you – I mean, I pulled you so you would only look at me, not that ing flirt Junsu – and I repressed a cringe when I knew that you were going for a blind-date, like, seriously? I was even thinking that you would have not gone to that place if you were mine!”

Taemin groaned in frustration. “ I don’t want to make yourself troubled because of me. I mean, there are plenty chicks out there, including Bora, so why do you pick me? I am not good enough either, and this will cause a problem in the future, I am not confident with it. So please, listen to me and – “

“ Taemin!” Minho pulled Taemin closer, which caused him to launch himself against Minho’s broad chest and Taemin yelped, while Minho gripped Taemin’s hands tighter. “ Can’t my love for you become your confidence?!”

That question slapped Taemin’s sanity as his jaw almost dropped. Minho exhaled and backed away a little, looking into the boys’ eyes intently. “ If you don’t want it, you can let go of my hands.”

Taemin seemed taken aback, his mouth was slightly open a bit, as if he was going to retort again – but when Minho looked at him like that, he felt that he was already lost from the beginning.

I always thought that my shape of love was different from Minho’s, because it was supposed to be a unrequited feelings – but apparently, they’re just same.

I wonder.. if every person has a different color of the shapes.. I guess.

And what’s shape of love, I wonder?

Or maybe it’s the other way to represent ‘the pure feelings’.. like a blossoming flower?

Taemin closed his eyes.

If that’s so..

He let Minho’s hands go – Minho thought his heart almost stopped – but when Taemin had dropped his onto Minho’s chest, the young boy breathed in exhaustion, finally giving in.

“ .. You’re sure one of self-confident bastard..”

Minho smiled, wrapping his arms around the young boy’s waist. “ It is simply what you’re lack of, Taemin, and I love you.”

“ Don’t you dare telling me a stupid thing like that.”

“ Anyway, I love you.”

“ Yeah, yeah.”

“ I love you.”

“ Shut up.”

“ I love you.”

“ I get it!”

Minho laughed softly, “ You don’t tell me the likewise.”

The boy in his arms blushed vividly as he snuggled up to his chest, mumbling, “ I love you too, bastard.”

“ So does this mean we have progressed from ‘best friend’ to ‘lover’?’

“ You think.”

The jock smugly grinned, tilting up Taemin’s chin and pressed their lips together in a soft, long kiss and murmured, “ I will never let you go, be prepared, even if you cry, even if you beg me, I will never let it happen.”

Taemin’s blinked rapidly as the blush became redder, due to Minho’s blunt statement, mouth hanging open slightly.

And for the first time, Minho saw this kind of cute reaction from someone who was usually calm and composed, so he also looked away to prevent from launching himself off the place he was standing and just throwing himself into the boy’s small frame. He regretted he didn’t realize this soon, but he felt lucky for immediately remarking Taemin as his property from now and forever.

Damn it, he’s just really too adorable..

While Minho was trying to hold back his urge to pounce right on him, Taemin smiled stupidly in Minho’s arms. He didn’t expect this to happen, though, but somehow he felt that he had made the right decision.

This love.. has the same shape as anybody else’s.

It felt so right, so warm, being in Minho’s embrace, as if they were puzzles made by heaven to match each other perfectly.

It’s just a flower.. with a different color..

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Chapter 1: unrequited love story to tug at the reader's heartstrings? i'm sold!
Umamain #2
Chapter 1: I don't understand why this story makes me cry, oh God, this is really amazing ... why is it that now I realize it is beautiful thank you
Chapter 1: Wow can I just admire Taemin's strength, letting Minho have happiness with Bora while his own heart was breaking >.< Being so selfless
So many 2min feeels <3 <3 <3 I love your writing I remember that I read this a while ago and when I wanted to read it again I forgot where to look for it >.< so happy I found your oneshot hehe
im going to cry srly
this is so cute ;w; so so so freaking cute T^T
it's perfect ;u;
i dont know what else to say T3T
it was so cute *sobsob*
ghost666 #5
Absolutely in love with this fic!!!
There's no any word I can describe how much I adore your fic.
All 2min characters in your fic are just superb.
I love how delicate, yet so strong taebaby is and how protective and possessive Minho is.
You are an awesome writer and I can never thank you enough for sharing your precious works for all the readers ;))
oh my god! this is............... SO ING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
how can you describe the feeling so amazingly. it was like i can feel the hurt feeling when taemin was sad and can feel the happy when they're get together.....
very great story!!!!!
This was so beautiful T.T My chest was hurting the whole time when Taemin was sad. Then, I became very happy at the end. You always create such touching stories where you really feel with the characters. T^T You're so amazing.
NiaHana #8
oh my god! that is soooo sweet and cute!!!!! i was squealing the whole time and my mom barked at me for being so loud... this is amazing and really awesome because the emotions flowed in right through me perfectly and i burst! good job and please write more!<br />
<br />
hwaiting <3
carrotcake #9
WHY!? SO SWEET?! i'm making weird noises because of its cuteness. i can't get over. =))<br />