Looking For The One

Looking For The One

It had been two weeks and one day, since he had met him that night. The night he will never forget. His hair, the way it fell in front of his eyes. Those eyes that disappeared when he smiled. His lips that looked so soft and kissable. Most of all, that tongue! That damn pink, moist, tongue! 

Why, oh why, was he always his lips?!!

Woohyun shook the thought away as he stood, waiting for the light to change, so he could cross the street. It was Monday afternoon. Woohyun had completed all his computer work fairly quickly that day and he was able to leave work early. This was a rare occasion and Woohyun was excited to go home and relax. As he stood there among the crowd of people on the street corner, he looked around at those who were chatting to each other or talking on their phones, and it reminded him of the noisy bar that night.


“Dude! That was my beer you just guzzled down!” Woohyun barked.

“I thought it wasssmine.” Sungyeol responded, a slur in his speech.

“Uh, no” Woohyun frowned, pointing.  “Your beer is right there.”

Sungyeol followed Woohyun’s finger to an empty bottle on his right.

“Oh.” Sungyeol sheepishly smiled. “I’ll get ussss another one Woohyunnie hyuuung.”

Sungyeol stood up, but wavered on his feet, until he fell forward against the table.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Woohyun said, reaching out for Sungyeol’s arm.

“No Yeol, I think you’ve had quite enough to drink already. You sit! I’ll get my own beer.”

Woohyun looked at Sungjong, who was sitting on Sungyeol’s other side. 

“Keep an eye on him. I’m going to get him some French Fries to hopefully soak up some of that alcohol he’s had.”

“Yay! Fries!” Shouted Sungyeol, as he threw his arms up in air excitedly.

As Woohyun walked away, he sighed and shook his head at the drunk man.

Woohyun stood hunched over the bar, arms on the wooden surface, waiting for one of the bartenders to finish with their customers. After another minute or two, a bartender approached him.

“Sorry about the wait man, what can I get you?”

Before Woohyun could respond, another man approached the bar and started talking the bartender.

“Hey Hoya! How’s it going?” The stranger said.

“Hey Gyu! Good, good, You?”

“Yea, going great. Just having a little birthday celebration for my kid brother. He’s finally at the drinking age, so were gonna get him wasted tonight.” the man laughed, “Can I get four beers?”

“Yea, just let me get this guy’s order first.” Hoya said, pointing to Woohyun.

The man called ‘Gyu’ turned to look at Woohyun.

“Ah man, sorry. I wasn’t even paying attention.”

“No, uh…no, it’s fine.” Woohyun found himself suddenly stuttering over his words.

The man smiled at him, and nodded his head. “cool.”

Woohyun couldn’t believe what he was seeing. This was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. Such milky white skin and bright red hair. After Hoya took his order and stepped away, Woohyun looked back at the gorgeous man next to him. He was wearing a black and red t-shirt with a skull on the front, black skinny jeans, holes in the knees, and a pair of black converse. It wasn’t fancy, but Woohyun thought he looked simply stunning.

Gyu was turned the opposite direction, facing the rest of the night club, with his back against the bar, as his elbows rested on it. He was looking around the room, when he felt Woohyun staring at him. He turned to look at him, and Woohyun quickly turned away, clearly embarrassed. The man smiled.

“You come here a lot?” He said, surprising Woohyun.

“Uh…n…no. Uh, actually, this is my first time here.’

“Cool. What do you think of the place?” Gyu asked.

“Oh…um…”  Woohyun glanced around the room quickly. “Yeah, it seems like a nice place. Pretty lively.”

Gyu Smiled. “Yeah, it is. Hoya’s the owner.” He said, nodding his head in the direction of the bartender further down the bar. “He’s a buddy of mine since high school. He always said he was going to open a bar one day. I’ll be damned if he didn’t do it. Best night club in all of Busan if I do say so myself.”

Woohyun nodded as he looked around the room again and then back to Gyu.

“Do you come here a lot?” Woohyun asked.

Gyu cracked a smile, his lips and then bit his lower lip, trying to suppress a laugh.

“Yeah, every Saturday.”

Woohyun made a mental note to return next Saturday.

“Alright,” Hoya said as he approached the two men. “Here’s your fries and a beer.” Then he turned to his friend. “And four beers for you.”

The man reached out for the beers. “Thanks Hoya. If you get a break, come on over and Say hi to the guys and wish Myungsoo happy birthday.”

“I will.” Hoya promised.

As Gyu started to walk away, he stopped and turned back to Woohyun.

“It was nice meeting you….” He paused, waiting for him to say his name.

“Oh…uh, sorry, Woohyun. My name is Nam Woohyun.”

The red headed man hummed and his lips again. He smiled and repeated the name. “Woohyun...enjoy your fries.”

Woohyun’s heart sped up and his the dress shirt he was wearing suddenly felt too hot for the air conditioned room as he watched the red headed man walk away, back to his table of friends.

For the next couple of hours, Woohyun watched the other man from across the room. He could hardly focus on anything else for the rest of the time. Sungyeol was not only still drunk, but he had now become nauseous from eating. Sungjong had decided that it was time to leave, much to the dismay of his lovesick friend. As they were leaving, Woohyun stole one more glance back at the man named Gyu, and he was glad he did.

The red head looked up, over at him Woohyun when walked passed his table. Gyu smiled, winked at him, and then turned back to his friend who was talking.

[End flashback]

Woohyun  stumbled forward, as people pushed by him to cross the street, once the crossing sign lit up. Just then, his right arm was bumped, knocking his phone from his hands. He quickly scrambled to the ground to grab it, before it was stepped on. No sooner did he squat down to pick it up, it was kicked by someone walking the opposite direction.

“Aish!” Woohyun said, and clicking his tongue, frustrated. 

He jumped up, ran over to where it landed and snatched it up. As he dusted it off and quickly checked it for cracks, he was suddenly bumped into again. 

“Yah!” He yelled to the other person, but when he looked up at their face, it was the man from the night club, the man named Gyu.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” The man apologized. “ I was in such a rush to get back to work, I didn’t see you.”

Woohyun was so stunned, he couldn’t speak. The man bowed to him and quickly rushed across the street. Woohyun still stood in the middle of the crosswalk, watching as the man headed down the pavement, passed the buildings. Standing frozen on the spot, a car honked, startling him from his daze, and Woohyun quickly ran to the other side. Realizing that this might be his only chance to talk to him again, since he hadn’t shown up at the club the last two weekends in a row, Woohyun began to follow him.

He weaved in and out of the people on the crowded side walk, just barely keeping up. He only knew that Gyu was still ahead, was by his brightly colored hair that stood out among the typically dark color that most others had. Just a couple of feet more, and Woohyun could tap him on the shoulder, but a woman with a stroller suddenly appeared in from of him, stopping him in his tracks. When he looked up again, the red headed man was gone. 

Woohyun jutted out his bottom lip and he leaned against one of the nearby buildings, pouting. He was so close, so very close. He pulled away from the wall, turned to go back in the direction he came and head home, when he suddenly heard it. That laugh, that unmistakable laugh like a choir of angels singing. That laugh he obsessed over that night, two weeks ago. He turned back around and frantically searched for it’s whereabouts. Following the sound, it led him to an alley, just around the corner of the very building he was leaning against. 

The alley was like a small extension of the sidewalk, as it was aligned with various stalls and shops, but not nearly as crowded as the sidewalk he been on. Although Gyu was pretty far down the way, Woohyun could clearly see him. He was on his phone, talking and laughing. Since the man had slowed down his walk, Woohyun easily caught up, and now followed just a few feet behind. The red headed man feeling like he was being followed, turned around looking behind him. Woohyun quickly stopped, turned away, pretending to talk on his own phone. As soon as Gyu turned back around, Woohyun picked up the pace, but stayed at a non-creepy distance, although he was way beyond being creepy at this point. 

Gyu finally got off the phone, waving and bowing to a few of the shop owners as he walked by. Woohyun heard one of them call out to him. 

His name was Sunggyu.
Woohyun smiled to himself and he kept saying the name over and over.

When Sunggyu reached the end of the alley, he turned left down the next street, but not without taking another glance behind him. Once Sunggyu had rounded the corner, Woohyun jogged up to it, back pressed against the wall and peeked down the direction he went, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“! Not again.” Woohyun huffed.

Still, he continued to walk down the sidewalk, looking into the windows and doorways of each shop. When he peeked into the doorway of a Jjimjilbang*, he saw the red head round a corner. Woohyun darted into the building and started down the hall that Sunggyu had disappeared into. The young man behind the front counter called to him.

“Sir? Can I help you? Uh…sir? Excuse me, sir?” 

His hollering got louder and Woohyun quickly rushed back to him to quiet him up.

“Sorry, family emergency! I’m just looking for my uncle!” Woohyun lied through his teeth and rushed back down the now empty hall.

He peeked down other various halls and rooms at a fast pace, until he saw the man he was following go into a room at the end of another hall. Woohyun ran down the hall and stopped when he reached the door.  There was a small round window on it, but when he looking inside the room, it was empty. There was no other door in or out of the room. Woohyun was almost sure he saw Sunggyu go inside. He opened the door anyways, and slowly walked in, letting the door shut behind him. Woohyun sighed as he slumped his shoulders in defeat, when a voice shouted at him.

“Who are you?!! Why are you following me?!! What do you want?!!”

Woohyun was so startled, he jumped and stumbled backwards, as he quickly turned around. Sunggyu had been hiding behind the door and when Woohyun turned around, he saw that the man was holding a broom in his hands, ready to swing at his stalker.

“Whoa! Wait! I’m sorry! Don’t hit me!” Woohyun pleaded, holding his hands out in defense.

“You’ve been following me since I bumped into you at the crosswalk! I said I was sorry! What more do you want?! Why did you follow me all the way here?!”

“I’m sorry, I…I just wanted to talk to you.”

Sunggyu scrunched his eyes at the other man, and if Woohyun wasn’t so afraid to get hit at the moment, he would have squealed at how cute it was.

“Talk to me about what?” Sunggyu asked.

“Uh, well, you see…you might have forgotten, but we kind of met a few weeks ago and um…I really wanted to know you better and um…”

Woohyun paused as he looked up at the broom that Sunggyu still held in the air, ready to hit Woohyun with.

“D..do you think that you could put the broom down? You’re making me really nervous.”

Sunggyu looked up at the broom in his hands and back to Woohyun.

“Okay, but I’m warning you, one fast move and I’m taking you down.”

Woohyun nodded quickly, still holding his hands up. “Of course, no problem.”

Sunggyu lowered the broom and nodded at Woohyun.

“Go on, what were you saying?”

“Oh, okay, um, so yeah, I really wanted to talk to you more that night, but I didn’t want to disturb the birthday celebration. You had said that you go to the club every Saturday, but you haven’t been there. Then, we bumped into each other in the crosswalk.”

Sunggyu reached into his pocket, pulled out a pair of glasses and took a couple of steps towards Woohyun. Woohyun flinch at the movement, but stood still looking at the red haired man as the other looked over Woohyun’s face. After a few seconds, Sunggyu raised his eyebrows in surprise, taking off his glasses.

“Wait! Were you the guy at the bar when I was talking to Hoya? The one with…French Fries….right?”

A smile spread across Woohyun’s face.

“Yes! Yes, that was me!”

“And you returned to the bar the last two Saturdays looking for me?” Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun smiled shyly and nodded his head.

“I covered a co-workers shift on one of those days, and last Saturday I wasn’t feeling well.”

Woohyun stared at his feet, not knowing what to say next, as Sunggyu watched him.

“What was your name again?”

Woohyun looked back up at the man.

“My name is Woohyun.”

“That’s right, I recall that now.” Sunggyu said nodding, making Woohyun’s heart thump that he remembered.

“And you followed me all the way here to talk to me?”

“Yes, well, to get to know you better.” Woohyun admitted.

Sunggyu cocked his head sideways, confused.


Woohyun looked around the room, avoiding Sunggyu’s eyes.

“Well, I uh, I was kind of hoping to….maybe, I mean if you were interested too, that uh…maybe, we could go to dinner or something.”

Woohyun shuffled his feet, feeling his face heat up as he spoke. Sunggyu smiled and watched on in interest, as the other man struggled with his words. As Woohyun finished talking, a man leaned into the room looking between Sunggyu and Woohyun and then on Sunggyu alone.

“Sunggyu hyung, you’re needed in another room.”

Sunggyu looked at the man behind him and nodded.

“I’ll be right there.”

As soon as the door shut, Sunggyu and Woohyun looked at each other.

“Well, Woohyun, I’m already late. I need to get back to work.”

Woohyun understood and dropped his head. All his efforts were for nothing, he felt like a fool. He walked pass Sunggyu and opened the door to leave.

“Sorry to take up your time and for making you late.” He said quietly and before walking out of the room, he bowed to the other man.

As he walked down the hall, towards the exit. Sunggyu called out to him.


Woohyun stopped and turned around, looking at the other.”

Sunggyu smiled. “I get off at six o’ clock.”


So, I was cleaning my room and going through a stack of misc papers, when I found a bunch of fics I started about 2 years ago. I totally forgot about them! I remember I was going to make this a chaptered fic, but after finding it, I decided to type it up as a oneshot. Thanks to Stellybish *wink*
EDIT: Btw...I named this fic after an old song that I use to love. Have a listen!
Rick Springfield - Looking for the one ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLU63wwreYs

Anyways...I hope you enjoy this little piece. ^_^

Infinite hugs&kisses

*Jjimjilbang and mogyoktang are saunas in Korea. Although they both have jacuzzis, showers, wet and dry saunas, a jjimjilbang has snack areas, a PC room, and other relaxation areas. Plus, they are open 24 hrs a day.Jjimjilbang is used by both men and women together. At a mogyoktang, men and women are separated.


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I'm really glad to have found your fics about woogyu! I really miss these cliche like stories about them!! Thank you for sharing your stories with us to read!! I love your work
Chapter 1: Awww, this was cute! Mr. French Fries was so nervous! lol
I'm glad you posted this! I really liked it! hehe *chuuu* <3
Chapter 1: Wooooowww nicee uwaahh
Chapter 1: Awwh moar moar.need some jealous hyun fic haha