codes + notes!

ap. vitamin
codes + notes
Title font + Headings
Image border 1
Image border 2

- Images have no defined height, meaning that you can change the image to any size you want as long as the width is 200px.

- Subtitle can be as long as you want. 1-3 lines is recommended.

- Sections are all scrollable.

- To add a new row of plotlines, copy from this div: < div style="width:700px;float:left;margin-top:50px;" > all the way down until you reach the same div. Do not select the bottom div, only the closing tags on top: < /div >


- There is no limit to how much paragraphs and headings you can add.

- To add the section with a left border, type ctrl+f and type in: border-left:1px solid #c9d5e1; then select the top div containing the heading until the closing of the div.


- Top gif can be any size you want as long as its width is 500px. Height automatically adjusts.

- Main icon is 110X110px. Text next to it automatically adjusts, and is not scrollable.

- Love interest icon is 90x90px. Text beside it also automatically adjusts, and is not scrollable.

- Author's not is scrollable.


- Icons are 120x120px.

- To add a new section, copy from where it says: < div style="width:450px;margin-top:30px;float:left;" > to the ending of 4 closing divs.

- Text beside image is scrollable.


- It is not mobile friendly.

- There is no limit to the amount of text you add.

- Author's note is scrollable

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Chapter 8: using this thank you!
using the nice applyfic layout~ it simple and clean
Using Vitamin, thank you!! ^^
Chapter 3: using the plotlines section! thank you.
pinechxrry #5
Chapter 7: using vitamin~
daintys #6
Chapter 8: using vitamin! so clean and beautiful.
kaffeinated #7
Chapter 8: using vitamin! such an amazing work! : )
timeslip_rp #8
using mint!
Chapter 6: OMG OMG OMG!!!